Kaida at this rate wasn't enjoying his taunts at all, and against her better judgement decided to summon her second keyblade and run in to red slash him, hoping the roulette gave her some kind of space magic, but at this point she just wanted to hurt this guy. Even though the odds were definitely not looking great on her end. 8/20
Kaida grinned a little bit to herself when it at the very least hit a little bit, even if it didn't land in the particular spot she was aiming for. The girl had a feeling he'd be more prepare this time but she still reached her keyblade out and shouting, "Graviga!" since she at least kind of understood the gravity of the situation. 7/20
Kaida rolled her eyes at him and said, "Yeah, cause I'm totally intimidated by someone that the order didn't think was good enough over a kid who wasn't a master. Sure, you could beat me one on one, but that doesn't mean you'll ever be superior to me." Kaida stood up and shifted quickly. As she did, she summoned out her keyblade as fast as she possibly could and used Hyperjump to slash straight into him, without giving him time to process what she did before she readied up to cast or attack him with something else. 6/10
Kaida struggled to get out of his grasp when he had her by the collar and didn't manage to until he released her which made her cough. She rubbed her neck and as he asked about her ability to beat him, she knew she would lose. And she wasn't necessarily loathed to admit it either. She knew she was better with others around her anyway. Kaida stood up and stood at the defensive and said, "I know you could beat me, the question is why would you seemingly stoop so low? Since that's the way you're talking about me. You think Sora would be okay with you running around and beating me up when Central Haven is in the state it's in?!" 5/20
Kaida wasn't expecting to be thrown to the ground as suddenly as she was, but she did prep for anything when time had frozen, so her flying back was maintained a little bit. After they knelt down near her, Kaida got herself up to at least be on her feet even if she wasn't standing yet and she replied, "If that's what you think of me, you don't know me at all." she looked him straight in the eyes and said with as much overconfidence as she could muster, "So... which one of Sora's wannabes am I dealing with today? Yuudai? Aki? No no no..." she paused a second and mumbled a couple of other names under her breath before snapping her fingers and pointing towards him, "It's the one Sora kept accidentally calling me at first. Kaiso? Taizo? Kaizo! Kaizo's gotta be the one, what an unfortunate close name." 4/20
Kaida was more than alarmed when she could tell the effects of some kind of time magic were on and she looked around for the source before she heard them begin to speak. She turned towards them just as soon as they were making the comment about her being given something rather than earning it. After a moments pause Kaida blinked and held her hands up in confusion and said, "I'm sorry, am I supposed to know you from somewhere? You sound like the kind of guy who leaves a bad review of a movie before even seeing it." 3/20
As they reached the fork in the road, Kaida let out a sigh in disappointment and said, "Well then, a fork in the road is a problem. And I'm sure we're in a rush at this point." Kaida pointed to the left and looked at Ananta and said, "You go that way, I'll go this way. Kay?" she smiled without waiting for an answer before heading down the path and yelled back, "If it's a dead end I'll run on back to catch up, alright?" she didn't think this was gonna be a big deal or anything so she didn't bother to tell her to be careful or stay safe. But that could have also been an 8 year old mentality at that rate. 2/20
Kaida hadn't really considered any possible reason why she would help Hook out even after he mentioned it possibly being beneficial to them. She felt the same way about these lost boys, but at the very least the others seemed a bit more open to helping this group than the others. There was only one thing Kaida really was taking out of this so Kaida spoke up, "How's about Ananta and I head together. Ya know, so Tinkerbell doesn't have to act so jealous all the time." she intentionally teased looking a bit at the pixie to see how or if she'd react at all. Kaida crossed her arms and sighed, "Unless any of you geniuses had a better team formation?" 1/20
It wasn't like Take had it in for Illiana enough to not try to help her or anything, but at least if Tinarah insisted or encouraged it, it made him not get too irritated with the idea. When Tinarah asked Take to take out the guns, he smiled a bit back at her and said, "Oh, I know I can." and the boy waited for Tinarah to get a bit ahead to maintain the wall. The boy raised his keyblade out and went to go and fire some water spells at the guns. Except the first time the water came out in small splashes. Take looked a bit embarrassed as he tried a second time, almost certain it would work this time but the same thing happened again. He tried a third time with the same replicated failure. Take let out an exasperated sigh and cast magnega on himself before clapping his hands together a moment and feeling himself grow physically weaker as he glowed slightly and felt some mana come back to him. He then pointed out his keyblade at the guns and focused a lot more intensely this time and the water flew in a very large blast straight at all the guns. Take managed to ground himself before he fell back from the force of it. Instead of acknowledging that it just took him four times to even get this working at all, he just kept taking out the guns with maximum focus while he knew his head was still in the game.
Take rubbed his forehead after she flicked it and looked away. He was pretty amused by her referring to him as a knight, considering he was pretty sure that was a whole thing involving royals and lords which he didn't have on his homeworld. But he could tell she was trying to be cute about the phrasing or... something. He chuckled a bit and said, "That might just be the corniest thing I've ever heard you say." he dropped his hand to his side and thought about it a bit longer before saying, "But don't worry. I don't plan to stop protecting you despite that..." Take immediately thought to kind of be a little overt with a phrasing and was about to say I like you too much to not wanna protect you. But as soon as he opened his mouth to go and say that he suddenly had his mouth blocked by Illiana who made some smart aleck and bloodhungry comment before she ran straight in guns blazing. He was about ready to punch her out at that point but she was fast enough to run off before he could. He physically contained his anger as much as he could before growling, "I can think of one person I wouldn't protect though."
When Tinarah pointed out him saying he wouldn't make others and she asked why, he keep looking away and blushed a bit, he was opening his mouth to actually give an honest answer before he was thrown off by her sudden hug. It only made him blush more and as she let go of him he faked a cough into his hand and rubbed his face a little to calm down before adding,"Y-yeah. I'm sure we will. I used to take hits all the time, I might as well already be a mech." he quickly flexed before stopping and saying, "That made me look like a tool... my bad..."
Take nodded at Tinarah when she mentioned them getting a head start and he simply gave a thumbs up towards the rest of them in good luck as well before following her. As he followed he suddenly remembered something and quickly made his way forward and said, "Right! I meant to give you something earlier but the morning was rough and this world has been rougher." Take reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a stone that had a carving trying to resemble a snowflake and was painted a light purple. He held it out to her and said, "I'm uh, not trying to make hundreds of these for everyone or anything. But... I wanted to make you one." he looked away a little embarrassed and said as firmly as he could, "I hope you like it."
Take really hadn't wanted to be the person to kick someone out of a mech over something pretty trivial. He just thought it was worth pointing out. He wasn't exactly sure how Tinarah and himself could help out if something went wrong with the mechs, but it wasn't like he'd be able to do much in direct combat if things got too close for comfort. Take let out a sigh before saying,"You can use it, I don't exactly know how to anyway and you seem to at least have a little familiarity." he wanted to ask what he meant for them to be backup but he didn't want them to think he needed to be babied over something like this.
Take is spending 5 points on mp, 5 points on defense, and 5 points on ap mp-85 defense-65 ap- 25 I'm also upgrading Cura Cura >>> Curaga
"Backup?" Take suddenly held back the urge to explain how upset he was and crossed his arms, "I thought the mechs fit two people. What gives? I would think leaving us without a mech is just leaving us open for something potentially worse to happen." he would totally try to make this sound reasonable based on valid arguments as opposed to bringing up the fact he had really wanted to ride a mech too.
Take summoned out his keyblade at those words and moved himself a bit closer towards where the mech was approaching. He took a deep breath and placed two hands on the handle and held it forward and called out,"Aeroga!" as he did, the wind blasted forward quickly, pushing the boy back suddenly as he let out a yelp and flew to his back. The wind quickly gathered around the mech and began to spin kind of like a tornado was forming upwards until it began to go unsteady and tip over. But as soon as it was rushing to get up the boy cast graviga. Unfortunately, that spell didn't work as he intended and seemed to have no effect on the mech easily shifting to pick itself up while Take cast aeroga two more times. This time it looked like it had a lot more trouble getting back up and Take said, "Y-Yeah that was... that was totally first try."
Kaida did not appreciate the fact that these pirates called her a "lost boy" and definitely did not like the sudden attacking. Kaida summoned out her keyblade pretty quickly and watched the others take care of some of the pirates, breaking the circle. Kaida spun her keyblade a bit and charged at two of the pirates. They held their swords out ready for attack before she dodge rolled right underneath their arms to go behind them. Kaida did not feel very confident she would get any really good hits on them considering how much shorter she was, definitely being in the 4 foot range now. She figured maybe she could get them dizzy or something like that. They began to chase her since she kept running around the mast hoping to confuse them. She ran faster and faster as they tried to keep pace. She quickly turned around as they ran and summoned out her second keyblade and rolled under them again, this time one slashing at her and just missing. They began chase around the same way again before one clicked onto an idea and told the other to run the other way. As they did, they both ran quickly around before running into each other. Kaida had jumped up onto the ladder and was looking down at them and said, "Ooosh, that looked like it hurt. I'm sure you can do better than that though! Did you want to try again?" they looked grumpily at her while she resummoned her keyblade and parried their blows as she held onto the ladder. Eventually she broke one's formation and she used the opportunity to jump off the ladder and jump off of their head. They let out a yelp in annoyance as she ran away from them towards some stairs and as they caught up she rolled past them again and ran the other way. They were clearly starting to get tired and were visibly out of breath so she used the opportunity then to hit them very quickly in many parts of their body until both of them fell to the ground not wanting to get up. Kaida smiled a bit triumphantly before running back to the rest of the group again. Kaida ran up to one that already looked dizzy from the other attacks and she jumped up and got a good hit on the back of the head and it made a ringing noise which actually made Kaida cringe a bit and say, "Oops, sorry. Didn't mean to be that har- ah!" and she quickly ducked at another pirate aiming for her and she tried to go for this one's legs. But he managed to get a grip on her shoulder to keep her from moving as she struggled yelling, "Let go let go LET GO!" and she threw thunderbell right at this guy and he backed off her dizzily while she glared at him and said, "Don't you EVER grab me. I'll cut you down!" and she held her keyblade up towards him threateningly. Pirates: 9/12 Pirate Hurt: 44/50 left Words: 508 EXP: 100 Total Munny: 30
Take was excited to show what he thought his magic would be capable of, and was extra excited when he got to go with Chrono since he felt pretty good being able to try this out without Tinarah right there like he still had training wheels. When Chrono asked about how he wanted to do this he said, "I'm gonna try and create enough wind around it to make it unstable and knock it over. While it's falling you should run in and try to get inside. I'll even cast some gravity magic on it to stay down and make it easier for you to break in... how's that sound?" he asked as he looked at Chrono, "If you have a better idea let me know."
And as seemed to be tradition, events went south quicker than she anticipated and she found herself flown into a boat before she could process it. By the time they were out of the whale the only real solace the girl had was that they at least had a midway point. As the rowboat landed suddenly on another boat and shattered, Kaida was alarmed by the pirates that had surrounded them. Kaida immediately picked herself up with her hands up dizzily to try and say, "Woah woah it isn't what you think we ju-" Kaida heard her voice and reached up to her neck in confusion before seeing how small her hands were and her hair was long. Her outfit was something similar to what she used to wear on her homeworld: bright yellow dress with no pattern with an armband that looked like it had a flashlight connected to it. She was noticeably younger, about 8 or 9, and definitely a lot shorter and she let out a sudden shriek of fear at her form and didn't even bother finishing with what she was trying to say to the colorful pirates.
Stat time! 10 crowns for 1 strength 10 crowns for 1 defense and 110 crowns for 11 magic totaling a beautiful 9 crowns left (sob) stats now: Strength- 30 (+6) Defense- 26 Magic- 43 Crowns- 9