She wasn't fond of petty theft towards rush hour. Not anymore at least, now that the cops knew that time was an easy grab to meet their arrest quotas. In fact her thefts usually did best at night. Who could be that surprised though when the girl's powers comprised entirely of shadows. It was getting cold in Downtown Chrinistar, what with the night coming soon so close to the water. But it was April, and the best spot she could hope for was by the ocean where it was colder. If it were summer this would undoubtedly be the hot spot. She walked down the back alleys with a sandwich in hand and her backpack fastened in front for this area. Generally no one stole from her, but it didn't not happen. She kept only her inside hoodie's hood up to hide her hair. Her outside hood of the thicker jacket staying put. When she reached the end of the alley she finished her sandwich and dusted off her hands. She quickly turned into a shadow and scurried up the wall. When at the top she reformed right near her cozy temporary home on the roof. It had a tarp and cloth underneath it and a couple of old couch cushions. Another person had a spot right nearby coughing and waving in her direction. She sat in her spot and opened her bag to pour out a bunch of already scratched scratch tickets and began checking them over as she pulled out a canteen and sipped at it. She looked below towards the other side to see a drug deal happening and she scoffed feeling like they were too loud and easily going to get caught. But she kept her mind on her own business until she head it starting to break into more of a fight. Where she motioned to the other homeless guy to lockdown in case any cops came.
☉ Username: cstar ☉ Character Name: Spectre (Lily Mason) ☉ Gender: Female ☉ Sexuality: Asexual (Biromantic) ☉ Age: 20 ☉ Appearance: ☉ Eye Color: Silver. Occuli Color: #c1c4dd ☉ Chosen Path: “I have chosen the path of Charlatan." ☉ Starting LV: (To be filled out by me after sign-up) ☉ Power: The ability to turn into shadows and manipulate objects through them. Has to be in a shadow form to do so. ☉ Classification: Enhancer ☉ Personality: Guarded and constantly alert, but otherwise very friendly. She's quick on her feet, but still pretty naive when it comes to basic knowledge. Her voice is soft but she is by no means shy. ☉ Short Backstory: Despite her birth name being Lily, most people don't know that. In fact if someone called her Lily on the streets she'd be unlikely to respond. She's gone by the name Spectre since she was thrown out on the streets alone at age 10, when her powers blossomed and freaked her parents out so hard they got rid of her. She quickly became resourceful, stealing to survive and getting herself some places to stay the night no problem. Like a lot of homeless in the city she goes by an alias so no one can snitch, but her powers are identifiable enough where she can't keep out of trouble too easily. Spectre has two rules about her thefts: no stealing from other poors, and no stealing from those who've shown her kindness (the second she adopted later after an incident that made her feel guilty). Spectre is usually kind enough and out of the way no one messes with her. Even in the Purgos district, though she avoids there as much as she can so she can remain ignorant of what exactly is going on there and not get roped in. She jumps in to help anyone who's gotten themselves into unexpected trouble and loves giving tourists directions when they find themselves lost. Normally her antics keep the police looking away cause of the lack of harm she causes herself. Doesn't mean she isn't good at getting herself caught in enough situations where she may have bit off more than she can chew. ☉ Main Theme: Spoiler ☉ Battle Theme: Spoiler
Kaida cast Blizzaga x2 and Blizzaga x2
Kaida used Blizzaga x2, Blizzaga x2, and Blizzaga x2 straight to the face
Kaida activated Hunter's Mist Kaida used cure on Beuce Kaida used powerline Kaida used thunderbell x2
Kaida used curaga on Kel Kaida used curaga on herself
Kaida used Strike Raid x2 Kaida used Launch x2
Kaida dualcasts Fox Taser then dualcasts Thunderbell
very late but thank you!
I'm up for iron imprisioner in world record
Kaida kind of snapped out of it a bit when she heard Aux ask if she was alright and she smiled saying, "I'm fine... I just keep getting a bit distracted. I think I had a dream or something and I can't remember it though I want to." she rubbed her forehead and said, "Probably best to keep going instead of worrying about me, alright?" waved her hand a bit and said, "I'll probably stick around at the shops rather than go to the underworld. I don't need that on top of overthinking."
Kaida had been noticably out of it since the boss fight. Having not been particularly responsive even if directly confronted. This wasn't new for her, and even after they traveled to this world and were starting to see others again safe, all it did was give her a bit of relief as she stayed silent and pondering. She'd been thinking a lot about Kaizo and thinking probably way more than she should have about the bird comments. Where did this whole bird thing even come from anyway? Kaida got out of it for a moment to look at Aux and asked, "Are you alright? You sound like you're trying to not sound out of shape but I heard that staggered breathing. Did they spit you guys out at a gym?"
Kaida uses lethal frame
Kaida used strike raid (x2) and red slash
Kaida threw a fox taser (x2) and blizzaga (x2)
Kaida cast thunderbell x2 and strike raid x2
buy buy buy spend spend spend 4 resistance- 40 crowns 5 defense- 50 crowns 1 mp- 50 crowns Crowns- 9 crowns MP- 12 (+3)(+1) Defense- 32 Resistance- 32 Job Unlocked: Blue Mage
There was actually quite a bit of relief from Kaida when she was no longer a little kid. If not just to get out of her childish mentalities. Yeah, now she could have her teenage mentalities which were totally better and more mature. Kaida watched the dark aura take Hook and his words and said, "Well that went from 0 to 1000 on the creepiness scale fast. I guess we better take care of him now, huh?" she summoned out her keyblade pretty much ready for a fight already.
Kaida shifted slowly as time released her from it's grasp and she fell to the ground as it did so. Her keyblade disappearing as she hit the floor. She stayed down for a moment before slamming her fist angrily into the ground and mumbling, "Man, I hate people like you..." before she started to stand up, looking at all the water dripping from the cave and having to shift her focus to remember the treasure that they were supposed to be going after. She'd likely run into Kaizo again, but she needed more time to get other stuff together before trying to figure out what his whole endgame was going to be and why he was so certain about defeating her. 10/20
Kaida tried to recoil back or something when she realized they were casting a stop spell but at that point it was too late and she froze in place. Feeling eerily similar to what happened with No Heart for a moment, but also not since she wasn't strictly speaking aware that time had stopped her too. 9/20