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  1. Bushy

    I already said this, but I took Lambda.
    Post by: Bushy, Aug 17, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Bushy

    Mina's head whipped round as she turned towards the new speaker who spoke much wisdom about testicles and chesticles. She instantly let go of Guy's face from her wonderful bossom, finally allowing oxygen back into his body (not that he needed it). "Yes! Exactly!" Mina spoke proudly, raising a finger to the heavens. "And just you wait! Simone is gonna grow up to be manly too! She'll be the manliest of all of Team Dai-Gurren! Except for me, Kamina and Simon of course." She called out, offering a wink to Simon before evidently realizing something. "...Wait just a second... Where did that girl get to anyway?" Then she glanced at the wall dividing the two sex's from each other, evidently deciding upon something.
    "I'll be back in a second." She told the males before stepping out of the hot water, still completely butt naked and walking into the building.



    From nowhere, the door to the female baths opened. "Simone! It's time to demonstrate your manliness!" Mina's voice thundered around the hotsprings, likely being heard even over the wall and back around the male's side.
    "W-...what? What do you mean sis, demonstrate my... manline-?"
    But Simone didn't even get to finish her question as she was plucked up under one arm by Mina and carried out of the female baths, leaving the rest of the occupants there simply staring in confusion. Poor Simone barely having time to grab a towel as she went past the storage cupboard.
    "W-wait! Sis! You can't be taking me-" she wailed, desperately struggling to wrap the towel around her torso in time.
    The doors to the male baths opened, and a splash occurred as the small girl was literally thrown into the water. Simone surfaced, gasping for air before realizing all eyes were on her. It took a few seconds to kick in, but her face turned a deep shade of red before she sunk back down into the water, trying to hide herself as much as possible without submerging her nose.

    BlackWarGreymon ignored the other Digimon's protests as he continued to beat on the creature. "I gave you a chance to Digivolve, and you didn't take it." BlackWarGreymon slowly made his approach to the Rookie Digimon. "You could never hope to understand the pain I carry, and now..." He raised both arms above his head. "You won't get a chance to understand anything anymore. ...TERRA DESTROYER!" An orb of highly concentrated energy formed between his arms, and grew to a massive ball... But then...
    "Masenko-Ha!!!" A solid red and orange beam of energy came from nowhere and blasted BlackWarGreymon in the chest, drawing his attention long enough so that as he released his attack, it completely missed, causing one of the nearby mountains to crumble into dust. "Hey! What do you think you're doing picking on an opponent who clearly has no chance of winning?" A female voice rang out through the region. BlackWarGreymon looked up at the source of the voice with complete calmness. It was the first time he had seen a 'human' flying in the air as easily as he could. "Why don't you try taking me on instead? I'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget!"

    Post by: Bushy, Aug 13, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Bushy

    I endorse this. 100%

    Thank you, Misty-chan!
    Post by: Bushy, Aug 3, 2013 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  4. Bushy

    I agree with all of this (again). I can completely understand the height thing as I raised a similar point myself. People don't want to have extra scrolling after all, but yeah, expanding the width could really be useful for a lot of people and nicer too.
    I don't think height would need to be changed anyway, and as you've also said to my earlier point, the main issue was the stretching of the page which is no longer an actual problem with Xenforo.
    I didn't actually consider the gif size thing that you point out, so thanks for bringing that up, and yeah that would also be a good idea I think if you'd be willing to implement it.

    Just to show where I mentioned the height thing earlier (although I wasn't as detailed as Misty was)

    I think 700 would be perfectly adequate as well.

    And to sum the rest up, pretty much all of this.
    (Thanks sis. XD)

    But yeah. Really glad I re-bought this up now. Part of me wasn't sure it'd even get looked at properly since it was an old thread (which would have been a shame). So yeah.

    *Is pretty happy*
    Post by: Bushy, Aug 3, 2013 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  5. Bushy
    I really like this suggestion. I could agree with something like that for sure.
    And yeah, I see what you mean, about the 1000 px size regardless. I did consider that which is why I said people would have to respect the rules if something like this was implemented and that obviously if people did abuse it, Staff would have to be onto them (which yeah, could mean a bit of work) but I don't see TOO MANY people being the types to mega abuse it.

    Regardless, what you suggested does sound better by giving a more general guideline.

    Although, I will say that I rarely see height limits being exceeded. I don't know if as staff you've seen that happen a lot, but in general I think that the width is more likely the issue when it comes to sig sizes but yeah I'm likely wrong there.

    Yeah, I did think of that too, but I figured it was still something worth mentioning (since I was still a bit unsure entirely about how it works). I wondered if it could be used in a positive way somehow or if it would help in anyway with the issues (it at least stops the stretching issue, I'm sure of that), but yeah.
    Post by: Bushy, Aug 2, 2013 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  6. Bushy
  7. Bushy

    Dunno if you read my post properly buddy so I'll try and re-explain things, but also... originally sig size limitations were 500 x 500, and as far as I'm aware it still is.

    But I also already spoke about the possibility of the abuse and how it can be countered.

    On another note, I also expressed that staff could judge things for themselves (although I can also understand if that'd be too much of a hassle). If they notice an issue on the site with someone abusing sig size, then it could be handled that way since I doubt a lot of people would abuse it. (And with the Xenforo automatic resize thing anyway, this might not even be an issue if it works how I think it does)

    Post by: Bushy, Aug 2, 2013 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  8. Bushy
    So this is kinda bringing back a very old thread, but I was told it'd be okay when I asked as long as I bring points of my own to the topic, which I certainly have.


    So recently, I myself used a sig that I accidentally didn't realize went over the limit. Jayn came to me about it as she would have to and we ended up briefly discussing about sig size limits and the like. Which was when she actually linked me to this thread in the first place.So... this got me thinking anyway. Since we've moved to Xenforo, a lot of things have changed in terms of what the site can handle, right? So maybe it might be a good idea to re-look at this thread now and it's suggestions.I'd like to present a few different points that I've thought about as well as to why I think this might be a good idea now.

    First of all, I said this to Jayn in my conversation with her:

    For example, the sig I was using before was 660 x 125:


    So wouldn't such a short height balance out with the slightly bigger width? (This of course only matters if site memory is still a big issue etc)
    It might be an idea to implement a rule where it's the case of as long as the overall size doesn't add up to over 1000, that a sig can go over the 500 limit depending on the height and width.
    I know that then some worry might occur now that some people would then have massively wide signatures which would 'stretch' the site. But... That brings me to my next point:
    I've noticed that Xenforo seems to resize sigs/banners and the like automatically anyway (and the thing can be then clicked to show the original size at the viewers discretion) if they were gonna cause stretching, so that would also be a counter measure towards having overly massive sigs anyway. (Those using the 'fixed width' option for the site's layout can click on the sig example above to see what I mean.)

    And also again, Jayn's earlier point:

    So in such a case, maybe it'd be an idea for staff to evaluate and judge the sig instead of sticking to the 500 x 500 dimensions thing by heart? I mean, as long as members know not to take advantage of having more freedom with sigs, would it be that much of an issue?

    But yeah, frankly I think in conjunction with some of Jayn's (and other's) earlier points and suggestions above, combined with the new developments on the site now since we're on Xenforo, and finally the above points I made. That this could at least be revisited as it was never actually concluded last time anyway, but just died instead.

    What are other people's thoughts and opinions on this matter? And can staff see any issues with anything I said? (After all... I don't know how the site truly works when it comes to this stuff lol, but yeah)
    Post by: Bushy, Aug 2, 2013 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  9. Bushy
  10. Bushy

    Haruka simply blinked as events erupted around her as a girl came over and confronted them as soon as Haruka's suggestion had left her very lips.
    "Where do you two think you're going? Do you think they won't notice two girls gone from our group?" "Ha!" Mint suddenly cried out, a massive grin on her face. "I told you! You're bad luck, Haruka. Didn't even get an answer before you were found out!"
    "Wha- What the hell?! I barely even said anything and she wasn't even near us." Haruka cried out. "This has nothing to do with bad luck. I'll have you know I'm very lucky." She folded her arms in defiance.
    "What are your names anyway?" The girl suddenly demanded. ...Oh dear. Haruka could already feel that next to her... Mint had clearly just hit boiling point.
    "Don't you know it's rude to ask somebody's name before introducing yourself? Shouldn't a goody-goody senior like you be setting a better example for us impressionable youths, senpai?"
    Haruka simply blinked again. "Hmm... Remind me to consider why I keep trying to get on your badside. Because... damn. I don't wanna be on your badside." Haruka mumbled nudging Mint's arm gently.
    "C'mon. Forget this, let's find something better to do."

    "Uh... That's fine by me but..." Haruka looked back at the older girl who had called them out.
    "Deni... My name is Deni... Sorry for just... You know... I've been looking forward to this for a while, and I don't want it to be ruined by someone getting in trouble. Could we... start over? I dunno..."
    Haruka looked back and forth between the girl and Mint before evidently deciding on something. She walked up to the girl and held out her hand. "The name's Haruka. Nice to Meet'cha." She took the girls hand and shook it before turning around and heading back over to Mint and then turning her head and grinning at Deni. "There ain't no need to start over with me. Frankly, these kinda things don't bother me. Starting over sounds boring anyway since that just means starting the same things all over again from the beginning. We gotta keep moving if we wanna get anywhere. That's what I think." Haruka said thoughtfully. Then she took Mint's arm in hers and started dragging her off elsewhere before the girl could say anything else. "Don't worry. We won't cause any trouble for ya. We're just... going on an adventure." She winked before disappearing into the crowd and from view with Mint alongside her.
    Post by: Bushy, Jul 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Bushy

    Now imagine if he could like his own posts in this thread...
    I smell a trip to Limbo if that ever was able to happen.
    Post by: Bushy, Jul 30, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Bushy
  13. Bushy
  14. Bushy
  15. Bushy
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by Bushy, Jul 28, 2013
  16. Bushy
  17. Bushy
  18. Bushy
  19. Bushy
  20. Bushy