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  1. Hell Kaiser Ryo
    NAO! :B|: :.-.:

    Thread by: Hell Kaiser Ryo, Apr 17, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Hell Kaiser Ryo
    Thread by: Hell Kaiser Ryo, Apr 17, 2010, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Hell Kaiser Ryo


    [Yeah, saw the movie....and.....]


    Thread by: Hell Kaiser Ryo, Apr 16, 2010, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Hell Kaiser Ryo
    One of these days Ndnd, bang, zoom, straight to the third moon of Omicron Persei 8!

    Thread by: Hell Kaiser Ryo, Apr 11, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Hell Kaiser Ryo
    Like, three guys, two guys and a girl, one guy and two girls, or three girls together...and possibly get married together. My question is much to what I need to know, and to see whether it's frowned upon in this forum, or anyone in today's society. Can three people, of any gender, be together at all?
    Thread by: Hell Kaiser Ryo, Apr 10, 2010, 40 replies, in forum: Discussion
  6. Hell Kaiser Ryo
    Why do we lie, and not tell the truth?

    Should we be not able to at least tell partial lies and only truth, keep things secret to a point if you need to lie, then tell the truth about what you're doing? Truth sets people free, and makes things easier, but, I suspect that what we do when we lie, is to ease pain, rather than give pain with our own words.

    So, tell me...what is the interesting question I'm asking?
    Thread by: Hell Kaiser Ryo, Apr 9, 2010, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Hell Kaiser Ryo
    [I found a bear.]

    Thread by: Hell Kaiser Ryo, Mar 21, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Hell Kaiser Ryo
    Random is Random...I suppose...

    For reality, and of description, we are but of blight.
    Neither of man nor nature can we fight.

    That of which we cannot conceal,
    They take too long to give men their appeal.

    Nature nor beauty, that much is certain.
    "But at what cost?"
    That's your burden.

    "Take in the views, take in the sites," take a photo of that cartoon Bloo.
    Lets see who's not real...when you're left with Nosferatu.

    We give, they recieve, for our helpful behaviour, yet,
    We do less and less of to give them a saviour.

    "Hardly our crime that we didn't commit,
    We left with your friendly neighborhood dimwit."

    How did we know it got this far?
    That when you told us, things just got burned to our streetcar.
    But I digress, and this poem's too long of random thoughts,
    And I'm all out of ideas...welp...I guess it's up to you robots~
    Thread by: Hell Kaiser Ryo, Feb 14, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  9. Hell Kaiser Ryo
    Did it take you to at least beat this game?

    Took me up to 3 or 4 days at best, on proud mode at that as well.
    Thread by: Hell Kaiser Ryo, Feb 10, 2010, 31 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  10. Hell Kaiser Ryo
    I was getting bored, thought I might as well make these into an even better image, a lot more color, and yeah, they're just stocks transformed with different colors and what-not.


    Pic 1: [​IMG] The Lancelot.

    Pic 2: [​IMG] Zero.

    Pic 3: [​IMG] Lelouch/Zero.

    Pic 4: [​IMG] Zero.

    I had no idea they turned out so blurry...damn computer program. *smashes it with turkey*
    Thread by: Hell Kaiser Ryo, Dec 28, 2008, 17 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. Hell Kaiser Ryo


    Anyone ever heard of 'em? They play this one song called Guardiani, it's beautiful and metal at the same time, it's...I can't describe how it feels. And they also play this one song called Tears of a Dying Angel, it's powerful and strong. Maybe I should put up some vids to show you the songs, and I don't care if they're bad, I'll put them up.

    Edit: Here's the two songs I found for the two I wanted you to hear.


    Tears of a Dying Angel:

    Seriously? No one knows these guys? T^T
    Thread by: Hell Kaiser Ryo, Dec 28, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Hell Kaiser Ryo
    I'm just gonna say this once, I have indeed only made five chapters, so don't make any mistake with this if you think I've made a sixth yet, I've been having a long writers block with this story really, and my idea for the sixth chapter, which are known as episodes, have been strained on. But I hope you enjoy the first episode. Now, let us begin with our main character, Avian Skie, a clone who isn't one at all, who has the mysterious powers of the force, but a plot twist, he can't use these force powers(push, pull, etc.) all he can use is the Future Force, to see into the future, at least to his future. So, lets begin in space, shall we? Oh, and there will be no Chapter Titles, just for the ones to know.

    Episode 1
    Traveling through space may do ghastly things to a man. Those things might harm you, corrupt you, maybe...maybe even destroy you. Although, this was never the case in my story.
    I remember so clearly, how the droids had fought against my fleet, against us, the republic, harsh times, cruel times, even that of dark times. Well...anyway, my ship, the M-1953Z, or otherwise called "Phear The Reaper", for its massive size and power, it mostly never mattered what name it was given or called, it was still my ship. Though it was neither the fastest or the slowest, I'd probably was the only one to ever be in it at all times, besides the Sergent or either the few cadets in it.
    "Sergeant," Nel Crevage began "the droids, they are all but gone. They mostly have their ship, but they only have at least five or fewer units left but-"
    "How many of our men are left at the ready, private?" Sergent Skin interrupted. Grivage was somehow taken aback by how calm and cool the Sergent looked and felt in his presence "Well, I would say we at least have ten at the ready, if you include General Skie, that makes eleven men total, Sir." Grivage replied.
    Sergent Kevin Skin sighed heavily at the response "Do not use Avian Skie, he will only be a small burden on the battle-"
    "Do I need to listen to an old vision of what happened the last time, Skin, last I checked, I lived in that last fight." I replied coldly.
    "Sir, I remember the last time, your lungs almost made you lose your life in that last battle in should-"
    "I do not need your pity, Sergent, what I need is to destroy the remaining few droids out there...maybe even take out Grievous and Count Dooku at the same time on that ship if they are there, so leave me be and let me do what I do best at!" I exclaimed towards Skin.
    I walked away to the elevator in anger as I looked out the window, where the remaining few battle droids and clone troopers remained, I counted three for the droids that were left, five for my troops. "I wonder...if this war is over, this separatist rebellion, the droids, the two General's that are still alive for now...what happens after?" I murmured.
    "That is hard to know, no one can really say whether or not the separatist rebellion will end, or when they run out of droids. Who can say really when it will end?" General Kenobi replied coolly.
    "And I wasn't talking to you, now was I? So stop hearing what you hear from me." I replied coldly as I walked past Kenobi. Obiwan Kenobi, my Commander-and-Chief of my fleet, he was also the one I couldn't stand the most in this ship, besides Skin of course. It could be that he was the only one who could use the force fully, while I could not. I knew the ways of the force, yet the only thing I could do with it was use the "Future Force", pain in the butt it was to use too, this is the same force power that almost made me lose my life in the space battle over Geonosis, a real pain that mission was, and let me tell you, I wasn't even a clone. I may have somewhat looked almost like one, but there was a key difference when it comes to taking a good look from me to the clones. The only thing that was different about me from them was that I was the only one who could use all the weapons, the other clones could only use the weapons they were given, I could use everyone of their weapons.
    Now back to reality, I was in the elevator, which was a long wait believe me. I had to wait for thirty feet to get down to the hangar. Now as soon as I walked out of the elevator, I had a "Future Flash", a small bit of what was to come of the future. "Hm?" I shook my head as I just took that little incident of what I saw had or might already happened, knowing it might have been nothing. Now, getting to the hangar was easy, knowing someone took your ship in the hanger while you're looking for it, is harder than what anyone can imagine.
    "Private Stark Stinghs," I said "do you happen to know where my ship is?" I stood in front of him after looking for an hour or more, but in reality, it was only five minutes, I'm not so much good on patience.
    Now Private Stinghs was a fine young man, he was either the same age as every other clone, or I've been seeing double the age in him, yet a bit nerve-wrecking when he couldn't act like the other clones "Well, uhh, I might know, do you wish to-"
    "Yes! I would so much like to know right now!" I cut him off. I grabbed him by the collar as I pulled him towards my face, which was angry as heck. "Where, The, Hell, Is, My, Ship?" I gritted in anger.
    "O-Officer Stark Ghan had, during..." Private Stingh stopped, how could he stop and say that my ship was used in battle? Simple, he just did it.
    "During the battle...during this battle?" I asked, Stingh shook his head. I sighed heavily, knowing that my ship was either gone or I never knew it was gone.
    "Having a bit of Starship troubles, Sir?" NX-315, or known as Nexter (My Droid).
    "Well, kind of...I actually think my ship was stolen. Can you believe that?" I exclaimed as I let go of Private Stingh's collar. "Say, Nexter, didn't you start making a ship, at least for combat?" I asked.
    "As a matter of fact, I have finished working on an old starship model, Sir, but the only thing that left to be done is to give it a name." Nexter replied in that monotone-like voice of his.
    "Name-shmame, let me use that ship and I'll think of the name later after this battle is over!" I exclaimed.
    And just like that, he lead me to the ship he had been working on. After looking at the Blood Red-like paint on the wings, the chrome painted hub, and everything else a starship that was a pile of scrap, was turned into this. As far as the power-core went, I had to say, "This ship is awesome!" But I couldn't, it was...beneath me for some reason, still, the ship was in better ways than one old rust bucket. "So, Nexter, I think we should get this thing flying, like, now?" I said to him. Nexter opened the gate that we were in, and just like that, I was flying in an old rust bucket made better, the controls were pretty much decent but still, they were like crap to me.
    Think about it, you're in a space battle, there are two droid battle ships trying to fire at you and you actually have a bit of ammo in the ship you're in. But guess what, that doesn't happen, instead, your droid forgets to refill your energy weapons and not your secondary weapons, sucks to be me right now. Well, not really, anyway, I was stuck between a rock and a hard place, the only thing was wrong was my lungs, they burned, it was because of the artificial air in this ship, my lungs are so used to Carbon Dioxide in the air that my lungs are so filthy that this fake air that I'm breathing slowly kills me, tough break there. Well, the fight was pretty much dead wait, the droids were acting funny when I only took two shots to them, they just moved slowly as my missiles hit them, not much fun there, so I head back to "Phear", problem is, my engines are cut out, guess the droids did that, no wonder their ship wasn't anywhere to be seen.
    "Sir, are you in need of assistance?" Skin asked, like he needed to ask that question.
    "Well, one, my lungs are burning as hell, and two, get my engines are blown, now get me back in my ship!" I cried.
    "Your ship?, I'm sorry, but it happens to be our ship, if you've forgotten?" Obiwan replied.
    "Just get me back in the ship!" I exclaimed, obviously, this whole thing about me and him working together, wasn't working.
    After the few minutes that went by while I stayed in the small cockpit of the ship, it wasn't much fun from there but it did feel like a long wait for them to pick up my ship, seemingly, I was about to name this ship "Crimson Fire" for its speedy blaze on the secondary weapons, not its first, How am I suppose to know whether this ship has powerful primary weapons? I thought. Even after that battle, I just sat there, stuck to my seat waiting for the ship, and just like that, I was meditating. I actually could see the visions of the future of what was yet to come, seemingly, it wasn't good for any of the Jedi, not even Obiwan would survive. After that meditative state, I was in the hangar of the ship.
    As soon as I was in my ship's hangar, I immediately got out of Crimson Fire, as soon as I did, Obiwan was standing there.
    "I sensed that you're uneven, was something wrong? Besides your lungs." He questioned in a cold manner, hardly obvious.
    I jumped out of my ship, sure I was uneven, but still, I couldn't feel pain at this point "If you're using your force sensing powers, then I suggest using them for something useful, like fortune telling." I replied even colder than him, making an angered look in my eyes. Even he didn't like the idea of being on this ship with me or Skin. Complete opposites do have something in common, we both stared at each other until one of the Troopers came walking up to us and said.
    "General's, we've got a distress signal from Coruscant!"
    Well, either names goes, I for one saw a lot of things that needed to be changed, as for the other chapters, you will wait, for I will only post one chapter each week, except six, since I haven't had a good thought about Episode 6 yet. Or at least how to start it.

    CnC? If I wanted to change and put a double space to the first parts of it, I would, but I will not.
    Thread by: Hell Kaiser Ryo, Dec 22, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: Archives
  13. Hell Kaiser Ryo
    This thread is for those who have no Idea what gender your name gives, this is the place. So, whoever wants to post their gender here, please do.

    Here's the layout if needed:


    That's it, and add a cnc on it if you want, no harm, no foul play, I hope this helps any with people's gender/username?
    Thread by: Hell Kaiser Ryo, Dec 7, 2008, 67 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Hell Kaiser Ryo
    This question's been bothering me for a period of time since I remember playing the whole collection of the games and reading the manga as well, now I wanna know, what are any of your thoughts on why she wasn't one of the Princesses of Hearts in the first game of KH to the end of KH2?
    Thread by: Hell Kaiser Ryo, Nov 28, 2008, 20 replies, in forum: Gaming
  15. Hell Kaiser Ryo
    All right, I wanna know which is more better, Cloud/Zack's Buster Sword or Genesis' sword?
    Thread by: Hell Kaiser Ryo, Nov 19, 2008, 34 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Hell Kaiser Ryo
    I found a site yesterday and yeah, well, I need to know, what the heck does this all mean?

    "The most profound mystery is the Gift of the Goddess and in pursuit of this gift we set on a journey and take flight. Hopeless as it may seem we stand and carry onward with the ripples of water that surface on our hearts."

    "Will you be taking flight? Towards the planet that hates us."

    "Waiting for it to be received. A harsh tomorrow and rolling winds defy us."

    "For you it becomes quite usual to lose your dreams and pride. The Goddess herself has already let go of the arrow from her bow."

    "When will the beasts of this world bring their fight to an end? From the dark sky, the Goddess comes whirling down. The door to the light opens to happiness, together with the gift of the Goddess."

    "Revenge is scared into my soul. Agonizing for its arrival our wishes become our relief. Sleep where you are equable."

    "Wishing for tomorrow... my soul shatters. My pride is broke. My wing is broken. I am no longer able to fly..."

    "You were loved by the Goddess and shared none of her blessings. Even as heroes the world hates."

    "Your wish where life is fostered. The Gift of the Goddess is handed down. Your sacrifice and the world's end. Like the blowing winds over an unknown water surface---softly and certainly."

    "Your wish is where life is fostered."

    "Your sacrifice and the world’s end."

    "Like the blowing winds over an unknown water surface-- softly and certainly."

    "In the tomorrow without promises, I swear I’ll definitely return to the place where you’re standing. A drop of the planet’s hope from ending land, the far side of the sky and the distant water surface become a secret offering." ~LOVELESS
    Thread by: Hell Kaiser Ryo, Nov 18, 2008, 16 replies, in forum: Gaming
  17. Hell Kaiser Ryo
    Chapter 1: The Talk and The Fight

    In the old time, I wondered, 'Would this be my last battle before the calm, or, the last fight of a new storm?' I thought about what was my last dwelling in a practice fight against my friend, ah, how the time flew by when I felt so deprived of my youth. My youth and as such, every man grows old but his spirit lives on in the heart, I remembered that day, the second time I had met that man, the Enigmatic Soldier, Terra. It was exactly in the same spot where our first encounter had been, I had talked to him about youth but he thought of 'Hearts' to change my mind on the way I thought of and about youth. "Every youth must have strength to fight, every man and woman has a will to live...tell me, Terra, do you show power in destroying others, their lives as such?" I, Xehanort, had explained to Terra. I had been long lived for a fight with this 'Terra' twice I had heard so much about, not so much, he looked like he was in his mid-20's, to me anyway.

    "I show, only to what my heart tells me, my heart tells me to follow and destroy the darkness within hearts...even yours, Xehanort, and that darkness will be destroyed before it destroys your own heart, I can not just stand idly by and watch as you corrupt your heart, taking away that light within your heart!" Terra had replied with an upward inflection in his voice.

    Not only had I had heard his 'child-like' voice with a deepened structure within it, he was more of a child than a man. "You say, your heart tells you what to do, well...hearts, are entirely more than what you can feel...hearts, they are entirely made of the dark...and..there is light strenghend within the very core of it, and you say there is all darkness within all our so?" I had asked, and not only noticed that Terra was not such boy, but, Terra had been made of musticular strength, he had the 'Keyblade' already in his hand as he had said to me while summoning it, this was only the second time I had seen his Excalibur Keyblade.

    "Hearts are nothing...but of entirely made of pure darkness, nothing but light is made on the outer rim of their know nothing and now nothing is what you shall become!" Terra had yelled to the sky, and then ran at me with full force. Luckily, my guardian, as I called him, had come to my aid just in time, blocking Terra's attack with the same force, not letting him through his strong defence.

    I'd like to make an announcement, if you take a look at the pic in my sig, that's where Xehanort and Terra's second encounter is (just only assuming folks) and that they talk and well, I'm only gonna make the story up as it goes, but I can tell you that I have made this story to Xehanort's side of BBS, very much, I'd like people to understand, I have not played the game, only seen images of what's been put up on. And to make things easier I've had some help from REBD on this as he is editor on the story to help things move a little more smoothly.
    Thread by: Hell Kaiser Ryo, Jan 5, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: Archives
  18. Hell Kaiser Ryo

    well, I went searching for Birth by sleep stuff, and found this on youtube, I give the guy credit, and his design is awesome (if anyone's already seen this, I swear, I might go haywire >_<'') anyway, if what anyone wants to take any offers on making the start menu for BBS, what would the BBS start menu look like, different than this guys work? (If this is in the wrong section, please, administraitor or someone above the member level, put this in its corrective place, please and thank-you ^_^ ~ XTTA)
    Thread by: Hell Kaiser Ryo, Dec 31, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Hell Kaiser Ryo


    1.) No God-modding
    2.) No Power-play
    3.) No killing a player w/o their permission (PM them for that then PM me)
    4.) Romance (PG-13)
    5.) Language (PG-13)
    6.) Have Fun (And I Know You Will)
    7.) No Yaoi, Yuri, or anything in that order.
    8.) Corrective language must be readable.
    9.) Every post must be at least three or four sentences long. After your fourth or third sentence, you must start a new line with a space between your first opener, and so on and so fourth.
    10.) If you have a moment where you and another character are together, stay with them until another character comes along your way.
    11.) If someone is using a word "over and over" again in the same sentence, they will automatically be removed from this RP.
    12.) If anyone has a complaint about the RP, speak to me about it (In PM).
    13.) If anyone else wants to join they must join a person's Organization (Except # 1's because he's the big man of it all).
    Don't worry all the worlds from KH1 and KH2 are in here.
    Now get a character and be Somebody... or "Nobody" in this case.
    When you have read all the rule's then just say "The Heart Is Power"
    It has been a few years since the fall of Xehanort and Organization XIII. Sora, Riku, and Kairi are back home together. Mickey, Donald, and Goofy have returned to the castle and to their friends or spouses. Everything seems to have turned out for the best. How oblivious people can be...

    As it turns out, Xemnas's organization was only one of a larger web. The twelve remaining organizations have now seen the keyblade at its most powerful. The leaders of the organizations made the XIII Committee. With the loss of one of their members, the nobody leaders of the organizations are gearing for war. And their first priority was to get rid of threats.

    They set out, all 156 members of the combined twelve organizations, to defeat the three keybearers at Destiny Islands. Although a few of the weaker members were taken, the XIII Committee was able to defeat and kill their keybearer foes. King Mickey received news of the problem and has summoned forth his secret weapon: a new group of keybearers. For Destiny Islands wasn't the only place the keybearers came from. Totalling nine in all, the fledgeling warriors must set out to defeat the XIII Committee, for, like a snake, if you cut the head off the body dies. Will the keybearers kill the snake that is the Committee? Or will the venomously evil Nobodies bite back? The fate of the worlds will be revealed in time.


    Number (I-XII):

    Title (the ___ ____)







    Bio (no short "he/she remembers little of his/her past". Make a story for him/her.)

    Just for fun, Theme Song:

    Loyal Nobody Follower:

    Loyal Heartless Follower:









    Bio (same as above in Organization Template)

    Theme Song:

    Any Other Weapon Perhaps You Would Like To Add?:
    Committee XIII-
    I) Sevexlen - The Threatened Preistess
    II) Xaren - The Destructive Gaurdian
    III) Xana - The Devious Angel
    IV) Lexi - The Dark Illusionest
    V) Xajita - The Sharp Nobody
    VI) Tynoxahn - The Storm Knight
    VII) Xirkai - The Black Rose

    1) Jordie
    2) Zorx
    3) Tohoya
    4) Jecht
    5) Silence
    6) Saiyo

    Radiant Garden
    Port Royal
    The World That Never Was- Starting point for XIII Committee
    Disney Castle- Starting point for Keybearers

    New Worlds:
    Dreamland: A land of forests, magic, happiness, and home to the Fountain of Dreams

    N. Sanity Island: A small tropical island home to tiki-gods. It includes surrounding islands and is home to one orange marsupial

    Willow Castle: A decrepid castle on the outskirts of the worlds. It sits on the edge of a huge void. Its only prominent feature is its large crystal heart.
    "The Heart Is Power"


    Name: Xaren

    Number: II

    Title: The Destructive Gaurdian

    Gender: Male

    Age: 35

    Element: Nature

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Weapon: *In pic*

    Personality: Shallow Most of time, His undecribable nature is beyond anyone's, His Fierce power comes from all Nature on any world, and he gains life from any and all plant's for a few minutes, his most Loyal friend was Dragoon and Neo Shadow that he had always enjoyed creating havoc and yet he sometimes uses his blade in battles.

    Bio: Before Xaren came along, he had a life no worries, no problems, no nothing...and that's just it, he had only a few things before he became Xaren and why he had become a Nobody in the Organization XIII. When he was whole his former-self had lived beyond his years as a 30 year old but only because that wasn't his problem, his fate was always facing darkness in Hollow Bastion. But because he had always destroyed countless heartless he screwed up and before long a Neo Shadow had corrupted his heart.

    In stealing the heart from Xaren's former-self was always too much to handle so the heartless (Neo Shadow) had split Xaren from his former-self (Eran) and in doing so Xaren had been created but was long forgotten by his former self. It has been at least ten years now since that day and he has yet to reveal himself to any human or Keyblader until now. But in two years Xaren had created an Organization on his own finding the best and yet the strongest Nobodies he could find all he found out of the other Organization's were 6...just 6 Nobodies out of XIII which included him to be the seventh.

    From the times he spent creating an Organization he found that he didn't need XIII Nobodies all he needed was 8...8 Nobodies. When he was in Hollow Bastion he had found out that a Nobody had been created from a person he never knew and that is the one he recruited into the Organization and yet his Organization was now known as Nature's Peak. And to this very day he has kept an Eye on every single Nobody that has ever joined him and created his attention to.

    Theme Song: Kamelot - Like The Shadows

    Loyal Nobody follower: Dragoon

    Loyal Heartless Follower: NeoShadow
    When We Get about VI or more users put in the RP we will start and anyone can join after we start, the people must PM me after we start to join, then post their templates, I want the best of the best RP'ers in this one.

    Name: Zorx

    Gender: Male

    Age: 19

    Race: Human

    Allegiance: Twilight

    Keyblade: Philosophers Blade

    Appearance: [​IMG] except he has an eyepatch over his left eye, and has a long, deep, scar down his right cheek.

    Personality: Kind, yet mean at the same time any way he wants too, he can control Heartless and Nobodies for an unknown reason, his strength is about a third inch higher than others but not that much to some.

    Bio: The long time friend of Jordie, Krystal, and Dean. He was more a friend then anyone could tell you, but when he was little a person gave him a box that could take away memories. And all he had to do was join the man in a quest to destroy the people that betrayed him. But what he had found out about the man, he was working for, had found out to be Jordie's Father. On the last of his days, the person could take a blow by a punch, was more than a human.

    He was more stronger and wiser then in his years he remembered that if he had found Jordie he would let her remember who took the memories of her past...even if he could he would not be able to show his face in front of her.... But He Remembers that Jordie gave into darkness to save herself, and her memories, to keep herself from being tortured by the anger and hate of losing all her memories. The last words he could remember from that day were "Never Forget, and Never Remember".

    Theme Song: linkin' park - Nobody's Listening

    Any Other Weapon Perhaps You Would Like To Add?: Arkhel Sword
    Okay, before we Begin the people (Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ and Jordier0xs0x) from my Organization XIII and Organization's XIII*Retry* are hear-by put in this RP, but must put their Templates, in order to see their Characters, anyone can join and yes, this is in fact the same thing as before, but I'm not gonna let this one die.
    Thread by: Hell Kaiser Ryo, Aug 7, 2007, 375 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Hell Kaiser Ryo
    As the title says, what I mean on it is. Should Square-Enix and Buena Vista make a better, more enhanced version of the first game? Or leave it, as is? and the Title should be called, Kingdom Hearts: Remixed Edition, and if they did make a newer version, would be a better one, the story can stay the same, but the Heartless could look more better, Sora looks more like a 14-year-old and not a 10-year-old. Much more taller and the Keyblades could be more Enhanced as well, plus it should be the same as the Kh2 version of the Gummi Ship battle sequence, not no battle just looking straight and going up, down, left and right, every which way it should go.

    And they should allow you to have the ability whether to play any character within the game, not just Sora all the time, and they should make it to where you can synthesis Keyblades together, making stronger, more powerful ones. So I just wanna know, Should they? And they should make it to where you can change your characters clothes for the Cutscenes.

    EDIT: And In the better version they should have some rock music added to it as well, like Breaking Benjamin or Linkin Park type-o'-deal in it, for just the right boss battles, and yes the boss battles should be even stronger, and their choosing level of Gameplay should have, Beginner, Easy, Medium, Hard, Extra Hard, and Impossible for the start of a new game. Plus after Every defeat of ever boss or how many Heartless you slay, they should gain munny or a weapon after so many battles and raids of Heartless, and if they do beat the powerful more stronger Ansem, the should have the option of free-play after you defeat the game, making you travel to Destiny Islands, and other worlds, or have a Secret World that allows you to gain a new spell, weapon, or ability if you beat it, and if you start a new game they should have all the clothes from your first game, go into your second one. And the game should come out on ever console, PS2, PS3, X-Box360,Gamecube, PSP, and Nintendo Lite.
    Thread by: Hell Kaiser Ryo, Jul 12, 2007, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone