Hey there, Lala! Welcome to KHV! It is a pleasure to have you with us. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask our staff. They are more than willing to help you out. More importantly, have fun, make friends, and enjoy being here. See you around!
Too adorbz heehee Sooooo...how long have you been dating? (If you don't mind me asking) ^-^
;A; Could not agree more =) An east coast conference would be great!
You like what you do and that's great! With that, the pay is no matter. You make what you need and enjoy the rest ^-^ You are very welcome :3
Aw ;~; Well you'll see each other soon I am sure =) One way or another, you'll find a way to meet.
Look at you with them skillz! My goodness! Totes jelly! Learn to order and you'll be pro...woohoo! Haha! Well that is just awesome. I am very...
Haha! Oh wow! That is super nice! So you had to go through an interview and all that fun stuffz?
Ah! I see. Perhaps a meet half way thing =) You both fly to each other <3
Welcome, Majora! It is a pleasure to have you here with us. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask any of the staff. They are more than willing to help you out =) Enjoy being here with us and make new friends along the way! See you around!
Aww <3 Do you two live close by?
Us Virginians gotta stick togetha? Ya?
A senior at 14!! Woah! Very nice =D Smart cookie are we now? Haha! That's great!
Oh yis! And with your hard work, it's definitely earned.
Aw =/ Well I guess you do what you have to. At least you're getting paid! =D That's a good thing! Haha
Ahhh! I didn't see your reply ;A; I'm sorry! Oh wow! A double role...very nice. You got this! Which play are you in? =)
Oh yes ^^ Thank goodness! Haha! 2nd shift. Latest has been 4pm - 12am. Awesome! That's wonderful! Congrats, Andrew!! =D Are you excited? (Even...
Ahh! @.@ No peace of mind! Do you get called in a lot?
Cat! Hey hey! Impressions? (Plz =3) Do you collect anything? If so, what? What is the silliest thing on your bucket list? Favorite anime character? If you could voice a character in a video game, which game character would you voice and why?
Ayeee >.< Call in days are awful....the feel of wanting to go out...be free..but nope v.v No deal.
lol! I know the feelz! ;A; Oh my goodness, a week break sounds lovely. Stinks you get so relaxed, then in a blink it's over. Fufufu