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  1. strfruit
    Banned for being the King's Apprentice
    Post by: strfruit, Jul 3, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  2. strfruit
    Yay! We have a convo =3

    I am actually still in the process of playing the third one @.@
    College killed my gaming time ;A;
    However, as of right now, it's kind of around the same category, but I have heard many opinions on this one.

    Post by: strfruit, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  3. strfruit


    Jk =3
    It's quite unique. I like it!

    It actually was a reference to a song (from which I currently can't remember fufufu haha )
    Post by: strfruit, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. strfruit


    Hey there!
    Welcome to khv =)
    It is a pleasure to have you with us, SynK (awesome username by the way)
    Hope you enjoy being here

    See you around!
    Post by: strfruit, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  5. strfruit
    You heard the man!

    L I T E R A L
    Post by: strfruit, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. strfruit


    Post by: strfruit, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. strfruit
    I actually liked his version better than the original. Haha!

    He's really good. Thanks for sharing! =)
    Post by: strfruit, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: Music
  8. strfruit
    Perhaps with the whole "dream" aspect, though, that is why having the hero theme music for boss battles was employed? The ideal fight thing
  9. strfruit
    Banned for....posts!
    Post by: strfruit, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  10. strfruit
    I couldn't watch the whole thing.
    A man was filming the police and when they arrested the guy for doing so, his dog, trying to defend his owner, jumps out of the car and runs toward the police officers.
    Seeing the dog as a threat, they shot it.........

    Was definitely uncalled for.
    I understand it's a big dog and seeing it running at you would be scary, but killing it was not the answer.
    Poor puppy v.v
    Post by: strfruit, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  11. strfruit
    I suppose the battle music is more of the hero's beat than the actual monster's rhythm....if that makes sense.
    That "the hero will save the day" type of feel. =3
  12. strfruit
  13. strfruit
    Dennnnnntist.....visit? @.@
    Post by: strfruit, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. strfruit
    levitation .
    Post by: strfruit, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  15. strfruit
  16. strfruit
    I am very sorry to hear you have been going through all of this. From what I read, you definitely have been through a lot in your lifetime. And you know, you are a really strong person to have been through all of that and still be the good person you are today. =)
    For advice:
    Holding in your emotions is not good for you at all. When you hold in emotions, they just keep building on top of each other until your body can't handle it anymore. (As you have experienced.) Which is bad for your health. If ever you feel that you have locked a feeling inside you, the best thing to do is to talk to someone. Maybe a psychiatrist, a close friend, your mom, or even your sister. Let out how you are feeling a little at a time so that they all don't come out simultaneously in the most unwanted way. Even keeping a journal to let your emotions out is helpful. It's not just a girl's thing, I promise. An online journal perhaps?

    As for your mom's boyfriend; have you tried to talk to your mom recently about how he is still treating you? A mother's child no matter what age is her happiness, so I don't think she would tolerate her boyfriend continuously treating her son that way.
    Don't listen to him when he puts you down. If you feel proud of yourself for something, you stay proud. Don't let him make you feel you must fall from your high point, because you deserve to be there. If ever he says a rude comment or puts you down, "let it go through one ear and out the other." Because what he says is wrong and you don't need to listen to it.

    Please don't hold in your emotions and talk to someone about how you are feeling. Getting them off your chest can take so much weight off your shoulders and make you feel much better. It can help prevent cases of depression as well. People are there to listen.
    Also, it's okay to be 21 and living with your mom. You are still going to school and while enduring financial hardships, it's okay to still be living at home. =)

    I wish you the very best with your situation. I know these are rough times, but think positive, be strong, and keep working hard.
    Things will get better in time. Just hang in there until that moment comes.

    Post by: strfruit, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: Help with Life
  17. strfruit

    That was really nice! Great job on this video.
    Everything was fantastic. =D
    Post by: strfruit, Jul 1, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. strfruit

    There ya go!

    Naw, I agree that I wouldn't be buying a system for one game but I plan on playing KH3 on the Playstation 4 for sure.
    Post by: strfruit, Jun 29, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. strfruit
  20. strfruit
    Profile Post Comment

    Hahaha! All the feelz!! =P

    Hahaha! All the feelz!! =P
    Profile Post Comment by strfruit, Jun 27, 2013