I'm good. :D Except for the fact that all my friends have a Snow Day except for me.
Mira sighed. "Well... Rishia and my father have never gotten along... and all the stress over the dirvoce made it... worse." Looks at Tamaki. "They fight over everything, from how shoes should be tied all the way to how my father should run his business. It's a nightmare."
Hi! How are you?
Mira beamed as she looked over the lake while sitting down on the bench. "It's beautiful," she chuckled, "as always."
Mira chuckled and stood back up. "That's alright. I'm just happy you're not hurt."
Mira gasped while watching. She kneeled down next to him, keeping her skirt hanging around her very lady-like. "Are you alright?"
Mira smiled and nodded. "Okay."
Alright! Night!
I believe I did. O.o
Nope. I didn't find a need to.
Welcome back! :D Nothing much has happened in Lucky Star/Ouran. Hikaru and Kaoru are having a discussion on how Kaoru feels it's alright if Hikaru...
Hikaru chuckled and walked inside. "Well, I'm going to have to know sooner or later. I'd hate to get you riled up every time I sigh." Mira sighed. "I'm not sure..." She suddenly got an idea and smiled at Tamaki. "Where's a place you like to go to?"
Alright, see ya! My parents are kicking me off for bed anyway. :lol:
Alright.... and in the occasion that she doesn't. Please tell her I hope she's alright and doing well for me, okay?
It's alright. I don't have an account on Deviant... so I can't really talk to her there.
aw... poor thing. :( But a lot of TMI at a certain part there.
so, why is Iko leaving for a bit?
Hi! Just thought I should tell you that I did reply to Lucky Star/Ouran RP as Hikaru. Just to let you know.
OOC: Yes... I'm not lying. XD lol!