Negotiate .
Coolness! You like it so far?
I believe he means the "we've" you were referring to is "us here on khv" rather than what you actually meant; "we've" as in "you and your family." =)
That sticker was meant to avert your eyes from the dent =P
I have to agree with Railos. Both are really good, but the original has my heart. Some of the lyrics drag a bit in the cover. Makes it a little less fun to sing along to (I suppose you could say) Overall though, they did an amazing job on the cover. Very nice.
Kirito avatar! <3
UPS is usually good with getting their packages to the person on time......tsk tsk Though, a fiend of mine had it happen to them before. Amazon basically told them that even selecting and paying for one day shipping does not necessarily mean you will get it one day. Pretty lame =/
Lol very true! Still, putting down that controller is a difficult task xD The "bloodshot eyes" and "just one more chapter" kind of deal haha! (<3)
Are you having a good summer so far? =) Bane is one of those characters that stick to the actor. Haha....Bane in a musical-style...
Ahh yis! I am a subject!! -runs around arms flailing- haha jk School definitely tends to drain your energy. You can do it though! Hang in there....
The feelz for that game! xD it's great! Video game all-nighters are teh best haha! I am doing just lovely, dear =) This has been a pretty good...
Mhm! =D Ah I see haha...fits the "retiredness" quite well xD
Sorry for this terribly late reply! Went on vacation for a week and my new job has taken away most of my free time v.v -cries in corner- gahh!...
I've been pretty good myself, thanks! =) Nice new avatar btw
The Last of Us is <3 Also......hubby, luvz....;A; how are you?
Hello hello!! Thanks for popping in! How have ya been? =)
Hey there! My apologies for the late reply...have been quite busy the past few weeks @.@ I appreciate the introduction. Really nice to get to...
Aww Jayn! You have a wonderful time while you are away. We will see you soon ^-^
Love you more :3
strat~ .