Flapjack killed me:c
Ah! Noooooooo!!!!
XD Later broskiis:3
Flapjack ?0:
Epona! And lady rainicorn!
Or...quest time!>:D
Adventure time!
Well it does say to post what I think, so here we go. Black Veil Brides. Not worse than BOTDF, but they are pretty bad..not particularly the music itself, but the message they give. I used to love BVB. I thoroughly enjoyed their first album. It wasn't perfect, but I loved the whole "you're not alone. Don't hurt yourself. You're never alone." message it gave. But after that, they went totally "Z0MG guise, lyk were soo rebelli0us!! Let's rebel against everything coz its kewl n we r soo unique!!11" That's the way I see it anyway. It's like, they became so plastic. Just because their image isn't mainstream, it doesn't make them any better than other types of people. I hate how they started off with this whole, "Come together and stay strong" thing that was really inspiring and then went "We're all outcasts and we should push everything else away because of that!" attitude. I swear, they have to add the whole rebel thing to everything and it's really poser-like. Just my two cents. But I do enjoy their music sometimes! I used to be a big fan!! "Youth and Whiskey" and "Perfect Weapon" particularly. Both are great songs Musically, they aren't bad! But their image just went so downhill. It's really fake to me. Please do not be offended.
Red potion. Yeaaahhh.
So much swag. It's destroying meh.
Pleased to meet you! I'm Gabby. Enjoy being a member(: it can be tons of fun and making friends is pretty simple! Pretty friendly community we have here. So don't be shy!(: haha see you round!
It's 12 AM. I'm bored. Lonely. And cold. ;-;
Swag. Very swag.
Worst ever xD
I see what you did there
Not much. I'm boring haha. Hbu ?
I have arrived
Lol:3 Yeah probably. I'll just come back when you do lol:P
Should be >> Haha what's up bro ?(: