You're an utter failure. Not an April Fool's joke.
Twilight can go suck a piece of crap.
*kicks* gtfo. D:
I will shoot your stomach.
The second one was a major improvement in almost every aspect of the game. Story was a little weak, though. The third one, the battle system is just amazing. Although I don't completely understand the story since I can't read Japanese. xD
You're a *** and a failure. Lol, brotherly love.
Does anyone play? o: (I love that series. Screw you haters. o: ) By the way, if there's a thread on this, my bad.
orly, son.
I love you too.
Worship my seal and my handwriting. (Isn't it adorable? <333)
Lol, I'm not weaboo-esque.
That was so gay. You fail.
maybe i will.
Nothing, *****.
I'm not a ****ing Pokemon. *****.
Just for that, you're about to be eaten.
...because people made me come back.
This is my official goodbye. Before I go, I'd like to thank a special few members who have really impacted me: @Harlequin: I remember when we first met. You were my first real friend on this site and you really taught me a lot. Not just graphics, but a lot of other important things that you might not understand. But you were a really great friend to me. It's a shame that I hardly get to talk to you that much anymore, but hey, you're still awesome. @Darky, Trigger, Cin, Sabbeh, Rosey, Kay: You guys are the best friends a person could EVER hope to have. Our group convos were the best and you guys made me feel like I belonged somewhere, especially during an extremely hard time in my life. It may have been text on a screen for you guys, but to me, it really meant something. Yeah, even you Cin. @Alex: I remember when you used to be such a homophobe. xD Good times, man. But thanks for being such a friend to me. You're like a little brother to me. @GX/Envy: Hey man! Stay sharp and keep it cool. You've changed a lot, man. @Laplace: Thanks for being such a friend to me. You're always there on MSN with a friendly hello whenever I get home from school, and it really helps that I can talk to someone time and again. --- @ALL of KHV: You guys gave me some of the best memories in my time here -almost two years. I came here just as a 13-year old kid looking for something to do. I soon became distressed with the many things that were happening in my life and it was always a great feeling knowing that I could come here to chat it up here. People claim that KHV isn't as great as it used to be back in the old days, but that's to be expected. Things change. People grow up, people move on. But there's more people coming in, probably everyday, and maybe, JUST maybe, things could be better. Although this is probably the CORNIEST goodbye speech ever, I honestly mean this. I've put a LOT of thought into this, and well, this is what I came up with. I wanted to say to all of you that I understand some of you posting personal threads of what's been happening to you and the ones where you guys are dealing with some of the same things I am. Those stick out to me the most and I just want to leave you with this: Be proud of who you are. Be truthful to yourself. There's nothing wrong with being a "nerd" or "geek" or whatever stereotype there is out there. Those things are only there to make you feel bad, and it's only your decision to either submit yourself to it or not. I've realized over these two years what it means to really grow up and I thank ALL of you for showing me this. For those of you who have my MSN, I WILL remain on it. So thank you. For everything. I honestly mean this. ~Anderson
Congrats. I've never had braces.