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  1. cstar
    Kaida looked a little confused at the ideas being brought up and she quickly refuted, "I um, I would rather not split us up. We have each other here and we may cover more ground, but we also might end up losing each other. Which doesn't sound like a good idea considering we're looking for people." she crossed her arms and said, "If you object that's fine... but I wanted to put my opinion in there."

    Post by: cstar, Jan 3, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. cstar

    The boy just kind of silently stared at Thyella after her comments and tilted his head and said, "I thought you said this was part of training. And as far as I was aware you were one of the two overseeing it." he shrugged and said, "I'll go ask Selene then, since you're apparently... what's the word... underqualified?" he backed away and waved and said, "Have fun with all the stubborn ones~" Take managed in a sing-song voice before heading out. He was doing so just as he saw Aria running past and he stopped to let her go through whatever she was doing and he went to go and look for Selene.
    Post by: cstar, Jan 3, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. cstar
    Kaida decided to start walking the direction Kel said, and was kind of expecting to have to go anyway. As she walked Kaida let out a sigh and put her arms behind her head while she walked, "I don't know what I'm gonna do when this is over. There's so much that's happened that has affected my home and my friends during this that I just have to see this to the end before I can even think about what comes after." the blonde moved into a stretch before dropping her arms and rolling her shoulders, "I'd rather try and zone in more on the now anyway. Looking too far forward can make it so when you don't meet those expectations you get sad. And I'd rather not be any more sad than I already am." she paused and immediately said in a defensive, "N-not that I'm that sad or anything but... anyway let's just find these kids."

    Post by: cstar, Jan 2, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. cstar

    He wasn't going to be able to keep up this bluff long at all, and he was sure she knew it too. Especially when he brought up his friends. He finally looked away from her, though his arms were still crossed. Then the boy just looked like he gave up and asked, feeling embarrassed to,"You don't... have any suggestions that would help with learning... do you...?" if she went at him with some sort of snark or was just outright dismissive he was gonna be out of there real quick with no intent to acknowledge her after that.
    Post by: cstar, Jan 1, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. cstar

    I'm very far behind but it looks like we've got some cool entries to really heat up the competition

    Ehe... heh... -clears throat- anyway here are our lovely contestants.

    Cerzak- Fire Frost

    Dean Martin- Let It Snow

    The Monkees- The Door To Summer (2007 ver)

    Snowman (ENGLISH Cover) [Project Mirai DX]
    Vitamin C- Vacation
    Namie Amuro - TSUKI
    KH is going through the fire
    Linkin Park- My December
    AWOLNATION- Burn It Down

    A reminder that in order for your entry to NOT be disqualified, you MUST vote! No voting for your own choice!
    Voting time will start from now until January 7th Eastern Standard (I'm rushing you cause I've taken too much of everyone's time D: )

    Voting will go by the Eurovision rules so send in your top eight songs in this order:

    8 - song title
    7 - song title
    6 - ...
    5 - ...
    4 - ...
    3 - ...
    2 - ...
    1 - ...

    Oh also, last thing: PLEASE send your messages to me on KHV. I got everyone's things no problem, but it'd be so much nicer and more organized if I could have it all in one space. Thank you for your time.

    Stay frosty!

    Post by: cstar, Jan 1, 2019 in forum: The Playground
  6. cstar

    After her pretty much outright stating him learning to read was basically going to become a mandatory lesson... he couldn't even stand the thought of it. It wasn't like he didn't want to learn, it's that he couldn't. He had tried and it wasn't working. He crossed his arms and looked her dead in the eyes and asked with much more of an aggression than he intended, "And what if I just outright refuse? I mean I certainly don't mind the idea of sitting this out entirely but it doesn't seem like you'd all be fond of that idea."
    Post by: cstar, Dec 31, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. cstar
    Kaida heard AJ's comment about the possibility of them never seeing each other again and she turned towards him and said, "Well that was... kind of random.... is there a reason you think that?" she crossed her arms and said quieter, "I mean, I know there's time travel stuff happening. And from what I had gathered, most of you guys are from a time decades before my own. But if that's the case... there's still some way we can see each other again..." she stopped and looked in thought for a moment before saying, "But I don't think that matters right now, that's thinking very far ahead. In the now, we're right here."

    Post by: cstar, Dec 30, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. cstar
    As soon as the girl started describing them she slowly looked up towards the ceiling (or she supposed the top of the stomach of the whale) and she let out a confused sigh. There was still the chance it wasn't but she was pretty sure she was about to go face to face with her master when he was still a kid. That was going to be an experience, especially if he was being honest in those stories about how he was back in the day. She hoped he wasn't as cheery as... whoever that kid was she knew back on her homeworld that popped in with her and Aux every once in a while and kept trying to cheer them both up. She kind of side stepped over towards Kel, mainly cause he was the closest, and she whispered, "This is really weird... I think I know these kids. But like, I know them when they're in their 50s... I can't process this."

    Post by: cstar, Dec 30, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. cstar
    Kaida listened to the names and nodded at them before she kind of froze a minute in a look of absolutely pure confusion.

    Sora and Riku?

    No that couldn't have been right. It must have been a coincidence it was those two names side by side as friends. There's no way it could be Master Sora and Master Riku. I mean, she even said they were the same age. This girl- Kairi. That was the name of the princess of heart that was their friend.

    "Wait..." Kaida whispered to herself before she heard Marx asking Kairi which direction they should go in. The girl rubbed her temples and tried to figure out what exactly was happening here. The girl was younger than she was... but she supposed people from different times were being dragged into this mess. She just didn't think that there could be duplicates of people. Though now that she really thought about it she hadn't seen Sora since he went back home. Kaida just decided to put this confusion off until later. I mean it could have been just another coincidence as far as she was aware. The blonde bit her lip a moment before managing out, but sounding a lot more confused than she intended, "It usu ally ri han ru-" she cleared her throat and clarified, "It's usually the right hand rule."

    Post by: cstar, Dec 30, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena