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  1. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
    Do you love me?!

    Am I still your kitten? :3c

    Why you so kawaii?


    Post by: (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ, Aug 17, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  2. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ

    Grace had listen to Kendric without a word, knowing it was basically suicide for him to be putting himself as bait just so they could get away. However, she knew quite well that they didn't have any time to think things trough, especially with everyone closing in. By now, most everyone knew who they were and what they had 'done', making her more than certain that most anyone would turn them in without a second thought. Being framed to a death of a leader, any single one of them could be worth a fairly large cash prize. The only question was if it was dead or alive. For Kendric's sake, she hoped it was alive.

    She ruffled up Mor's fur a bit, watching the officers a while longer. They had to wait for a clear way through, and by the looks of it, it didn't seem like they could get away without being seen. "It's okay, buddy. We'll fine a way soon." She had no idea what he was planning but she hoped it wouldn't be much longer, seeing as they were getting closer and closer. And knowing them and the crime committed, they will be looking in any place they can. No house left unserched. But worse off, it was much more dangerous for them to be caught by any teachers. If there was a fate worse than death, that would be it. Although she didn't show it, she was feeling a bit scared and uneasy.

    Yet suddenly, her senses perked up in an instant, feeling Kendric's energy flooding around. 'What does that idiot think he's doing?! That's a terrible way to cause a diversion!' She looked back to the police, seeing that they had already picked up on it. Within a matter of seconds, they rushed away from their current positions, readying themselves. 'I sure hope you know what you're doing... because you're in for it now.'

    "Come on guys. While there's a free way to escape. With this commotion going on, this little gap may not last long. They'll be swarming this whole area within a matter of seconds." She patted Mor on the head, looking directly at him. "You'll watch out for us from now on, okay? Make sure those bad men don't hurt us and you'll get a treat." With that being said, she instantly dashed across to the next hidden area, urging the others to follow behind and not draw too much attention to themselves. It wasn't going to be too long until they got to the desert but they had no time to waste and a ways to go. After getting there, they would have time to think of a plan. Especially if anyone were to get caught.


    Ayer looked over to the girl, very cautious of whom was talking to him. By this point, he wasn't feeling too trusting of anyone, having a fear of being killed or anything other harm to their already small team. But it didn't take him much long to relax, realizing they were just more of his classmates joining up with them. This brought a bit of relief to him, knowing now they may have more of a chance of surviving.

    "Hello! Oh how much of a joy it is to see more people like us. I was afraid that not many made it." He smiled, walking over to them but still being aware of their surroundings. With all the chaos going about, he wasn't so sure about staying here for much longer. "I seem to have forgotten your name at the moment. My apologies. My head just isn't in the right place after all that happened yesterday." He smiled an waved at Rogan and Meara before turning back toward Zelos. "It's best we travel together. Sure, more people may cause some minor issues. But I feel we'll have more of a chance if we come together."

    He walked over to the street, checking around for any kind of authority figure. Even if they were noticed, they could easily get away so long as no police were around to catch them. "We should get moving. It's shouldn't be long before they do another sweep of this area. With it being morning, it'll be easier to spot any of us. We have to move fast but stealthy." He smiled, feeling deep in his heart that there was a chance again. Once they made it out of this place, they could be free and didn't have to lose anyone else.
    Post by: (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ, Aug 17, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ

    Ayer quickly gathered his things together, not liking that he had spent way too much time sleeping off the effects of last night. He still had no idea how it was that he and Zelos had been able to escape that wrath of that teacher, especially after he ad killed off two of his closest friends. 'Why bother keeping us alive? Why couldn't he just taking my life and allow the girls to live?' The thought began to strike him again but he immediately swallowed that emotion, not having time to cry about it like he had done so earlier. They were gone now and he could not do a single things about it. Besides, he was sure that he would be joining them soon enough with the way things were going now. Two again and unknown amount? He knew they didn't stand a chance unless they found the others.

    Looking over to Zelos, he waved at him as he put his pack on. "Are you ready? It's not safe for us to stay here much longer. Who knows how long it'll be before the soldiers start searching through this area as well." He walked over to the door, opening it slowly in order to peek outside for any kind of danger. He was almost too scared to sleep, hearing so many footsteps along outside. There were times where he almost swore he heard someone trying to come in. But luckily, they had made it and now had to go back out again. 'A moving target is much harder to get to than those who keep still.'

    Seeing that the coast was clear, he signaled to his partner for them to make a break for it now, heading out the door silently as to not alert anyone near by. Although not many people would know them right away as the student criminals everyone was looking for, he wanted to keep as much attention away from themselves as possible. If even a single person caught on to them, they could be done for. After all, they had spend the night in an area where people would do almost anything to get money or be the hero. 'I can only hope we run into someone soon. Please, just give me this...'
    Post by: (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ, Aug 11, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ

    Grace felt a large sense of joy at the plan to keep the wolf with them. Now she would have more than just one memory of Artan traveling with her. Quickly running over, she grabbing his food from the shed close to the fence. After all, Artan had never liked for him to eat raw meat or creature unless absolutely necessary. Grabbing a few more item from the shelves, she hurried back over to the others, placing his thing into her backpack. "It's going to be a bit of work taking it but in the end it'll prove to be worth it. Especially since we plan to travel through the desert."

    She smiled, removing the leash and walking herself over to the gate. "Oh before I forget, his name is Mor. Not so much of a name for a pet or a wolf for that matter. But Artan liked it." Throwing her bag over, she shortly after followed Kendric, climbing up and jumping down to the other side. Taking her pack back onto her, she looked over to the others, waiting patiently for them to finish. Yet, the same thought struck her as it did Kendric. How was the wolf to jump over?

    Nomally, Artan would allow it out the gate and he was trained very strickly not to jump over the fence. She supposed that wasn't such a good idea after all. Letting out a sigh, she adjusted her bag on her should before thinking it over. 'I would have carried him over but we have to do as much as we can not to get noticed. Which means no magic.' And he's much to heavy for her to carry, as she was sure he was for the others too. 'Can't just leave him behind either. That would really be a waste.' She pondered it over, hoping the can think of something quickly.
    Post by: (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ, Aug 7, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
  6. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ

    Grace sighed, not having gotten nearly as much done as she thought she would. As much as her friend had taught her about how he did things, it was much more complicated than it seemed. She had heard the ruckus going on outside but she wasn't as concerned about it as much as the others were. Sure, it would be terrible if they didn't get out of the house as fast as they could. But she knew quite a lot about the house from all the time she spent there and knew that if she was running too late, she could use one of the many escape routes Artan had around the house. She would always use them to sneak in and out of there when he wasn't allowed out to play anyways.

    She put away all of Artan belongings, not wanting his parents to find them or know what he was working on that wasn't part of his studies. After all, even if he was dead, they might end up having a fit or simply throw away the brilliant inventions he had created over the years. She surely wouldn't let that happen, knowing they could be of great use to her later on in life. "Well Artan, this is it. It's time I finally do something for you. Don't worry... I'll be safe. So long as you watch over me." She smiled, holding her necklace as she spoke. Gathering the rest of the tools she thought she'd need, she quickly closed her backpack, opening the bedroom window. Surely, she had quite a bit of time before anyone got in to search the house. But she didn't want to bother taking the chance. Not that she had much time to be simply wasting with the long way around.

    Leaping out, she landed safely upon the ground, not having a single scratch on her. Not that it was that high of a jump to begin with though. She adjusted her bag, making sure the contents fixed comfortably against her back. There was no way she was planning on making any stops from now until they were out of the city, unless for good reason. Having thought about it during the night, she had made the decision to follow after Kendric and the others. Although she wanted to do more, she needed to think rationally and not get herself killed. She had no idea what these teachers full potentials were, and fighting back alone would basically be suicide. There was no way she was planning on giving her life like that so easily.

    Looking over to Mya, she shook her head, slowly walking over to her. "There's no need for you to pet him. This guy knows better than to bark or attack out of the blue, He's very good at sensing who's a threat or not. My friend was sure to each him such." She scratched the back of his ear, thinking over if taking him along would prove useful. After all, he would be of good use in warning them of people who were after them. And maybe even help them find food or shelter away from danger.

    She rushed over to Kendric, having figured he'd be the one to ask as opposed to anyone else. Not that she didn't trust or figure the others would have good advice. But naturally, he just seemed like the one to go to for this sort of thing, even if she did consider him as an enemy for all the years she had known him. "What do you think? Would taking the wolf be a good idea or prove to be a nuisance? He is very well trained and I know how to control him. And he can warn us about any attackers or even locate the others if we need to regroup again for some reason. I believe he could be useful to us. He's strong too. Just a suggestion really."


    I shall reply to Ayer later. Even if short or by phone.
    Post by: (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ, Jul 31, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
    I have no games :x Unless there's a way to play online.
    Post by: (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ, Jul 16, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
    I'm bored and alone atm. Nothing seems to be on TV and I dunno what to do on the interwebs.

    or we can play some kind of game. Anything would do ; ;
    Thread by: (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ, Jul 16, 2013, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ

    Grace nodded toward Zauriel, shaking his hand as an acceptance towards his greeting. She wasn't in much a mood to be meeting new people or care much to know names in a situation such as this. But she also didn't want to be rude, knowing her manners well. Once finished, she turned her attention to Mya, who had suddenly spoken up about some sort of plan that didn't make much sense. There was no way then could all make it there without being unseen. But just as she was about to comment, she turned to hear Kendric suddenly speak. What he was saying was what was on her own mind, agreeing with him completely. At least until the final words he spoke.

    "What in the world are you talking about?!" She shouted suddenly, slamming her fist on the table beside her. "There is no way I'm going off with everyone else to go hide like defenseless children!" What was he thinking, coming up with such a bogus plan such as this?! She wasn't just going to run away and leave any of this unsolved. "Hell, I'm not just gonna stay in the shadows and not do a thing about this! There has to be a much better plan than this. I just won't go with it..."

    She began tapping her foot against the ground, her stubbornness coming up all over again. She honestly didn't care how she looked to all the other, selfish or just plain bratty. She just wasn't the type to stay behind in the sidelines, especially after the major loss she had endured earlier in the say. "I can't do as you say. There has to be something I can do to help. As much as helping to protect the others would be a noble thing, it's not what I want to be stuck doing. I'm not even certain that going to our parents is the best option in the first place. If that were the case, I would of gone to my own father long ago rather than coming here. But I didn't for obvious reasons being that he's under protection. Even if I wanted to, I would be killed before I even got to speak to him."

    She let out a deep sigh, trying as best as she could in order to calm herself and not speak any more nonsense. "I can't be left doing nothing. I'm not much of a plan maker after all. I prefer to take action. Obviously, Kendric, you have more of a knowledge on what to do or what's best. But if I'm going to be forced to hide, I am just going to part and find my own way. Whether I die or not is my own fault. I'm not putting that on you... but I do ask that you reconsider... at least this time."


    Ayer panted heavily, not believing what he had witnessed right before his eyes. His last two friends... Angela and Luna... were gone now. He slammed his hand to his forehead, trying as best as he could to hold the urge back to cry. How could any of this be possible? Taking a few steps back, he shortly after fell to the ground, the words Taras had spoken just vanishing into the air and not reaching his ears. The horror his loss was so great, him never in his life experiencing fear like this.

    What was he to do now? He could just allow himself to be killed and leave his friends deaths in vain. How was he to get away from this? Taras was much too fast for them and he had wasted too much energy already. Not that his magic would of been a solution in this case anyways. And what stone was he speaking of?! Would that really help them in order to prevent even more senseless slaughter of students?! All of this was just too much for him to take it at once, and he was more than certain that death was crawling down his back. Could they not be saved?

    He turned to look at his friends again, the image of their lifeless bodies burning into his mind. "P-Please.... no... n-no more..." He pleaded unconsciously, not knowing much else what to do. His body was practically frozen, his voice cracked as if he was forcing his words to come out. "We... don't h-have it.... j-just... g-g-go...."
    Post by: (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ, Jul 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
    My sister wants to start up a new game if anyone wants to join
    Post by: (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ, Jul 14, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
    Oh poo :c Maybe another time then
    Post by: (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ, Jul 13, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ

    Google: Cards Against Humanity online
    - First link
    - Set your name
    - Search for: mishi game (should be closer to the bottom unless it moved)
    - Password: kawaii

    EDIT: Gonna start
    Post by: (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ, Jul 13, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
    Quick! Who wants to play?!
    Thread by: (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ, Jul 13, 2013, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
    So AnimeExpo was pretty off the hook this year. I didn't get many pics this time around but here's some of me and my friend messing around in the cosplay pics room.

    I thought I'd act like a nerd who always needed to answer all the questions.


    Mousse is getting what he deserves from Shampoo!



    Sad thing is, she was actually choking me during these pictures ; ~ ;
    Post by: (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ, Jul 13, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  15. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
    Oh my! It's coming back! I am so overjoyed ^.^
    Unfortunately, I won't be able to participate T.T My kororo has an owie. But I hope to see a lot of effort and dedication for the ever so lovely Jayn <3
    Post by: (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ, Jul 12, 2013 in forum: KHV Chorus
  16. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
    I love that song :3c

    This was the setlist:
    M1:Apollo ( アポロ )
    M2:Koyoi, Tsuki ga Miezutomo
    ( 今宵、月が見えずとも )
    Matataku Hoshi no Shita de ( 瞬く
    星の下で )
    M4:Hitori no Yoru ( ヒトリノ夜 )
    M5:Anima Rossa ( アニマロッ
    サ )
    M6:Saudade ( サウダージ )
    M7:Winding Road
    M8:Ai ga Yobu Hou e ( 愛が呼ぶ
    ほうへ )
    M9:Century Lovers
    M11:Melissa ( メリッサ )
    M12:Haneuma Rider ( ハネウマ
    ライダー )
    M13:Music Hour ( ミュージッ
    ク・アワー )
    EN1:Agehachou ( アゲハ蝶 )
    EN2:Dilemma ( ジレンマ )
    EN3:Melissa ( メリッサ )
    Post by: (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ, Jul 8, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
    And it was absolutely splendid! I've never felt such fun a joy before! ^.^

    So, having gone to AnimeExpo this week, I had found out that my favorite J-Rock band, Porno Graffitti, was having a concert there. Naturally, I was shitting brick at this, especially since I found out that this would be their first concert in the US. So I rushed over to see about ticketing, in which I found out they were $45. This doesn't seem like much but I was flat broke and barely managing to make it through through the expo. I felt defeated that I wouldn't be able to go ; ;

    Instead, I thought to just settle for the Guest of Honor panel they were having. That was such a joy to be able to see them, and they were rather funny. <3 Well, at the end, they had done a raffle. Some people had gotten a chance to have an autograph, which I envied since I didn't win. But then, the set of people after that got tickets for their concert! But I didn't win that either T.T

    However, by some miracle (and my art for complaining outloud to my friend), some girl had told me her friend won but wasn't going. And that I could have the ticket! It felt too good to be true! But once I got my hand on that lovely paper, I basically went super fangirl and squealed my arse off! I was just so happy the rest of the day.

    Well, the day after, I finally went to the concert, alone sadly. But I gotta say, it was the absolutely best time of my life. <3 Once they began playing, I just went loose and had a biotching time. I screamed, I shouted, I let it all out xD And I totally danced! I've never felt so alive! Best workout of my life~ course, by the end of it, I was all hot and basically felt gross >.< Totally worth it though. Yet, rather surprised that I hadn't lost my voice from all the yelling @.@ and oh my, Akihito (singer) is so cute when talking english <333

    And that was how that went. I can surely say I am definitely going to see them next year, even if I shall have to be forced to miss out on the convention itself!

    All my love to Porno Graffitti. Y'all should check them out I you haven't already :3c
    Thread by: (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ, Jul 8, 2013, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
    T'was lovely meeting you as well too, dear ^^ Was very nice meeting a fellow khvidian!
    Sorry if I was chatty though >.< Wasn't sure what to say.
    Post by: (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ, Jul 6, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
    Not cosplaying today >.< I'll be in a white/blue/brown sundress. >.> but I shall be there.
    Post by: (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ, Jul 5, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
    What's so strange about it, fool!?
    Post by: (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ, Jul 4, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone