Hiiiiii dee ho cstar! Haha yeah I suppose I've been asked a lot xD But I can still ask how you've been :33 And thanks. I'll be having them next week and then I'm off! Oh what a glorious day that will be <3
Lucky D: I wish my parents would buy me nice things ;~; I have to by everything myself. And my sister's brats broke my favorite laptop. But it sounds so exciting to be doing graphic art like that. I wish you the best! And don't forget to make me a character xD
Oh no D: Well so long as thing are okay not. Just be wary of that Aunt Jemima hahaha I'm pretty good. Finishing my classes and looking forward for the summer and AnimeExpo ^.^ And a lot more of my friends are going this time and my boyfriend too so I'm excited 8D
LOXARE!!! *internet glomps* Hey hey~ How you been, gurl!?
Oooooooo that would be most awesome! 8D I would surely torment all those beneath me!!! >: D Mwahahahahah! Haha I guess it'll have to wait for the next lifetime xD I'll just continue what I'm doing for now. Besides, classes are almost over and I'm looking forward to everything I get to do this summer :3c Anything you looking forward to?
Cheeeeeeeeeerry~ You beautiful goddess! <3 I wuvs you! Also, you love absolutely stunning in red <3
Imma Mariah it up here. Feel free to remove any that have been used. Mariah Carey We Belong Together Spoiler: Original Spoiler: Instrumental Touch My Body Spoiler: Original Spoiler: Instrumental
That sounds neatorific~ It would be fun dealing with games and I wanted to give it a try but I wound up in culinary arts @_@ Definitely not what I had in mind. I mostly wanted to do it for baking purposes though. I just wish I could retake courses because I'm feeling a little rusty @_@ I wish I could go back and found a second goal as well. But it's never too late I suppose.
Excellent >:3 Just the way the world was meant to be. Don't forget to make me a Prem when you do! xD
Wow, you surely have been busy busy. But I'm sure your first year wasn't too bad. Did you enjoy it? What is it that you are studying for? Yeah, I would make that face too, if I even knew what my finals were. I've been in the dark for two of my classes. One I don't have to bother going to. Also, I'm going a little crazy because I need to buy an exam sheet by next Thursday but I don't get paid till this Saturday and I have to order it online @_@ I hope it'll ship on time. Omai :3c I hope that won't be for too long. I'm sure you and Cat have something cooking in that Crazed Oven right now. The world can only be at peace for so long lol.
Das be uber sesy~ I'd tap dat anytime WEAR YOUR PINK LIKE A REAL MAN!!! Omai~ *is tacklehugged* Such a lovely surprise ^^ How have you been? Oddly enough I do remember you very well o: Just not anything we talked about xD I am well. Just stressing out with finals like any college student. Yourself? Fine and Dandy. Tired mostly. Haha holy moles, that song and image will be stuck in my head all day now xD Haaaaaaai Enzy~~~ Great ta see ya too~ And I am currently burning it to the ground 8D How about for you?? :3
Short Change Hero - The Heavy Spoiler: Original Spoiler: Instrumental
Haha never gotten that reaction before. I thank thee ^^ Hello hello~ NOVA MY DEAR! HOW THE HELL ARE YA?! Ummm... is it that you look fabulous in pink? o: Haha I'm sorry about that. Hey hey Dinny, my sweety Honey Stars! If that is the correct name >.< Ohai~ <3 How bes you?
Oh hai! Just wanted to see how everyone is doing again and hope everyone is well and dandy! So, what be das 411? :3 Anything exciting?
Yeah I gets it. No worries. I'm just glad you're okay and hope that things are better now. You can't believe how panicked I got, as you can tell...
I was just wondering where it was you disappeared to all this time? I was worried an thought I woul never see you again @-@ Sorry if it seems...
Spike? :'(
Hey he, sorry fo mising your hello >< *hugs back* Cheeeeeeerry!!! How are you, my gorgeous lady? And omg, you ish staff! Congrats ^^ Yush ;3 Let's get to it, bby~ Always xD It's in mah blood hehe
Hey there Loxare ^^ Tis been a while
I dunno who some of yu prems are. ; ; But hellos nonetheless. Thanks for the greetings. As for other people, I quite enjoy this tread. And Kitty, love the name xD