Still need to add you. I promise I'll get to that soon. I'm currently in another country now. lol
I need to ask you something on facebook when you get a chance. *misses the convenience that Skype had*
Mhmm. Speaking of, you should get your butt on there. I've still not heard from you yet. XD On another note. Yay! I got QT finally! ¦3
No worries mate.
No worries at all mate. I was just being honest with what I knew or know. As I said, it's not like I hold a dislike of you or anything. lol I...
Done, gorgeous. Thanks. XD I'll keep on checking it.
Oh my god! I finally got one of these, that was completely unexpected. XD But okay... Homeslice! 1) My original impressions: You were a fricking cool and awesome RPer. I loved your ideas and I looked up to you majorly. At first with that Final Fantasy RP, because you had so many posts, part of me felt nervous about contacting you because I was worried I'd be an annoyance since I was still fairly unknown back then. But you were super cool and made me feel welcome instantly, and the rest is history. My current impressions: Pretty much all the same awesome stuff as above, but now you're one of my closest friends on this forum and I don't think that'll ever change. You're my bro, bro. You'd definitely (as you once told me too) be one of my drinking buddies if we lived closer. 2) I'm currently feeling chilled. I'm on holiday in Oman right now and I've been at the beach all day. I've already picked up the sun pretty easily and it's just two days in. I wonder how I'll look in two weeks. XD 3) Arch would be Iron Man because I doubt he'd ever forgive me if I said anyone else. You... would be... Hmm... For some reason I wanna say Flash, or someone very acrobatic. I dunno why... that's probably because of the characters you had in sanction that are making me think that way. Me... I'd be Wolverine, purely because when I have a beard and my hair is crazy, I apparently look like him. And damn that healing factor is badass. 4) You would be Magneto. Why...? Because Ian McKellen. I reckon you'd have that same level of charm and badassery. Arch would be Loki. I can see him just being very trollish as a Super Villain, so that's my opinion anyway. As for me... Catwoman, because I'm sexy- *Shot* 5) Original Super powers... Arch is an easy one to answer for. He'd have super human perception and aim etc, able to snipe a target from the other side of the country with nothing but a pistol. Why? Because he's the Forum Sniper. Duh. Your power would be unlimited but limited in a way. You would be able to switch between any power that exists that you've read of and understand the concept of, but you'd only be able to switch between them twice a day. (I wanted to give you something that uses your extensive super power knowledge). Me... I could take the easy way out and say Godmod, because yeah, it's what I've become known for since my parody character. But... I'll probably say... Demonic Fire. I'd be Seokama Ibli pretty much. When I designed him for the Sanction RP, that was in a sense my own ideal. XD Hello, BIU. 1) Same answer as what I said to Bueno. 2) Original Impressions: "...I dunno. He likes Fate and seems alright, but I don't really know him. I'll see if I end up talking to him in future." Current: "Ah, BIU. BIU... *Evil laughs* There are times when you're pretty cool, but there are other times when I don't know what to think. It's not like I ever think bad of you, don't get me wrong, but... I dunno how to explain it. It's like sometimes you're there and then you're not. I suppose I should say that at times you're a bit of an enigma to me. 3) It is not 4:30 right now. In UK time it'll be 4:30 in two hours, but in Oman time where I am right now, it is currently 6:30. 4) It would depend on the orphans. If they are lolis, then they shall be saved and added to my harem. That is all. 5) I really don't know. I've seen many adaptations of such things now and most of them are horrible. Some are successful, but I dunno if I'd wanna risk it with a series I really loved. 6) Oda Nobunaga. Probably one of my most favorite historical figures of all time. 1) "...This guy scares me with his stalker tendencies, but he sure is diligent about issues on the forum. He likes Phantasy Star though and that is something I can definitely approve of." 2) I'll be honest with you Amaury since you asked, but don't take this as me being mean. I don't dislike you, but you really freak me out a lot. I think you can be very over the top with the whole invisible thing (among a lot of other stuff when it comes to the forum and people's personal lives) and the way you stalk the staff and others just makes me feel uncomfortable. I can't even begin to imagine how they actually feel if I alone feel this way just witnessing it. On the other hand, I don't think you're as bad as some people make you out to be. I think it's a bit of both really. But still... yet again, you like Phantasy Star and I think that's pretty cool. 3) I also happen to be invisible. But yes, I did notice my online status could not be seen. U mad? O_O 4) I would love one, but at the same time, I'm currently drinking some bottles of Corona by a swimming pool and think that the mix of hot chocolate and beer wouldn't be brilliant. 5) This question is very hard. I don't like answering such things because I don't like placing people above others in such a way. However, I will tell you who I feel I'm closest to out of the categories you asked about. For Staff, it'd be Jayn. I absolutely love that girl. She works so hard and has always been lovely and oh god is she talented. When I heard she made Admin after working her way up from a Mod to a Super Mod, I was so damn happy for her. She totally deserves it and I think this only means good things for KHV. Again, well done sis! I love you. <3 :) I still believe in you and think you'll go very far in anything you do. As for non-staff... This is tough because there are many people I am incredibly close to on this forum. If I don't mention Dark, I'll never be forgiven, as I've known him since long before KHV and I'm the one who bought him here. But because I know that was an obvious one and isn't purely down to KHV alone, I'll say some others. Arch and Bueno will always be my homeslices who I adore (and have to visit one day), but the one person I definitely have to say who hasn't been mentioned yet in any of my answers to the questions I've received would be Hyuge. Hyuge is a girl I'd adopt into my own family if I could. She is so sweet, funny and kind. I've known her for a long time on the forum, and when I started talking to her more and more, we grew very close very quickly. I could go on and on really. But yeah. lol 6) Favourite Food and Drink constantly change. I never find I can stick to something purely because when you have something too much, you tire of it. So I always try to vary things and can't truly say I have a favourite. Perhaps I'm just indecisive, but you know... I'm just not sure anymore. *very punny* 7) ...The more you know. 8) *stares at* You scare me Amaury, but not for the right reasons. Boo won't work on m- ...Oh god! Why are you under my chair?! *screams* 9) And I love anime! *double thumbs up*
So... bad news. I learned that Skype is apparently banned here. Which is completely wtf?! But yeah. I can't actually use Skype. :/ I'll have to...
We can my friend, we can. It may take me a whole to respond again (sorry it's taken so long now) Just moved house and have no internet (I'm...
Anagrams are fun. You know how 'Tom Marvolo Riddle' becomes: 'I Am Lord Voldemort'? It also becomes: 'Immortal, odd lover.' Which in some ways is amusingly accurate. ...This is what happens at 3AM in the morning to me. I apparently go on Anagram websites and type in random stuff and in doing so, I somehow find out Evil Dark Lord's love interests. ...I think now I should go to bed. Night all~
I thought I sent you a Charmander Egg already? Besides, man, if you need to breed some for a friend etc I can just give you a bunch of eggs for your friend if you'd like. Or if you'd rather breed them yourself, I can loan you the breeding mother or father (whichever one you need) I have until you get your own to breed with. You just need to say the word. I'm actually surprised you didn't ask me already since you already knew I have like fifty Charmander by now. XD Meanwhile, my own Pokémon RP Blog is slowly coming along... I just need to catch up with it to where I am in the game. lol I think one more long post should do it. EDIT: While I'm at it, I can extend a similar offer to anyone else who needs it. I have a Charmander, Eevee and Skrelp farm essentially, and I can breed a number of other things (I believe Fennekin too not that I've actually done so yet). If people want some eggs or already hatched variants (with various confirmed natures), just let me know.
Which I accept. Also... Nick gave me Satsuki Kiryūin (Kill la Kill) Played by Bushy Brow Bushy Brow (KHV-Reallife) Subaru Nakajima (Nanoha) Minato Arisato<DECEASED> (Persona 3) Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail) Emiya Shirou (Fate Stay/Night) Rin Okumura (Ao no Exorcist) Pedobear<DECEASED> (Theinternet) Simone [female Simon] (Gurren Lagann OC) Kamina [female Kamina] (Gurren Lagann OC) Madoka Kyouno (Rinne no Lagrange) Renton Thurston (Eureka Seven) Eureka (Eureka Seven) Anemone (Eureka Seven) BlackWarGreymon (Digimon Adventure 02) Pan (Dragonball Z/GT) Updated reserves list: Reserved by Bushy Brow Ruby Rose (RWBY) Sun Wukong (RWBY) Velvet Scarlatina (RWBY) Lucy Heartfilia (Fairy Tail) Wendy Marvell (Fairy Tail) Ao Fukai (Eureka Seven: Ao) Holland Novac (Eureka Seven) Gekkostate (Eureka Seven) Truth (Eureka Seven: Ao) Shu Ouma (Guilty Crow) Inori (Guilty Crown)Kamijou Touma (A Certain Magical Index) Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun) Medaka Kurokami (Medaka Box) Zenkichi Hitoyoshi (Medaka Box) Mufasa (Lion King) Kakashi Bowie (Naruto: The parody of the abridged) Minato Namikaze (Naruto/Naruto: Shippuuden) Kushina Uzumaki (Naruto/Naruto: Shippuuden) Menma Uzumaki (Naruto:Shippuuden Movie 6 - Road to Ninja) Hinata Hyuga (Naruto/Naruto: Shippuuden) Killer Bee (Naruto: Shippuuden) Tsunade (Naruto: Shippuuden) Mei Terumi (Naruto: Shippuuden) James Heller (Prototype 2) Tohsaka Rin (Fate Stay/Night) Kirei Kotomine (Fate Stay/Night) Petta (Disgaea) Asagi Asagiri (Disgaea) Rozalin (Disgaea 2) Fuka Kazamatsuri(Disgaea 4) Coop (MEGAS XLR) Emilia Percival (Phantasy Star Portable 2) Mika (Phantasy Star Portable 2) Commander Shepard (Femshep) - (Mass Effect) Tali's ass (Mass Effect) Ulquiorra Schiffer (Bleach) Celty Sturluson (Durarara) Cthugha (Haiyore! Nyaruko-san) Haruyuki/Silver Crow (Accel World) Kuroyukihime/Black Lotus (Accel World) Kirito (Sword Art Online) Asuna (Sword Art Online) Kusanagi Godou (Campione!) Nanami Takatsuki (Dog Days) Millefiori Firianno Biscotti (Dog Days) Eclair Martinozzi (Dog Days) Rebecca Anderson (Dog Days) Gaul Galette des Rois (Dog Days) Isuka Makishima (Dog Days) Valério Calvados (Dog Days) Shana (Shakugan no Shana) Aria Holmes Kanzaki (Hidan no Aria) Kinji Tōyama (Hidan no Aria) Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière (Zero no Tsukaima) Saito Hiraga (Zero no Tsukaima) Kanade Tachibana (Angel Beats) Tsubasa Kazanari (Senki Zesho Symphogear) Chris Yukine (Senki Zesho Symphogear) Maria Cadenzavna Eve (Senki Zesho Symphogear G) Haruhi Suzumiya (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) Black★Devil Girl (Black★Rock Shooter) Great Black Sword (Black★Rock Shooter) Satan (Ao no Exorcist) Connor Kenway (Assassin's Creed 3) Yuffie Kisaragi (Final Fantasy VII) Wakka (Final Fantasy X) Auron (Final Fantasy X) Braska (Final Fantasy X) Sin (Final Fantasy X) Paddra Nsu-Yeul (Final Fantasy XIII-2) Yoh Asakura (Shaman King) Amidamaru (Shaman King) Gruntilda Winkybunion (Banjo-Kazooie) Tai and Agumon (Digimon Adventure 01-02) Impmon (Digimon Tamers) Koli (Dragonball series OC) Yuyuko Saigyouji (Touhou) Marisa Kirisame (Touhou) Asbel Lhant (Tales of Graces) Sophie (Tales of Graces) Cheria Barnes (Tales of Graces) Pascal (Tales of Graces) Super Eevee (Pokémon - Super Eevee Edition) White (Pokémon - Gen V) Alder (Pokémon - Gen V) Serena (Pokémon X/Y) Diantha (Pokémon X/Y) Missingno (Pokémon) X-23//Laura Kinney (X-Men series) Dante (DMC: Devil May Cry) Zelda (The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword) Zelda (Legend of Zelda: Clockwork Empire - OC) Rayman (Rayman) Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians) Kat (Gravity Rush) Raven (Gravity Rush) Ken Marinaras (Zone of the Enders) Reimi Saionji (Star Ocean 4) Bacchus D-79 (Star Ocean 4) Meracle Chamlotte (Star Ocean 4) Rukia Kuchiki (Bleach) Retsu Unohana (Bleach) Yachiru Kusajishi (Bleach) Issei Hyoudou (Highschool DxD) Rias Gremory (Highschool DxD) Asia Argento (Highschool DxD) Akeno Himejima (Highschool DxD) Satellizer L. Bridget (Freezing!) Aoi Kazuya (Freezing!) Sieglinde Jeremiah (Lyrical Nanoha) Alpha (TOME) Flamegirl (TOME) Gamefreak (TOME) Nylocke (TOME) Shu (Blue Dragon) The Boss/President (Saints Row IV) Zinyak (Saints Row IV) Geoff Ramsey (Roosterteeth/Achievement Hunter) Michael Jones (Roosterteeth/Achievement Hunter) Cubix (Cubix) Xingcai (Dynasty Warriors) Gan Ning (Dynasty Warriors) Akihito Kanbara (Kyoukai no Kanata) Mirai Kuriyama (Kyoukai no Kanata) Akabane Raishin (Kikou Shoujo wa Kizutsukanai) Yaya (Kikou Shoujo wa Kizutsukanai) Satsuki Kiryūin (Kill la Kill) Nui Harime (Kill la Kill)
1) Original Impressions? 2) Current Impressions? 3) If you could choose what type the next Eeveelution would be, which would you choose and what name do you think it would have? 4) I have ideas, but I'll ask anyway. If you were to go on a Pokémon journey with any two other members of KHV, who would you choose? (Think like how Ash would have Misty and Brock, or whoever). 5) When shall we have a battle, good sir? 6) We like a lot of similar anime (woo Symphogear! etc), but specifically one of the things I remember when I first saw you was that of Yu Yu Hakusho. On that note, which character in Yu Yu Hakusho was your favorite and why? 7) I can only think of Pokémon related questions... so... You have six Pokémon on your team and they're all nicknamed after members from KHV. Which Pokémon are they and what KHV nicknames would you give them? 8) If you were able to do anything right this very second, what would you be doing? 9) Since I am a Godmod, if you could have me do any one thing to aid you in Cove, what would it be? 10) Anything else at all that you wanna say to me specifically?
Reserving: Akabane Raishin (Kikou Shoujo wa Kizutsukanai) Yaya (Kikou Shoujo wa Kizutsukanai) Played by Bushy Brow Bushy Brow (KHV-Reallife) Subaru Nakajima (Nanoha) Minato Arisato<DECEASED> (Persona 3) Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail) Emiya Shirou (Fate Stay/Night) Rin Okumura (Ao no Exorcist) Pedobear<DECEASED> (Theinternet) Simone [female Simon] (Gurren Lagann OC) Kamina [female Kamina] (Gurren Lagann OC) Madoka Kyouno (Rinne no Lagrange) Renton Thurston (Eureka Seven) Eureka (Eureka Seven) Anemone (Eureka Seven) BlackWarGreymon (Digimon Adventure 02) Pan (Dragonball Z/GT) Updated reserves list: Reserved by Bushy Brow Ruby Rose (RWBY) Lucy Heartfilia (Fairy Tail) Wendy Marvell (Fairy Tail) Ao Fukai (Eureka Seven: Ao) Holland Novac (Eureka Seven) Gekkostate (Eureka Seven) Truth (Eureka Seven: Ao) Shu Ouma (Guilty Crow) Inori (Guilty Crown)Kamijou Touma (A Certain Magical Index) Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun) Medaka Kurokami (Medaka Box) Zenkichi Hitoyoshi (Medaka Box) Mufasa (Lion King) Kakashi Bowie (Naruto: The parody of the abridged) Minato Namikaze (Naruto/Naruto: Shippuuden) Kushina Uzumaki (Naruto/Naruto: Shippuuden) Menma Uzumaki (Naruto:Shippuuden Movie 6 - Road to Ninja) Hinata Hyuga (Naruto/Naruto: Shippuuden) Killer Bee (Naruto: Shippuuden) Tsunade (Naruto: Shippuuden) Mei Terumi (Naruto: Shippuuden) James Heller (Prototype 2) Tohsaka Rin (Fate Stay/Night) Kirei Kotomine (Fate Stay/Night) Petta (Disgaea) Asagi Asagiri (Disgaea) Rozalin (Disgaea 2) Fuka Kazamatsuri(Disgaea 4) Coop (MEGAS XLR) Emilia Percival (Phantasy Star Portable 2) Mika (Phantasy Star Portable 2) Commander Shepard (Femshep) - (Mass Effect) Tali's ass (Mass Effect) Ulquiorra Schiffer (Bleach) Celty Sturluson (Durarara) Cthugha (Haiyore! Nyaruko-san) Haruyuki/Silver Crow (Accel World) Kuroyukihime/Black Lotus (Accel World) Kirito (Sword Art Online) Asuna (Sword Art Online) Kusanagi Godou (Campione!) Nanami Takatsuki (Dog Days) Millefiori Firianno Biscotti (Dog Days) Eclair Martinozzi (Dog Days) Rebecca Anderson (Dog Days) Gaul Galette des Rois (Dog Days) Isuka Makishima (Dog Days) Valério Calvados (Dog Days) Shana (Shakugan no Shana) Aria Holmes Kanzaki (Hidan no Aria) Kinji Tōyama (Hidan no Aria) Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière (Zero no Tsukaima) Saito Hiraga (Zero no Tsukaima) Kanade Tachibana (Angel Beats) Tsubasa Kazanari (Senki Zesho Symphogear) Chris Yukine (Senki Zesho Symphogear) Maria Cadenzavna Eve (Senki Zesho Symphogear G) Haruhi Suzumiya (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) Black★Devil Girl (Black★Rock Shooter) Great Black Sword (Black★Rock Shooter) Satan (Ao no Exorcist) Connor Kenway (Assassin's Creed 3) Yuffie Kisaragi (Final Fantasy VII) Wakka (Final Fantasy X) Auron (Final Fantasy X) Braska (Final Fantasy X) Sin (Final Fantasy X) Paddra Nsu-Yeul (Final Fantasy XIII-2) Yoh Asakura (Shaman King) Amidamaru (Shaman King) Gruntilda Winkybunion (Banjo-Kazooie) Tai and Agumon (Digimon Adventure 01-02) Impmon (Digimon Tamers) Koli (Dragonball series OC) Yuyuko Saigyouji (Touhou) Marisa Kirisame (Touhou) Asbel Lhant (Tales of Graces) Sophie (Tales of Graces) Cheria Barnes (Tales of Graces) Pascal (Tales of Graces) Super Eevee (Pokémon - Super Eevee Edition) White (Pokémon - Gen V) Alder (Pokémon - Gen V) Serena (Pokémon X/Y) Diantha (Pokémon X/Y) Missingno (Pokémon) X-23//Laura Kinney (X-Men series) Dante (DMC: Devil May Cry) Zelda (Legend of Zelda: Clockwork Empire - OC) Rayman (Rayman) Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians) Kat (Gravity Rush) Raven (Gravity Rush) Ken Marinaras (Zone of the Enders) Reimi Saionji (Star Ocean 4) Bacchus D-79 (Star Ocean 4) Meracle Chamlotte (Star Ocean 4) Rukia Kuchiki (Bleach) Retsu Unohana (Bleach) Yachiru Kusajishi (Bleach) Issei Hyoudou (Highschool DxD) Rias Gremory (Highschool DxD) Asia Argento (Highschool DxD) Akeno Himejima (Highschool DxD) Satellizer L. Bridget (Freezing!) Aoi Kazuya (Freezing!) Sieglinde Jeremiah (Lyrical Nanoha) Alpha (TOME) Flamegirl (TOME) Gamefreak (TOME) Nylocke (TOME) Shu (Blue Dragon) The Boss/President (Saints Row IV) Zinyak (Saints Row IV) Geoff Ramsey (Roosterteeth/Achievement Hunter) Michael Jones (Roosterteeth/Achievement Hunter) Cubix (Cubix) Xingcai (Dynasty Warriors) Gan Ning (Dynasty Warriors) Akihito Kanbara (Kyoukai no Kanata) Mirai Kuriyama (Kyoukai no Kanata) Akabane Raishin (Kikou Shoujo wa Kizutsukanai) Yaya (Kikou Shoujo wa Kizutsukanai)
...I have no reason for posting here really other than just wanting to. So hi. Have a heart, Nee-nee. <3 I just felt like giving you a heart...
You know... I can't believe I know nothing. I didn't know you were an admin until literally just now. Congratulations Nee-sama. You definitely...
New reserves: Akihito Kanbara (Kyoukai no Kanata) Mirai Kuriyama (Kyoukai no Kanata) Played by Bushy Brow Bushy Brow (KHV-Reallife) Subaru Nakajima (Nanoha) Minato Arisato<DECEASED> (Persona 3) Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail) Emiya Shirou (Fate Stay/Night) Rin Okumura (Ao no Exorcist) Pedobear<DECEASED> (Theinternet) Simone [female Simon] (Gurren Lagann OC) Kamina [female Kamina] (Gurren Lagann OC) Madoka Kyouno (Rinne no Lagrange) Renton Thurston (Eureka Seven) Eureka (Eureka Seven) Anemone (Eureka Seven) BlackWarGreymon (Digimon Adventure 02) Pan (Dragonball Z/GT) Updated reserves list: Reserved by Bushy Brow Ruby Rose (RWBY) Lucy Heartfilia (Fairy Tail) Wendy Marvell (Fairy Tail) Ao Fukai (Eureka Seven: Ao) Holland Novac (Eureka Seven) Gekkostate (Eureka Seven) Truth (Eureka Seven: Ao) Shu Ouma (Guilty Crow) Inori (Guilty Crown)Kamijou Touma (A Certain Magical Index) Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun) Medaka Kurokami (Medaka Box) Zenkichi Hitoyoshi (Medaka Box) Mufasa (Lion King) Kakashi Bowie (Naruto: The parody of the abridged) Minato Namikaze (Naruto/Naruto: Shippuuden) Kushina Uzumaki (Naruto/Naruto: Shippuuden) Menma Uzumaki (Naruto:Shippuuden Movie 6 - Road to Ninja) Hinata Hyuga (Naruto/Naruto: Shippuuden) Killer Bee (Naruto: Shippuuden) Tsunade (Naruto: Shippuuden) Mei Terumi (Naruto: Shippuuden) James Heller (Prototype 2) Tohsaka Rin (Fate Stay/Night) Kirei Kotomine (Fate Stay/Night) Petta (Disgaea) Asagi Asagiri (Disgaea) Rozalin (Disgaea 2) Fuka Kazamatsuri(Disgaea 4) Coop (MEGAS XLR) Emilia Percival (Phantasy Star Portable 2) Mika (Phantasy Star Portable 2) Commander Shepard (Femshep) - (Mass Effect) Tali's ass (Mass Effect) Ulquiorra Schiffer (Bleach) Celty Sturluson (Durarara) Cthugha (Haiyore! Nyaruko-san) Haruyuki/Silver Crow (Accel World) Kuroyukihime/Black Lotus (Accel World) Kirito (Sword Art Online) Asuna (Sword Art Online) Kusanagi Godou (Campione!) Nanami Takatsuki (Dog Days) Millefiori Firianno Biscotti (Dog Days) Eclair Martinozzi (Dog Days) Rebecca Anderson (Dog Days) Gaul Galette des Rois (Dog Days) Isuka Makishima (Dog Days) Valério Calvados (Dog Days) Shana (Shakugan no Shana) Aria Holmes Kanzaki (Hidan no Aria) Kinji Tōyama (Hidan no Aria) Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière (Zero no Tsukaima) Saito Hiraga (Zero no Tsukaima) Kanade Tachibana (Angel Beats) Tsubasa Kazanari (Senki Zesho Symphogear) Chris Yukine (Senki Zesho Symphogear) Maria Cadenzavna Eve (Senki Zesho Symphogear G) Haruhi Suzumiya (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) Black★Devil Girl (Black★Rock Shooter) Great Black Sword (Black★Rock Shooter) Satan (Ao no Exorcist) Connor Kenway (Assassin's Creed 3) Yuffie Kisaragi (Final Fantasy VII) Wakka (Final Fantasy X) Auron (Final Fantasy X) Braska (Final Fantasy X) Sin (Final Fantasy X) Paddra Nsu-Yeul (Final Fantasy XIII-2) Yoh Asakura (Shaman King) Amidamaru (Shaman King) Gruntilda Winkybunion (Banjo-Kazooie) Tai and Agumon (Digimon Adventure 01-02) Impmon (Digimon Tamers) Koli (Dragonball series OC) Yuyuko Saigyouji (Touhou) Marisa Kirisame (Touhou) Asbel Lhant (Tales of Graces) Sophie (Tales of Graces) Cheria Barnes (Tales of Graces) Pascal (Tales of Graces) Super Eevee (Pokémon - Super Eevee Edition) White (Pokémon - Gen V) Alder (Pokémon - Gen V) Missingno (Pokémon) X-23//Laura Kinney (X-Men series) Dante (DMC: Devil May Cry) Zelda (Legend of Zelda: Clockwork Empire - OC) Rayman (Rayman) Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians) Kat (Gravity Rush) Raven (Gravity Rush) Ken Marinaras (Zone of the Enders) Reimi Saionji (Star Ocean 4) Bacchus D-79 (Star Ocean 4) Meracle Chamlotte (Star Ocean 4) Rukia Kuchiki (Bleach) Retsu Unohana (Bleach) Yachiru Kusajishi (Bleach) Issei Hyoudou (Highschool DxD) Rias Gremory (Highschool DxD) Asia Argento (Highschool DxD) Akeno Himejima (Highschool DxD) Satellizer L. Bridget (Freezing!) Aoi Kazuya (Freezing!) Sieglinde Jeremiah (Lyrical Nanoha) Alpha (TOME) Flamegirl (TOME) Gamefreak (TOME) Nylocke (TOME) Shu (Blue Dragon) The Boss/President (Saints Row IV) Zinyak (Saints Row IV) Geoff Ramsey (Roosterteeth/Achievement Hunter) Michael Jones (Roosterteeth/Achievement Hunter) Cubix (Cubix) Xingcai (Dynasty Warriors) Gan Ning (Dynasty Warriors) Akihito Kanbara (Kyoukai no Kanata) Mirai Kuriyama (Kyoukai no Kanata)
There is in V. You see Trevor's at one point.
There is also killing, drugs, torture and theft among other mature rated content. Welcome to GTA. You must be new.
I regret nothing.