... "Roads? Where we're going... we don't need... 'Roads'. ~ Kay. I'm done now. ... Now I really am. XD
Reserving the following: Alpha (TOME) Flamegirl (TOME) Kirbopher (TOME) Gamefreak (TOME) Nylocke (TOME) Updated play list: Played by Bushy Brow Bushy Brow (KHV-Reallife) Subaru Nakajima (Nanoha) Minato Arisato<DECEASED> (Persona 3) Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail) Emiya Shirou (Fate Stay/Night) Rin Okumura (Ao no Exorcist) Pedobear<DECEASED> (Theinternet) Simone [female Simon] (Gurren Lagann OC) Kamina [female Kamina] (Gurren Lagann OC) Madoka Kyouno (Rinne no Lagrange) Renton Thurston (Eureka Seven) Eureka (Eureka Seven) Anemone (Eureka Seven) Updated reserves list: Reserved by Bushy Brow Lucy Heartfilia (Fairy Tail) Wendy Marvell (Fairy Tail) Ao Fukai (Eureka Seven: Ao) Holland Novac (Eureka Seven) Gekkostate (Eureka Seven) Truth (Eureka Seven: Ao) Shu Ouma (Guilty Crow) Inori (Guilty Crown) Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun) Medaka Kurokami (Medaka Box) Zenkichi Hitoyoshi (Medaka Box) Mufasa (Lion King) Kakashi Bowie (Naruto: The parody of the abridged) Minato Namikaze (Naruto/Naruto: Shippuuden) Kushina Uzumaki (Naruto/Naruto: Shippuuden) Menma Uzumaki (Naruto:Shippuuden Movie 6 - Road to Ninja) Hinata Hyuga (Naruto/Naruto: Shippuuden) Killer Bee (Naruto: Shippuuden) Tsunade (Naruto: Shippuuden) Mei Terumi (Naruto: Shippuuden) James Heller (Prototype 2) Tohsaka Rin (Fate Stay/Night) Kirei Kotomine (Fate Stay/Night) Petta (Disgaea) Asagi Asagiri (Disgaea) Rozalin (Disgaea 2) Fuka Kazamatsuri(Disgaea 4) Coop (MEGAS XLR) Emilia Percival (Phantasy Star Portable 2) Mika (Phantasy Star Portable 2) Commander Shepard (Femshep) - (Mass Effect) Tali's ass (Mass Effect) Ulquiorra Schiffer (Bleach) Celty Sturluson (Durarara) Cthugha (Haiyore! Nyaruko-san) Haruyuki/Silver Crow (Accel World) Kuroyukihime/Black Lotus (Accel World) Kirito (Sword Art Online) Asuna (Sword Art Online) Kusanagi Godou (Campione!) Nanami Takatsuki (Dog Days) Millefiori Firianno Biscotti (Dog Days) Eclair Martinozzi (Dog Days) Rebecca Anderson (Dog Days) Gaul Galette des Rois (Dog Days) Isuka Makishima (Dog Days) Valério Calvados (Dog Days) Shana (Shakugan no Shana) Aria Holmes Kanzaki (Hidan no Aria) Kinji Tōyama (Hidan no Aria) Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière (Zero no Tsukaima) Saito Hiraga (Zero no Tsukaima) Kanade Tachibana (Angel Beats) Haruhi Suzumiya (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) Black★Devil Girl (Black★Rock Shooter) Great Black Sword (Black★Rock Shooter) Satan (Ao no Exorcist) Connor Kenway (Assassin's Creed 3) Wakka (Final Fantasy X) Auron (Final Fantasy X) Braska (Final Fantasy X) Sin (Final Fantasy X) Paddra Nsu-Yeul (Final Fantasy XIII-2) Yoh Asakura (Shaman King) Amidamaru (Shaman King) Gruntilda Winkybunion (Banjo-Kazooie) BlackWarGreymon (Digimon) Pan (Dragonball GT) Koli (Dragonball series OC) Yuyuko Saigyouji (Touhou) Marisa Kirisame (Touhou) Asbel Lhant (Tales of Graces) Sophie (Tales of Graces) Cheria Barnes (Tales of Graces) Pascal (Tales of Graces) Super Eevee (Pokémon - Super Eevee Edition) White (Pokémon - Gen V) Alder (Pokémon - Gen V) Missingno (Pokémon) X-23//Laura Kinney (X-Men series) Dante (DMC: Devil May Cry) Zelda (Legend of Zelda: Clockwork Empire - OC) Rayman (Rayman) Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians) Kat (Gravity Rush) Raven (Gravity Rush) Ken Marinaras (Zone of the Enders) Reimi Saionji (Star Ocean 4) Bacchus D-79 (Star Ocean 4) Meracle Chamlotte (Star Ocean 4) Rukia Kuchiki (Bleach) Retsu Unohana (Bleach) Yachiru Kusajishi (Bleach) Issei Hyoudou (Highschool DxD) Rias Gremory (Highschool DxD) Asia Argento (Highschool DxD) Akeno Himejima (Highschool DxD) Sieglinde Jeremiah (Lyrical Nanoha) Alpha (TOME) Flamegirl (TOME) Kirbopher (TOME) Gamefreak (TOME) Nylocke (TOME)
It was time for some good hearty munching. That's right. Deadpool had cooked up a storm, which was something the mighty and handsome Godmod, Bushy greatly appreciated. He was starving and so he... he ate. All 1000 pancakes. However, despite having read the post before hand, and despite not wanting to promote drug use... He should have prepared better. Because now you see... The Cove would have to deal with Bushy... when he was high. Now because the RPer is not high himself, and can't be bothered to make a banner of High Bushy, none of you get to enjoy seeing me (him. ((I mean 'I'... or... Me that is him who is I?)) (((Wait, is this the return of the multiple brackets?))) ((((apparantly so...)))) Random). Regardless... The pancakes tasted so good, and they apparantly made Bushy feel good. And that's a good thing sure, except... well, I've never been high irl, so forgive me if I don't act it well in the RP (I mean he? ...Bushy is me and I am Bushy. Let's just clarify it's the RP me who is the real me who is typing as the RP me because of- ...You know what, you've heard this all before dear reader. I shall not bore you again ((but in reality, I probably will because I promise you nothing!)) Random full stop here just because multi brackets!. (((I don't care if the punctuation of the full stop next to the exclamation mark is wrong. I'm a godmod. I can recreate punctuation if I want to.))) That's right. ...Getting back on topic.) LOCATION CHANGE!!!!!!! *flashing lights and sparkly things* ~Location changed~ "HEY! I'M COMMANDEERING THIS VESSEL!" Bushy yelled from somewhere in the sky - AT THE GALLEON... while he was staring away from it. ...Then he was struck by the speeding ship. ...That hurt. Or did it? Bushy could godmod the pain away, but he was so high, he probably didn't feel a thing anyway. ...Peeling himself off the ship with a giant spatula (because why the HELL not?) Bushy proceeded to get down to business. ...Or maybe not because forgetting physics, he was simply hit by the ship again as it proceeded along it's direct path. ...Getting fed up of the fact this kept on happening after 6 more attempts, Bushy phased through the ship and landed flat on his face in front of everyone on board. "Right!" He spoke with his face still embedded into the floor and raising a finger upwards like nothing was wrong. "Some of you numskulls and cuties shouldn't be here. I have been told to come here by the powers that be to fix this. But first of all... can we please stop the world from spinning?" Except that stopping the world of Disgaea from spinning would likely fúck things up a lot, and that would be plot so Bushy didn't actually do it. With his face still stuck in the floor, he started pointing at people, pinpointing each one accurately without even needing to look at them. "You, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, AND!!! You! And maybe you! No not you! You, yes you! Okay uhuh and you. And anyone else I need to sort! BUH BYE!" And suddenly, with a snap of his fingers, giant holes appeared in the ship's floor under the following characters and they plummeted to the depths below: "Oh right. I forgot." Not wanting to kill the characters who were falling from great height, Bushy snapped his fingers yet again and parachutes auto equipped to them and auto deployed. But... Bushy had also godmodded a change to the characters ejected. All as punishment for them messing up and because frankly... he was high and wanted... LOLI CATGIRLS! That's right people! I'm gonna put this in bold, red and massive text so NO ONE MISSES IT! (INSIDE A SPOILER SINCE IT'S GONNA BE BIG... - BOWCHIKABOWOW! THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID! *Is shot by Deetie from somewhere for getting too sidetracked...) Spoiler: New temporary rule ~EVERYONE WHO HAS JUST BEEN EJECTED (As well as Deadpool, just because I feel like it) IS NOW A 'LOLI CATGIRL' VERSION OF THEMSELVES FOR A SINGLE POST! THIS MEANS THAT WHEN YOU NEXT POST THEY ARE LOLI CATGIRLS FOR THE DURATION OF IT. I WANT TO SEE GENUINE REACTIONS AND NO SWITCHING THEM BACK TO NORMAL IN THAT POST EITHER. THEY'LL BE SWITCHED BACK TO NORMAL IN YOUR NEXT POSTS AFTER THE FIRST LOLI CAT-GIRL POST. NO EXCEPTIONS! I DON'T CARE WHETHER THEY WERE DUDES BEFORE OR WHAT, THEY NOW HAVE GIRL PARTS, ARE LOLIS AND HAVE CAT EARS, TAILS AND OTHER CAT LIKE FEATURES! And with that, Bushy ejected himself from the Galleon too and fell down to Earth hard, creating a small crater in the ground from the impact of where he landed. Ouch... Even I felt that."Deetie... I wanna go home now." He mumbled from his crater. "And bring me Levi... I miss my cute loli gir-" And... he passed out before he could finish the sentence.
I'm kinda confused with this statement. :/ There has been a fair bit of interaction from what I've seen. Not to mention I had one of my characters interact with yours. Now if you're referring to the fact that some people who joined this RP have yet to post entirely, then yeah. I can get that. But yeah... I don't get what you mean.
[/url] Dragoness lay in a heap on the ground. Her attack had worked. The Tanker had been downed and heavily damaged. That had made the risk worth it, even when the giant behemoth had stood back up. On the floor, the young Dragon Girl was a bit of a mess. The moment she had collided with the towering destroyer, the impact had shattered several of her claws after they had pierced through it's tough armor, and cracks had traveled along her armored scales - some breaking entirely from the sheer force. Thankfully none of her bones seemed to be broken, but it didn't change the fact that she hurt all over. She tried to push herself up, but the pain threatened to overwhelm her. If she wasn't careful, she could black out and her transformation would possibly wear off entirely. Still, again she reminded herself that while she was suffering the consequences of her reckless attack, something her father might reprimand her for later. She was still proud. Her teammates now had an increased chance of winning, especially since they seemed to have some sort of plan and now The Ghoul had also joined the battle. The main problem for her now was... frankly, she was currently not going to be much help to them. That, and she was in danger's path by being in the middle of the battlefield like this. Blood from her wounds dripped through gaps in her scales as she dragged herself along the ground with slow progress. "It's going to take more than this to keep a Dragon grounded..." She mumbled to herself, gritting her teeth. Her Dragonic impulses screamed out to her, but she kept them in check. ...As much as she wanted to get back into the fight, already something else was coming to her. A sense of strange calm. ...Why? What was coming? Or already here? Regardless, she knew what this feeling meant. The battle was in it's final stage one way or another. With or without the Allies. It was going to come to a close very shortly.
Lunch time, and I realize only then just how eager my stomach actually is for the horrible food I've become so accustomed to from the Cafeteria. I begin to make my way there when I hear a commotion. I'll cut straight to the point. I'm a normal guy. I'm no hero. I'm not the sort of guy who would jump to the aid of a damsel unless I had to. ...Anymore. Alright, I can't deny it. I'm not that much of an ásshole. I wouldn't ignore someone if I saw something unfair happening. Especially as I recognize the girl being brutally picked on. She's the Student Council President, and one of those who also goes to that... 'place'. The place I once was a part of. My mind lingers on the bag that is now in my room... The old me wouldn't have hesitated. The other me wouldn't have wasted a second, but here I stand. I know I'm the worst type of guy as I stand here doing nothing just like the rest of them. But what can I do? It's none of my business really. 'The old you wouldn't have cared.' Something within me chastises myself and I realize... Does being a normal guy mean I have to be ignorant? ...Spirits waver in front of my vision but I push them away and tear my sight back to the girl with sauce all over her once perfect uniform. Dammit... I'm the worst. ...I want to step forward, but I'm rooted in place all the same. When one of them grabs her shirt and lifts her to her feet. My fist is clenched so hard my knuckles are white. God damn it, Kato. What are you doing?! 'Some hero you are.' I'm not a hero. Not anymore. She's shoved into a wall, and I finally step forwards, but it's too late. They're already leaving. ...That wouldn't have stopped the old me. The me I left behind. ...I want to call out after them. I feel the need to do something reckless, but I'm cut off by... 'her' appearance. Spoiler: Who "she" is: She's walked past me, but I saw the look in her eyes. Disappointment. Akira Kyudo... she was my last challenge before I left. She had made a deal with me back then. If she won, I'd stay in Leznaroth. If I won, she wouldn't dispute me leaving. I somehow barely won. Obviously, that's why I'm standing here as I am today. But now... I feel that I've lost. I've lost much. That's what her eyes told me. She was thinking exactly what I was thinking, and more so, she knew I too was thinking it and yet still made myself be powerless when I myself had the power to try and do something. My eyes followed after her and I realized that Council President Mya was gone. Akira had followed after. ~ Akira didn't know Mya that well. She just knew she was also from Leznaroth, but even if the girl hadn't been from Leznaroth like her, that wouldn't have changed Akira's current actions. She moved quickly away from Kato Shugo and followed after the President and into the back room. For a moment as their eyes met, Akira said nothing. Instead she produced a packet of wet wipes. She tended to keep a set in her locker in case of emergencies. She placed them down on the table before turning away. "You're proud, President. I admire how you care about your reputation. I know I don't know you that well, so forgive me if my comment seems over the line. But reputation aside, you are still a person. Elf or Human doesn't matter, you're a person. You're entitled to get angry." She opened the door and stepped out of the room without another word. The direction she went was that of the way those guys had gone.
Already, Anya's mind was at work. She examined the course as the S-Class (like her) Coach told them what to expect. Her mind already picking out the flaws in the course that she could exploit, and the difficulties she was gonna face. Her attention however was next divided to a list. ...Having to work with a partner. This wouldn't go well. Anya didn't work with others. She couldn't afford to be held back, and that's what most people would do. The end result for the times she had been partnered was usually that they had been taken out of commission a few minutes into the task. Usually by Anya herself. Frankly, nobody wanted to work with her now and she didn't want to work with them either. Regardless, she made her way over to the list to see who the useless sod was that she'd be working with. Team 11 - Nix. ...Alright, Anya actually took it back. For once, luck had been decent to herself and her partner was frankly... one of the only people in the entire academy that she didn't mind. Nix was capable and at least understood not to get in her way, and vice versa. They had that mutual understanding as usual. Yes. This wasn't actually bad at all. "Anya." The voice came from next to her. "Nix." She responded in kind with a nod of her own. There was a brief silence between the two for a second as they both contemplated the same thing. The course. Then... Nix was the first to break the silence. "What do you think?" "The start of the course won't be a problem for either of us. Anything that gets in our way I can cut through, or you can fly around/over. If anything stops one of us, which I don't see it doing, the other of us could easily aid and cover for any possible problems. The only problem part of the course will be the Rendium. I'm not one to admit I have weaknesses, because I generally don't, but I'm not one to lie either and my major flaw is how vulnerable I am to the damn stuff. You've seen how badly I'm affected by it. I'm pretty much bought to the verge of death. To a coma or hibernation like state if you prefer, if there is enough of it. It depends on how thick the layer of Rendium in the course is." Another pause came over her. ...This was probably the most she had spoken for weeks. She wasn't used to it. She looked Nix in the eyes, as odd as her own. "I won't deny it, Nix. I'll be pretty much useless once we hit that part of the course. In some cases a corpse. If I'm unlucky, while I like to think I'm invincible for the most part, I could really become a corpse if I don't get out of there fast enough." She stopped there, letting that thought take to the air for a second. To give him a moment to realize what she actually meant and how serious she was. Anya hated admitting weakness. She was designed to be perfect. But this was a major flaw. It was like denying who she was or what she was meant to be. But Anya had always been straight forward if brutal in her attitude. She was still proud of what she was. Whatever she was. And she felt that in the entire place, Nix was probably the one guy who wouldn't take advantage of what she was telling him or try to use it over her. That's why right now she was being honest when she could have just as easily stayed quiet or point blank refused to do the course. It's not like she cared about an extra 10% boost to her grade. But this was a different matter entirely. This was a matter of pride in one sense, and a matter of facing herself and the entire academy at that. "I'm still prepared to face it though. No matter what that may mean." She finished. She wasn't scared at all, not in the slightest. This was just yet another reality to overcome. She'd make herself survive. If she couldn't survive this, then she simply wasn't good enough. She'd simply failed what she was designed to be and in that case, didn't deserve to exist. There was no place in the world for someone who had failed their purpose. Who had no reason to exist anymore. That's why... Anya's main fight was for the right to exist. "What are your own thoughts?" Anya asked him. She expected he'd realize she was asking several things with her question. How he felt he'd cope with the course itself and the Rendium, and what he thought of what she just told him and whether he thought she'd still be a decent partner to him with such a handicap.
Some time later (from when I last posted)... The majority of people had settled into the hot springs. The supernaturally godmodded warm waters soothing their spirits and fatigue. However... as usual there was one soul that couldn't be soothed. "I don't like that guy! Not one damn bit!" Mina exclaimed for the fifth time as she fumed over the one that called himself Zero and the formation of this new team; Zexis. "I don't mind getting more team mates, sure. But why can't they join Team Dai-Gurren?! That's how we have always done things! And I don't like that... that guy. Not one damn bit." Meanwhile... Renton who was nearby was blushing furiously and trying to keep his attention diverted. Mina threw an arm around Kamina as she continued to complain. "And your name you came up with! The Dai-Dai-Gurren! Genius!" For you see... while the baths had indeed been designed with a big wall in the middle of them to separate the genders. Mina had remained on the side of the males, and yes... she was indeed completely bare without a care in the world. "Why are you on this side?!" Renton had exclaimed. "Because, I have a manly spirit of course." Then she had peeked over at the big dividing wall. "But... I hate that this big dumb wall is in the way. I wanna see Yoko, with those lovely big mountains and that slender narrow valley of hers." She had emphasized by grabbing her own 'mountains' with both hands. "But you can go to that side any time!" "Where is the challenge in that?! Any prize worth winning has to be earned!" Renton had sighed, never having dealt with anyone like this before, and from also trying to keep his gaze averted. "Come on kid. I know you know what I mean. I've seen how you look at that cute girl who was with you. You've got the hots for her eh?" "Wha-whawhawha! I- I!" "Haha. You're so obvious. Come on... you know you want a peek right?" ""Well... I... I mean... it'd be ni- BUT I SHOULDN'T. Although... maybe a littl- NO! I can't do that to her... but... maybe just... NO!" He sunk himself deep into the water as he suffered with his dilemma. Meanwhile... on the other side of the wall... A different kind of situation was going on entirely. But that'd have to be continued in a later post, so Bushy had typed.
♦ Full Name: Akira Kyudo ♦Nickname: Aki ♦ Title: The Seeker of Lost Truth ♦ Appearance: (click)/(click) ♦ Fantasy Appearance: (click) ♦ Age: 16 ♦ Race: Human/Sage ♦ Class: Range Master ♦ Weapon: Energy Bow ♦ Occupation: Student ♦ Personality: Withdrawn and quiet to most people, Akira is looked at with a sense of admiration in school. A straight A+ student and a brilliant athlete when outside the classroom, Akira emits an air of mystery about her which makes her the envy of a few of her classmates and the bane of some others. She just gets on with things at her own pace and puts 100% into the things she does, because... if you're gonna do something, what is the point of not giving your all the first time? One of the few times she really comes out of her shell is when she goes to Traska Lake Park and is transformed into her 'alternate' self once with the others in Leznaroth. ♦ Group: N/A ♦ Group Name: N/A ♦ Other: Is female, but her fantasy character she role-plays is to be considered male.