but Cat I only own 2.5HD this is unfair
I wouldn't know. I'm an underdog here. But I wouldn't be if you just made me a Mod.
wow talk about meanest mod on the site
Oh THANK GOD THAT fills me with hope and joy and determination. Plus if Misty ever gets older I'll have to reevaluate my entire life and I'm far too lazy for that. Also hello~
You're astounding.
rIGHT? This site sucks the life out of you, I swear.
I've reached enlightenment. Thank you kindly good Amaury sir. You always shine brightly through in my life.
Cat you should stop being Staff and give all the power to me kthnx.
I'm 18 now. How could I be 11 when I first joined here? How have 7 years passed so quickly I don't understand.
Oh my
No I can't have nice things because you're here, Catalinass. Why couldn't Amaury eat you, too. Ew get it away. Also hi Makakakaka.
It's almost as non-existent as my love for KH1. Which is pretty freaking non-existent I must say. Did Amaury eat everyone or something bc I'm getting that impression.
I knew there was something calling to me...
Im glad you finished that.
oh god i forgot you were staff now
Feenie is your overlord?
w o w love u too llave
It's actually kinda upsetting me omg.
eXCUSE ME I TAKE OFFENSE TO BEING CALLED DOOF I'M OBVIOUSLY a DOOFUS I mean uh Hi~ Uh oh my presence has been recognized. Time to go inactive for another two years.