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  1. P
    Is Terraria good?

    Is it a blatant Minecraft clone?
    Post by: P, Dec 27, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. P

    Oh god

    Made me incredibly jealous that you can get those games for less than $60 over there.

    And I mean $60 -each-.
    Post by: P, Dec 26, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. P
  4. P
  5. P
    My gift is for Krowley.


    Good luck, and please ignore any honking sounds it might make.

    Let me know how far you get.
    Post by: P, Dec 25, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. P
    You give me the same feelings that I get when looking at a chihuahua. I just want to pick you up and squeeze you.

    It's so endearing.
    Post by: P, Dec 25, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. P
    EDIT: Copied and pasted the older edition of rules across with minor changes, because staff didn't appreciate the brevity of the newer edition. :p

    Rules can be found here:
    Post by: P, Dec 24, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  8. P
    I finished mine too. Planned it out for a while, worked on stuff for a bit, then finally pulled finger and got it all in motion over the last 24 hours. Tiny errors that force you to redo everything are a bitch, let me tell you.

    Post by: P, Dec 24, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. P
    Don't worry Krowley, I'll watch you sleep. :33
    Post by: P, Dec 24, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. P
    Alarm clock
    USB splitter
    Book on history of comics
    Kitchen knife

    Balls to this. Imma buy myself a computer. Personal income>Christmas
    Post by: P, Dec 24, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. P
    Unless they respond on cam to things you say, they can very easily be bots. It's dead-easy to hook up a video to the webcam feed.
    Post by: P, Dec 24, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. P
    Doing so.

    Starting with finishing off my Secret Santa. B|
    Post by: P, Dec 24, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. P
    Ah. You mean the thread in which I quoted everyone and replied to all of them?

    Yeah, that was just me messing about. Not QT or anything. Sforzato does it too, IIRC.

    I think I am doing rather splendidly, considering that I have yet to install a proper spellcheck into this browser.
    Post by: P, Dec 24, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  14. P
    The key difference that I'm banking on is that unlike before, where any admin action was reliant on me, it is now in the hands of multiple people, so we should have a functional admin most of the time.

    I'm also hoping that most of the persistent trolls are gone.

    It's just a trial to see whether this works out. Even if it doesn't, we don't -lose- anything. So long as drama doesn't get posted in the forum, the worst that will happen is that some people will be called a few names, or get a brief look at some goatse.

    Oh, and if anyone wants to put a link to the main chat somewhere in their signature, that'd be fantastic.
    Post by: P, Dec 24, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  15. P
    After failure with both Filesavr and Megaupload, I have resorted to trying Dropbox. If that fails, I'll give Filedropper a go, but I'm hesitant. It'd suck to have it upload, only to fail like Filesavr did.
    Post by: P, Dec 24, 2011 in forum: Technology
  16. P
    Starting from Christmas, we are going to be trialing a 'no password' system for a month. This means a few things:

    As usual, discourse is welcomed here, in Voxli, or over MSN, but not in the main forum.

    Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Pleasant Any-Other-Celebrations-You-May-Partake-In-At-This-Point-In-The-Year!
    Thread by: P, Dec 23, 2011, 17 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  17. P
    Most intelligent member currently on the forum, I'd wager. Or at least, probably the one I have the most respect for. At the same time though, I haven't had any prolonged conversations with you that I immediately recall, so it's possible that my impressions are based on only a few posts of yours, and by extension, only a few instances of 'you'. If I were to talk to you more, I imagine my impressions of you would change.

    If by 'better', you mean for the people of North Korea, then no, definitely not. He's coming into a dictatorship, and one reminiscient of Stalinist Russia, at that. Even worse, it's essentially a monarchy, meaning there's little chance of Jong-un deciding to try to pull a reform and embrace freedom. He will attempt to maintain the status quo, I'll wager. That said, he's young, and he will have to prove his worth somehow. He needs to demonstrate that he's a fit leader. I imagine this will be done through war, probably with South Korea, or worse, via fear. In any case, things are not looking up for the North Koreans.

    For Korea on a global level, as a country, he may lead it to greatness. More likely though, he'll allow his father's rule to crumble, and overreach his bounds, sparking the eventual fall of North Korea.

    Still old enough to procreate, but not to watch pornography.

    Incredibly so, unless done ironically, for humourous purposes.

    If I could find a way of easily shipping it to NZ for a reasonable price, yes. If, however, I could not, I would try to pirate it. If that were to prove too difficult, I would not read it, no. In all other cases, if I have access to this hypothetical book, I will read it.

    I have never been nominated before, primarily because I did not prompt anyone to do so. This time around, someone nominated me of their own volition, so here I am.

    I don't believe I have, but if I did, please do show me. My memory is not so good, especially when it comes to previous years. I imagine that even if you do search, you will find nothing due to the forum's broken search tables.

    Time. No matter what you love, time will eventually steal it away from you. Posessions will crumble, people will die, moments will pass, memories will fade, life will move on and death will await. Time is inescapable and utterly inexorable. It is also the basis of our entire existence.

    Oh look, it's some new member with a KH-based, non-capitalised name. How dull.

    You're not annoying, not stupid and you don't really get in the way or anything like that. At the same time though, I can't really think of any way to describe you. You seem to be a bit of a non-entity.

    Don't take it personally though. My derision of your existence is probably due to not really having talked to you. I'll try to find out more about you next time I see you around, so as to fill this void in my mind.

    oh jesus

    To put it in perspective, imagine my impressions of people as pieces of paper. Most people, for my impressions of them, have an image or a picture on their piece of paper. Some are more complex than others. In the case of Cloud's Buddy, it's almost blank. In your case, the picture has been drawn and erased so often, the paper has been crumpled and ripped from the erasers. Both sides have been used and reused, and in my efforts to form an impression, I went completely insane and scribbled all over everything in permanent marker.

    If by 'dead' you mean 'almost definitely returning in the next few updates', certainly.
    Post by: P, Dec 23, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  18. P
    Name: Your name is JAMES SCOTT. Or SCOTT JAMES. It really depends on how you're feeling.

    Age: You turned seventeen years old yesterday, but due to TIMEZONE SHENANIGANS, to most of your friends it's today, which is A LITTLE CONFUSING.

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Interests: You have a tendency to obsess over OBSCURE GAMES AND TELEVISION SHOWS IN WHICH MAIN CHARACTERS DIE HORRIBLY, which you insist on illegally downloading in the HIGHEST QUALITY POSSIBLE, even though your ****** COMPUTER is unable to play them. When you think about it, this practice is probably not too intelligent, and displays a stream of ELITISM. Your main mode of transport is chairKind; that is to say, you roll around on a CHAIR. Or at least, you'd like it to be. Due to unforseen circumstances, such as DASTERDLY STAIRCASES, you are forced to resort to ORDINARY WALKING, as you lack any motorised method of vehicular transport. When it comes to conserving money, you could outscrooge Scrooge. You're simply that good.

    ChumHandle: Because your computer is UNBELIEVABLY ******, you have been unable to change your PESTERSETTINGS for quite some time. As such, your CHUMHANDLE is pikaPower.

    Text Colour: Similarly, your TEXT COLOUR is locked into #FFEE00, with a few exceptions.

    Typing Quirk: You type with a colourset that you find to be RIDICULOUSLY CHILDISH. You do, however, acknowledge that it has a certain zing to it, except for when your UNBELINARBLY SHIRTY KEYBROAD cearses to wotlk as it should.

    Strife Specibus: Due to your INCREDIBLY IRRITATING PAST SELF, your Strife Specibus is stuck on FOODKIND. Little fucker thought it was a smart way to get out of eating his vegetables.

    Personal Symbol: Your PERSONAL SYMBOL looks something like THIS, but without the circle or the ****** WATERMARK.

    Class & Power: Scholar of Blitz

    Guardian: Your parents are dead, or more specifically, they MIGHT AS WELL BE. They wake at the CRACK OF DAWN, and depart to work even earlier. Fortunately, they leave behind Net Nanny, a COMPUTER MONITORING PROGRAM WRITTEN BY SATAN HIMSELF. Sometimes you suspect that she's not just a program at all.
    Post by: P, Dec 23, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. P
    Cool guy with similar interests to me, along with a healthy dose of knowledge. I do, however, get a sense of veiled malice from you at times, in part due to your interactions with Makaze. How best to put it? I see you as similar to Kyrie from Umineko. Yeah, that works nicely. (BTW, you should read that. At least up to EP7.)

    Yes. It pretty much went according to the initial plan, so I have no complaints. I do think some of the descriptions are a bit off though. Too many exclamation marks and the like. IIRC, Jayn was going to redo them. Or at least, she was supposed to. B|

    Fun, but hindered by the question limit, and the lack of me not being an asker. I half-wanted to be asked fifty inane questions in a single post, as I did to others in the past.

    God dammit woman. There you go again, spouting your mouth off again, not paying any heed to your place in society. It earns you no favours in this life. You see the scorn in their eyes, don't you? The neighbours judge your outbursts and your ill-thought-out declarations of independence. By deriding me, you merely drag yourself down, for as a woman's status is defined by her man, your reputation is reliant on me. If you oust and crticise me in the view of others, you are also damaging yourself. This is why women are in the place they are, as childbearers and housekeepers, instead of doing something great; you cannot think your actions through, and are impulsive. As soon as I regain entry to my rightful abode, mark my words, you will regret your actions. I will make sure of it.

    You're beginning to remind me of HHD and Heinlein, what with all this secrecy. The sheer frankness of it is still very much amusing. "Not sure if I'm interested." All the tact of an out-of-control train.

    If you get sick of my face, you can always just block me.

    My number is...

    jegus fuck you need a number? What is this shitty client? I get that you're a bit odd, but isn't this akin to using a surfboard to get around on the sidewalk?

    Whatever. Number is 629965326.

    Explain. Now. How does one s'more?

    Anime is easier to follow, but manga is easier to read fast. Ideally, I'd use VNs, in which I can read fast, but still get what's going on. Then again, with VNs, there's a ton of filler/extra stuff. I just can't win.

    Pretty cool guy. I don't think I've ever seen you get angry or anything, which is odd. You always seemed far too mature to be on the site. At least, that's the impression I've always had: the idea that your passtimes would include serious, manly things, like drinking beer and whisky, and rescuing busty ladies from burning buildings.

    I also find it impossible to imagine you as a 12 year old.

    The choice was Latin or history. You can only do latin in subsequent years if you took it previously, while history can be picked up anytime. In order to keep my options open, I took Latin. Then I couldn't justify dropping it, as I'd already spent a year on it. Then I'd spent two years on it. And so on. I swear there's a flaw in my logic somewhere, but for the life of me, I can't see it.

    Yes. However, the exams are now over, so I have completely forgotten everything about mathematics. I know nothing at all.


    Oh, tough one. I don't know too many banned members. (At least, not ones that didn't return.) I guess I'll say Kintaro.
    Post by: P, Dec 22, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  20. P