Search Results

  1. P
    Uh, can I change my vote to MS? I initially voted Ace because I thought his was by far the better introduction, but upon further reading, I felt that Midnight's displayed more emotion/reaction, which was the purpose of the challenge.

    Sorry Ace! ^^;
    Post by: P, Dec 22, 2011 in forum: RP Idol Archive
  2. P
    testing stetuigntesting

    Karkat is lol
    Thread by: P, Dec 21, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  3. P
  4. P
  5. P
    I like how everyone's already forgotten the Spamzone's old name.

    And postin'.
    Post by: P, Dec 21, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  6. P
  7. P
    I get the feelings that you are relatively intelligent, or at the very least, you have been on forums before. Your name is in the same vein as those that members change to once they realise that their initial ones were crap. To have picked such a name right off the bat demonstrates either intelligence or experience.

    Similarly, you have the foresight to acknowledge that I barely know you, so I will be unable to give a deep analysis of you. Almost ironically, that observation aids me in my impressions of you. I get the idea that you're able to look ahead and consider things, yet at the same time, you act anyway, which leads me to believe that you're either defeatist, pronouncing the venture worthless, or optomistic, choosing to act, even though you know the low chance of success.

    Please, for a moment, consider our positions here. You are a young woman, and I am a young man. You interrogating me on the formula to a sandwich is like a lion asking a mouse how to hunt, an eagle asking a groundhog how to fly, or Michael Phelps asking a paraplegic how to swim; it goes against all ideals of common sense, and the laws of nature herself. Your sole purpose in life is to create this nutrition-filled snack, while I am to consume, not question or understand it. To ask me about it is to directly challenge nature, and you should feel ashamed of yourself. You are a failure as a woman.

    Gotta say, I like the GBA. It can play the regular GB games, while giving me access to the GBA games. In this way, I get the wonders of the nostalgia of the GB's Pokemon and Zelda games, while I get the hi-tech, pretty graphics of the GBA. Also, I find the GBA's sprite graphics look a lot cleaner than the 3D schtick going on the DS and the ilk.

    If you meant consoles as in television, it's the Gamecube for sure. Not even the Wii. Just the Gamecube. Loved that thing. The controller, the games, the form factor, the really small discs. Everything was just... perfect. /blindedbynostalgia

    The one thing I have yet to see rule 34 of, which is kinda odd, considering that so many people liek them.

    Think back to ToD, and what sort of questions get thrown around then. They're usually fairly fun, no?

    Name is good. Easy to see who you are. You get +5 P-points.

    As a person, you seem somewhat reserved at times, but you're prone to surprising everyone with certain acts of silliness, usually ones involving mirrors. I also get the impression that you're emotionally unstable, or at the very least, prone to being overwhelmed with worry. Then again, I've seen you in a fair few stressful situations, so that's probably coloured my judgment. Having Heinlein on your case probably didn't help.

    That rumour is a bare-faced lie, and if I hear you spreading it around I will have you sued for slander.

    Oooh, tough. Strawberries if it's with something else, like cake or ice cream. If it's just a box of them on their own, I'll take cherries. We used to get huge boxes of them, just to be munched on throughout the day. 'Twas glorious.

    At this point in time, I have no comment to make. Needless to say, I did not have sex with that woman.

    I also have no idea what you're talking about.

    I honestly don't know too much about it. I support MaLARiA, but in a way, you and Makaze would also be a cute couple, especially considering the Heinlein dynamic. I'm not entirely sure about what your relationship to LARiA is, though. Judging from your communications with her here, it's not incredibly close.

    I had the questions all saved to a text document for easier formatting. Then the net died. I wasn't actually on KHV. (Then I was).

    You severely underestimate my ability to screw something up.

    Your hero? Now I'm blushing.

    Oddly persistent
    Initially unwanted
    Yet now is valued


    Presenting strange arguments
    Could he be crazy?


    Why does this guy
    Insist on changing his name
    It gets on my nerves

    In order:

    1. I'd say that you were spot on.
    2. I'd agree that it is a lovely word.
    3. I'd tell you that you spend too much time on a certain wiki.

    That won't be necessary. You will inevitably drift again. No, a far better solution would be to tell me your ICQ username. After all, if I wish to talk to you, surely it'd be easier for me to go to you, rather than waiting for you to come to me?


    Also, I now feel incredibly perverted for so much as looking at cows.

    I want to pioneer a bra for bovines. I think I will call it the Cow-bra.

    Considering that it is 2am and I am feeling fine albeit mildly tired, I think it is a wonderful idea and absolutely nothing can go wrong. At all.

    Very self-critical. Also worries about the impressions and views of others far too much. I imagine your blood-pressure being absurdly high. I kinda want to decapitate you, or at least cut off one of your hands, just to see the spurt of blood. I mean, it'd be like a firehose, or a water blaster. You could probably seriously injure someone with that sort of thing. You should register yourself as a dangerous weapon.
    Post by: P, Dec 21, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  8. P
    Isn'titpretty for top tier.

    Yes, it is seriously my skin of choice. Best April Fools ever. Please, never remove it.
    Post by: P, Dec 21, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. P
    I want to host a file larger than 1GB. It needs to be able to be shared to others, or rather, at least one other person. I do not wish to pay money. I am aware of the option of splitting it into multiple RAR files and uploading it on Megaupload or a similar site, but I would rather refrain from doing so if there is a more pleasing alternative.
    Thread by: P, Dec 21, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: Technology
  10. P
    Hmm. That'd be it, yeah. Even so, I'm similar, so I would remember if we had any direct disagreements, so I probably just saw you and someone else arguing or something.

    Alas, the days where QT was a barrage of fifty-question posts are long gone. I do miss them so, as they were incredibly good fun.

    I'd quite like to get to know Heinlein a bit. Despite his flaws, he'd be an interesting person to commune with.

    Yes, despite the odd looks I get from friends and the requests of my family to remove them. Apparently the sellotape damages the wallpaper or something. I'm honestly baffled by this train of thought, as my walls are painted a rather charming pale yellow colour. I think the kids these days are calling it 'cream'.

    Your name is awful. I hate it so much. It's so bad, I can't even build up a proper rage. It has no relevance what-so-ever. It makes me want to curl up in a corner, listen to emo music and use gratuitous amounts of eyeliner.

    Silly Kelly. I already discussed Voxli's future plans in detail in response to Chris' question.

    Funnily enough, I also discussed this.

    Only if you can make the wish without using the letter 'e'.

    Does that mean for this QT, or this batch of questions, I wonder I wonder?





    Definitely. Then we should post it in the Creativity Corner. Then the Llave Lamp can cremate my account.

    GS, we're already far, far beyond that point. I'm sorry, but we're doomed. O_Q

    Not entirely sure. It needs to be suitably obnoxious. I'm thinking either Davesprite's theme, Vriska's theme or this.

    At present I am rather fond of mobius trip and Hadron Kaleido, but that is prone to change.

    Gratuitous, gangreen, gangly, godly, ghastly, gay.

    Do cows even have tits?

    If you shout "LALALAI'MNOTLISTENING" loud enough, anything's true.

    Sadly, I'm serious.

    What? Me bitter about EP8? Not at all.




    Post by: P, Dec 20, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  11. P
    Woah woah woah. I like you and all, but I just don't feel confortable with this level of intimacy just yet. Can't we go out to a movie first, perhaps eat dinner together, that sort of thing? I'm not the sort of 'chu to just let you ride my wagon like that.

    Then: Intelligent, serious guy
    Now: Sensible. You kept the same name, after all, which was a very good choice. I have vague impressions of you doing something or other to make me think of you as pushy. Not sure what. Tell me if you remember.

    A motorboat piled high with explosives and petrol, driven straight into the Eiffel Tower. 9/11 2.0, here we come. They'll never see it coming. After all, they've prepared against attacks from the sky, but they haven't got protection from the sea! I will be the second Osama! (Only less dead)

    Books are fun, especially if you strike someone with the spine in the correct way. Thin ones can act like canes in terms of damage, more so if you hit the knuckles. I've also always wanted to kill someone with a leg of lamb, thanks to a certain Roald Dahl story.




    Luxord, because that dude's loaded. We'd have a Kardashian wedding, then divorce a few weeks later, with me taking a hefty amount of his fortune. (And his graphics card.)

    Nice name; you've kept it close enough to the original that I recognise you. I think.

    Anyway, I don't remember my first impressions, but you're one of those members that I think would be fairly fun to talk to, but I never got around to it.

    Mostly because there's not -too- much going on ATM. If I want to socialise with people, I can always check out Voxli. If there's an incredibly interesting thread, it usually comes up there too. MSN also makes sure that I can talk to people easily, and get notified of anything interesting happening here. (For example, Makaze kindly told me that I had a QT thread up.)

    Feel free to add me on MSN, by the way. Drop me a message, and I'll talk until something more interesting happens or 4am hits.

    Voxli lags my computer. Skype lags my computer. Voxli has KHV members having conversations a great deal of the time. Skype, AFAIK, does not have a universal KHV conversation. (BTW, someone should totally make that if it doesn't exist. If it does, you should totally invite me and shiz.)

    1. Heinlein
    2. David
    3. Vientiesis
    4. Kimchuras

    Cows have meat; I have meat. It is fully acceptable for me to put a cow's meat inside of me, so why can't I put my meat inside a cow???

    Double standards everywhere, I tell you.

    We occasionally usually disagree on things, and sometimes you can definitely be an ass, but overall, I like you. Sometimes the whole super-secret thing gets on my nerves, and you often take trolling past the point of being just humourous, and into the category of actual malice. Even so, I quite like your controversial opinions, because even though they're trolly in nature, you're not impossible to have a (relatively) reasonable discussion with. I also greatly enjoy those rare moments where our views coincide.

    Also, Death Note game was <3

    I still try to read that backwards or as an anagram. that ending of 'ac' screams 'please read me backwards.

    Canrebat. Hm. Still looks odd.

    1. It's corrupting the reds, the future of KHV staff.
    2. It's P's exclusively exclusive nightclub for exclusivity. Only his friends are allowed in, and anyone he doesn't like is ritually sacrificed.
    3. It is unofficially known as the KHV porn section. Ace is in charge of the Yuri, Sforzato deals with the Futa, GS sorts out the hentai from the regular porn, Kelly is responsible for the Yaoi, I organise regular readings of erotic fanfiction, we hold regular sex games and every night, at midnight, under the guidance of Midnight Star, those in the know gather to share CP.
    4. All the reds use it as their one-stop fun-shop place for all their Staff-shipping needs.
    5. It's the centrepiece of the anti-staff rebellion that will eventually overthrow KHV, and the source of all drama on here. Shadowjak's banning? Voxli. Animals Rule? That was us. The era of the spambots? The results of our plotting. 9/11, the Holocaust and the assassination of Obama? 100% according to plan.

    Well, we haven't done the last one yet. But it'll happen. Because on top of being responsible for the decapitation of several million children, we are also members of the Ku Klux Klan, and are intolerant, racist bigots.

    Even Plums and GS.

    Dead, probably in an accident of some description. Alternatively, I'll get to the age of 30-40 and realise I wasted my life.

    I see you causing someone grievous bodily harm and ending up being labeled a sociopath and chucked in jail.

    This is very difficult. I'll probably say my mother, because my attempts to escape her influence have led to my strong interest in the internet, which cannot be monitored.

    I'll also put down Anonymous. Despite the nature of it being trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls, beyond all the memes and the raging and the porn, there's a great deal to be learned from humanity unrepressed by societal expectations. It's only a certain degree of the population so far, but I find the idea of the Anonymous person, a man whose identity is concealed, so he say as he wishes, to be fascinating, and the viewpoints of Anonymous, both as the *chan term, and the general, have influenced my own views.

    Then there's the creator of the visual novel I love to reference so much, Ryuukishi07. While EP8 was a mess and for the most part, a waste, the rest of the series was very interesting, and helped shape my views on reality and morality.

    I don't really remember my dreams too well, and I don't really make too much of an effort. Indeed, in many cases, I make an effort to forget. From what I do remember though, they transition erratically.


    I keep thinking you're a girl. I am very sorry. It is quite impolite of me, and I must stop doing so. Also, I think it was you who showed me that Phoenix Wright video, so I love you forever.

    Makaze, DPwolf and Tikem.

    Makaze, DPwolf and Tikem.

    (Well, maybe Makaze, for lulz.)

    Because for the 90% of the time I'm dead, I'm dead, but when I am not dead, namely, the other 10%, I am awesome. I didn't think it was too difficult to understand.

    I'd be one up on where I am now, as I currently do not have a monocle. So the first thing I would do would be to put on the monocle and resume my current activity, namely, answering questions.

    Is that a lamp made out of skin flayed from Llave's face? That could be pretty cool, I suppose. Press the nose to turn the light off and on, etc.

    No recollection at all at present.

    Admittedly, I am typing this while disconnected from the internet, into a text document, so I am unable to look up any history of yours, so I only have your name to go on, and I'm getting nothing. I would give you a video of cats doing humourous things, but again, I am disconnected from the internet, so I cannot.

    Can you just imagine the cat video? Even better, search 'funny cat video' on YouTube. For bonus points, add 'bathtub' as a keyword. Also, tell me what result you get, please.

    Well I'd draw up two contracts: a contract for your butlerness and a contract for your Magicaness. The magica one would improve your body and give you magical abilities in return for cutting your life short, at which point your soul would be harvested, and the butler one would give you a great deal of money to be spent later on in your life, in return for servitude to me.

    So you'd be given magic in return for shorter life, then be contracted to use said magic for me in return for cash to spend in your later life.

    QB wins. Always.

    On one hand, I get the impression that I know you and that we're friends. On the other hand, the only real interaction we've had has been the Death Note game. On the other hand, the Death Note game was pretty fun, although somehow 'Fearless is Kira' turned into a meme, so that didn't go so well for you.

    Oh, and you like Yugioh and have a wig shaped like a Kuriboh.

    All of the pikachus. All of them.

    At this point, I would post a picture of my gratuitously large collection of Pikachu, but I reiterate, I have no internet, so that's a no-go. Oh well. Have a monocle face instead.


    Because I have no internet connection, smartass. We've been over this before. Just in the previous question, as a matter of fact. You really need to touch up on your reading comprehension. I mean jegus you are just plain stupid.

    (I have the write-up pretty much done, but I dread opening Photoshop to make my sprite, because I know I have no artistic ability what-so-ever.)

    Hello, you.

    I'd really like to be able to brush you off as yet another one of those people I have seen around but never actually talked to, but the irritating thing is that I -have- talked to you on occasion, so I can't use that excuse. Dammit Daxa. You're making this difficult for me. :<

    From what I do know, you strike me as a cheerful, positively-minded individual who is not particularly serious. I can't see you running into a burning building to save someone, but I can see you picking up an infant while hurrying to escape the blaze yourself. I'm not entirely sure what that means, but there you have it.

    Well, time differences are a fairly big part. I don't think I see you active on MSN too often, either. When I see you in Voxli, there's usually a fairly big crowd there, because it's the middle of the day, so we do not really get to have a proper conversation. On KHV, I don't tend to hold long conversations with people much. Either I get their MSN or get them on Voxli, and talk to them there. VM conversations tend to die, and threads move quickly, especially LP2P.

    I don't dislike you, and I don't find you unthinkably boring, so it's more just circumstance, I think.

    No, but I can teach you to fall with style.*

    *NOTE: Depending on height of said fall, the number of lessons may be constricted to one.

    Sitting in a slightly broken swivel chair at my desk, typing on my slightly broken laptop, into a text file with all these questions, because my internet has died. This is all occurring at 12:40AM.

    Depends on who you're stalking, on how much it costs, and whether I see the results of said stalking.

    Tea, if it's crappy instant coffee. I will, however, choose coffee if it is expresso. I am currently very fond of adding vanilla shots to lattes. It adds a necessary sweetness, while avoiding the problem of sugar clumping at the bottom. The downside is that it can be very overpowering, so much that it can become just warm milk and vanilla flavouring. I am looking into solving this by doubling the shot of coffee. It works to an extent.

    I'm also fond of short blacks. A well done short black shot is just stunning, but it's so easy to screw up, as there is no milk to dilute the taste of the coffee; if you screw up, you're gonna taste the full extent of the over/underextracted shot, and a badly pulled shot is just plain awful. Ordering a short black is a bit of a gamble, so I like to stick to lattes, or even moccachinos.

    Difficult to say, as I'm not a huge biscuit fan. I much prefer crackers, you see. I suppose I am rather fond of Squiggles. They were great. Admittedly, I only say that because I recall absolutely loving them at kindergarten.

    Oh my, this is rather sudden. I'm not sure if I'm fully prepared for this sort of thing oh who am I kidding TAKE ME NOW

    Yes. It has taken a while. I'm still ahead of you, though.

    Come now, only -one- of those was necessarily a reference to you. For all you know, I could have -thousands- of unusual girls messaging me. I could be a virtual pimp, a thousand females between my finger and thumb, a swollen pimple just waiting to be burst by the pimp and I forgot where this metaphor was going so let's move on.


    I don't really think we've talked enough for me to give a valid opinion. Sure, we've had the odd chat on MSN, and we played pokemon a bit, but we haven't really discussed enough. I mean, I suppose I could try to draw an opinion from the few times I've seen you post on KHV, but there's just not enough there, and I'm left grasping at straws. It's a tad frustrating, really. Maybe we'll get to know each other a bit more in future?

    I did a while ago, because there were a bunch of heavy things above my head, and I'm in an earthquake-prone area. Now my drawers are in the closet, and my bed is in the middle of the room.

    Yes. Alongside a balloon, a cucumber and an air pump, it makes for one of the best things to surreptitiously place into pensioners' shopping baskets.

    Why choose?

    A2M never stopped being a thing or anything.

    Because I reuse the same pair of socks for multiple days in a row, as I find finding a matching pair to be ridiculously arduous.

    Nothing too 102805. We don't want that happening again, now do we?

    IIRC, it was you or Kyla who started it. Somehow you ended up saying it just as I returned from AFKing, at which point you decided it was my mating cry, and from then on you and numerous others used it to summon me. It got to the point where I changed my MSN settings, so that I get notifications whenever someone says that word in a group conversation.

    Everyone on here who I've said that I need to know better (HINT: ADD ME ON MSN)

    I remember it. I have the movie sitting on my hard drive, unwatched. I will check it out as soon as I get through this list of books my teacher has set for me over the holidays. I will get through them as soon as I sort out this tomfoolery with my library card. By the time I have sorted out said tomfoolery, I will have forgotten all about it.

    Would you be so kind as to remind me? You may need to readd me on MSN to do so. :33

    Well, there's the obvious one. Then there's also Shadow the Hedgehog and Windwaker Ganon. If you want to go further back, I was very fond of a certain novelist by the name of Jeremy Strong, and his engaging stories, such as Lightning Lucy and There's a Viking in my Wardrobe. My first anime was Flint the Time Detective, which I thought was pretty cool. I was really young at the time, though. I was also very fond of Teletubbies, until one day, while watching an episode in which someone got a ball stuck in a tree, I decided, "No, wait, this is boring."

    But of course. I have, naturally, found other music, and I listen to newer stuff more often than the older, but occasionally I will still listen to Deadball P, and provided I have enough storage space, he'll more often than not be on my MP3 player.

    Now I'm stuck with this completed post, and no way of posting it. Wonderful. Simply splendid. Let's see if I can fiddle with the internet without waking anyone up.

    Oh, I can. Sweet. Now let's see how many new questions got asked.

    No new questions. B|

    Grumpy P is grumpy.
    Post by: P, Dec 20, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  12. P
  13. P
    I'm seriously considering changing my name to O____Q. The only problem is that I don't know how to pronounce it.

    Then: You need to change your name. Badly. Your IRL one, I mean.
    Now: The DN game isn't running, so you're kinda-mostly-safe with keeping it where it is. Unless someone tries to stalk you. In that case, you're halfway towards being stalkable, where the first half is your first name, and the second half is your as-of-yet unknown last name.

    In terms of colours, I am fonder of darker colours, except when it comes to playing video games, because brown, grey and muzzleflash are not fun colours to work with.

    In terms of worldview, I'm torn. On one hand, I'm a cynic and tend to take a fairly bleak outlook on events, so black would be more fitting. On the other, the irony of a ridiculously cynical person with white as their colour of choice is too good to pass up.

    Now listen hear, What is a nice guy and all, and his QT was definitely fun, but this is my show, my QT, my time to bear the torch and torch the bare. Therefore What is not the meaning of this. P is the meaning of this.

    I'm not entirely sure. I try to, I suppose. There aren't any huge differences I've noticed in terms of my behaviour.

    Not at present. It sounds terrifying, and potentially unsafe.


    Caught between passionfruit and lemon. Lemon is worse on its own, but for all other things, lemon is superior. Lemon is a dressing to nearly everything, and works amazingly in ice cream and the like. So I'll say lemon, with passionfruit as a close second.

    I regret to inform you that my knowledge of dancing is comprised entirely of a half-remembered class on formal dancing given at primary school, and of this image.

    Sit around on the moon and prepare to drink my own urine.

    Depends who I'm banging. A super-quiet crossbow for assassinating people does sound pretty cool though.
    Post by: P, Dec 19, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  14. P
    "lolwut this guy's been around since 2007, but I've only noticed him now? Anywho, I quite like him."

    Who's this gu– OH RIGHT IT'S AMAURY

    I favour all colours in certain situations. Red is the colour of the red truth, so I am fond of it. Orange is associated with Pikachu, and contrasts amazingly with purple. Yellow is nice, provided it's not sickly-bright. Likewise with green, because sickly-green is disgusting. Blue is the blue truth, and overall, a rather fun colour to work with. Indigo is way too close to violet, and I honestly don't know the difference. Suffice to say that they have their place too.

    My favourite food would have to be lemon sorbet. Sweet, but sour too, and rich, but refreshing enough so that one can never tire of it. Or maybe that's just what I feel like now?

    My favourite way of saying 'etc' would probably be 'various', or 'miscellaneous'. For bonus points, I'll use them both in the same sentence. "Various miscellaneous items..."

    Funnily enough, my opinion has not changed from the few lines ago, where I answered the same question for Amaury. However, to expand on that answer, while I appreciate most colours, I tend to favour darker over lighter shades.

    Not as such, but I have gotten into long and embittered arguments over the correct pronunciation of 'law'.

    What do you think this is, Soviet Russia?! -I-, the -therapist-, ask -you-, the -therepee- how -you're- feeling, not the other way around.

    Not really. Strange girls from the internet often leave me messa– I mean wat

    I think it is a tad unfortunate, as Jake does not have the GIFT OF GAB ACHIEVEMENT BADGE sewn on his KIDDIE CAMPER HANDYSASH, so he is unable to talk at all!

    I do not recall what I thought of you upon our first meeting; indeed, I do not remember our first meeting at all. My memory is kinda whorrible like that. I get the impression though that my view of you has not changed significantly since that first meeting.

    My impressions of you now are that you are similar to me, in a sense. You tend to be argumentative, but you aren't bad at debating or arguing. Often, I'd go to make a point, and find that you'd already made it in the same fashion that I would have myself.

    Your one flaw, I believe, is that you lack the life experiences to reinforce your extremist views, and thus sometimes come across as merely a rebellious teenager.

    Godhood. I could work with it from there. I suppose that's cheating, though. As a replacement, I'd wish for the ability to initiate a Groundhog Day-esque loop for any period of time I choose.

    Absol, because she keeps missing the non-prem rounds, and I imagine it'd be a relatively humourous round. (But not in the incest-relative way. Or maybe in the incest-relative way. I wouldn't rule it out.)


    Then: Wow, she has a pretty cool name.
    Now: WHO'S THIS ******BAG?

    If Magica: I become a girl and wish for godhood.
    If Umineko: I become a Voyager/Creator Witch and get godhood.

    I have this whole godhood thing planned out for pretty much any occasion. Not sure what I'll do with it, but I'm sure I'll find a use. Or die of boredom

    Difficult to pick just one. I'd be tempted to say Uninstall by Chiaki Ishikawa. That said, I'm fickle when it comes to favourites. It's often whatever I'm currently listening to. In that case, it'd be Kill the Lights, because of that video. Sadstuck is compelling, no?

    It's a flash. Gotta be a flash.

    Shit dude, I don't know. I want to say something real witty and the like, but the best thing my dunkass brain can come up with right now is "the sky", and that joke was thirty years past being funny back in first grade when no one even understood it because first graders are a bunch of ******s and I don't honestly have a clue what I'm on about so let's just make an agreement for you to stop reading here and me to stop typing here, to save us any more potential embarrassing awkwardness from this clusterfuck of a one sided conversational monologue. Okay? Okay. Glad we got that shit sorted out, otherwise things could have gotten really awkward and weird and stuff.

    Then: Typical noob with a ridiculously generic username.
    Now: She goes on Voxli a bit and actually uses a mic, so even though I haven't really ever had a conversation with her, which I should get around to doing at some point, she can't be too bad.

    Whatever I'm currently reading, usually. Unless what I'm reading is shit. In that case, it's Bokurano, which you should totally read. Just keep a box of tissues handy. Noitsnotahentaiwhatareyouthinkingthosetissuesareforyoureye

    So far I've only really lived in New Zealand, so I guess NZ is a pretty cool place and stuff. Japan's also sounds like it's a pretty boss place to live though, what with the whole we-have-a-decent-culture thing going on.

    A superiority complex larger than a clinically obese American forces me to answer with myself.

    If we're including past ones, it'd probably be CtR. If not, it'll go to Jayn. Even though she's ridiculously slack with RP Idol and uses colours that look awful on my pink skin, she is amazing at truth or dare, so everything is forgiven.

    Then: You were just another one of those members who sit in the background being staples, without actually having talked to you.
    Now: I cannot decide whether you're serious or silly. I have a strong impression of you as serious, but the only conversations I remember of you are silly, and gah stop screwing with my head please.

    In terms of entertainment, books have taken a backseat to manga, anime and visual novels, so I don't have a favourite for entertainment. For essay writing and analysis, I guess I'll go with Lolita, even though I found it to be a rather boring read, because it's hip and edgy to like Lolita, and it was particularly entertaining to rip the guts out of for an essay on the nature of love.

    Most people see this question as a chance to elaborate on their musical preferences. Not I. I view it as a challenge to give myself as much leeway as possible. As such, I'm going to say the Homestuck Music Team, so I get everything from Tensei's STRIFE to the Midnight Crew's smooth jazz. No, this isn't cheating. Why do you ask?

    Godhood. Failing that, the ability to grant wishes–specifically, my own, so I can wish to ascend to godhood. Failing that, I'll go for some nice time manip abilities, or a respawner.

    Erika. Saya isn't human, so she gets a Freudian Excuse. Erika, on the other hand, is 100% (intellectual) rapist. <33333333

    Of course I am. But where's the fun in playing the game that way? It's like using roofies. Sure, you get the girl every time, but there's no challenge to it. Masking tape and a heavy bat are far more entertaining

    The porn section is not a place that you or I need on KHV. I initially thought it was, but I was mistaken. You see, the porn section is much like a dead relative, or a pacemaker; it doesn't exist outside, and it's not something we can see, but your heart, they continue to live on. The end point of this road isn't to find the porn section in KHV; it is to find the porn section in yourself. Only then can you truly be free.

    Then: I DON'T KNOW


    Oh, you're Lilbueno. Yeah, you're pretty cool. I think I recall being vaguely told about something terrible you did by someone, but I can't remember who or what or anything, so unless you go and eat a cat or something in front of me, we're cool.

    Well LADIES minus A, Batman wears underwear on the outside of his clothes, and Holmes has an amazing tweed jacket and an enchanted, talking magnifying glass. (Or at least, he does in my imagination.) So it's a bit of a no contest, no?

    Well 'better' is like 'good', but better, and Light only killed bad people, so I guess it has to be Light, no? Hell, it's in his name. LIGHT Yagami. It's like how you've never heard of a protagonist called DOCTOR DOOMBRINGER McFUCKYOUUP. Bad people just do not get the name 'Light'. Period. (Or Full Stop, depending on how British you feel.)

    Well I get the vague impression that Machina is Arch, but because I REFUSE TO JUMP THROUGH ANY MORE NAME SHENANIGAN HOOPS, I'm going to disqualify him on the spot. Then it comes down to a contest between you and Bushy Brow. Now, the word 'Bushy' just -screams- manliness. Seriously, it gets up, rips a new earhole in the side of your skull and hollers, "I HAVE MORE MANLY HAIR THAN YOU". On the other hand, the diminutive 'lil' in your name sits in a corner and whispers, "My penis is measured in millimetres…" ON THE OTHER HAND, it could be whispering that -ironically-. In that case, your MANGRIT skyrockets with ironic justice, and the bushyness of Bushybrow instead starts to look like he's overcompensating, which is more pathetic than those kids in cartoons and mangas with superpowers who get bullied in school because they have the ability to incinerate everything within a 500 mile radius. You just sit there yelling at the screen (or paper, if you're reading manga, and actually bought it), "STOP MOPING IN THE BATHROOMS ABOUT HOW ****** YOUR LIFE IS. JUST GET OUT THERE AND MAKE BARBECUED BULLY ASS." Of course, they never do end up doing it, which is incredibly unmanly. We're tallking unman levels of a woman made from the rib of a woman made from the rib of a woman made from the rib of Eve, who for some reason instead of being made from the rib of Adam got made from the rib of an earthworm. Earthworms don't even -have- ribs. That's how pathetic it is. Except in the case of Elfen Lied, where the kid actually -did- go through with the killy thing. But she was a girl, so that doesn't count for the manliness contest.

    In conclusion, Bueno wins.

    As much as Zubat need to be more common. (Seriously, let's put the fuckers in long grass and water too. And up the encounter rate. And make pikachu evolve into it at level 100. That'll teach all the noobs for not using a thunderstone. They'll finally get it to be the strongest it can be without doing the intelligent thing and making it into a raichu, and then BAM CONGRATULATIONS KID YOU GET A ZUBAT. It'd be hilarious.

    And there goes the closing parenthesis again. I really need to stop doing that.

    You sir, are a cantaloupe. Incidentally, that is also your homework: to find out what a cantaloupe actually is. It sounds like it's related to an antelope, but I'm not entirely sure. I mean, there is that extra 'u' thing going on.

    Yes. Whenever I see one, I chase her. She never waits for me though. She just runs off, and hides from me. All I want to do is get to her end. Is that really so much to ask? (Also, I swear I saw her more when I was a kid. It's probably a freudian thing. Or she likes little boys.)

    I already went over this 'feeling' thing with FKB. I'm the the rapist, so you take a seat on that couch, drink this glass of oddly-tasting water, and don't worry about the lack of clothes when you eventually (hopefully) wake up in a few hours.

    I'll give you a clue: it's not a pidgey. I'll give you another clue: It's Arceus. Sure, I have 'arse' in my name, but I also have godhood. Forever JUST AS PLANNED.

    Further proof that upon turning purple, they're all given lobotomies to the 'fun' axis of their brain. It's Scientifically Provenâ„¢.

    You know those chills you get when someone asks you a leading question and you just -know- it's gonna go somewhere completely and utterly awful, but you have no idea -how-?

    Yeah, I'm getting that all over.

    Never tried it. If you know a suitably dark one though, by all means, recommend it.

    Because I live with an overattentive mother, and if I start talking out loud in my room, she'll start questioning me on who I'm talking to, and that'd mean I'd be talking to her and I that's a thing that's really high on my list of things that I really dislike doing, so by talking on Voxli when my mother is present, I am, by proxy, talking to her, which is just confusing.






    Go ahead; it'll probably be banned, anyway.


    Yes and no.

    I will certainly troll you. But not like What did.

    I've never had waffles. On the other hand, I have had pancakes. Once, I had a blue pancake, and a red pancake, and finally a green pancake. I fed them to a friend, making Homestuck references all the while. Then he made me try the green one, so I had it with avocado and almost threw up.

    Process of elimination: wins.

    No, you don't get to read the contract. Just shut up and sign. Tsun~

    Because Pika_power. P. Pika_power. P. See the resemblance?

    Also, because while rainbows are fun to chase and all, just like Moby Dick, you don't really want it as your name.

    I find it easier to read. Sometimes I even have the screen on 90% view, to make it even easier.

    British. Good. British. Very good. Makes me think of monocles.



    I liked you better with your blue-tinted chibi-Sora avatar.

    Oh, and your liking Homestuck is pretty cool.

    I won't agree to anything unless you undress, bend over, and sign the goddamn contract.






    Except with me. Provided you're female. And not a trout. Or tuna. Or salmon. Or a large chunk of land that was removed from the local mall to make way for a swimming pool. Also, please don't have a vagina dentata.

    And there. I am now sorted for if I ever want to make a profile on an online dating site.

    Good name. Very nice. I'm also liking your Pokemon avatar. IIRC, it was a Mijumaru before, wasn't it? Anyway, you played in the DN game and stuff, which was pretty fun and all, so yes. Good impressions. I don't see you around enough though.

    I'm not entirely sure what this question is asking. A small voice in the back of my mind is saying that it's something to do with deodorant, but another voice is saying that it's my choice of weapon to fight off a dasterdly member of the Midnight Crew. In the case of the former, I think picking 'Axe' could result in some very painful odour reduction, but in the case of the later, trying to fight off Spades Slick with some mouldy herbs will probably prove to be somewhat unsuccessful, so I am torn.

    Can I just use MonocleKind?


    (Do you even read Homestuck?)

    (Am I allowed to ask questions?)

    You want to take an unassuming glance at my fine collection of vodka and whores? If so, you have to learn to annunciate correctly, otherwise you'll end up signing away your soul and kidneys to an unassumingly innocent QB.

    I don't even follow the new games, so I'm gonna go with Reshiram, because it sounds cooler, and it's longer. That's how these things work, right? Longer's better?

    My mind's drawing a complete blank as to what fettucini is right now, so I'm gonna assume it's a fungus thingy and choose mac and cheese, even though I'll probably like fettucini more, because I'm not willing to take the risk that it's something toxic.

    I don't really mind answering more than 10 questions per post, or a ton of questions at once. I'm a very talented guy, you know.
    Post by: P, Dec 19, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  15. P
    Is this a certain variety of tampon? The lovechild of a rouge tampon and a devilishly handsome dildo, mayhaps?
    Post by: P, Dec 11, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. P
    Toshi .
    Post by: P, Dec 6, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  17. P
    monkey slut
    Thread by: P, Dec 5, 2011, 26 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  18. P
    On a scale of one to ten, I'll nomimiate Absol.

    That needs to be a word.
    Post by: P, Dec 5, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  19. P
    Profile Post

    Got the PM.

    Got the PM.
    Profile Post by P for Stardust, Dec 4, 2011
  20. P
    I heard dead people.
    Post by: P, Dec 3, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)