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  1. Bushy
  2. Bushy
  3. Bushy
    Just wanted to wish everyone a Merry New Year.
    Hope everyone had a good one. I know a number of us were excited about being greeted by Sherlock this year. XD
    Post by: Bushy, Jan 2, 2014 in forum: Community News & Projects
  4. Bushy
  5. Bushy
    Profile Post Comment

    Not brilliant really. You?

    Not brilliant really. You?
    Profile Post Comment by Bushy, Dec 29, 2013
  6. Bushy
  7. Bushy
    Profile Post Comment

    No. You?

    No. You?
    Profile Post Comment by Bushy, Dec 29, 2013
  8. Bushy
    Profile Post Comment

    It's late, but back at you.

    It's late, but back at you.
    Profile Post Comment by Bushy, Dec 29, 2013
  9. Bushy
  10. Bushy

    Mina's cheering stopped in an instant as she turned around to the one Yoko had addressed. Not the first guy who Mina wasn't sure she knew, but to the second guy who Mina remembered well enough from the hotsprings. That Ryoma guy Kamina had fought, and Mina had intervened with when people tried to stop the fight. Well... he was spouting some serious crap, and Mina wasn't gonna have any of it.
    "Hey hey hey hey hey!" Mina exclaimed at the top her lungs, as she stomped over to the guy and pointed a long finger at his chest as her face stopped short right in front of his so their noses were touching.
    "First of all! It is NOT Manly Spirit Crap! A true man values a sense of spirit! I guess that means you're not a true man!" Next, she leaned forwards so her forehead met his, and she bought up a second finger, jabbing both of them forwards.
    "Two! ...You DO NOT tell MY Yoko to be quiet! Unless you want me to shove that scarf of yours down your throat so you know the true meaning of quiet!"
    Suddenly, she pulled back and walked away towards the hanger, and raised a third finger to meet her other two and then pointed them to the sky as she turned to face Ryoma.
    "And... three." She said surprisingly calmly. "You keep talking all your talk about your Getter Robo. Well... I say talk ain't enough no more. You can make all the judgement you like about either of the Gurren's providing you can back up your own skill!"
    She dropped her arms to her side and let her hands fall on her hips as a smirk came over her lips. "Kick both their asses you say? Well, I'm Kamina too! So let's see you back up your tough talk! I bet your Getter Robo ain't got nothing on my Kokuren!" She gestured, jabbing a thumb behind her in the direction of her Gunman.

    Renton and the others meanwhile just watched all this helplessly from the sidelines.
    "Renton. I'm afraid I don't quite understand... is this a part of that 'bonding' that they were speaking of earlier?" Eureka asked from next to him.
    Renton had almost forgotten that Eureka was still trying to get in touch with the concepts of emotion and human relation to one another. It would be pretty surprising to most of the people here that Eureka was new to such things.
    "Uh... I guess you could say that..." he stumbled over his words unsure of how to explain himself.
    "Then why did you and I not fight in order to do this... 'bonding'?"
    "Wuh-wha-?! Us fight? I wouldn't fight you Eureka I lo- I mean uh... um..." He stopped himself suddenly. "Uh yeah, that's right! Because Nirvash! Nirvash chose me right?" He mentioned desperately, hoping the answer would be enough to satisfy Eureka.
    Ah. Yes of course. I understand."
    Phew... Thank god... He thought in relief.
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Bushy
  12. Bushy
    One thing I've noticed from my last post here actually is that I've chosen to hide smilies in my preferences so they only show as text.

    View attachment 37146

    However... the smiley is still showing (I apologize that the image blends into the background, since it's naturally a screenshot of the issue on the same background - I've tried to make it clearer, lol):
    View attachment 37147
    Dunno if that's down to KHV and a setting simply isn't working or if there is something else wrong perhaps on my end, but yeah. Figure I'd share it just in case.
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 21, 2013 in forum: Community News & Projects
  13. Bushy
    So, first of all I'd like to say...
    I love the new design (and thank god for fixes to the editor. The old one drove me crazy, lol). Well done and thank you for the hard work as usual. :)

    However, I would like to now make a request and hope this is the right place to do so. I haven't seen anything said about it anyway as of yet, but I know it's still fairly popular with a lot of members.
    Slim style...

    Will we be getting one again? And if it's not been thought about... can it please be considered again?
    There is a fair bit of divide with people who like the wide style and slim style, and I know it's not probably a priority right now, but options are always a nice thing right?
    So yeah, that's the one thing I wanted to throw in.

    Thanks again guys. Looking forward to exploring the new features of 8.0 XD

    EDIT: Damn it. I just looked in the thread again and realized that 'Fixed Width' has been mentioned. Before I posted, I ctrl F'd looking for the word 'slim'. No wonder I didn't see anything about it *facepalms*.

    TLDR; I love the changes, and consider this post a +1 for Fixed Width if possible.
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 21, 2013 in forum: Community News & Projects
  14. Bushy
    OOC: Big thanks to Dark for letting me borrow Leeron for this post.


    Mina, Simone and Yoko who was with the two had instantly been attracted by the commotion going on outside of the Dai-Gurren.
    They approached the ever increasing crowd on the Dai-Gurren's massive sword weiner, and watched. Mina showed keen interest while Simone showed her usual timidness and fear about what was going on.
    "They've been at this for ages." Renton explained from beside them in the crowd once Mina had obnoxiously pushed her way through and bounced people off of her bosom. Naturally, Eureka was right by his side, and next to her was Madoka who was cheering the two combatants on in earnest.
    "Dammit! I wanna get in on that!" Mina complained loudly as she watched the two shout at each other and square off.
    "Why haven't you already then?" Renton asked, assuming it was a natural thing for Mina to do by now. She wasn't one who particularly seemed to care about manners after all.
    "Because you wouldn't interrupt two people in bed together would you?"
    "Actually, honey... that sounds quite like you." Leeron said from beside Mina, in his usual super sexy awesome flamboyant tone.

    As the two continued their torrential slurs of insults towards each other, Mina began to complain about another issue as she watched on.
    "This is so tough!"
    "W-What is?" Simone stuttered from beside her.
    "I naturally wanna root for me, because it's me. But this chick is totally awesome and my style too. Who the hell do I root for?"
    "Both!" Madoka shouted in response while still cheering. "When both sides are working so hard, you can't help but want both to win! So why choose? The Jersey Club would naturally do it's best to support both of them!"
    "What is a Jersey?" Was what Simone wanted to know, but Mina spurred on by Madoka's comment went into overdrive.
    "Damn, this girl is smart. Why didn't I think of that?" She proceeded to clear her throat before shouting out with all her might. "Hey! Me! You better win! But you girl! Yeah, you in the ripoff robot! You better kick my ass too! Okay?! You both have my backing, so neither of you is allowed to lose!"
    "But... how can they both win if-"
    Leeron propped his hand on Simone's shoulder seemingly taking pity on the confused girl. "Alright sweeties, shows over, let's head back inside and let the idiot patrol have their fun, hm?"
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 19, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Bushy

    Simone let herself be led outside by Yoko. She felt kind of awkward remaining in the command room with the others anyway after Mina's outburst. She was grateful she had Yoko with her at the time.
    "Mina! Wait up! I think you forgot someone in there."
    Mina turned around at the mention of her name, and the mad look on her face from when she had pumped herself up earlier quickly vanished and was replaced by a grin. "Ah. So I did. Sorry 'bout that sis. It's just that Zero guy really písses me off."
    "D-don't worry about it. Yoko's been with me, so... yeah."

    Yoko seemed to sigh in response to what Mina had said as well. "Thanks for what you said back there. I don't think I could have said it better myself. Ever since I first saw that Zero guy, he's given me nothing but bad vibes. Even now I still don't trust him."
    "Don't worry about it babe. You know me. -...Well. The other me. Your me. But the me who is still me.- I speak my mind. Ain't nothin' ever gonna change that."
    Mina said as she casually leaned against the nearby wall, crossing her arms over her chest.
    "As far as I'm concerned, we're Team Dai-Gurren, and we always will be." Yoko paused for a second before continuing to speak after seemingly making up her mind. "So, uh...I've been meaning to ask...Did you have someone like me back where you come from? A male me, or something?"
    Mina looked puzzled by the question that Yoko had asked her. It seemed the red head had had it on her mind for a little while now.
    "Yeah. We have a Yoko. Handsome fella. Just as good with a gun as you are, naturally. Personally, I think you're way sexier than he is though." Mina cheekily smirked. "If you weren't so into the other me, I'd probably have made a pass at you myself." She nonchalantly added.
    "W-wait... Yoko..." Simone looked up at the older girl. "You like Kamina?"
    "Course she does, sis. Who can blame her. This is other 'me' we're talkin' 'bout here."
    She cut in, not missing the chance to compliment herself in the process. "He might be unable to see it himself, but I have my manly feminine wiles and intuition guidin' me here." She tapped her forehead knowledgeably ignoring the contradiction she had just made.
    "Wow... Yoko is so grown up."

    Mina let a frown show on her face which quickly turned into a pout... "You make it sound like I'm not."
    "Th-that's not what I meant sis!"
    Simone panicked not realizing Mina was simply teasing her.
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 5, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Bushy
    OOC: I shall be reintroducing the characters I used in the first Blood of Bahumut RP. So glad I was able to convince bully you into bringing this RP back. XD

    "I'm not just any firebreather... I am fire."
    Username: Bushy Brow
    Name: Jaden Kaylib
    Age/Grade: 17/Junior
    Gender: Male
    Species: Ifrit
    Appearance: (click) (No undershirt. Has a red bandanna tied around his left bicep.)
    Draconian Form: (click) (Has flaming wings as well.)
    Personality: A carefree guy who likes to take life easy. Generally kind to others and known as a bit of a joker. He does however know when to take things seriously and can become quickly hot headed in such situations. He has a strong sense of right and wrong and will always try to stand up for what he believes in. He can also be a bit of a flirt when confronted by pretty girls. He has a catchphrase of saying 'Booya' when he is happy or when something cool happens. It is safe to say that he is led by his emotions and his heart rather than by his head. He doesn't seem to let the fact that he is an Ifrit and is looked down at by everyone get to him... Well... sometimes anyway.
    Biography: Jaden's grown up like most other Ifrit's, looked down upon and despised. So... his way of dealing with it is basically by not dealing with it, unless someone really gets up front to him about it, or if he is witness to someone else being picked on for being an Ifrit, it is then he cannot stand still.
    His Grandfather recently passed away, leaving Jaden with no one else to care for him. So he's now been enrolled into Belloc as a new student. A late transfer as it were.
    Other: The bandanna was a possession of his deceased Mother. Passed to him by his Grandfather before he too passed away.

    "They say I'm as deadly as a bolt of lightning?"

    Username: Bushy Brow
    Name: Amelia 'Millie' Jupiter
    Age/Grade: 17/Junior (Student Council President)
    Gender: Female
    Species: Quetzal
    Appearance: (refer to banner)
    Clothing: (click) (The bright blue parts are purple though.)
    Draconian Form: (click) (Hair remains purple, Eyes remain Yellow, but she develops black schlera and her irises change shape to look more feral and wild.)
    Personality: Refined, responsible and elegant. Amelia is the type of girl who is nice to anyone. But if you tick her off... watch out.
    She always believes that if you're going to do something, you may as well give it everything you have otherwise... you're just wasting time. If you take the time to get to know her though, despite the whole refined image, she will open up to you and show a cuter more fun loving side, including a bit of a rebellious streak.
    Biography: Adopted into an Aristocratic family who own a fashion line she has been taught that failure makes you as bad as an Ifrit and that success in life is everything.
    Finally enrolled into Belloc, she believes that she finally has a chance to grow up on her own without her families interference and be someone who she wants to be. Although... old habits die hard when you've been raised a certain way your whole life. She has on occasion been away from school having to attend to family business, she is however eager to return every time.
    She is also the Student Council President.
    Other: Rarely shows her true form. When she does though, you can be sure that the end is near.
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 5, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Bushy
    Judging from the username, I sense that we have a 'Freezing!' fan in our midst.
    Welcome to KHV. It's always nice to see a new RPer on the site. It'll be cool to RP with you in future providing we end up in the same stuff, lol.
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 5, 2013 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  18. Bushy
  19. Bushy

    T'was simply the truth. lol
    But right... let me think...

    Weapon's person would be Arch I think. Since he has super powers when it comes to guns etc. That, and the dude knows a lot about zombies. I know this from zombie RPs. XD

    Medic... Hmm... I'm gonna say... Jayn. Her wonderful singing voice would soothe the soul and heal our wounds through the power of song and badassery. Because she has all of those qualities.

    A Scavenger... uh... **** it, I'll take the role because I have ideas of who I'd have for the other roles, but don't have one for myself. That's purely it. Besides, I do often pick up random things for seemingly no reason at times.

    The Distraction is easily Dark (DT). "Look at me, I'm a distraction. I'm distracting you." (personal joke ftw). That, and Dark is definitely expendable. *shot*

    A Herbologist would have to be Ashwin. I remember Ashwin always talking about cooking with various herbs and spices and stuff, so... that's my reasoning. He has some experience even if not in the way we'd need it to be. That and Ashwin is awesome. We'd need him on the team purely because of that level of charm he possesses.

    As for Watcher, I was gonna say Makaze at first because I don't think Makaze would miss anything with that attention to detail he possesses. However, since I'm unfortunately unsure if he would count (like if I have to choose only current members of KHV), so... I'd probably say you Hyuge. You've always had a good eye for detail and things too. That and you'd be an unreplaceable asset to the team anyway. Besides, I'd need you for moral support and just because you and Jayn are the ultimate pair. XD Our team would gain bonuses just by having you two in the team together. lol

    1) Nice girl. Don't really know her, but nice girl.

    2) Still a nice girl. I should probably talk to her more than I actually have. She's pretty cool.

    3) ...I don't understand the question, so I'm presuming you're saying 'fave'. My favorite RWBY character... that's tough because so far I absolutely love them all, but I've been loyal to Ruby from the very beginning, so I'd have to say her (as you can probably guess from my profile theme).
    I'll attempt to be amusing though and also answer the question of "If I could 'have' a RWBY character to be with?" Since it's possible but unlikely that's what you meant. I'd say Yang for sure. Her personality is definitely very suited to me I think. And amusingly enough, she's exactly like one of the characters from my novels I created years ago. lol

    4) I watch Roosterteeth every damn day. XD Literally, anything Roosterteeth I pretty much watch. I love Red VS Blue, and my favorite characters in that would be Caboose and Tex. I love all of the Achievement Hunter stuff (Let's Plays and everything else) and I don't have a favorite out of the Hunters because they're all fricking awesome. And yeah, I watch all the podcasts and stuff too. It's needless to say that working for Roosterteeth would be a dream job for me. I love their origins and everything. They're a true inspiration I'd say.
    Post by: Bushy, Nov 20, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  20. Bushy
    It's just a holiday for two weeks. lol
    Profile Post Comment by Bushy, Nov 18, 2013