Well I tend to hang around all the time, but I'm only realy -there- occasionally. The other times, my icon has usually been pushed behind the...
Lol, I saw you. :p Glad to see you got on.
Alternatively, get someone else to recommend you for Friendship Abound. I'll be your friend if you'll be mine? :')
That's honestly impressive. Doesn't the default w7 install take up something like 21?
The girl way trying to reason with them, explaining how she was there first, yada yada yada, etcetera, etcetera. It was so dull, Faust felt his eyelids slipping, as he let out a yawn, and drawled, "Shut yer trap. You're far too big for that dress, so why not just move alo– Ooof!" A shove from the boy knocked him out of his gaze, and sent him stumbling back. Reacting fast, his arm shot out, grabbing a clothes rack, and for a moment, it appeared he'd stabilised himself. Then, almost as though he'd purposefully done it, he suddenly fell backwards into the crowd, pulling the clothes stand down with him. There he lay, sprawled across the marble floor, dresses and coat-hangers skewed over his body, his cane lying to his side. Still standing was Ryan, the assailant, towering high over the pitiful pensioner. Their shopping interrupted, fellow patrons muttered disapprovingly at the sight. "I don't like the look of that boy." "Did he just attack that man?" "Youth these days… No respect for the elderly." Shakily, Faust got to his feet, and putting on his best 'decrepit-old-man' voice, he pointed a finger at Ryan and said accusingly, "This young whippersnapper just shoved me, and now his mistress is trying to steal my child's clothes!" The shoppers fell silent, unsure how to react. The air thickened, and there was nothing to be heard except the jarring sound of overly happy Christmas songs juxtaposing the situation, as a hundred pairs of eyes turned from their tasks to witness the commotion. Then the voice of an elderly woman cut through the silence, shattering the stasis. "You show that youngster what for!" Faust smiled inwardly. Vindication! From this point on, anything he did would make him the hero, a lone pensioner standing up for the rights of the seniority. "You got it." So saying, he seized his gnarled cane and spread his arms wide, inviting Ryan to take the first shot. "What's the matter, boy? Afraid to take on someone five times your age in a fair fight? Follow your whore's advice and get out!" - - - KHV-tan stood perplexed. She'd gotten to the dress first, hadn't she? So why was this girl trying to take it away from her? Hadn't Faust said that she could have anything she wanted? These questions bounced around inside her tiny head, as she tried to make sense of the situation. The barrage of words launched at her by the other girl helped none, instead compounding her confusion. All she could do was grip the dress and wait for Faust to explain what was going on. Then Faust was knocked down, and her whole world shattered. Seeing her caregiver, the person she had come to rely on, overpowered and defeated so easily threw her into disarray. Had he been killed? Was he dead? What if he didn't stand up? Who would look after her? What if that boy turned on her next? Overwhelmed, she felt her breath quickening, getting faster and faster, hyperventilating. After a long moment in which Faust did not stand up, she broke. KHV-tan turned and fled, tripping over the dress before running into the crowd. Dodging through the forests of legs, desperate to find a haven, KHV-tan darted to and fro. Fortunately, all eyes were on Faust and Ryan, so no one was looking at the ground to see her. Breaking out of the forest, she made it to the changing rooms. She scurried under the door and sat huddled in a corner, scared, alone and afraid.
There is no pass. Just click the link in the signature.
It was six in the morning, December 25th. The whole house was silent. All were asleep. That is to say, all except one. As such, there was no one to observe the peculiar sight of minuscule girl with blue hair creeping through the halls of the house. Like a burglar, she kept to the walls, moving softly, so as not to disturb the old man sleeping nearby. She peaked through door after door, until at last she saw it: a pine tree standing tall in the corner of the room, endowed with gaudy lights, and more importantly, underneath, a large package wrapped in paper of the purest gold. Her breath caught in her throat; it took all of her effort to move forward. Controlling her excitement, she cautiously approached. At last, reaching out a tentative finger, she touched the wrapping. It looked even better up close than it did from a distance. Her heart raced, overwhelmed by the enormity of the gift. She gripped the edge of the paper, preparing to tear it open, when suddenly… "WAKE UP." "IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP." "WE'RE HERE, GIRL." "I. SAID. WAKE. UP." Groggily, the blue haired girl, KHV-tan, opened her eyes. She glanced around, confused. She was outdoors, in the palm of Faust, her caregiver. The gift was nowhere to be seen. Instead, there were two sliding glass doors in front of them. Looking towards the old man who'd woken her, she asked, "What happened? Where did the Christmas tree go?" Faust's face softened as he replied, "I think, KHV-tan, you were having a dream. Christmas was yesterday, remember? We agreed not to do Christmas this year." KHV-tan's expression fell as she repeated his words forlornly. "No Christmas…?" The only visible change in Faust was a small twinkle in his eye. "Correct. Instead, we're going to the mall on Boxing Day. It'll be far cheaper that way. After all, there's no point in paying double when we could just wait a day, right?" "I guess…" KHV still wore an expression of disappointment, but resignedly accepted Faust's proposal, as he chortled to himself, thrilled in equal parts by KHV and the once-a-year opportunity of Boxing Day brawling. Then the glass doors parted, and they entered the mall. KHV-tan's glum mood evaporated immediately. The mall was enormous, with shops lining every wall, and two huge escalators in the centre leading upwards, promising even more delights in further stores. Christmas decorations were still hung, and tinsel adorned the bannisters and walls, not yet taken down. Vibrant SALE signs sat outside the stores, as though the stores were competing to turn the most heads. Silver, gold and red balls dangled from the ceiling, and wreaths of holly were everywhere to be seen. Yet KHV-tan overlooked all of this; her eyes were drawn to but one thing: the enormous Christmas tree in the middle of the mall, extending up for five stories, huge packages lying under it. It was the epitome of festivity, and the reconstruction of her aborted dream. So it's no surprise that out of all the lights there, it was her eyes that shone the brightest. On the other hand, Faust's already positive mindset improved even more when he saw the battlefield of the mall. Shoppers hustled and bustled from counter to counter, as though their lives depended upon it. Exasperated mothers scolded toddlers, desperately trying to drag them from the mechanical ride-on attractions. A tide of young boys with games in-hand threatened to mob the Gamestop staff, still unaware of the joys of piracy. Women and girls of all ages fought tooth-and-nail to find the best deals from clothing bins. The promise of all that strife sent shivers down his spin, as he broke into a full on grin and declared, "Come on, you can choose where we go to first!" The blue head bobbed up and down in excitement. "Oh! Oh! Can I get a new dress?!" Faust glanced towards the clothing store, packed with rabid ladies and doting boyfriends, eager to fight for their love. He smirked. "Certainly, my dear." With KHV on his shoulders, he pushed through the sea of people towards the store, making sure to accidentally hit as many knees as possible with his wooden cane, only to shrug, as if to say, "I'm just an old man" when people turned to scowl. Inside, however, he was forced to relinquish his hobby, due to sheer lack of space to swing. KHV-tan saw far and wide across the ocean of heads, protected by the lifeboat of Faust's shoulders. She peered back and forth, trying to choose between all the marvellous dresses, interrupted by only the occasional jostle as Faust stepped on feet. At last, one in particular caught her eye: a stunning sky-blue dress. There was nothing too unusual about it, but for some reason, she was instantly drawn to it. Not wasting a moment, she shouted, "There!" and leapt from his shoulders,landing on the dress, just as a certain teenager on her first date picked it up. "Hey, this is mine!" the fourteen-inch child announced. Immediately, Faust was there, smiling sweetly at the teenager holding the dress. "I'm sorry, but it appears my friend got to this first." He placed a heavy hand on the girl's shoulder and shoved. Hard. "So fuck off."
I'm jumping on the interaction train to give my uninvited opinion. Why not create a post for the contestants to respond to? So there's a scenario described, and a single post done from that scenario. The contestants then have to respond to said post.
Postan .
It's no problem, really. A puzzle that's solved instantly is no fun. (At least, not to the riddle-giver. :P) Here's a clue: Truecrypt lies at the...
Allow me to rephrase myself one more time. THINKING is the key.
Judging from the URL, if you convert the Codebreaker codes into RAW format, you can run them, so if you already have Codebreaker cheats you wish to run, you should be able to run them without too much trouble.
>Make a snowman >Copulate with said snowman
I just did what came naturally. And Well Yeah.
Like this.
Most emulators are able to boot up off of ISOs. An ISO is a disc image of the game. I imagine other formats are supported too. From a quick google, from what I can see, the PCSX2 emulator doesn't run Codebreaker, but by using this tutorial, you can run cheats and the like. Oh, and the PCSX2 emulator is probably your best bet.
The 220 thing was probably an error on my part. I bulk rename them, then scan them for ecchi, meaning holes can appear. You just need to THINK...
You open it, silly! :p
Hohoho. Figured anything out yet?
Post your computer builds here, be they laptops, desktops or some other ungodly contraption. Let's get an idea of what we use, and give advice to buyers. I'm currently using this, but due to becoming painfully outdated, I'm looking at upgrading to a different build. Thoughts? Spoiler