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  1. Bushy
    ...I also remember when we had rep, and how that changed to likes, and how we used to be able to like posts because you could see a 'like' button.
    How the heck do I like a post now?! It changed?!
    EDIT: Nevermind. I found it.
    Post by: Bushy, Oct 2, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Bushy
    Site history huh...?
    Well, as of two years ago today, I left the site for what I thought could be forever (people told me it wouldn't be).
    But I was wrong (and they were right)...

    I'm back guys. Hi! (First post in two years go!)

    And well... I joined the site like 8 years ago or something like that? I was about 15-16 back then and I'm now 24. I graduated from University, and uh... got more jobs and stuff. I don't think I can say much else really. I'm much the same I guess, just my circumstances are different. I grew up I guess, as we all do.

    Okay, some site stuffs:

    I remember when Misty was/always is and forever will be 12.
    I remember spdude (and his famous lack of activity), and him, Misty and RvR were the only admins. Heck, I remember the vbulletin days like I'm sure many of us do before the move to xenforo.
    I remember when posts didn't count in the RP section. And it was a lot bigger.
    Is sig of the week still a thing? I remember that. And it was totally cool.
    I think there was something going on like KHV the Musical at one point? But I dunno what ever came of it.

    And... Eh. I can't be bothered to keep going with this list. lol
    To be honest, a lot of things have changed. And I mean not just since I joined, but within the two years I've been gone I notice a lot has changed. However, at the same time. It's still the same good old KHV. It's home.
    KHV was always and has always been special to me. It's grown over the years, and I feel I have with it, even if I was gone these last two years.
    I met many amazing people here, and I'm glad to see there are still a great bunch of said people still here. Others sadly are gone now from what I can see, but yeah. Maybe they'll return one day. I have after all.

    Either way.
    Missed a lot of you guys. Hope you're okay with this old Bush returning.
    Post by: Bushy, Oct 2, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Bushy
    Hey all, it's been a while for a lot of us anyway.

    A lot has been going on recently in my life, and I've now got full time work where I'll also be progressing into management and thus my time will become even more limited.
    I've not been around here lately all that much anyway, other than lingering in the corners of the RP arena and popping out of it now and then.

    I honestly when I first started KHV properly didn't think I'd ever be leaving this place in such a way.
    I have had some incredible times here with some great friends, and yes... as a number of us experience now and then, also drama with bad times and mistakes too. But I don't want this thread to be a downer for everyone.
    Life is just that, a mix of good and bad, and KHV life has been a big part of it, especially in helping me become who I am today.
    Things I regret? A few, yes.
    Things and friends I'll cherish? Many, for definite.

    There are many people here I'm going to miss, but as for everyone, feel free to keep in touch via Skype as usual.

    Some of you might be wondering why full time work would stop me from coming here since it wouldn't limit ALL of my time, and well... as I said, it's only partly the reason. As well as me just not being as active as I used to be anyway, there are just reasons now as to why I just don't feel like I wanna be here any more.
    In keeping with the rules of KHV though, I'd rather keep those matters private and away from the thread.
    Just know that I have good reasons for choosing to leave now as I am.

    I've learned a lot here, and gained a lot. For me, I won't forget these things.

    Wow... This is sounding dramatic... haha.
    Okay, screw the rest of the big speech and rambling.

    I just wanna say thanks really.
    To many of you who made my time here special, and fun and who became and still are great friends.
    I'd name names, but you all know who you are already more than likely, and I'm worried that I'll forget to name someone by accident and such. Besides that, there are many of you and yeah, this post has been long enough already.

    So yeah, thanks again.
    This is it I guess.

    Take care KHV,


    Some last minute craziness from me because... come on this is me. I couldn't leave without a little stupid crazyness, eh?
    (Click here - and apologies for the bad voice... XD ~ But I suppose this is a fitting thing in a way for me to leave on)
    Thread by: Bushy, Oct 2, 2014, 5 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  4. Bushy
    Recently been going through a lot of personal shizzle, and that just makes RPing here not possible any more.

    I'm sad to go considering, but there isn't really any other alternative now. It's more a matter of I just can't stay anymore.
    This is my retirement from the Cove for good~

    My characters or whatever, do whatever it is you need to do because... well... I'm gone, so it doesn't matter to me anyway.

    I just want to say a few words before I go:
    The Cove started off as and continued to be something great. Still is.
    I made some good friends here and also lost some good friends. Despite the fact I'm leaving, I will miss all of it. The good and the bad.

    Take care, and good luck with the RP.
    I wish all who remain and all who might join the best.

    Forever your friendly fúck-around Godmod;
    Post by: Bushy, Sep 26, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Bushy

    Everything seemed like a blur now, but the memory that remained would stay in their broken hearts forever, clear in the souls of every Zexis and Dai-Gurren Member present.
    The rain pounded mercilessly upon all of them and each of the mecha in the area, resembling tears from the many glowing eyes from the giant robotic faces. ...Tears that resembled the ones being shed by the pilots of those mecha.

    Nobody had been able to believe what had happened. Kamina back from the dead, and yet the man was a man who achieved the impossible time and time again. It had been easy to believe.
    The two brothers had inspired an impossible passion within the group, something that motivated everyone to keep fighting, and keep fighting they had.
    Right up until the last moment.

    Mina had just looked on with shock and tears at the edge of her eyes as her relieved heart cried out in joy that Kamina was STILL alive. The awe inspiring feat Kamina pulled off next had set ablaze a new resolution in not just her heart, but the hearts of everyone. That one massive drill being the legacy for all of the Team to follow behind forevermore.
    Sovereign had been defeated. By the man everyone had believed in. It was just... incredible.

    And then...

    The rain came, and now Mina, outside of Kokuren, and alongside everyone else just stared into the cockpit of the crying Gurren Lagann.
    Inside, the great man they had all followed was this time, truly dead, a gentle and peaceful smile upon his face revealing to all that he had finished what he had set out to do. That he had been able to go on his own terms.

    ...It was somewhat comforting, but at the same time there was just a horrible void within all of their hearts.

    Everyone cried openly.
    Simon on his hands and knees just screamed out in anguish, but Mina in her own stupor couldn't hear any of it.
    Simone stood next to her, just looking at the dead man in the cockpit, and then down to her 'brother' on the floor. She wanted to go to him and do anything to comfort him, but... she just couldn't. As much as she wanted to, her feet couldn't take those few steps forward. It was because she knew... NOTHING COULD comfort him. She knew that probably better than anyone here.

    Mina looked at the man who was the other part of her, and then at last tore her gaze away and up to the sky letting her tears mingle with that of the rain drops. She spoke to the man one last time with words deep from her heart knowing that he'd probably be looking down on them right now and asking them why they were still standing around.

    His final moments just cycled on repeat in her mind again and again. The greatness he had been able to achieve even when in the embrace of death itself. Kamina: The Man Who Had Achieved The Impossible.

    "...heh. How am I meant to catch up to that, you jerk."
    Post by: Bushy, Sep 4, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Bushy

    The scream that pierced through the air was incomprehensible, but at the same time... there was no doubt to what had just occurred either.
    Team Dai-Gurren's mighty leader - Dead.


    ...this can't be real...

    no way...

    what happened?


    why why why?


    Her scream seemed to last an age, not that she could hear it. In her ears resounded on repeat the scream that Kamina had last uttered, fading to nothingness before starting up again. Her otherself... dead.
    It didn't make sense.

    Kamina had closed the comms, and then a few seconds later, Mina had heard his voice again despite the comms having been switched off. She'd heard the scream, as likely the whole battlefield had.

    "S-sis? What just happened? That couldn't be could it? It just can't be?!"

    Mina didn't have the will to respond, instead she urgently grabbed onto Kokuren Lagann's controls and began to sprint across the battlefield, paying no heed to what was above them which had everyone fearful. Her mind was too far elsewhere.
    Closer and closer she ran until at last... she saw it in the distance. The broken remains of Gurren laying there on the ground.
    She grit her teeth hard, unable to even cry right now.

    "...damn it you, bástard. You're not meant to die. We're not meant to die.."

    She took a deep breath despite the agony in her heart and being shaken to her very core, putting on a brave face.
    Someone had to try and take control of the situation. It would be what Kamina would do. Everyone else was too shocked to do anything. Someone had to get everyone together.


    ...No. That wouldn't be what Kamina would do. Had she too been fooled by his bravado, the one that she shared with him? ...That isn't what he would do, or what she'd do. Both of them... they'd not know what to do. They'd... they'd...
    She froze. Her panic rising and her breathing becoming uncontrolled, sweat dripping down her forehead and to her chin.

    In fact, with her spirit completely shattered, Kokuren Lagann itself responded by doing the same, and completely shut down. The screens filled with a symbol version of Mina's face (sunglasses too) and a big red X over them to show the situation.

    Simone was completely terrified. She hadn't seen Mina this way since the latter had discovered the fate of her father. It left her feeling completely hopeless as she stared down below her feet to where she knew Mina was sitting, and then up to the wreckage of Gurren where Kamina was somewhere inside.

    "it's just hopeless... ......completely.. hopeless."


    The Nirvash was on the ground now, having retrieved its Ref-Board not long ago.
    Both occupants inside were shocked. Renton just couldn't believe it.
    Kamina... the man had always seemed invincible. Him dying was just... how? The man could do impossible things. Surely a man like him couldn't die? What had he once said to Renton... "A true man never dies. Even when he's killed."
    Everything Kamina had ever said replayed in Renton's mind. Kamina had been more than just a leader to Renton. He'd been a role-model... A friend, and almost in a way like an older brother or a lovable uncle.

    He turned to acknowledge the girl next to him in the other cockpit.The girl didn't ever seem to show her emotions, or was incapable of doing so, but... the expression on her face was completely different to what Renton was used to seeing. She seemed almost tearful, and that was combined with an expression of confusion. She... didn't understand did she?

    "I don't understand..." she confirmed. "I feel this... pain in my chest. My eyes feel hot and heavy like I'm holding something back. What is it?" she turned to ask Renton.
    Renton himself felt like crying, but instead, he choked back his tears and spoke softly to answer her. "That's called sadness, Eureka... You feel that way sometimes when something bad happens..."
    "I've... seen allies die before. So why do I feel this way this time?" she asked, looking back at the scene regretfully, her voice almost quivering.
    Renton sighed softly as he too turned back to look at the wreckage of the crimson mecha. "Because Kamina meant a lot to all of us... I..." but he couldn't say anything else. He didn't know what to say.

    He stared up at the giant thing above them that had fired the shot.
    He and Eureka had beaten something similar before when they had first come here by activating the Seven Swell Effect. But looking up at it... Renton couldn't see any hope.
    Kamina was gone, and they had an enemy above them who from what Renton could tell... nobody here even stood the slightest chance against.


    Madoka was with the others when she heard the scream. She was sat inside Midori and as everyone else contemplated what they should do... Madoka clutched at her chest, the tears coming to her eyes as she glared up at the enemy above them.
    "No one... was meant to get hurt in all of this... You... you... I won't let you hurt anyone else! ...Everyone! We have to do something! Ryoma! Come on! We can't just... quit... can we? ...Kamina wouldn't want that... right?" she asked, leaving the question hanging in the air helplessly.
    Post by: Bushy, Aug 22, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Bushy

    When all hope seemed lost, both Renton and Eureka were saved.
    From nowhere, the Getter Team had emerged like heroes with a new mecha and clutched them out of the air as well as saving them from the incoming lazer and missile barrage.

    "Hahaha! I was worried things were about to get boring!" Anemone squealed in what seemed almost like glee.
    TheEnd wheeled around in the sky and started descending rapidly at her new opponent, however... she found herself stopping in her tracks to just hover there in the air as the enemy sent an attack of its own her way. A single powerful beam headed right towards TheEnd.

    "Is that all you've got...?" Anemone asked rhetorically, seemingly bored again before the crazy look returned to her eyes even more fierce than before. "VASCUD CRISIS!"
    TheEnd began to charge up, orbs of energy forming at it's chest before unleashing a single powerful beam as well to collide with and cancel out the incoming attack.

    Vascud Crisis met the Getter Beam and the result was a massive explosion that made the very air seem to shake.
    "It's my turn now! Get ready to DIE-"
    It was however that very moment there was an explosion from below and then a message to retreat was issued to all Temporal Forces. "Tch... Way to ruin the fun," the girl complained as the others began their retreat all around her.
    "You!" she addressed to the pair piloting the Nirvash and the ones that had intervened to save them. "Next time... there won't be any interruptions. You'll be my toys to destroy. So don't get killed before I have my way with you."

    And thus, TheEnd turned and also retreated somewhat unwillingly at high speed until it was far out of sight of the enemy team known as Zexis.

    Renton sighed in relief once the battle seemed to be over. "Phew... that was something else... Thanks guys, you really saved us."
    "Nirvash wants to thank you too." Eureka monotonously chimed in as Renton addressed Ryoma, Hayato and Musashi via the installed comm screen.
    That enemy... just who is she? Eureka couldn't help but wonder.


    Mina huffed as sweat dripped down her forehead and off her chin, but the smirk on her face was massive.
    "Mina of ZEXIS-- no, just Mina. I'll remember this battle. Until the next time we meet." Cheval addressed her directly, his mecha turning to face hers.
    Mina had been surprised that he had survived her attack, but it truly showed just how skilled the geezer piloting that colossal green mecha was.
    "...Yeah. I won't forget either, Old Man. Ya got some skills, so I'll be watchin' out'fer ya in the next battle too. Ya can count on it."
    And with that, the enemy turned around and headed the other way, Kokuren Lagann also doing the same.
    "Th-that was amazing, sis! You did it!" Simone exclaimed as her face appeared on Mina's comm screen.
    "Haha. That were nothin', Simone. You can do it too, but yer' drill is gonna be even bigger than mine next time!"

    There was a calm now. The battle was seemingly over for the moment, so everyone of Zexis was able to relax and celebrate their current victory, although Mina seemed to ignore Zero's little speech to everyone in favour of contacting Kamina instead.
    "Hey, Kamina. I can do it too." she grinned at him as her face popped up on his screen, and his on her's.
    The two were both somewhere on the battlefield in different locations to each other having been split during the ensuing confusion of warfare. "Did'ja see it? Next time, let's both go after the Spiral King with that move. The bald freak won't stand a chance," she laughed heartily.
    Post by: Bushy, Aug 12, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Bushy
  9. Bushy

    The trap caught them instantly.
    "Shít! This guy ain't no push over!" Mina yelled out as the blades caught Kokuren Lagann's torso, threatening to crush the united Gunman if not for the two drills that had appeared at the points of impact, just cushioning the blow enough to prevent major damage, but none the less keeping the black mecha trapped between the giant war-axes.

    The fact was simple. This guy was good. Mina had been caught completely off guard thinking her sudden assault had given them the advantage when all along they'd played into this guys hands. Cheval's Emeraldan began to spin the weapons before flinging Kokuren Lagann away. The sheer difference in size and power sent Kokuren Lagann flying, but as Mina struggled to regain control, a smirk was all the while on her face.
    "But... that jus' means the tougher the opponent, the more meanin' there is'ta kickin' his ass!"

    "MINA OF ZEXIS! FALL TO A KNIGHT'S BLADE!" Cheval Reptail roared out as he threw the double bladed energy lance right on target.

    Mina's smirk remained even as the weapon sailed towards them, only to be blocked at the last second by Guy within GaoFighGar.
    "Mina, Simone, are you alright? He's too big and too powerful for conventional attacks. We're both going to have to give it everything we have and more if we want to stop him here!"
    "Tch. Who the hell do you think we are?" Mina asked rhetorically, still with her confident tone in her voice. "It'd take more than a pathetic attack like that'ta crush our united might."
    "Yeah, we're fine, Guy. Sis is with me, so everything is okay!" Simone spoke up from inside Kokuren Lagann's upper cockpit.

    Mina looked to Guy on her comm screen before nodding with the same fiery look in her eyes as ever. "Yeah. Sure. We'll do this together."

    Of course, she had completely forgotten (somehow) that for the whole time that Kokuren Lagann had been thrown through the air, and it had been descending at great speed since... it couldn't actually fly.
    It landed with a loud crash, skidding along the surface and leaving a crater in the ground before finally stopping.

    There was a pause for a moment before Kokuren Lagann stood up from its crater, proceeded to dust off the dirt on it, and then...
    "Now let me get this straight..." Mina continued talking like the incident hadn't even occurred in the first place.
    "Ya went and called me Mina of Zexis... and ya keep spoutin'ya dumb titles, but I'm tellin'ya now: Zexis this or that, Knight whatevers? None of that matters. I don't care. Not one damn bit, ya hear me old man? Kokuren Lagann here is piloted by me! Mina of Team Dai-Gurren, and my sis;"
    "Simone of Team Dai-Gurren!"
    "I don't need some fancy title'ta know what I'm fightin'for. I'm fightin' for the girl right here pilotin' with me. I'm fightin' for the man right next'ta me who jus' saved my ass. I'm fightin' for my comrades onboard the Dai-Gurren, and yeah, I'm fightin' for all our new allies too, sure." Kokuren Lagann started to take step after step forward, until it stood right next to GaoFighGar.

    "When yer' chose'ta raise yer'hand against those things I love, that was the moment you lost, buddy. I'll be the figure that takes all the blows from the front that come'ta hurt my Team, and I can do that 'cause I know I got all them guys watchin' my rear for me."

    She took in a deep breath as she piloted the Black Gunman to then walk past Guy, and slowly towards the giant green mecha that towered over them.
    This was just how it was meant to be. She would take the front here, and Guy would support her from behind. This was it.

    "And that is why... No matter how big'ya are! No matter what you guys throw at us! No matter what bullshít ya guys come up with... IT WILL NEVER BE BIGGER THAN OUR HEARTS! ...AND... IT'LL NEVER BE BIGGER THAN OUR DRILL!"

    Kokuren Lagann stopped when between GaoFighGar and Emeraldan, legs spread shoulder width apart, and it raised its hand into the air.


    Green light erupted from all around them and from Kokuren Lagann itself the very second that Mina had yelled out her resolve.

    As many small drills erupted from its body, they vanished, retracting back within the mecha. From its raised hand, one massive drill sprouted from nowhere and appeared above its head, bigger than Kokuren Lagann itself.


    The drill lowered, pointing directly at the enemy in front of them as it began to spin rapidly.


    The green energy erupting from the Giga Drill's base seemed to increase as it coated Kokuren Lagann with it, and then...


    Kokuren Lagann took off flying at high speed, spinning also as the green energy completely surrounded it and seemed to aid in propelling the mecha forwards like that of a super charged rocket towards its target; Cheval's Emeraldan.
    Post by: Bushy, Jun 28, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Bushy
    Genuinely surprised that I'm on this list considering I'm not around anywhere near as much as I used to be. lol
    Had to vote for Great Staff himself. (See what I did there?)
    Post by: Bushy, Jun 28, 2014 in forum: 2014
  11. Bushy
    Profile Post


    Status Update by Bushy, Jun 25, 2014
  12. Bushy

    Anya looked up at the teacher staring down at her, giving him a rather flat and uninterested look in response to his comments. He didn't know her name, but she couldn't care less. The address he had given her wasn't anything racial, and the hair comment was just to define her as his target... even though he was in front of her so it would have been obvious. Regardless...

    His comments about how the class had been moved got her attention. That was rather unfortunate, but she simply shrugged at him.
    "I was passing by. Does it matter when I get top marks anyway?"
    It wasn't a dig or sarcastic comment. She was created with a keen and superior intellect. She had been designed to be perfect after all. That had to include every part of her, otherwise how could she be considered to be perfect if there was one thing missing? Especially something as crucial as brain functionality. At any rate, she found classes boring and pointless which is why she didn't attend them. Just because of that though didn't mean that she didn't understand the content. She did - hence the proof with her marks. Of course... what good did such a thing do when you were stuck in this academy anyway.

    A paper was slammed down in front of her and she quickly scanned her eyes over it. Examining the names, she couldn't help but inwardly chuckle to herself - something she kept very quiet so as to not catch the attention of the professor.
    How obvious could the man be though?

    Everyone she had been seated with (apart from one of them) had been those who had been constantly getting detention as of late (herself included). It was the same little group, and they'd been conveniently placed together. Coincidence? Possibly, but more than likely not.

    Just what is the game here then? she quietly mused in her head. She honestly had no idea what could be going on, but she was sure that there was 'something' taking place in the wings at least.
    Post by: Bushy, Jun 14, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Bushy

    Mina was excited. Very excited.
    "Don't regret it, old man! Because my side is the only right one which means we'll win no matter what you throw at us!" she exclaimed with every ounce of breath in her lungs as Kokuren Lagann charged forwards as well to meet the much bigger mecha.
    "Sis! What are you d-doing?! Charging head on is just going to get us both killed!"
    "Have some faith in me, Simone. Ya think that I; The Great Kamina, am gonna fall here jus' because our opponent is bigger than us?"
    "No! Because size ain't everythin', but it's how'ya use it! Ya the one that taught me that, girl."
    Kokuren Lagann pointed its fist towards the fast approaching mecha and began to shoot out drills one after the other, lining the enemy mecha with them as some bounced off, some pierced lightly and embedded into the surface of the enemy, and some just plain missed entirely.
    "Look at yer'self, Simone. Look deep down inside yer'self. Ya may be smaller than me and the others of Team Dai-Gurren besides Gimmy and Darry, but... yer' heart is jus' as big as anyone else's if not bigger!"
    "M-my... heart?"
    "That's right! I told'ya before an' I'll tell'ya again! Our hearts are infinitely bigger than that mecha in front of us, Simone!"

    Kokuren Lagann closed the distance at last and then dug its heels into the ground to stop in its tracks before jumping up above the enemy as it sailed beneath them. With its fist clenched, two more drills appeared either side of the mecha's wrist, and it plunged down before making contact with the hull of the enemy mecha. The drills pierced through and created an anchor that kept Kokuren Lagann in place even as the big green giant they were on continued charging ahead.
    "When in doubt, ya jus' gotta believe like how I believe in you and myself. Believe Simone. Remember that we face forward against any challenge together. So believe in me. Believe in the me who believes in you."

    How did she do it time and time again? Mina's words had pierced right into (the apparantly massive) Simone's heart and warmed her soul with a burning fiery passion.
    "Yeah... You're right," her small hands gripped onto Lagann's controls tightly. "When you say it like that. It's easy. We're a united front, and our drill is stronger than anything this guy can throw at us!"
    "That's it, Simone! That's my girl!"
    From nowhere, Kokuren Lagann's other hand vanished as a single drill emerged to replace it in a green flash of energy.
    "Now let's show this old geezer our drill! The drill of Team Dai-Gurren!"

    And then the drill came down...

    "We're in trouble, Eureka! This other Nirvash is way too fast!" Renton yelled out as Nirvash swerved to avoid another barrage of missiles and laser blasts.
    "The killing intent is suffocating..." Eureka shivered in response as she too desperately tried to help Renton keep control of Nirvash, them making more desperate and daring moves to try and keep up and to attempt to avoid being blasted out of existence. It was clear though... as things stood, this was a battle they couldn't even hope to win. The other pilot of the Black Nirvash was just way above them in all aspects.

    "It's time to end this. This is getting boring." Anemone said with a snarl and a dull voice.
    "I'll erase you in the name of his majesty; The Spiral King! Die! Die die die die die die die!"
    TheEnd closed the distance to its enemy suddenly, showing that it had been toying with the white LFO all along. With a massive swipe of its claw, it knocked the Nirvash clean from its ref-board before swinging around and knocking it downwards.

    The two had flown up so high now, so Nirvash had a long way to fall, and no way to regain flight without its ref-board which had quickly vanished from sight.
    Up above, TheEnd launched another barrage of beams and missiles at its falling opponent, but seemed content in its victory to not give chase.

    There was no way to dodge. The blasts came at Nirvash at high speed, who had fallen all the closer back down to the battle below. If the blasts didn't kill Eureka and Renton, then the fall definitely would.
    Post by: Bushy, Jun 10, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Bushy

    Everything was crazy, and of course it would be. This was a warzone now. The chaos was everywhere.
    Kokuren Lagann flung itself into the air and landed on its feet, rolling backwards to avoid a mecha before plunging its fist drills into its side.

    The whole time, the majority of fighters were aware of Genome's personal struggle, and it was inspiring in a sense as well as heartbreaking. Mina had no time to send words of encouragement Genome's way though (not that she needed to with Kamina there) as a giant green mecha dropped from the sky and challenged Zexis directly.
    "Now that guy seems like a boss. I don't understand a thing he jus' said, but I can feel it in my blood." Mina observed... even though it was rather obvious from what he just said.
    "...Yeah. He gives that feeling, doesn't he?" Simone acknowledged.
    "Then it's up'ta us to fight him!"
    "What? b-but sis? We-"
    "Zexis and Team Dai-Gurren are lookin' at the two of us like leaders. It's what we gotta do, Simone! Two Leaders should collide head on in an explosion of manly fists, don't ya think?"
    "B-but, I'm a girl..."
    "Ya gonna let that stop'ya from bein' a real man?!"
    "Well... no, but-"
    "Right then! Let's do it, my girl!"

    Kokuren Lagann pulled the drills out from the enemy mecha it had just taken down, and let it drop to the floor before skulking over to the very very big green mecha that had arrived.

    Mina couldn't help but whistle at the sight of it now she was up close.
    "Dayum! This thing is huge!" She stared up at the colossal enemy that was nearly three times bigger than Kokuren Lagann.
    "Too huge! Sis, we can't win against something so big!"
    "'Course we can, Simone! Because our hearts are infinitely bigger!"

    Unannounced, Kokuren Lagann raised its finger into the air up high and then pointed directly at the Emeraldan in direct response to the challenge it had issued.
    "Hey hey hey hey hey! Number Three Cheval whatever ya called yer'self!" Mina's voice exploded from Kokuren Lagann's mouth. "I don't know who the hell you think you are standing so tall like that, but you're 'bout to take on Team Dai-Gurren's second in command, Mina! The woman who takes the blazing heat of the sun in her very hands and endures it with her strength of will! The very woman who rose up from the cracking earth and has defeated a Beastman for every star in the sky!"
    Kokuren Lagann's hand clenched into a fist as two drills emerged either side of it again. "You wanna cut us down? Well'ya gonna have'ta go through me first! And me and my partner's Kokuren Lagann right here, ya hear me? Our drill will just pierce right on through ya! So don't keep me waitin' and show us what'ya got!"

    Meanwhile, the battle between Nirvash and TheEnd continued high up in the sky.
    Renton could feel the sweat drip down his brow from the effort of trying to keep Nirvash at the same pace as its black counterpart. A feat that was quickly proving impossible. This enemy was just too quick, too powerful and frankly... too ferocious. Neither he 'nor Eureka had a chance to recover before the next salvo of attacks came, and Eureka was the more experienced pilot, making it all the more surprising that even she was struggling against such an opponent.

    "The Spiral King is gonna be happy with me. When you fall, I'll wipe out the rest of your pathetic resistance too. You'll all see how futile it is to resist his might!"
    Post by: Bushy, May 28, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Bushy
    Wow. This actually made me pink!

    Thank you so much! XD
    Post by: Bushy, May 23, 2014 in forum: Community News & Projects
  16. Bushy
    OOC: My apologies that this has taken so long. With the end of uni, and driving and everything else, it's just been chaos trying to do anything. At least it seems STRANGE has actually revived stronger than it was before this time.


    Anya was already in the library. She had headed there for several reasons, the first being that she wasn't intending on attending class.
    Her body was feeling rough and she frankly couldn't be bothered to surround herself with people. She had headed to where it was quiet, and screw the consequences. She thought back on the events of the previous day.

    She had truly thought for a moment that her words might have gotten through to that Lex kid. She'd let down her guard which was stupid of her, and she had paid for it. The second he had resisted, with greater strength than she had expected, she had been lifted off her feet and flung across the room and into a wall. That alone wouldn't have been an issue. She'd have stood up easily had that been all. Anya was created to withstand so much more.
    ...But no. Her one and only flaw had taken her down.
    She hadn't had the chance to resist for he had flung her right through the course. Specifically... the Rendium part, which had caused her entire body to shut down, and that had been that. No chance to recover.
    The White Room had come next, not that it mattered. All it did was serve to further torture her body. She did her best not to show it though. She'd simply kept her eyes closed as the nausea took over and her cells slowly seemed to comatise themselves. Eventually, they had been released and she was yet again dragged to her room before being tossed through the door and left there on the floor to recover.
    Thankfully, with no Rendium around her, her body had begun to get back in gear and heal itself. Her cells regenerated and thus here she was.
    She had naturally, no idea of the note telling her classmates to go to the Library, she had by pure chance and coincidence just been there this whole time. Rather unfortunate considering she didn't want to be around anyone.
    Post by: Bushy, May 11, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Bushy

    When the chaos around them erupted, the battle had started. The arrival of the former dead General Thymilph had Mina gritting her teeth. Especially as she heard Viral spout his nonsense. "A new body that never tires and can't be killed eh?" She asked rhetorically, her face flashing up on the comm screen of her comrades and on the enemies' comm screens as well just so they could hear her words. "That's funny. Cause... A true man never dies, even when he's killed! You think your dead body scares us, you oversized fur-ball? We've been going forward every day with bodies that never tire and can't be killed as well!" She announced. "I don' give a damn about any of your lame tricks, Beastman! None of us do! The other me beat ya ass before, an' he can do so again!"
    She stood at the front of her own group in a united Kokuren Lagann, having been put in charge of an assault team to battle enemy forces. "Listen up everyone!" She took charge, having cut off the communications with the enemy groups once she had said her bit. "All y'all focus now. The other me has that big oaf handled! So you jus' do what you gotta do and get these guys in front of us! I'll take the lead, so watch my rear, and when you guys lead, I'll watch yours! Zero blind spots! Let's show these guys not to mess with us!"
    And so they entered the fray, all crying their battle cry, all pumped up by Mina's passion.

    "When she says it like that, how can we not get pumped up?" Renton smirked, feeling his earlier lack of confidence washing away as Mina's magic worked and her words inspired him and everyone else.
    "It's odd..." Eureka mumbled.
    "I feel like... As long as we're here with these people, and as long as you and I have Nirvash with us. We'll be okay. We'll make it through as long as we don't lose each other."
    "Heh... Yeah. So you know what we have to do?"
    "We all gotta dig in and make sure none of us lose the other! Right?" Madoka chimed in from her own place on the battlefield, startling Renton as he didn't realise the comm channel had been open as they spoke, but still he nodded.
    "Yeah! With all of us, it'll be no sweat!"
    The Nirvash was on its Ref-Board up high above the battle, and battling any of the airborne enemies that it came across. While it wasn't the strongest of the Mecha in Zexis, it was by far one of the most mobile and fastest.
    "Renton! Nirvash says-"

    "Too late!"
    A salvo of lasers erupted from the great black LFO which was Nirvash's opposite.
    "Hold on Eureka!" Renton screamed as Nirvash twisted and looped around on its board at high speed, dodging the homing lasers and swerving back around, but by then TheEnd had closed the gap between them.
    "It's that girl!"
    "I know, but... why is she here?!" The two clashed back and forth, TheEnd firing off more lasers at close range forcing Nirvash to dodge or be blown to bits. The battle drove the two higher and higher at great speed. It was so fast that even other flying mecha would have difficulty keeping up with them. They'd have been impossible to track if not for the array of explosions above like fireworks signalling their location now and then.
    "The Spiral King sent me to clean up here, and lucky me." Anemone hissed. "I found a big mess to wipe off the face of the planet!"
    Post by: Bushy, Mar 13, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Bushy
    Haha! I'm still a long way off. I've been in the 900's for about a year or so now as it is. XD
    Post by: Bushy, Mar 8, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Bushy
    I've been around. XD
    I just... haven't posted much for some reason. A mixture of being busy with uni and work and other things I guess (so much to do right now... so chaotic... so little time). I mainly post in the RP sections now'a'days, but as things settle, I'll try and work my way back soon to the usual sections. lol
    I still talk to people on skype though fairly often so yeah. I dunno if you have my skype. I think I've got it written on my profile page though. Add me if you feel like it and we can have a catch up session~
    Post by: Bushy, Mar 8, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Bushy
    Holy cow.
    Some of these suggestions are amazing. XD

    I'm still giving it some thought. But yeah. Thanks so far. lol

    Awesome! Have you got a name for yours yet if you're naming it at all?
    Post by: Bushy, Mar 8, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone