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  1. cstar
    Kaida knew that was garbage without even being on the world to have seen any of it. But she knew they'd bring that up somehow and what was she supposed to do, point to her friends for evidence and hear in that shrill voice yeah of course your friends you traveled with would cover for you, how convenient. Kaida really didn't like the sweetie added to that either. But she took a deep breath and said, "Your honor, I have no idea how to deactivate defenses, I didn't even have access to those kinds of files cause I had not attained a rank of Master at the time. I will admit to having fled the world, but it was only after I had been attacked by one of No Heart's accomplices, his name's Vanitas. Perhaps I could have done more during the attack but it's not a crime to want to get yourself to safety."

    Post by: cstar, Apr 21, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. cstar
    She supposed she was bewildered more than anything else. Not by the judge, though she certainly seemed to be a piece of work. But the fact that Orion was here and on prosecution. Kaida probably stared at him longer than intended as a partial situation started to click. If they determined Orion, the deserter and possibily the actual person to commit homocide, to be the authority... oh no. Kaida turned to Karen and said straight and to the point, "Not guilty, your honor."

    Post by: cstar, Apr 21, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. cstar
    Kaida wasn't surprised Vanitas gave an unhelpful answer, which is why she shouldn't have ever acknowledged him. Not that he necessarily poked anywhere that made the conversation worse. When an older man dressed in some sort of military getup showed and told her it was almost time for her trial she saw no reason to not comply. She looked towards the others and smiled a bit and said, "This'll go fine." and she left the cell ready to follow.

    Post by: cstar, Apr 20, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. cstar
    Kaida slowly got her way up, rubbing her neck as she tried to readjust her head to the environment. Bob basically was in and out within the time it took her to resync. She found it hilarious that he seemed to stand there and fish information and chime in when he got something he needed. And ended up completely useless to the conversation. Granted, she wasn't sure he came in looking for that specific info, but she already gave him more thought than she wanted. Kaida for the first time that night finally turned towards Vanitas and said, "And what's keeping you from saying who exactly the mole is? Entertainment? You're as helpful to the conversation as that Bob guy was."

    Post by: cstar, Apr 16, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. cstar
    Kaida starting pacing in the cell and tapping her head a bit in thought saying, "Yeah even though that sounds like something Karina would do, based on the fact that this place is so locked down we can't use keyblades and Aux gets shocked at the slightest bit of blood pressure rising... I find it very hard to believe she got out." Kaida took a breath and said, "I'm going to do my best impression of Karina locked in an unwanted situation." Kaida slouched her shoulders slightly and let her bangs cover her face before she growled and let out a growl before slamming her fist against the barrier, "LET ME OUT OF THIS *KUPO*ING CELL!"

    Kaida grabbed her neck and basically dropped to the ground electrocuted and she stayed curled up on the floor.

    Post by: cstar, Apr 14, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. cstar
    There was quite a bit of relief when she saw Beuce come in and she said, "You're here! Is everyone else alright? Who's accounted for?" she didn't mean to seem pushy it was just unfortunately commonplace now when something went wrong like this that someone went missing. When asked if they hurt her she shook her head and replied to his next comment, "I'm not too worried. It sounds like there was a misunderstanding cause the charges don't make sense, so things'll probably blow over with the trial."

    Post by: cstar, Apr 14, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. cstar

    When Aux admitted how he was feeling about the group and still feeling like a bad guy. Kaida turned towards him and shifted to sit cross-legged and said, "You say nothing has changed, but you have done good things. You've helped the group quite a bit. Maybe you haven't fully made up for the bad you did yet but you've made a difference." The blonde played with her hands a moment, thinking exactly how to say what she wanted to say before smiling at him, "In the end all that matters is how you feel. But if you asked me, I'm happy you're with us and helping out instead of smashing my head in. I'm sorry if I haven't shown that well. I used to always insult you in jest and you were always so stoic it didn't seem like it bothered you. Like it was bouncing right back off of you. I can tell I was wrong." Kaida bowed her head in apology.

    Post by: cstar, Apr 9, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. cstar
    Kaida had been pretty close to replying that time to Vanitas. But Aux basically went at him instead which kept her from needing to. Which let her keep the game up. Kaida looked across to Faust and said, "Well, one of my homeworlds was always nighttime and forced people into jobs based on their abilities and not their passions, which was awful so I left it. My other homeworld was half daylight, half nighttime, and was a city. That was cool, but it got invaded by No Heart so now it's not cool..."

    Kaida paused for a while at Aux's question and said, "Um, it was after I checked up on Corona on behalf of the Order. He was still having some recovery issues and before we were worried he was going to go into a 3rd coma." Kaida reached in her pocket and said, "I saw him just before Vanitas attacked when you guys invaded. Right after you gave..." Kaida pulled out her bird charm and stared at it for a long time before whispering, "No... that's wrong..." Kaida stared a long time before clenching it in her fist and saying, "It's this again. This stupid problem where you're there and not there. Where there are things you did and didn't do..."

    Kaida showed the carving and said, "You made and didn't make this. You gave me it and didn't. You couldn't have, you weren't there. You had to have. It makes no sense." Kaida looked up at the ceiling and said, "I can feel it, like I'm seeing a paradox be woven through time. Where events exist and do not exist. The more I understand it the less I understand." she took a deep breath in and said, "I feel completely lost in my own mind trying to solve it. I wish I could break it apart and reassemble it piece by piece."

    Kaida blinked and looked at Aux. Shaking her head and smiling sadly, "Sorry uh, the library before the invasion. The charm has nothing to really do with the Seiza question. Why?"

    Post by: cstar, Apr 6, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. cstar

    She hadn't agreed to it. At no point did he even acknowledge she was just hearing it out. He just went straight into talking about it like she would. Spectre didn't even want to potentially throw herself into a death trap for the government's sake. Especially not for this criminal. She of course knew next to nothing about them other than name. People on the streets talked looking out for one another. Of course rumors about a fugitive were known to her. But that didn't mean she wanted to throw her life on the line to... surely she didn't wanna protect people from getting...? No. She could easily make more money just stealing off people and getting her own place to...

    An old, familiar voice rang in her ears as she sat there.

    "Helping people is something I can do. Something I feel good about doing. If I have a chance it's better to take it... right?"


    Spectre said nothing about anything else and when dismissed she left the room and waited for the others, When they got there she spoke quietly,"...I've no idea how to start with someone with a power like this." Spectre looked scared and admitted, "If it weren't for Jay and Danni I'd think he sent us to get killed... only thing I could even think of is looking deeper into the letter."
    Post by: cstar, Apr 4, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. cstar
    "Oh. So it's a false accusation." Kaida sounded fairly confident saying that as she shrugged, "Or just a misunderstanding. I assume there's gotta be a trial so I'll just wait for that." Kaida said blatantly ignoring Vanitas as she went back towards a wall to sit down and lean back with her eyes closed, "The wait time won't be great but now's a good time to catch up on those musical missions the mice had written down." The blonde sat forward and cleared her throat as she sang, "Well, Tamatoa hasn't always been this glaaaaaam. I was a drab little crab once~"

    Post by: cstar, Apr 4, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. cstar
    There were like, twenty different things going on and Kaida wasn't really feeling any of this. Looking around for a means of escape. She didn't vocally indicate her intentions like some of these people did and as Vanitas addressed her Kaida was looking up at the ceiling. Showing no indication or acknowledgement towards Vanitas she turned her back towards him to face Aux's cell and said, "It's either because your heart rate is up so the program is reading you as hostile, or ya know, your reactions are probably funny to them. Either way I recommend deep breathing."

    Kaida looked up towards a camera and said, "Hey uh, warden? What exactly are our charges. Or specifically, my charges."

    Post by: cstar, Apr 3, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. cstar
    Kaida shook her head and replied to Aux, "I can't think of anything. At all. Whatever I did is unknowingly illegal to me." Kaida sighed and looked through the grids with bemusement and said, "Well most of you I could guess but." Kaida looked towards Stratos, "What did you do Stratos? Like maybe I could see a case for assault on my part if Aux tried to snitch on me for a plea deal. But not you."
    Post by: cstar, Mar 29, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. cstar
    "Ya know...." Kaida mumbled out loud the second she woke up on the floor. The girl sat up slowly to look around and process where exactly she was. She wasn't a superhuman who could process exactly what happened but she remembered getting jumped and now she was slowly waking up in a cell. The girl walked to the bars and said, "I'm getting real sick of getting knocked out and waking up in an unfamiliar place." Kaida knocked on her cell and looked around, "Any SOS members in here? What's the damage?"
    Post by: cstar, Mar 27, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. cstar

    "Well... I can agree to the terms of confidentiality. But I can't agree to take a task I know nothing about. So, you've got my interest. But you don't have my full interest." There was a stretch of silence after her response where she kicked her legs a bit and kept stretching a little before adding, "Also if you know about us you would know that I don't use my birth name and you know exactly why I don't use it. So I'll sign anything with it for whatever legal stuff you need but from this point on I would ask you use my preferred name." Spectre looked to Danni and said, "Also: with all those with powers out there they could have easily chosen someone else. There's some unstable people out there on the streets desperate for work. If they picked you, you must have a good reason. Or they'd just go blackmail someone else."

    Spectre cracked her knuckles and asked, "Also, it'd give you a chance to practice your powers to get a hand on it. Trust me, practice makes all the difference. My first year with my powers was basically me being stuck to walls."

    Post by: cstar, Mar 27, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. cstar
    +8 STR- 80 crowns- 40
    +4 SPD- 120 crowns- 60
    +3 DEF- 30 crowns- 35
    +5 MAG- 70 crowns- 50
    +3 RES- 30 crowns- 35

    354 crowns > 24 crowns

    Job Unlocked: Pirate

    Post by: cstar, Mar 26, 2020 in forum: OOC Lounge
  16. cstar

    Spectre was eating a Big Wac with glee slowly in the back of the car like it would be the last time in a while she would get a good meal. Anyone in the car with her would quickly learn she smelled bad. Like in an unclean sort of way over any other smell. She seemed to be noseblind to it and had all the heating vents blasting towards her. She looked at the file and asked, "So why are we going to the police station?" Spectre paused and asked, "You're not a snitch are you?" she looked upset and sighed,"If this kid Zeke's file indicates anything... yeah. You are." she put the file down and said, "I can't afford bail and whatever they accuse me of will probably be at least 5 years. And if you're a cop I wasn't Mirandized!"
    Post by: cstar, Mar 24, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. cstar

    Spectre stared at Jay for an even longer time before she stood up on the dumpster and said, "I'm not interested." she stretched a bit and said, "But if it's A-7 sending you after me then I'm probably not gonna stop hearing from you even if I tell you no." she hopped down and turned back towards them and smiled, "I'll go with you if you buy me some Wicky Dees." her eyes lit up a bit as she said, "I can't remember the last time I had some good WcDonalds."
    Post by: cstar, Mar 24, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. cstar

    Spectre looked around with a touch of fear as the silence deafened and the feeling of the power pulsing through the air got her wondering what exactly happened there. She looked down at the boy and the girl behind the dumpster and she turned into a shadow to slither back down. Spectre reformed on top of the dumpster and looked to Jay and sat on the edge of the dumpster and said with a soft giggle and a smile, "Wait I know you. You're that cute techie from the Spades who couldn't keep his wallet in his pants." her face hardened as she asked with full seriousness and a harsher and louder speaking voice than she usually had, "Why the fuck would I want your blood money?"
    Post by: cstar, Mar 24, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. cstar

    There had been some running and shuffling on the street with not much noise at that point. But distant yells as a fight began to intensify were starting to be heard. Just before they got towards the next street a shadow quickly scurried behind them not belonging to anyone in particular. The shadow stretched out to reach theirs and pulled them to a halt as a soft voice beamed out, "Stop. Don't go that way." the shadow walked backwards and Danni & Jay mirrored and in sync also walked backwards as a yell got closer and a shot fired. A woman screamed in panic and people began to run as gunshots fired out quickly in response. A body fell not far from them and the shadow's movement quickened as it ducked down an alleyway.

    When in the alley, the shadow popped up from the ground but still fully black as it reached to grab a gate and pull it closed and shut it as more people ran from the scene. The silhouette then began to gain color starting from the head as white hair came to fruition and color returned to skin and clothes. The girl turned to look at Danni and Jay and said with a look of worry, "Sorry about that. I wanted to make sure you weren't caught in that. Give it maybe five minutes low and then go back towards North street. Okay?" Spectre pulled up her hood and ran at a trash can, jumped off of it onto a window's ledge. She pulled her weight up to grab a hanging ladder off a balcony and pulled herself onto it before jumping across onto a roof. She was still in sight and earshot, but she was parkouring her way up to assess the situation better.

    Post by: cstar, Mar 24, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. cstar
    Kaida looked at Beuce waking up out of her trance-like state the second she was acknowledged. She summoned out her keyblades and yelled, "What? Why me in particular?! That sounds random like it was an old habit." Kaida looked right at the camera before casting Balloonga at the Lava Titan.

    Kaida cast Balloonga x4
    Post by: cstar, Mar 23, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena