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  1. Bluelazor
  2. Bluelazor
  3. Bluelazor
  4. Bluelazor
    Profile Post

    Awesomely awesome. :D

    Awesomely awesome. :D
    Profile Post by Bluelazor for ShibuyaGato, Mar 19, 2010
  5. Bluelazor
    Hikaru nodded in agreement. "We can always find out."

    Mira shook her head quickly. "No, it's fine. I kinda don't want to be there right now, it's a mess."
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Bluelazor
  7. Bluelazor
  8. Bluelazor
    Hikaru groaned. "Dang... we were just starting to have fun with it too."
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Bluelazor
  10. Bluelazor
    Mira quietly followed Tamaki, not really sure what to say. She looked over her shoulder at her dad to see him sigh and look at the floor. Quickening her pace a bit, she caught up with Tamaki and walked next to him. "Where are we going?"
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Bluelazor
  12. Bluelazor
  13. Bluelazor
    Mira looked up from her spot and ran over to Tamaki. "Tamaki!" She quickly hid behind him and looked at her older sister.

    Rishia, a girl who looked almost like Mira, but had a few differences... one being her lacking in a smile, was sprawled across the floor. She was dressed in a pair of jeans and a nicely fit t-shirt. She glared at Mira. "When whatever you did wears off, you're so dead." She looked up at a tall man, who was looming over her. "Who taught her that trick anyway?"

    The man just sighed, obviously exhausted from the constant comotion. He looked over at Tamaki. "Surely we can be more courteous, as we have an unexpected visitor."

    "It's only that cocky-head kid, Tamaki."
    Rishia snarled and looked up at the ceiling.
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Bluelazor
  15. Bluelazor
    Yelling from Mira's house got louder and louder extremely fast. Then a sudden sound of someone hitting the floor and then silence.
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Bluelazor
  17. Bluelazor
    I say L from Death Note. He's extremely bright, has solved every case he comes across, and although his standards are rather low, he does not falter in his theories when more than one person is telling him he's wrong. He's not the best role model as he eats nothing but sweets and he lies quite often, but we're not determining who's the best role model now are we?
    I honestly don't see how Batman would win, it seems Alfred does more of the detective work than he does.

    View attachment 2676
    And you have to admit, that's just cute.
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 18, 2010 in forum: Movies & Media
  18. Bluelazor
  19. Bluelazor
    Mira smiled at Tamaki. "Thank you." She reached the door and hugged Tamaki and remained there for a few seconds. After letting go and pulling away from him, she grabbed the door handle to the entrance door as sounds of two people shouting inside could be heard. She sighed. "Good night... I'll see you tomorrow." She opened the door, stepped inside and closed the door behind her.
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home