Pen and Paper, RPG, DnD. Whichever term you prefer.
I said I was interested in PnP, and was looking into various systems to start up with a group of offline friends. You argued that Call of Cthulu sucked. You then offered to run a PnP thing on Voxli. Then we forgot about it and never returned to the topic. UNTIL NOW
"BEEP. BEEP. BEEP." The sound of the heart monitor rang out through the small cell. The only other objects present was an old man lying on a bed, a thin cloth draped over his naked body, cables leading from him to the bizarre contraption making the noises. From a speaker in the corner of the room came a lady's voice. "Just hold still and relax." The old man, Faust, lay on his back on the steel frame and relaxed, ignoring the pain of the needles in his arms. "You'll feel a sinking sensation." The purple liquid oozed from the machine, through the needles, into his body. The voice grew distant, and Faust felt himself slowly descending, as though he were lying on quicksand. "In a moment, you will be asleep. Do not panic. Just relax, and..." The voice no longer reached him. He was too far down, too far enveloped in the folds of his own mind. Black tar bubbled beneath him, pulling him down into its domain. He tried to move his arm, but it held fast in a treacle-like grip. His entire body shivered as he felt the cold touch of the tar spread from his back around to his front. It completely covered his lower body, greedily pulling his legs down into its depths. He told his legs to give an experimental kick, but he no longer had any legs; they were entirely lost. Starting to worry, the tar reached up to his bare nipples, sending chills lacing through his entire chest. Panic started to set in as the tar touched the bottom of his chin, threatening to cover his face. Cold sweat hit, droplets all over his body. The tar changed from a liquid, forming tendrils. Tiny ones penetrated and worked their way in through the beads of sweat, forcing themselves into his body. Then larger ones formed. At once, the tar around his torso was a series of large, thick tentacles, all wrapping around him. The tentacles gripped, and tightened, wringing his body like a towel; his aged ribs cracked, and his organs crumpled. He let out a gasp of pain as air was forced out of the mess of flesh that used to be his lungs. Immediately, the tar fighting to get past his lips flowed in, and thickened, forming a tendril, pushing itself down his throat, gagging him, not allowing him to breath. With the awful tightening, and the inescapable tar, his concealed fears emerged. His skeleton, which had served him so faithfully over the years, was a mess of bone and tar. His organs were the breeding ground of worms, eating their way out of his crushed, mangled frame. Age had caught up with him at last, and he was powerless against it. He'd run from its grip for so long, but the inexorable hourglass had trapped him, burying him in its sands. He could feel the grains eating into his body, crushing him, pain flaring through his twisted corpse. Desperate, with a huge effort, he opened his eyes, and looked past his legs, reduced to chunks of meat, to stare his nemesis. A large, eldritch creature, the size of a mountain stared back at him with a single, unmoving eye against a background pitch-black with tentacles. All thoughts of escape were lost as he stared into that eye. It wordlessly spoke to him. It promised an eternity of oblivion, inviting him to escape, to give into death… In the room, there was silence. The old man did not stir; the machine did not sound. The silence held for ten, twenty, thirty agonising seconds, then… "BEEP." A twitch from the mess of bone, flesh and marrow, and then an arm burst forth. Another twitch, and there were two. Rallying against his oppressor, Faust struggled to free his torso from the writhing mass of tentacles, pushing himself up with his hands. Drawing his head back, he looked directly at the eye, assaulting it with his gaze. Summoning all his might, he spat, rejecting time, rejecting age, rejecting death. The glob of saliva grew smaller and smaller, completely outmatched by the behemoth of death. Infinitesimally small, it hit the pupil of the beast. The huge eye widened and trembled. From the centre, working to the purple iris, through the marble white of the eyeball, It all turned to the same monotonous grey, ageing before his very eyes. The petrification spread outwards, running through the tendrils, freezing them in place. Then the eye crumbled to dust, and fell. The tendrils gripping him followed suit, breaking apart and crumbling. Focusing his attentions on his body, he grimaced as his torso twisted itself back into shape and his legs reassembled themselves from stray chunks of flesh. Gasping, he stood up and flexed his fingers, feeling the blood flowing through them, assuring himself that he had won, that he was alive. Unable to contain himself, he threw back his head, and from the depths of his newly-formed belly, laughed.
That Spamzone thread reminded me; when are we gonna do that Pen and Paper thing on Voxli? My knowledge of PnP is deceptively poor, and I imagine others are similar, so if we're gonna do it, you are going to be the guiding lights. Anyone else interested in this?
Explain when you're done, please.
@Rat: Yes. Also, I'm half-toying with the idea of removing the password for the room again, and making it public. We haven't had trolls in a while, and now we have multiple admins for the room, we could probably stay on top of any trouble. The biggest downside is the lack of a method to permanently ban someone. I guess that if we did do so, it'd have to stop as soon as anyone got banned. Identity-related stuff would also need tinkering with. General thoughts? Good idea? Bad idea? Desirable? Undesirable? P, you're off your rocker again?
I will always imagine you as your current avatar. I'm more surprised by your photobucket name, TBH.
Exammingy shiz on my end. Will be over soonish brotha.
That awkward moment when you remove two admins from the group because they forgot to post in the thread.
I try. :3
It's something we do on Voxli. Voxli is a chatroom run by KHV members. The room's passworded due to some troll problems though, so to get the pass, join the group here.
There's more to it than that. I put the guide in my usernotes, IIRC.
You tend to have good taste, so I may as well ask. Where are your signature and avatar from? They look interesting. (Not the Okabe Rintarou thing....
:) :p :( ;) :::;) ka-test. EDIT: Not working; that is to say, it's perfect. Thankies!
I still think the best option would be to add the toggle to the quick reply, just below 'Show your signature'. At the most, switch it to be opt-in, instead of opt-out. Also, someone, please go through and make all the current ones fit the same basic template, so I don't need to go into the sheet to find the codes.
ohlol, realised that I hadn't subscribed to this. Woops.
that awkward moment
Voting for Ace. I really liked Midnight's, but when it comes down to the crunch, I'll always pick a well-written psychopath over a well-adjusted human.
Against it. I'm a simple man of simple pleasures, and having two rep systems (three if you count thread ratings) is about as far from simple as one can get, topped only by certain variants of rituals for summoning Yog Soggoth.
this this this 1000 times this.