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  1. Bushy
  2. Bushy
  3. Bushy
    Sure! Let's go with something like that. XD
    Post by: Bushy, Oct 9, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Bushy

    Post by: Bushy, Oct 8, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Bushy
  6. Bushy
  7. Bushy
    Said it already, but it's good to see you back, Enzy.
    Our return marks! ...uh... it marks!...

    ......Just welcome back. XD
    All the great movies have their heroes return at some stage after time away. This will be something like that. ;)
    Post by: Bushy, Oct 8, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Bushy
  9. Bushy
  10. Bushy
  11. Bushy
    I might as well jump on this fun fact train too:

    • I actually lurked on this site without an account for a good year or so before I joined, all for the KHV Code Vault, but I never really felt too much of a need to get involved myself. I later joined up for RPs and the like, but got quickly pulled to other sections too thankfully.
    • I was the guy who wrote and sung (badly) the "KH-Vids.NET!" version of YMCA for a KHV Chrous way back when, found here.
    • I also used to do vlogs, that I now cringe about when I think of them (and have just removed from my youtube outright... lol)

    • I've dated three people on this site, although none of the relationships ended that well. XD ~Long distance has just been pretty crappy in my experience (but some people make it work!), although I was able to meet two out of the three once or twice at least which was cool back then.
    • I had a 'thing' with another person on the site, but it didn't evolve into anything further.
    I'm gonna avoid saying names though since while these are fun facts, it might not be fair of me to do so on them.
    There are probably others I can't think of right now, but eh.


    • I have a threesome thing going on at the moment with Bueno and Arch (and neither of their other halves know!)
    ...That last fun fact was a lie. FACT. (We totally should though...)
    Post by: Bushy, Oct 8, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Bushy

    Thanks. I really intend to. And yeah, it's different, but it's still everything I hoped it would be.

    *more hugs because hugs are awesome*

    Will. Do.

    You did give me a chuckle, I must admit. And much thanks, Spike-dude~ XD

    That was part of the hope, but it's great to see you again, Enzy! Missed you a lot!
    Great people and nostalgia! I know exactly what you mean. XD

    That's the plan, dude. Thanks a bunch.
    Hopefully I'll get to see an RP of yours or two crop up eventually? I was rereading a bunch of the old ones the other day. So many feels. lol
    Post by: Bushy, Oct 8, 2016 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  13. Bushy
  14. Bushy
  15. Bushy
  16. Bushy
  17. Bushy
  18. Bushy
    I posted this, exactly two years ago.
    And well... here I am again.

    I really missed this place. KHV was a big part of my life for a good bunch of years, and I made many friends here and had a lot of experiences. I really did a lot of growing up on this site. So... it was only natural that I'd return one day I guess.

    I have to say a big thanks to Bueno and Arch as well. If it weren't for them pushing me on, I may not have chosen to come back today.

    I see a lot has changed in two years, but also a lot feels really familiar.
    As I said in that old people nostalgia thread a few moments ago, it feels like I'm back home again. Looking forward to reconnecting with you all. It's been too long really.
    Thread by: Bushy, Oct 2, 2016, 11 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  19. Bushy
  20. Bushy