Import it from LeafGreen / FireRed. Or hack. My Charizard's EV-trained, *****.
Pagan's Mind - United Alliance
Asian nerd stuff. :D
I don't even know why I bother to make sigs anymore. xD
It was me messing with your head. LET ME OUT OF THE CAGE.
Cower before my Asian rage.
...You fegnut. Welcome back <3
Yell 'You have all lost the game.'
Only grown-ups are allowed to play children's card games. a battle. RIGHT now. >D
Sounds like one sexy Saturday night.
Oh lawd. Hao r u son
It doesn't affect trustworthiness at all. It's nothing but a tool to make little kids feel important on this site, but all they do is whore the button.
... ... ... I lost the game.
[Tip] Don't show this to your sister when she's PMSing. No, I didn't do it. Yet.
...I lol'd.
I want some actual criticism. If you don't have anything useful to say - this includes "OMG THAT SUX" and "OMG SO AWESUM" without criticism - then don't say anything at all.
Eh. You can't really make a signature with a render like that.
I didn't even smile.