Kaida was very surprised when Karina walked up to her and started giving her gifts. Yes, she did contribute to the previous conversation as much as she could, but it still felt quick. She looked at Castur when she mentioned the jacket and she said under her breath, "Wait, who are you and why would you wipe blood on my..." Kaida shook her head a minute before looking at Karina with a smile and saying, "Thank you, I didn't think anyone would catch onto the pin thing, it was just gonna be a silent collection, but I'm more than happy to get two more as a gift." Kaida shifted to put the two pins on her bag and when she was done she reached into a pocket and held out a cat charm and held it towards Karina, "This is for you. I sat there thinking 'what animal reminds me of Karina' and cat was the first thing that came to mind." The blonde stopped a moment and scratched her head and said, "That probably sounds really weird huh? I hope you're more of a cat than a dog person at least."
Kaida was alarmed by the sudden appearance of a mouse that popped out of her pouch. The blonde looked alarmed and looked into it to see if there were other hidden compartments she had in there she somehow missed. She looked at a couple of the wooden charms she still had to give and took them out of her bag and looked over at the mice as they spoke and said, "I don't know what a yank is but it sounds like an insult so I'd watch yourself." Kaida did pause a moment and continued, "Continuing with the reunion point though. If I recall correctly Olympus was mentioned? I don't remember if it was the coliseum or if they meant actual Olympus either way Olympus was mentioned." Kaida looked over at Beuce and said, "Yo king. Have a horse. I bred it just for you." and she flicked the charm over at Beuce hoping he'd catch it as she looked at the others, "Unless anyone else has a better idea on a reunion point? I would say Central Haven since that's my personal default but we all know the answer to that one."
buying breaker for 100 medals
There was a moment where Take was trying to think about whether he could meet any of the magic requirements before he suddenly grinned and got a little excited and snapped his fingers a couple times before pointing and saying,"I can't do any electricity or slowing of time. Buuuuut I can make the air go woosh woosh around intensely like a tornado." he thought a little longer and held out a second finger on his right hand and said, "I can also make it so they remember what gravity feels like. Yes this is with magic. I can do that." he clapped his hands together and looked over at Tinarah and Chrono super excited, "I can do that!"
"I feel like judging him for not knowing us well and then trying to interrogate who he is afterwards isn't gonna help on our end of that problem." Take eventually responded as he rubbed the back of his neck and asked, "But I am curious, how exactly do you know about Ardyn? And if you knew you didn't have the strength to take down the Gigas before, was it because you tried? Would that make it extra guarded?" He thought for a moment and asked, "Do they have any of those Gigas patrolling streets? We could try to take a couple away from the factory and get in using them. At the very least if they are prepared we would have plausibly even more of an advantage... that's all I've got to offer." he looked to Tinarah and Chrono and asked, "Would they be arrogant enough to think no one would be able to steal their own weapons from them?"
Kaida let out a bit of a giggle in the middle of tears and said, "Oh yeah? Where'd ya get it reforged? A whale known smithy?" she hugged him back just as long as he hugged her. When she stopped she rubbed her eyes and said, "Yeah sure. Cool guy image. Definitely the priority... heh." in an obvious tease as she looked over to the others and said, "So it seems we have a lot more people than I thought... although Aislinn doesn't seem to be anywhere... who's faces don't I know..." she looked and pointed towards Faust and stared at Castur a moment before saying at a whisper, "He was the one with Karina before... then there's Marx who's new... so 3... then Karina probably needs catching up if she hasn't already so... this should be fine. Okay." Kaida clapped her hands together as the tears finally seemed to clear up and she said, "Before anything happens that splits us up again, we should try to convene and share notes?" she looked specifically over at Beuce because she knew at least he was listening. And maybe anyone else in the area heard her too, since she didn't say the last sentence at a low volume or anything.
Kaida smiled a bit watching the trio giggling together and messing around... but it made her heart hurt too and she couldn't place why and a tear dripped down her face. She quickly rubbed it away before trying to hide behind a bit of a smile. She looked over towards everyone else but the first thing she did was say, "Beuce, I'm glad your keyblade wasn't accidentally destroyed like I thought it was when I used it to jaws of life a giant crab that tried to eat me cause I wasn't shiny enough to be considered a worthwhile object to keep." she paused after a long moment and said, "That... sounded hilarious when I actually said it out loud." Kaida felt more tears coming down and she was full on crying at a certain point and said, "Man that's so stupid... why... ah..." Kaida covered her face when she realized how the tears were pouring out and admitted, "Sorry I'm just... I'm so glad you are all okay... I'm so lame..."
"From the way things sound we're going to be running into them later anyway..." Take eventually chimed in as he looked over toward Illiana, "I know you wanna get your brother and all but wouldn't it be better for you to do when we have a better plan put together and you aren't running off the initial energy rush of 'oh he's here'?" Take paused a second before waiting for an answer he shrugged and started walking towards Chrono and Tinarah to head where they wanted to hide out before looking back at Illiana, "Plus, despite you not thinking you need it. We could help you, ya know if you decide to let us. Offer's there..."
Kaida threw phoenix down and ultra potion
Kaida threw ether (x2)
I don't know if this has been discussed on any other forum at this rate but this topic has been driving me crazy when I think further about it. So as far as what the public understanding of "norting" was. It was when someone (specifically Xehanort) put his heart inside another person and essentially seized control. We referred to the 13 darknesses having been norted respectively. But... were they? We got to see a lot of them operate and they had their own personalities, their own agendas. Some didn't even end up helping Xehanort in any form by the end of it. So it only begs the question "what did he actually do to them?" Unless the whole system was essentially making people "half xehanort" (like what Xigbar implied happen to him), it seemed very odd to me that this plan would have worked at all if he managed to have gotten Sora. How did we know he wouldn't pull a Vexen? Or would it have ended up working more like... what happened with Aqua? You see we ended up with the scene where Ansem injected some sort of dark thing into Aqua and it ended up making her heart fall to darkness and despair. And I feel like in a situation where Sora was hit with Xehanort's heart something similar would happen. I don't think NORTING is the act of possessing someone. I think it's the act of influencing someone's heart to fall to darkness. He just used his own heart as the catalyst. Or possibly to make them more compliant. The act of possessing someone's body is a different thing entirely with a different set of rules requiring someone to give up their old body in order for it to work. I've been referring to it as being "Luxu'd" now instead and I will whenever I bring it up further in this thread (but not in casual discussion because norted has become the common term). Named specifically after the fact Luxu has been doing the same thing which is how he's ended up in the body he calls Xigbar now. Now I could have missed something completely with how the characters actually acted but considering they seemed to have their own agendas and emotional arcs I have a very hard time believing there wasn't more than just influence to fall to darkness. But if someone has something to point out please lmk.
Weirded out by how possession seemed to just happen Kaida decided to vanish Kaida used Ninja Vanish
Take had been pretty convinced the second the hand went up it was going to be a show. It may have been context clues since it wasn't like something he was used to. But when he saw Tinarah react he had quickly tried to follow after her but got a bit lost in the shuffle of the crowd freaking out. It wasn't until things seemed to be under control he was able to catch up at the tail end of whatever Tinarah was whispering about and watched Chrono and say his piece. Take looked at the machines and asked quietly at first, "You think the Light Chaser would be interested in something like this? I mean they look cool and effective at defense but I mean." Take cleared his throat and pointed to himself and said intentionally being a little vain, "I look cool and am effective at defense." he paused a moment and said a bit louder, "These don't look particularly amazing for anything on the offense. And they don't look very maneuverable either. What would a benefit for this be unless you're taking on something just as big and also not as manu-" he paused a second and stared a long time at them before clicking his fingers against a rail and asked, "Hm... do you think they're fireproof?"
When Aux asked her the question about what she wanted to ask Sora she raised an eyebrow and asked, "What would I even ask him as a kid who seemingly knows nothing yet? Get real..." Kaida watched as Sora managed to hurt this heartless by tripping and dropping the potion which seemed like the most "of course" thing to ever happen and that was saying a lot considering what she'd been through the past few months. After Stratos started throwing Kaida pelted two potions at it herself and hoped for the best. Kaida threw a potion and a hi-potion
Take felt immediately uncomfortable when he heard Fost's orders about Chrys. Not because he trusted Chrys or anything, and not because of any form of pride that may have been there. But because of how much of a jerk he was about saying it. When a distrust is places so heavily out there he had no idea how Chrys would even begin to feel comfortable if she was someone who wanted to stick around to do the right thing... and wasn't just here because she was chased away from the chasers (Take internally found that sentence hilarious and figured he'd save that potential joke for later). As they continued on, Tinarah and Chrono focused special attention on an airship and looked up and mumbled,"...something... demonstration... at central plaza in 1 hour. Don't miss out on the future... did I get that? I think I got it..." he kind of wanted to have asked louder but he decided not to. The boy crossed his arms as he followed them towards the plaza and said, "It didn't say it was free should we be worried about that?"
"He's not who you think he is." Kaida replied back almost immediately before pausing for a few seconds before looking at him, "Now that I've given you a comfortable lie: he's exactly who you think he is." the blonde shifted her hair out of her face as she said, "I've been very uncomfortable with this cause I genuinely have no idea how much I can mess with a timeline before bad things start to happen." Kaida shifted her keyblade between her hands before saying, "That said, I don't want these kids getting themselves killed for similar reasons, so I'm not avoiding them entirely. But if I suddenly can't use my keyblade you'll know why." and the blonde quickly began following after Sora and Riku.
Can you imagine, can you IMAGINE. Your homie asks you to come on in to this sketchy ass place and he's like "yeah there was this girl i hit up 10 years ago and she got stuck here and i wanna go find her again" and you're like cool. cool this is fine. you go to this beach that this guy saw her at a few years back and there's just huge ass mosquitos everywhere and you fight 'em off temporarily until they suddenly suck you in a vortex and you can't breathe and you hear yourself inner monologue and you finally wake up on the same beach and he's there wonderin if yer alright and you are except your weapon is broken and your hair suddenly changed. no no wait. can you IMAGINE you're all excited to bring a friend back, that you probably have feels for cause he makes you feel like you have a heart, with some weird stuff that's probably necromancy but you've definitely dabbled in worse and you find out when you're called in from your training that he looks EXACTLY like this other guy. but it turns out you also met this guy 10 years ago. you've met them you just forgot completely cause you definitely would have mentioned this to the other guy before and they acknowledge you and you're like "wait christ okay i do know this guy cause he knows my name" IMAGINE doing all the work and having everyone laugh at you for being inexperienced when you're the one literally getting everything done imagine if kairi actually became more than an object
/watched (so ya know someone's here)
"...is there a reason why he mention you specifically being excited?"Take asked as he looked over at Chrys. It wasn't a question asked out of distrust. More out of confusion considering he specifically singled her out. Take crossed his arms and sighed saying, "Great now we've gotta worry about that. Maybe I should have gone with Torrin after all..." he rubbed the back of his neck and hoped either Chrono or Tinarah would start heading somewhere cause it wasn't like he could lead them anywhere.
"Oh great. It's you." Takehiko hadn't even turned yet, that voice was recognizable without the face he knew seeing it would piss him off anyway. Take turned to look back over at the man and yelled, "Don't you have anything better to do with your life than harass a couple of kids? You seem more competent than that." he then heard Tinarah speak her mind and replied quieter towards her, "I think he already answered the question about why he's here when he mentioned the orichalcum... wait..." he looked over at Ardyn and said, "How did you even know we were coming here? Who told you?!"