You know... that saying applies to "mankind" and not just "man". Roxas: *chuckles* She has a point there.
Mira smiled big. "That sounds fun!"
Mira smiled. "Thank you, that's very nice of you. I don't really have a curfue, though."
"Are you sure?" Mira inquired.
That's interesting. Hikaru: *laughs* Riku thought the dog was a girl!
:lol: On the contrary, I wasn't thinking anything because my brain is being melted by the trash on TV. ;)
No! I was trying to figure out whether or not I wanted your gift to return, so we could be creeped out again. heh heh. :glomp: good try, though.
Mira smiled. "It's fine..." Her smile disappeared when she noticed the blood. "You're... bleeding."
Perhaps I should test you... what am I thinking right now?
Mira nodded her head slightly. "Alright... if you say so."
Well, perhaps someday your gift may return to creep us out again. :lol:
*chuckles* You're right... I'm the youngest in my family, and we don't call each other anything like that. *watches Usa-chan* Silly dog. Roxas:...
I guess so. *sighs* aw... what a pity.
Mira tilted her head. "What does she do?" She then realized what she just said and looked away. "I'm sorry... if it's private, then you don't have to tell me."
"No thanks, I'm fine." Mira looked at Tamaki. "But you know, you shouldn't call your mom an idiot... it isn't nice, and rather disrespectful."
You're wondering if I'll get this right or not.
Mira smiled while looking around at everything. "You have a nice house."
Mira chuckled and stepped into the hallway. "No, it's fine. You don't have to get me a jacket."
uh oh... I think we have a problem. I was actually thinking about another matter completely. *gaps* What are we gonna do?!
I know! And we wouldn't be creeped out on how our minds think so much alike. O.o