Hey there Loxare. It goes well. Finally found a job and taking a few classes to finish up school. You?
Haven't been here in months. Just dropping in to say hi. ♡
I would have to say Tommy's. As bad as it is, I can never get enough of it. The chili is so incredible. And I even like to buy a little container of it to put more on my food or take home with me as a snack for later. I usually order just a regular chili burger with chili fries. I just can't get enough of it and I always take the chance when I can to go there when I have the money.
This sounds about right
Waaaaaaaaaaay better. I love Tears for Fears.. Makes me think of my mom's cousin. Except, eggs is the only thing he eats. It's a miracle when there's any eggs in the house for someone else.
Whoooooo! *high fives*
I just wanted to do this for fun. c: Not to be offensive in any way. But anyways, has there ever been anything that people think is weird about you that you find normal or no biggie? Everyone tells me I'm weird because when I need to take a med, I swallow the pills (of any size) whole without any water or anything. Like I've taken down a 800mg ibuprofen with ease. But I've been doing it for years and I don't find it difficult xD Of course, there's lots of weird things I do. But that's the one I find funny. SO what about you guys? Do you know anyone that does something strange? Amuse me and dish~ <3
Love the profile pic, Shushu! 8D
I will serve you the rest of my life ; ~ ;
.....you... you remembered ; u ;
What kind of caaaake~? :3c
*is made out of acid, burns through dome* lol
*floats out of orbit* Weeeeeeeeee~
Yaaaaaaay! *jumps off castle*
Excellent. Can I be your jester? :D
How's my Shushu~? :3
Spiiiiiiike <3 Hellos ouo
Just dropping in to say hai again
I really dun get why that's related but okies