Onii-tan <3
Put me on the floor. Wrestle me around and play with me some more. On another note, just wanted to stop in an say hi hi.
Anyone like my bling bling? Spoiler: Shazam Tis be blurry~
Oooooooooooo~ It's a ghoooost
What be in them? :3c
How excellent! You must make me some tarts a well :3c
Quite well I suppose. And yourself? o:
Ohai bby~ <3
Yes, just to follow with the fun of Midnight's thread haha
Well, I just don't like having to deal with people who complain to me about not doing so. Also, the whole jury duty thing too. I dunno. I'd rather make sure there's a way that I can get rid of it now than later.
Being younger (a year or two lol) and not knowing any better, I was unaware that the people roaming around college, asking you to sign their petitions, where actually registering me to vote. :c I never really wanted to in the first place and I don't vote anyways. So I wanted to know if I can get out of it. Does anyone know?
Grace sighed, fanning herself from the heat of the unforgiving desert. They had only been walking for a few hour before they had all become exhausted as if they had been doing do for days. But she was grateful that they had gone far enough to get away from Tasnica, feeling a bit more safer now that she knew not many would dare step foot in the desert without proper preparation. And they had been fortunate enough to find some shady trees so they would not have to suffer under the sun's harsh heat rays. Yet as much as she wanted to feel happy about their success, she couldn't be just yet until all their problems were resolved and the chaos would be put to an end. Getting up, she looked through her bag, pulling out a bottle of water and Mor's dog bowl. She knew he must have been dying of thirst by now as she wasn't about to have him passed out when they could need him at any moment. Placing he bowl in front of him, she filled most of it with as much water as she could but not so much that it would spill of go to waste. After all, ever single bit of supplies they had was precious to them now, knowing that they wouldn't find a place out here to gather more. And by the looks of it, there had been no water about. "Drink up, boy. We still have a ways to go. I'm sure we'll find some place soon in order to hide out here. It's only a matter of time now. And before you know it, we'll be joined by others whom we lost." She looked over to the others as she scratched the wolf's ear before going over to sit back down where she was. She knew they were all still very tired but they just couldn't stay here for long. And as much as she wanted to, she knew that they just couldn't sit there and wait for Kendric to appear. 'He'll... join us soon.... It's best we just find a place for him to come to.... It's all we can do...' She thought to herself, staring down at her shoes as they dug into the cool sand. She realized how much of a struggle it must have been to be a leader. And she surely didn't make it any easier. But she hoped that at the least, she could guide her group to safety so that no one else would get hurt. It was all she could think of now. She cleared her thoughts after a moment, getting up and wiping the dirt off her clothes. "Alright guys. I think that's enough rest. I know the heat is unbearable right now but we have to keep moving. It'll be night soon and we can perhaps sleep. But I'm afraid not for long since it would be easier and cooler for us to travel at night. Plus, there's lots of shade in this area so we must be close to something soon." She grabbed Mor's bowl and packed it away as she place her bag across her shoulder. "It's going to be tough but I'm sure we can do it. We need to do this for everyone." She tried her best to encourage the group, waiting as they got up to head out again.
Hey guuuuurl~ and I dunno ahaha. What things are you into now?
Say you were murdered in the worse possibke way. Who would be the murderer and what would they have done to you? Am I getting annoying? o: Bushy or Bushy? What's your most enjoyable internet meme? Would you rather be a villian or hero? And what's your power? Does love really stink? What's the worst first impression you've ever seen towards yourself?
Gawd I see I'm gonna love your QT, DT lol xD Am I pretty? Does this dress make me look fat? WHY WON'T YOU LOVE ME?! What's the last thing you remember last night before the roofies kicked in? Do you ever plan to travel? Where and why? Name your favorite type(s) of meat~ If you could meet anyone in the world (real or fake) who would it be and why? Given the power, would you change any of your friends name? What would they be? (Don't limit your imagination cx) Which fandoms do you think overdo it and that you dislike most? Hold me? ; ~ ;
Eeeee DT~! I would say you nickname but yeaaaaah xD Anywho: First and current impression? What are you?! Can I have some of your funny? Current passion or favorite thing to do? Describe yourself in 5 words or less! Are you still my Giratina? ; ; Make me breakfast? Gimme a song to listen to and explain why I should. What are your plans once it is publically known that you control the world? If I could bake you anything, what would it be?
First Impression? in between impression? Current impression? WHAT COLOR ARE MY EYES?! Do you know how cook? Bake? Croissants? What 'favors' did you have to do to become Super? Pet peeves? Is Forsaken/Fuk still a thing?
Ohai thread in which I have not posted in in ages~ <3
"We don't really have the time to locate others at this time. Our main priority is getting out of here now." Grace focused on the road ahead, knowing people may pick up on their presence if they wasted too much time in one place. It shouldn't be long until they made it to the desert, knowing the area well from all the time she spent here in location with Artan. She made sure to keep to the back streets, not wanting any of the few roaming cops to spot them. That would be bad but much less worse than any teachers picking up on their trail, however. If that were to happen, she couldn't say how things would end up going. Mya seemed to be smart and strong but Celeste would be much to panicked about it, she was sure. But if things go bad, she could always send them off with Mor while she held whoever was after them. "We shouldn't be too long. I'm sure Kendric will be fine so you need to keep the paranoia to a minimum. But he won't last long." The thoughts of what could happen to him also ran through her mind despite how much she tried to keep from thinking about it. Although she had convinced herself that she hated him, she couldn't help but worry for his safety. He never should of gone out on his own, not matter what the reason. But once people had their minds set on something, it wasn't right in her eyes to convince them otherwise. Reaching the end of the town, she let out a small sigh of relief that they had made it to where the desert was. This part wasn't going to be any easy, seeing as they were going to end up in plain sight. But as soon as they far enough into it, they could easily disappear without a trace. "Okay now, we really need to make a run for it this time. We made it this far. Once we get deep enough into the there, they won't be able to track us any longer." Walking back to more, she petted him for a moment before giving him a quick treat. "Celeste and Mya, you can climb onto Mor if you'd like. He's able to carry some weight and still move quickly. Whichever you guys feel more comfortable with is fine. I'm not sure what we'll find once we get in there so it's best you save as much energy as you can until we find a good resting spot. Or if we actually encounter ruins" She tightened her bag on her body, not wanting it to bother her as she ran. She hoped that there would be places wit water there, knowing just how how it could get. And now with the wolf, she wasn't sure she had packed enough. Being all set, she turned back before suddenly jolting off ahead into the desert. Now was no time to turn back anymore, only leading to what was to meet them when they got away. She only hoped that their leader would make it out alive, feeling that he was into some deep trouble. 'Keep safe and meet us soon... We're all counting on you...' Ayer nodded happily, trying his best to forget all the tragedies they have endured the day before. "I agree. It's been tough for all of us so it's good to know that we ran into people we trust. Anyone else would of had our heads by now." He moved his hand in his pocket, feeling on the gem he had given Luna before as a promise that he would meet them again. He was definitely planning on keeping to that, even in death. One way or another, he was sure that he would see his friends again and be happy just as he was. Walking a bit longer, he stopped for a moment as he watched a few cops rush by in a hurry. "I wonder what has them in all running like that. I hope no one else got caught..." Shaking his head, he took the thought of such a thing out of his mind, trying his best to keep his focus on the group he was in right now. "Whatever it is, it's giving us a small window here. We better used it as best as we can." He began walking a bit quicker, making sure that he looked back every now and then to be sure that the others were keeping up. If he could, he'd have them in front of him so he could keep a better eye on them. But he wasn't so sure how many of them knew their way through the city on their own. This was the best way in his mind. "We have to make it out of here before it starts getting dark again. I know we have loads of time before then but since I'm not too good with what's in the desert, it's best that we cover as much land as we can before nightfall. But if anyone else has any ideas, please feel free to share them. I don't want to sound like a boss or anything." He laughed just a bit, trying to lighten the mood so that there would be no panic. After all, it was dangerous for all of them.