Wahhh!! My apologies! ;A; how are you?!?!?!
The residue from all of the products is making your hair greasy. Try not to wash your hair with shampoo because it will only build up more residue and make your hair shinier......//cry Use a boar bristle brush (if you have one) and just water. Blow dry it on low and use the brush on your roots as you dry. ^^ If you don't have that brush, try just rinsing your hair thoroughly with water. If it doesn't fix on first try, wait a bit and try again. Hope you get it all figured out!
Niiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssannnnnnnnn!!! Gomen for not being on here much.......//hugs Miss you tooooooo!!! ;A;
Banned for game.....
Welcome, Alex! It is a pleasure to have you here with us.
Mmmmhmmm! Aw! Yay! That is wonderful to hear! Always great making new friends. =)
Ooooo...how's the senior project coming along? =) and hope your mentor plans have been getting better for you. ;A; AND YES.....YES WE DO...OH MY...
Aw Thanks! Haha....trying to visit you all whenever I can...miss you guys.
Very nice! My otouto is so smart :,)! So school is going well for you this year hm? ^-^ And arigato! :3 Hoping to be able to be a little more...
You two! <3 Aside from being piled on with assignments, I am great! haha! And how have you been? OTOUTO! I MISS YOU TOOOOOO! Oh my goodness! ;A;...
Aww.....you guysssss ;A; Thank youuuuu for the kindness. I miss you all too! Have lots going on lately. @.@ How have you been?
Otouto!! Hey there! It has been a long time ;__; I apologize for the sudden disappearance, have had a lot going on lately and hadn't gotten the...
Hey there! Welcome to KHV, Meshari! It is nice to have you here with us. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to ask any of the staff. They will be happy to help you out =) Have fun and make friends! See you around!
Aw! You all do an amazing job voicing these characters. Just wonderful.
Yis yis ;~; Great! So what have you been up to this summer?
Haha we all do things differently. Including keeping up with our days. =) Not weird in the slightest.
Work work work haha, but really good =) Thanks for asking! And yourself?
xD Naw, not weird at all! Really. Haha....now if you had the hours, minutes and seconds added in there....maaaybe..lol jk jk Keeping up with it...
Heeeeeeyyy there!
D'awww...my goodness. Just lovely! :3