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  1. Feenie
    Post by: Feenie, Dec 31, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Feenie
    Post by: Feenie, Dec 31, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Feenie
    Post by: Feenie, Dec 31, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Feenie
    I need to shave orz
    Post by: Feenie, Dec 31, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  5. Feenie
    Post by: Feenie, Dec 31, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Feenie
  7. Feenie
    Profile Post Comment ok ok
    Profile Post Comment by Feenie, Dec 30, 2016
  8. Feenie
    Happy thing, dude~
    Post by: Feenie, Dec 30, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Feenie
    Post by: Feenie, Dec 30, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Feenie
    I thought it'd be a neat idea to compile a little list of all the signatures I ever made for use on this site - starting from oldest to newest (assuming I still have them). It'll also help me see how far I've come in terms of my skill and creativity with the software I used (GIMP, Photoshop and now Affinity).

    I don't really know if anyone will pay it any mind, but I'm really keen on seeing all of my sig art pooled together like this to put my development into perspective.

    My first real attempt at making a Sig. At the time I was totally enraptured with Ace Attorney Investigations so I decided to go for an Edgeworth tag. You can see how freaking clueless I was with the sloppy motion blurring and the feathering on the render (I must have tried to cut it out of an image w/ a background orz).

    Also I think it was just slightly too big for KHV when I made it. Feels bad.

    Still in my Ace Attorney phase. I honestly have no idea how I managed this. I think I must have went crazy wth some filter effects in GIMP. It almost looks like it's underwater (which was definitely not my intention, I can tell you that). Rule of Thirds definitely didn't apply here.

    Ahh. This was probably just after I'd changed my name for the first time. I'd been reading up on tutorials and found one that used grunge brushes iirc. No idea why I chose Poliwhirl of all characters to slap on here, but hey ho.

    That text is god awful, too.

    And then I got into my Haunting Ground phase. This one looks to be a lot of smudging effects and the infamous "floating head syndrome".

    Text is also horrendous. I'm noticing a pattern.

    Marginally better, I guess. Less of a disembodied head here, and the smudging/motion blur seems a bit cleaner. Awfully boring. Text is still misplaced, though.

    I guess I tried to redo my Edgeworth sig? Some interesting fractals and motion blur here, but you can clearly see how badly the render is cut. Dark times. There's also some weird light fog around the render that totally removes him from the background.

    Text is awful. Barely stands out and ruins the overall flow of the image.

    Some improvement! Better lighting and flow overall. The random-ass C4D is a little distracting but it at least keeps the tag interesing. The light on V1 is a bit too much, though.

    There is a version with text, but it's awful. You can imagine.

    Disgusting text. Absolutely digusting.

    Lots of fractals and C4Ds flying around in the background. Absolutely no flow whatsoever. The image as a whole is just really boring.

    Similar to the above. Again there is a version with digusting text.

    Also I seemed to develop "Missing limb syndrome" here because I mysteriously smudged out the render's other arm. I think it was in an attempt to make him blend into the BG but I don't think it worked very well.

    Ahh, on to my Madoka Magica phase. I think this one has good flow in that tge fractal I used expands upwards and outwards. Other than that I'm really not fond of it. Very boring. Looks like I smudged the render a bit too like the above one.

    The text on the first one is pretty bad, but I think I nailed it with the second version. It's much more subtle and therefore a lot more effective, and it doesn't distract from the focal point. I'm also really pleased with the smudge work on this sig.

    My third SOTW entry, and the only one that ever won! SOTW - 77: Support Characters!

    I do think it won off the cuteness of the character I chose, honestly (because let's face it, Mieu is adorable), but I do like the flow it has. Otherwise it's a really simple image and had a really simple design process.

    Still on my Madoka kick. I do like this one but I think it's just a little too simple. The render I used also had a weird colour error on her hair and it looks really jarring. Again, I like the flow I had going.

    Another Mami sig. I really love the warmth of the colours in this one, though again I think the background kinda lets it down a little. This was also the first time I used shapes to bring out the text a bit, which is great for spicing stuff up.

    Not much to speak about here. Just some really simple image splicing for this one, though I do really like it. Back when I was obsessed with InuxBoku SS via @Korosu

    Another applicant for a SOTW. This time it was a monochrome-themed one, so Pokemon Black and White seemed very fitting to me.

    I like the text in this one but that's about it. I think everything else clashes far too much.

    Just a really simple supplement to my Togashi Yuuta theme I had going. I was really into Chuunibyou Demo koi Ga Shitai! back then (also via @Korosu ).

    Similar to above, though I made this one for @Korosu so she could join me in being a massive weeb. I also made avatars for her to go along with, like this one [​IMG]

    I'm a big fan of League of Legends, and more specifically the character "Kennen". So I made a theme for him.

    I do like this one. Simple text and a fairly simple design. I just wish I hadn't made the background fade so abrubtly.

    I did this one last night!

    Going back to my roots as a Toon Link fanatic (because those apparently exist), I decided to try my hand at sig making again after a good year (or more, I can't remember) away from the scene. It's really simple and maybe a little too bright in places, but I'm quite happy with the outcome. The double underline does kinda irk me, though.

    Another one I did just last night!

    I'm really, really pleased with this one! I love how the colours all turned out, despite my original goal being to make it kinda dark and gloomy. This one follows a similar design to the Kennen sig above, though I'm infinitely happier with this one.
    And that's everything thus far! I have to say it's been a really interesting look back into my younger days as an aspiring graphic designer (if you wanna call it that). I have to give a big shout out to all the dedicated artists and mods on this site that were willing to give me some great feedback and help me grow.
    Thread by: Feenie, Dec 30, 2016, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. Feenie
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by Feenie, Dec 30, 2016
  12. Feenie
    Post by: Feenie, Dec 30, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Feenie
    Why DigitalAtlas? Why not AnalogueAtlas?
    Post by: Feenie, Dec 30, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  14. Feenie
    Thank you!

    I gave your suggestion a go, and though I think I probably could have fiddled around with it a little more I think even just with this the whole image just flows better as a whole.


    I also added some text one another version to try and help make it feel more full, but I personally think I prefer it without text (creates too many focal points with it imo)


    As for the border, no amount of fiddling helped me fix it up, unfortunately.
    Post by: Feenie, Dec 30, 2016 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  15. Feenie
    Getting in a bit more practice with Affinity before bed, and hey, no one else is posting anything so why not.


    Character - Thresh: The Chain Warden [Championship Thresh] (League of Legends)

    I'm personally really happy with this one, though I think I might have overcrowded it a little bit? Idk. Might be a little too bright all things considered but I still like it. CnC appreciated of course~
    Post by: Feenie, Dec 29, 2016 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  16. Feenie
    Post by: Feenie, Dec 29, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Feenie
    Username: Feenie
    Brief Synopsis of Story:
    AU where Xion succeeds in assimilating Roxas. What happens next? How would things change?
    Genre(s)/Theme(s) of Story: Adventure
    Desired Rating for Story: Teen for dat scary violence
    Type of Story: One shot
    Main Character(s)/Main Pairing: Xion, Axel (not paired, nooo romance pls)
    Supporting Character(s): The Organisation
    Setting(s): Twilight Town/TWTNW
    What do you most like about Kingdom Hearts?: The themes of teamwork and the beautiful soundtrack
    What do you like about KHVs?: The wonderful community and all the friends I've made over the years
    What to do you want to see out of this story?: You having fun.
    Is it okay to ask for you input if I need it?: If you want but idk I wanna see your imagination go wild.
    Would you like me to give you credit for the idea?: yeah sure
    Dedicate this Story to You?: Only if it's a heartfelt message about our undying companionship throughout the years.
    Anything else?: Quack.
    Post by: Feenie, Dec 29, 2016 in forum: Workshops & Recreation
  18. Feenie
    How d a r e you.

    I usually try to go for good placements but it often just comes down to what looks good in my eyes rather than slaving over the rule of thirds, so thank yeeee. Also the light was meant to be overpowering, though it was a lot worse before I fiddled around trying to fix it. Getting used to the software and whatnot.

    Thank you!

    That effect you're talking about was honestly a lot more simpler than that lmao. I just duplicated the render layer and chucked a gaussian blur on it - it's something I've been doing for a while to try and make my renders blend into the background a little better. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Shrug.

    But yessss I love overpowering lights and colours. I was tempted to add a more obvious lens flare on (because I'm a s u c k e r for lens flare), but I thought it might hurt people's eyes lmao.
    Post by: Feenie, Dec 29, 2016 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  19. Feenie
    But I wanted to try and get back into digital art stuff because it's fun cool rewarding better than playing video games all day.

    So here's a thing I made in Affinity.



    It's super basic but I'm not really keen on doing anything flashy. I'm not super happy with it [i hate working with 3D renders] but hey ho. CnC would be appreciated.
    Thread by: Feenie, Dec 29, 2016, 8 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  20. Feenie
    Post by: Feenie, Dec 29, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone