I'm but a passing wisp in a sea of cluster****. If I stay I'll be swallowed by the damnation that rules over my heart.
Is this seriously still alive oh my god.
Only if you believe. I'm an omniscient metaphysical being. That just so happens to have no life
This place exists. Oops.
I'm only 5 minutes into Pokemon Y and already I am 100% done with this. So many choices for a nickname.
Impressions? Nanoha? Nanoha As? Nanoha StrikerS? Madokaha Magical StrikerSAs? Why do you keep coming back to KHV?
This is perfect.
So I managed to have a lucid dream last night for the first time in MONTHS but I wasn't even the slightest bit excited about it ._. Life is so cruel.
I see the Markiplier.
She's been, like, lying on her death-bed for the past week or so. Although to be honest I'm surprised she didn't kick the bucket after that experience.
Both Misty and Amaury would haunt the error page that takes the place of the forum once it has been shut down or some such.
Bonjour~ Impressions? How do you like your role as a member of staff? Does it involve eating croissants and baguettes? Or drowning Jayn? Is Mish the Spoon to your Fork? There's not a Spork yet, is there? Do you miss Voxli? Would you trade Amaury for infinite use of Voxli? Au revoir~
omg wtf luk @ this noob theres allredee a thred about this ban him pls misstea
CCS is the best anime ever made. Because Kennen is my bby.
Deathnote is such a stupid show.
Go drown Jayn.
Girls play video games?
I've tried many variations of that and they've almost worked. I guess I just get too impatient towards the end of it. I tend to get into a stage where I'm really motivated for Lucid Dreaming, then over time get less and less motivated before I completely lose interest. I've been going through that cycle for a looong time now.