I have been hearing a lot about this said "Kingdom Hearts". Disney and Final Fantasy mix up....sounds quite interesting...oh yes....yes indeed....
Relax days go by quick, that's for sure >.< haha You're welcome! That is good to hear =)
I have been working most of my summer sadly (night shifts! ahh!), but it has been pretty good still =) Thanks for asking! How about yours? ^-^
School work keeping you busy! Oh noez! >.< Awesome! How'd your other RP end? haha
The music is gorgeous!! Book 2 is looking good. Can't wait!
Otouto! How be you? :3
At least you got 3 days! =) That's a plus haha! Hope your event went well for you!
Definitely going to have to play it again. Was one of my younger me favez. Worth the purchase =D What other games do you like? (cause video games...
Sadly the same. v.v Had a short vaca when summer began but for the rest it's all work. -cries in corner- How's the event going? =) Nice to hear...
Agree haha I haven't played Sly Cooper in a really really long time. I used to love it though! =D (all good ^-^)
Oh for realz ;A; Terrible, just terrible.... Hahaha
Ooo >.< getting into a show during school can be awful. The early to bed, early to rise thing.......uhg the end to all-nighters v.v and hello to...
Hahaha very true! Tv show seasons; once you get really hooked, it's the "just one more episode" deal that eventually becomes an entire season in...
Nuuu! Liiiive! But I know the feelz! v~v Movies are another thing. Quite a few I want to see! So many to things to see and so little time to do...
Ahhh!! The temptation to watch it!! @.@ And I know right?!?! The overwhelming-ness of all of these awesome shows lately! Guhhh! I CAN'T! So...
Welcome to KHV! It is a pleasure to have you here with us. Have fun and make many friends during your time here. See you around the forums! =)
Haha! I know what you mean! >.< The anticipation for the next episode is a killer.....;A; Are episodes released weekly?
Oh yis! ;A; I have been meaning to watch an episode of it, but I feel one may not be enough xD. My friend said it was addicting....kind of hooks...
You are very welcome! =) How have you been? Any summer plans? (sorry for the late reply v.v my week has been crazay!)