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  1. cstar
    Kaida, despite the fact everyone seemed to be standing still and not moving whatsoever, somehow managed to miraculously not see them and went left instead.

    Post by: cstar, Jan 14, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. cstar

    "...thank you."
    Take eventually responded after Boreas' reassurances afterwards. Sure, it hadn't eased his mind completely but it was nice to know he wasn't alone in his feelings. When Qamar joined them and asked if he was doing better, he simply nodded and kind of sniffed a minute before he went to eating. When he was certain he wasn't interrupting their flow of conversation Take soon interjected, "You don't have to hide it. I know its there. Dragons have a very unique smell. Just keep it an arms length away and I'll be just fine." he didn't sound thrilled with it but he wasn't annoyed or hostile.
    Post by: cstar, Jan 14, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. cstar

    Take was a bit curious what that kind of training would have meant but he didn't think about it too long. When he asked about the weird vibes he placed his hand to his chin in thought to try and think of how to word it and said,"I'm not exactly sure if your world had a similar pattern but... this has felt very much like the rebuilding time after a battle. Which we know it definitely is... but sometimes... I don't know, it's like you can feel the next battle coming in. I have that same feeling. But it could just be that I'm not used to... well not doing much other than train this long. I felt the same way when I was training at first with Atmos... but it's worse here?" he felt like he wasn't explaining it very well. He ate a few more spoonfuls of his food before adding, "It might just be paranoia... but that's hard to settle on." he tapped on the table and leaned back in his chair. He shifted to cross his arms and continued, slightly off the topic, "They've been trying to tell me to relax. I think I've been doing okay with it but I just can't help but wonder what's going on. What the hushed whispers between the masters are and wonder what's going on with the Light Chaser. I just... can't relax when I still feel like I'm left out of a loop." he took a sip of water again and played a bit with his spoon in the porridge, "Atmos basically, what was the word again, ...deprogrammed me from accepting things like this without question and now it's happening and I'm questioning and being told 'keep training' and 'keep learning to read'. That's... great and all and definitely important to be doing but it doesn't make me stop thinking about it."

    Take froze a second and emotionally withdrew and moved to his old default expression which had been becoming less and less common the further the weeks went on. People probably caught on by this point he did that when he thought he was being over emotional and needed to back off,
    "I'm sorry. I went off on a... tangent again when you just needed a simple answer..." he also bowed his head a bit in apology as he admitted it.
    Post by: cstar, Jan 13, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. cstar

    Take grabbed himself a glass of water before he followed Boreas over to the same table and was already getting a bite in to eat when he asked if he was hitting the books today. He finished chewing before rolling his eyes a bit and saying,"Probably. I'm not really in the mood for it but I guess I'm learning a bit more... I'm still not sure why Enzo likes to tag along still though... but otherwise yeah." he munched a bit more on his food before saying, "I'm getting weird vibes today so maybe I'll change it up a bit... what about you though? Anything exciting planned for your day?" the boy reached for his water and took a sip before adding with a hint of sarcasm to his voice, "Invisible fishing in the rain?"
    Post by: cstar, Jan 12, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. cstar
    I have a feeling that's going to be the official release of the english versions of these recap videos:

    Post by: cstar, Jan 12, 2019 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. cstar

    Take smirked a bit when the reaction turned out to be what he wanted. Good to know Boreas had a fight response too, probably more useful for someone in his field of work. When he said it was just basic oatmeal porridge he was actually pretty happy with that. While he did enjoy all of the fancier food he'd been having lately sometimes a meal that reminded him of home was appreciated. When Boreas offered some he said, "Sure, I wouldn't mind some." and he went to try and help himself and avoiding being in Boreas' way. When he'd asked about Flammie the boy made a bit of an embarrassed face and scratched his head, "I'm alright. I just wanted to help let her in because of the rain but I guess she got lazy and decided to plop down right then. I just... y know, am not completely fond of a dragon deciding to sit on me. For more reasons other than them being heavy." when he asked if he wanted honey, he nodded and asked, "What about you? Looks like you were outside.... unless you took a shower?"
    Post by: cstar, Jan 12, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. cstar

    The boy quickly squirmed his way out of there as soon as he could. Staying low to the ground almost in a fireman crawl before he rubbed his back to get the soreness out and said, "Thanks..." that was all he really could bring himself to say he was still a little thrown off by what just happened as he fully stood up and looked over towards the Flammie. He wanted to say something to Aria but of course Torrin suddenly showed up and took over a conversation before it could even start. He was almost certain he was glaring at the back of Torrin's head before looking over towards Qamar and then back at the others and just kind of... backed away over towards the kitchen where he'd seen Boreas head cause that was literally anything other than that situation.

    Take walked sort of quietly until he was behind Boreas and peaked his head out to look at his cooking and intentionally said with a loud voice (hoping to maybe startle him) ,
    "Ooo, what flavor porridge is that?"
    Post by: cstar, Jan 10, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. cstar
    Alright and the results are in!
    Everyone did great and as the results came in things were really neck and neck. So let's give it a looksie!

    7th place: KH into the fire submitted by Odamadillo- 25 points
    6th place: Let it Snow submitted by Rinzler- 32 points
    5th place: Fire Frost submitted by SuperJedi224- 35 points
    5th place: Door Into Summer submitted by Lauriam- 35 points
    4th place: My December submitted by cstar- 36 points
    3rd place: Snowman (English Cover) submitted by LadyAzura- 37 points
    3rd place: Burn It Down submitted by burnitup- 37 points

    And the final 2 face off:


    1st- TSUKI submitted by Day~Dream- 46 points
    2nd- Vacation submitted by tamale- 41 points

    Congratulations to the winner! And thank you for putting up with my mess of a run. Hope you had a good time!
    Post by: cstar, Jan 10, 2019 in forum: The Playground
  9. cstar

    Takehiko was trying to make the most of his morning before he knew it'd become heavily reading focused. He wasn't going to pretend that learning to read wasn't useful it was just... not fun for the kid. He was catching on fairly quickly but it didn't make it any less of a headache. He preferred hearing the books read to him than actually reading them himself and god forbid he himself try to read out loud. The boy went to stand outside and saw how cloudy it was and how low to the ground some of it was cause of the fog. He loved it, it reminded him so much of home since his village was so high up some clouds were at theoretical ground level. After a moment or two it began to rain and he remembered that Flammie was still outside.

    There were a couple times it had rained and they let Flammie in but Take knew he was being pretty difficult about letting her stay in an area he'd actively see her. But as the rain seemed to get heavier the boy let out a bit of a sigh in defeat and whistled out his familiar 3 note tune. It sounding a lot more practiced now, like he'd done it a few times. He looked for the fluffy dragon and saw her head stick out across the way and just kind of stare straight at Take. And Take stared straight back at it before asking,
    "Did you wanna come inside?"

    The white dragon let out a puff of air as it's feather's ruffled slightly as it went to go hide back in the trees. His face visibly went from curiosity to annoyance as he kept the door open and walked over towards the kitchen. When he came back a minute or two later he popped his head outside and whistled. The dragon popped out at him looking towards him again as he said,
    "Selene will kill me but..." he held out a bit of chocolate as their eyes lit up and they bounded straight towards Take who backed away in reaction a moment before saying, "A-Um... Alright. Come on in." he held the chocolate out and backed further into the hall and while he seemed to be trying to go steady Flammie was trying to walk at her usual pace following him until they were in the hall. The wind gusted a moment and caused the doors to shut which was slightly convenient and he held the chocolate towards her again for her to eat and said, "Here ya go." and he tossed it in the air for her to catch in her mouth.

    The dragon stretched out her wings a bit as she munched almost as if in a bit of excitement before she walked up towards him and nuzzled at him which made Take a little uncomfortable and he tried to walk away before suddenly and very inconveniently, Flammie decided to sit down. But because Take hadn't fully been out of the way, he ended up getting pinned down under her with both his arms free and most of his upper body, but not his lower body as he tried to squirm but to no avail. The boy took deep breathes to keep himself from freaking out and said,
    "Please get off of me." he was trying to be polite the first time but she didn't seem to respond before he said more assertively, "Get off of me." she seemed to look at him that time but almost like the dragon just didn't understand him or was looking at him but also zoned out before the boy squirmed his voice sounding a lot more panicked and on the verge of tears as he said, "GET OFF OF ME."

    Flammie stared at him and tilted her head before nuzzling Take again and this time keeping their jaw down so he couldn't really move his arms either. He really didn't like that, but at this point it was a fruitless endeavor. He laid his face straight down on the floor and listened to the ominously silent castle with the occasional sound of a shutting door in the distance. The downpour outside really starting to kick in loudly. After about five minutes or so Take at least tried to shift to be more comfortable before he asked,
    "So do you actually understand me and are intentionally being like this? Or do you not understand me and therefore do not understand this question?"

    There was a pause before he could hear the dragon yawn and snuggle up on him as he stared straight forward and said,
    "I'll ask again later."
    Post by: cstar, Jan 10, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. cstar
    Takehiko takes Ragnarok

    points put into:
    hp- 10pts
    mp- 5pts
    fo- 5pts
    sp- 1pt

    Post by: cstar, Jan 10, 2019 in forum: OOC Lounge
  11. cstar
    buying curse and buying a stat reset
    Post by: cstar, Jan 9, 2019 in forum: OOC Lounge
  12. cstar
    Kaida caught up to the group and kept walking forward making sure she didn't lose Kairi or something while she seemed to become increasingly more freaked out by the whale.

    Post by: cstar, Jan 8, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. cstar
    thank you for translating i'm having that moment where you mess up your lines so bad in a play the audience laughs
    Post by: cstar, Jan 6, 2019 in forum: The Playground
  14. cstar
    the normal way
    Post by: cstar, Jan 6, 2019 in forum: The Playground
  15. cstar

    disregard my previous message everyone and carry on as normal.
    Post by: cstar, Jan 6, 2019 in forum: The Playground
  16. cstar
    ...except i'm almost certain that's how it's supposed to be (and that's how i always voted)
    Post by: cstar, Jan 6, 2019 in forum: The Playground
  17. cstar
    A reminder that tomorrow is the last day to get all your votes in.

    the previous message here as been redacted and everyone is still tagged cause whatever

    @Odamadillo @SuperJedi224 @LadyAzura @Lauriam @Rinzler @tamale @burnitup @Day~Dream
    Post by: cstar, Jan 6, 2019 in forum: The Playground
  18. cstar

    "They're up in the higher cabinets. I just saw them this morning. Unless they went out of their way to eat them all..." Take replied attempting to assist with her chocolate dilemma. He opened the last cabinet he had seen them in and did a quick jump and reached in and just barely grabbed a chocolate bar. It was smaller and looked like someone took a piece of it but it was still chocolate and he held it out towards Selene, "See? Here ya go."
    Post by: cstar, Jan 5, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. cstar

    Take preemptively cringed when he heard the what was becoming a familiar voice of Enzo. He didn't know where this conversation was going but he was almost certain it was going to end painfully. But as he listened, he realized that the content of this conversation was.... normal. Maybe with a little bit of unnecessary attempts at complimenting. He raised an eyebrow and asked, "Um, are you sure? I'm not... learning just how to read better. I'm learning how to read at all? It might be boring..." he figured he'd warn since it seemed like it'd be annoying to anyone who already knew how to read. He continued heading more in the direction of the kitchen cause at some point someone told him that Selene was there totally.
    Post by: cstar, Jan 5, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. cstar
    leveling (and how it went):
    2hp 1ap
    1ap 1foc 1mp
    1foc 1mp 1 def

    Learning spell: Leaf
    Upgrading spell: Leaf>Leafra

    Take is learning Dualcast
    Post by: cstar, Jan 5, 2019 in forum: OOC Lounge