Teach me, oh Zen-Cat.
Is it bad I knew exactly what you were talking about just by reading the popup description of the thread?
It doesn't seem as rewarding as it once was. There needs to be a pin for it to make it more exciting.
You'd probably be screaming at me by the end of it because of how many times we failed. If only it was a 3-man multiplayer mode.
I'm kinda glad that Enzy wasn't on mic back then...
Don't lie. I know you can't resist Cat's manliness.
Jealous you aren't on the list?
I don't really think it is sexist, per se. I just don't think they were fair enough on the female characters in most of the seasons, in terms of both how many there were and what exactly they got to do. Yeah, you're right. Kari was super mega goddess of everything, and they built up on that a lot...but did it actually pay off into anything? I don't really remember anything significant happening related to it. They just seemed too big her up throughout the show and then drop it almost entirely. I mean, Adventure 2 started something and then completely dropped it with no mention of it ever again (the beach shadow thing idk). Of course, I haven't watched 01 or 02 in quite a while so I'm probably forgetting a few things. Apart from Rika (and maybe Nene and Yoshi from 6 and 5 respectively, maybe even Jeri fro Tamers), every other female protagonist in the series kinda got the boot, more to say they became almost useless towards the end arc whilst the guys were all strutting about with their shiny new (almost) deus ex machina toys. tl;dr I agree with you, PaW, but I'm just being more assertive about it. (tl;dr 70% of female protagonists in Digimon become useless for no reason whatsoever and writers instil false hope into the hearts of female viewers everywhere concerning the fact that one of their characters is built up to be amazing and brilliant and godly but then drop it without another word and why are we even having such a discussion?)
Good thing the Digimon series is totally sexist and has a minimal number of female protagonists (especially in the later seasons).
Maybe some day. It's just that the name doesn't go well with pink ._.
They have special spouts for their tea. winkwonk.
I watched the dubbed version (Data Squad) and actually really enjoyed it. Of course, this was before I had watched any of the other seasons (yeah I do things awkwardly shush), and I can now admit that it wasn't as good as some of the others, but it was still really good. Anyone who tells you it was terrible should die. or stop having their own opinion.
No, I watched most of the series on youtube (excluding Data Squad and Xros Wars). Unfortunately most of what I watched on youtube was removed, and of course its not as easy to get it on-demand on TV.
Right now on my Facebook I'm getting an influx of porn on my newsfeed from what I assume to be a page or a friend who's been completely hacked (judging by the fact I don't recognise the name of said page). Happy times.
Amaury, what have you done?! You've finally given Plums the illusion that he was a Premium Member!
Because lol why not. Spoiler: big image incoming TO BATTLE STATIONS GOGOGO I dare you. I ducking dare you all. I know which one you won't pay any attention to
Do you even Thresh?
Because you were hiding; waiting in the corner of Misty's profile page shadows for this very moment. Practising the sacred technique of appearing in an ironic situation whether for good or bad reasons. tl;dr you just wanted to ruin my moment of glory.
Damnit Amaury .
I miss that show. Although I never felt too strongly for the animated version. If it were under any other situation I would shout at you for that gif. But it's so good right now.