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  1. P
    I can't really say that I think Anonymous will be successful, or even that their vengeance is justified. They are most certainly gathering attention from the public, which is good. Anything beyond that is foolish to hope for. Furthermore, the Megaupload takedown was fair game. The owners screwed up. They flaunted their cash, discussed and admitted piracy in their internal emails and were, on the whole, hopelessly careless. Law enforcement isn't breaching the safe harbour laws, which state that providers aren't responsible for illegal content they are unaware of, as there is ample evidence to prove that they are aware.

    To use an analogy, whereas SOPA and PIPA were undoubtedly foul plays, the Megaupload case is nothing but a cleanly hit homerun. It's irritating, and I'd rather the other team didn't score the point, but at the end of the day, it's a fair cop. Megaupload lost fair and square.

    If we backtrack from this hypothetical motivation, we find that instead of denying the takedown, they'd be far better off simply not doing it in the first place. However, it did occur, so provided we assume Anonymous do not change their minds halfway through, it seems silly to consider them as a culprit.

    That aside, Lulsec claimed responsibility for the Sony thing.
    Post by: P, Jan 23, 2012 in forum: Current Events
  2. P
    No. I recently upgraded to a new computer running Windows 7. It's what has led me to give up on Skype. The Mac version is more aesthetically pleasing, and doesn't have advertisements
    Post by: P, Jan 23, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. P
  4. P
    Oh, Doctor Who. I've seen the occasional episode. It's not bad. One of my friends recommended Torchwood Children of Earth highly. I have to watch it at some point.

    By the way, Enzy, do you have a Tumblr? It seems like your scene, what with your obsession with a certain British sci-fi.
    Post by: P, Jan 22, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  5. P
    These dreambubbles are too cheerful for me. They rob the story of any real consequence when the afterlife is a perfectly happy place where every single variation of every single person goes once they are dead. Potentially tragic characters, such as Nepeta and Vriska, have their love-lives instantly solved. All impact of Nepeta dying without confessing her obsession is lost when she just meets up with another Karkat, and it's very difficult to be sad for Vriska being backstabbed away from John when she ends up with beta!John within the next few panels. I expect Lord English or Jack to start killing the Horrorterrors, and as such, the dreambubbles, shortly. Until that happens, death will have little consequence.
    Post by: P, Jan 22, 2012 in forum: Literature
  6. P
    Still in a posting mood.
    Post by: P, Jan 22, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  7. P
    I am planning on purchasing a mousepad and wrist rest in future. Or, to be precise, two wrist rests: one for my mouse, and one for my keyboard.

    Do any of you have suggestions for mouse pads or wrist rests? I am currently considering some variation of the Steelseries QCK for the mousepad, but that could very easily change.
    Thread by: P, Jan 22, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Technology
  8. P
    Dropping in to be awesome and stuff. As I tend to do.

    I'm in a posting mood right now. May as well contribute to this thread.
    Post by: P, Jan 22, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  9. P
    This is all too much fun to watch. I swear, meta-discussion of a thread shouldn't count as off-topic. It adds all sorts of interesting elements to an otherwise single-tiered discussion. Watching human interaction is far more entertaining than disdainfully wrapping the topic in cotton wool and attempting to enclose it in a vacuum.

    I suppose I need to say something pertaining to the initial discussion though. Very well.

    I consider astrological signs to be fun, in the same way I find extrapolating other patterns into rules to be a source of amusement. For example, I may claim that one of my friends is better at rolling dice, or that some higher power hates me due to poor exam results. Behind such statements, a degree of ironic recognition is present; I realise that what I am proposing has little basis in reality, but I do so anyway, for my entertainment. I indulge the human desire to associate correlation with causation. So I may look at a horoscope and choose to see how it aligns with my life, and I may make a show of pinning decisions on a horoscope, but there is a layer of ironic separation between the show of believing, and the reality of knowing that I am merely cherry-picking the correlations from the horoscope and ascending them to causation, while disregarding the equally numerous unrelated predictions.

    To answer the original question, I would find a sense of enjoyment in deciding a relationship via a horoscope, but that enjoyment would be sourced from willingly giving up my free will to something I know to be ridiculous. At no stage would I genuinely believe a horoscope to be an accurate way of deciding whether or not a relationship would succeed, regardless of any acts or charades I may put on.
    Post by: P, Jan 22, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  10. P
    Where do you work?
    Post by: P, Jan 22, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. P
    Skype's okay. I really dislike the advertisements it has. If I'm unable to remove advertisements from a program, I will try my darndest not to use it. There are alternatives though.
    Post by: P, Jan 22, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. P
    I'm thinking... New Zealand.
    Profile Post by P for Firekeyblade, Jan 22, 2012
  13. P
    Profile Post

    Only by sheep.

    Only by sheep.
    Profile Post by P for Firekeyblade, Jan 21, 2012
  14. P
    Profile Post

    Oh jegus lil cal

    Oh jegus lil cal
    Profile Post by P for Machazo, Jan 21, 2012
  15. P
  16. P
    4321 is cool too, right? ;~;
    Profile Post by P for KeybladeSpirit, Jan 19, 2012
  17. P
    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Keyblade Spirit again.

    God dammit you used to be lame why do I find your jokes so amusing get out of my head
    Post by: P, Jan 19, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. P
  19. P
  20. P
    Yes. And deep underground.

    Yeah. I really screwed that one up.
    Post by: P, Jan 19, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone