Banned for having 3 pins
Slendy as in the Slenderman ?
I thought you would post a picture of Jeff the Killer haha... I'll try to remember to check out this game you all are talking about.
Well that's a star at least ^^ I'm sure you can get your creative juices flowing soon enough
Yay food!:3 and I'm glad to hear you're making progress with your story!
Eh, not much. How bout you bro ?
Do they have a term for that ? I've always been curious since I noticed I had one. If you don't know what I'm talking about, look at a picture of Angelina Jolie and notice the groove in the middle of her lower lip. I believe Vanessa Marano also has a slight one. I tried looking it up but couldn't find much about it. It's not important to me, I've just been curious for a long time if it has a name. Spoiler Spoiler
Ah, well as long as the point is getting across to him somehow without making him feel like crap, then that's good..
Ah I see...that can be frustrating. Have you explained to him how that makes you feel or think ?