So when's the big day?
heehee! See? So you're not a slacker. If you are... then I'm one too! Woot!
idk if falling behind in anime is really slacking. lol! I just find a show I like and watch it.... usually being the ones that aren't the most...
Oh! That's alright! :D
Oh yeah! I'm even getting the Manga as well. :D
Sorry wedding? huh?
Okay. :lol: I guess so, or perhaps I've seen that scene in The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya too much.
I know. A lot of people associate blue with sadness, probably because of this " :( " sad smiley is blue. Plus yellow seems to be the bright color...
Oh I'm pretty sure of that. :) Personally I think blue is a great color. It's very calm and peaceful, like the ocean (most of the time.)
That is true, I've never thought about it like that. I always look at silver and go "shiny...." XD lol!
Okay then, so I'm guessing your favorite color is red... correct? :D
I see. :) In that case, I hope we become really good friends.
You're welcome! :D An honor? Really? I'm so flattered. XD lol!
Really? Congratulations! :D
I see... it does sound fun, but I decided to quit RPing online. Sorry.
ooh! What's it about?
My Easter was great! :D Got to hang out with the family all day in my pajamas. And what do you expect me to do?
Understandable, I guess. O.o Alright, see ya later!
O.o wow... I've just been hanging out at home today. :) It's nice to just chill with family every now and then.
heeheee! The ceiling, sky, clouds, and other random things. :D Happy Easter, by the way.