Heyaz! I stumbled upon KHV in 2007 and stalked browsed the site quite often. Being my first KH forum to visit, it was flippin awesome! KH everywhere! <3 The community seemed pretty cool. Everyone appeared to be really chill and fun to talk to. :) Sweet potatoes! <3 It would have to be Italy....beautiful A blanket! All teh possibilitehs! 1. Original: "This guy keeps up with everything! Woah! He seems pretty cool though." 2. Current: "You would never really know this guy without actually talking to him. Looks are deceiving. He is a really cool guy, an awesome friend, and wouldn't miss your birthday even if you asked him to." 3. Aw I can't really pick a fave.....they're all wonderful :3 4. My favorite color is light purple and number is 7 5. Food = Cherries Drink = Strawberry milkshake Meal = Ravioli di Portabello or Parmesan Crusted Chicken Snack = Apples and peanut butter 6. History and Art :3 7. Psssshhhht no wai...absolutely not....no way in....jk yes...yes you iz. Why? Cause you're Amaury. That's why! =D 8. Your user title is quite unique. I like. 9. I'm pretty sure there aren't any....hope not! o__o 10. "Who be this Xemnas being who travels ever so often? I love to travel....why have we not spoken? She seems pretty chill and cool....lovin dat avatar....mmm that sig too....woah now"
Heyaz! Thanks for stopping by =D Very kind of your bo to recommend me! You two are adorbz! <3
Oh my....a KH3 PS4 bundle would take an arm and leg. But it would be ;A; beautifullllllllll! Going to have to finish what they have haha. It's a...
Lol! I know the feelz. E3 pretty much emptied my future pocket. Sweet! I watched a little of that with my roommate at school (was our...
Hey hey!! First: "Fellow banner to whom I can't "out-ban"! He seems like a pretty cool guy....quite clever." Current: "Flood is..my goodness....awesome! Super cool, super friendly, someone to count on. Why am I not following him???? For shame on me..." -goes to follow- My favorite (other than Sora of course :3) would have to be Riku. The whole ending to KH2 in The World That Never Was with Riku....oh..perfect! Treasure Island is my all time fav <3 I have to worst time picking a favorite because I watch so many xD but hmm....it would have to be Up. So many feelz in that movie ;A; First: "A Vanitas fan!!! -inner fangirl scream!- He seems to be a nice person here. I should say hello" Current: "My movie pal!! We talk paragraph by paragraph by paragraph about movies! He is a wonderful friend, reliable person, awesome critic, creative writer, and a lot of fun to talk to. I definitely see him very successful in the future. Much love. Much love!" I watched The Other Guys with my little bro =P I have always been a big fan of Hawkeye. I guess because I love archery heehee so I would have to pick him. Hmmm well it would depend on the lunch and where it's from :3 Naw, I wouldn't walk very far for a free lunch. Maybe a few blocks? or right down the street. Why hello! I love the Uncharted series for ps3.....and the Last of Us, can't forget that one. =P Yaoi heehee As a kid I loved to watch Digimon :3 All time faaaaaaav Apple slices dipped in peanut butter....mmmmmmmmm It would have to be the movie Up =)
:D Just a few video games and some chillin.....and work but meh... haha How's your summer been so far? Anything fun planned?
Haha d'aww why thanks! :D #nottheleastbitawkward What's up?
E i g h t y - s i x
You have a nice one week break, Amaury! See you when you get back =)
Banned for TWEWY o_o
Stay safe and have fun!! :3 We shall see you soon!
Awww ;A; you guys! <3 Why hello, Chef Ramsay :3 1. It would have to be either Ravioli di Portabello orrrrr Parmesan Crusted Chicken with white rice....mmmm mm mm! 2. I love dem all! Naw, if I had to pick a favorite, it would be between Sora and Aqua. 3. Joseph Gordon-Levitt definitely <3 First: "Cat as a username is awesome! And she likes TWEWY! The coolness of this person!" Current: "Beyond awesome, a hard worker, a wonderful person, and good friend to everyone...yup...that's Cat!" I actually was going to use paopufruit, but it just didn't flow as well as strfruit =) Anime! <3 Top five: 1. Hunter x Hunter 2. Soul Eater 3. D. Gray-Man 4. Durarara 5. Fullmetal Alchemist Hmmm tough one..... I'll say Kingdom Hearts so we all can kill things with keyblades have awesome keyblades =D The five peeps who are with me: (from khv) Llave (hubbyz!) Oda Vagineer Kirito~ (HoT) Creature (because I talk to you guys all teh time ;D, but I love you all!) <3!! First: "He seems like a pretty cool guy....I should talk to him sometime" Current: "He has quite the sense of humor and is an unforgettable friend. I can't describe the epicness of this guy! Friends forevz!" I am just wonderful today =D Thank you! Thank you! YES!! We definitely need to brawl one day. Most definitely! On my bucket list yo! ;D Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn!!! First: "How kind of him to introduce himself. He must be a nice person" Current: "Oh my goodness! So talented! An amazing friend....and brother of course! And fun to talk to! I am very thankful for that intro message." This is a toughy......>.< Riku = my pillow Sora = my bed <3 Even though I don't post there much, I like the Graphic Art and Writer's Nook sections. ^-^ My favorite keyblade has always been the Oathkeeper, so I will have to go with that one Pssshhhht...oh you.....haha. I can't answer that for myself xD Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu!!! -hugs- Dinny!! Heyaz! It's kind of exciting, actually haha. Was surprised to have gotten the spotlight. Thank you all! <3 D'awwww shucks! ^///^ I'm a natural! (Haha jk jk :3) You are a supa cool person who I would like to talk to sometime! You seem like an amazing friend and very nice person. I am just lovely today! ^-^ Thanks! I absolutely love cherries......<3 and some strawberries as well. Chocolate milk! Yummeh!
Thank youuuu! =)
Banned for banning my bans opposite.
Banned for quoting me
Banned for :3
Banned because "r"s are beautiful :3
Banned for "e"s in general! =O
Spoiler yup..... Cockroach >.<
Junkie for life! Banned for having two "e"s in your username.