Kaida certainly hadn't expected the sudden fall through the floor so she went to brace herself and was surprised that the fall didn't hurt as bad as she expected. As she leaned up groggily from the unexpected movement she realized quickly she was on top of someone and got up alert and quickly got off of them and said, "Oh man I'm sorry I didn't mean to the floor just kind of sudden- Aux?" she looked around and realized everyone else was around and alive... for the most part. There were some new faces but she couldn't seem to find Aislinn anywhere which made her worried. Eventually Kaida stood up and joked loudly so enough people could hear, "Forget about darkness consuming the worlds. The universe is gonna get eaten by this whale." Kaida summoned out her keyblade and said, "As much as I'd love the reunion I'll check back with you guys in a minute but I just lost 2 of these kids and I'm gonna get them back before I settle." and she started heading back to the entrance to all the chambers.
Take was probably not as bothered by the smell as much as others, since he'd certainly smelled worse things. But the locations and the reason for the smell was enough to at least have that same gross feeling. He tried to walk out of that area a bit and looked up at all the skyscrapers and took it in a minute before admitting, "It's a nice city and all, but it just makes me realize how much Illusia feels like home to me. Must be the mountains." he put up his hood cause he felt the urge to considering they wanted to be stealthy and whatnot. Regardless of whether that really helped. Then he looked over at the two and said, "You guys are the bosses really. Unless something sounds really unreasonable I won't have much to say when it comes to how to handle this." he then looked back over to the skyscrapers while keeping an eye to follow the others when they moved along.
The blonde listened to Ignis' answers to the question and she seemed to get the cooler worlds to get to than she did. Especially with a mercenary ship and all. The names Faust and Arctus meant nothing to her, except that Arctus sounded vaguely familiar as if she heard it in passing. And she was happy to know what happened to Ananta. "Well, I'm glad you're at least alright." as soon a that was said, Kaida was a bit surprised everything went so wrong so quickly. She supposed it was about time for things to start doing just that. Sora started freaking out about how they needed to get back and save them and Kaida looked to him and said, "Don't worry. We will. But we can't go back the same way so we've gotta find another way in." and she started heading the same direction as Ignis
Kaida followed Kel to the right to the right to the right to the right NOW KICK NOW KICK NOW WALKIN BY YOSELF
"Wait, Sora stop!" Kaida responded almost as soon as he began running at Kel. Kel let go of Pinocchio and she tried to add hoping he'd stop attacking as soon as she said, "These are some of our friend-" Kaida looked over and saw Ignis and had a look of relief and said, "Ignis! You're here! Are you alright? How did you get here? Was there anyone else with you?" she looked overwhelmed at the idea of seeing someone she hadn't seen since the fight with No Heart (and on top of it, someone she hadn't been separated with from before) and was grateful to see another person.
Kaida kept herself from chuckling at him mentioning being able to fight and she replied, "I'd say I can fight." she wasn't going to summon out her keyblade to prove it since she didn't have to. But she didn't try to hide it. Then she went right. Kaida went right.
Kaida thought about the question and knew that at this rate preserving a world order when they were clearly from another world was pointless. So, despite knowing the harm it could pose, Kaida replied, "Yeah, we are from another world. We got separated from our friends and have been trying to get back to them." she turned to look back at the two of them and said, "But for now we just wanna get out of this whale." Kaida looked towards the directions unclear where exactly she had come from and went left. Kaida went left
As the meeting ended Take followed the group he'd picked, and started making his way up closer to Chrono and Tinarah who seemed to be working out the logistics of this adventure. As he reached up and caught the end of their conversation he blinked and asked,"Wait, are you two planning to avoid your father? I might have misinterpreted that. But why would... you..." his voice trailed off as he looked over at Tinarah and it suddenly hit him that Tinarah was not the same age she was supposed to be. That would have been a week on it's own trying to explain everything. He'd legitimately forgotten about it, even if it had only been a few weeks he had known the older Tinarah much longer than she knew her when she was younger. The other reason they could have been avoiding may have had something to do with the threat they kept mentioning, but that reason there didn't seem enough to him. He felt like in that case it'd be safer to inform him than not. After a moment of processing eventually Take continued, "Well I mean, it might not be the easiest path to approach but it'd be safer to let your dad know sooner than later." he rubbed the back of his neck and admitted, "I'd be lying if I said I completely understood the situation... also uh... do you need a key if you have keyblades?" he immediately tensed up and said, "I know you probably meant it more as a respect thing I just had to say something."
bet on it "cstar thats another movie we said the firs-" bet on it. *ahem* in all seriousness I really love the choreography to get'cha head in the game. well, at least after the first minute.
one more day until what
"Um..." Kaida was having more trouble actually processing seeing the kid than she expected. But here he was, and unmistakably a younger version of the Sora she knew. It was very strange, but it was also a lot more amusing that she figured. He was certainly a lot bubblier than she thought he'd be at this age. She thought maybe he'd be trying to act more like Riku or something. Kaida returned the handshake he offered and smiled a bit as she said, "It's nice to meet too, Sora." after the handshake she let in a deep breath and looked towards AJ, "Ooookay." she clapped her hands to emphasize her mixture of relief and confusion right on beat after the word, "So we found one, but we lost the others. I can't tell if this was a win or a lose. Maybe we should start heading back and hope the others will too?"
Kaida went right
Take looked over at Chrys as she tried to eplain she intended on going if the split was an issue, but the boy crossed his arms and said, "It's less about the split and more about the situation. And no not because I think I alone am going to turn a tide of some kind... Chrono and Tinarah are my friends. I would want to be there for them regardless of how this is split. The split was just more of a logistical reason to go. But even now knowing you'd go and it'd even it out... it doesn't change the fact I want to go with them." he didn't want to admit it was more personal than strategic but here he was doing it anyway.
Take looked between everyone as they discussed places they needed to go for a material. One place mentioned was the realm of darkness and the other was Tinarah and Chrono's homeworld. The boy understood the advantage he'd have, being a prince of heart and whatever. But as the discussion revealed more of the tension going on with Tinarah and Chrono's situation, and as more people jumped in to help out Torrin. Eventually the boy spoke up,"I know it would probably be better off for me to go to Orphic Coast... but from what I'm hearing and how everyone is split. I feel the need to go with Chrono and Tinarah to their homeworld." the boy looked over towards the two with a bit of a reassuring smile though he wasn't naive to believe him going was going to immediately make it easier for them. But he wanted to be there.
"Well if you happen to know any magic that can help us with that, now would be the time to do it. Cause I certainly don't know any." Kaida took a look around the intersection and rubbed her nose and said, "I'm a little worried about getting too lost though. I'd have thought I'd hear the others by now." the decided at that point to go right and did just that. Checking back to be absolutely sure she at least kept AJ around with her. As she looked at the walls she mumbled, "Maybe I should have kept a breadcrumb trail or something."
Hearing at least once voice she recognized made her so relieved after that kind of a mixup. She'd been distracted by Kairi being so distracted that it genuinely threw her off course. So having at least AJ around was welcome company. She hoped nothing would happen to the others though. When he asked about the size of the place she shrugged and said, "We're inside a really large whale right? It can't be too big... it's a living creature after all..." she paused and looked at the directions before deciding to keep walking straight forward, "But at the same time... look at how much space is in here. There's gotta be some sort of magical shenanigans going on."
When Qamar had asked what he was up to, the boy shrugged a little and smiled,"Nothing too interesting honestly. Just training and reading lessons. The most exciting thing to happen the last two days was probably the fact I moved onto chapter books." he was mostly joking, but he was actually a little excited about it. When Atmos showed up to interrupt and mention a meeting, he nodded in understanding before looking towards Boreas as he asked if he was heading with. Take finished up the last few bites of breakfast and his water and stood up to clean up, "Yeah, definitely. I'm more than a little interested in a meeting after this long." sure there were some meetings, but he meant one he could actually attend. He headed to the kitchen to clean up before making his way towards the meeting room as well.
hm, interesting. i'm up for it!
Kaida was very confused when she didn't see anyone right ahead of her and she figured maybe it was because they took another turn, so the blonde quickly moved ahead and went right. 25/30