"Huh?" Gai gasped for a moment before grasping his situation, "AAAAAAAH!" He started to panic in his cockpit and grabbed his head with his hands. "I've been blown away! How am I going to get back. I don't even know where I am." He talked to himself as he started to look around turning his mech from left to right. "...I don't recognise anywhere." The silver costumed man leapt out of his mech and sent it back into it's drill mode to send it back into a timehole like it comes from. He changed back into his regular clothes: A multi-coloured striped grey shirt with a t-shirt with a pink design on it underneath and a black and grey scarf wrapped around his neck, a pair of dark grey shorts and a pair of trainers. He stood where he landed scratching his head as he tried to see anywhere that might help him find out where he is.
Can I not activate it instead?
~Draw Phase~ 6 cards. ~Standby Phase~ Your card's effect happens now so you draw 4 cards. (I think?) ~Main Phase 1~ I'll set a monster and three cards face down. I'll end my turn. Hand: 2 Field: Monsters: Spell/Traps:
OOC: *Cough* Dr. Doom HO! *cough* BIC: "Logan. Wolverine. Spikey Claw Man." Deadpool listed off the names of Wolverine, even ones that didn't exist. "We're on the same side again. We'll make a great team with your slashyness and my shootyness and slashyness." He continued talking while waving his gun around. "BANG!" he shouted while pretending to shoot things, "BANG! BANG! BANG!" he continued diving and positioning about still pretending to shoot things. "Oh you like that, well how about this?" he said taking out a second gun and pretended to shoot both of them this time. "BULLETTTSSSSSSS!" Seeing and hearing the group Deadpool had latched his attention onto, Jubei decided not to go in that direction. He headed off alone. His powers where darkness, so he knew why he was summoned, but he couldn't help shake the feeling that Chaos might insight his name. However, he understood that this world would be nothing but fighting and kept himself ready to draw his sword at any time.
HAHAHA! MAGNETO! Welcome to die!
Okay. I'll play then if you have no objections. And you can go first.
I remember roleplaying. I still do it, but not as much on here. Not enough time. Only Robocops. Spaghetti.
Is this an open match or is it for someone?
"Hey guys. Who'd we kill first?" Deadpool asked popping up from behind his fellow Chaos warriors. "I'd of asked that Chaos guy but the guy playing me thought education was more important, what a jackass. Am I right?" The Merc with a Mouth kept on talking, everyone called him mad, but he called himself Mediumly Aware.
I just started playing this game today with my first deck (Carnival of Blood). Anyone else play this and what sort of colours/monsters/deck types do you use? I couldn't find another thread about this, so if there is/was one then it didn't show up lol.
Okie dokie.
Please don't add me to this.
Hey. Do you know of any good Synchro Monsters that could work with the Spellcaster's Judgement structure deck?
I'm up for a game later on tonight if anyone is interested.
Okay. Thanks.
And here I thought my Kamen Rider madness would win me that title *shot*
Taisen Username: Fayt-Harkwind Pilot Name: Gai Ikari Appearance: Spoiler: Gai Series: Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger Age: 20ish (it's never stated really) Sex: Male Abilities: He can turn into GokaiSilver (which is needed to use his mecha) where he gains the ability to turn into any previous Sixth Ranger from Super Sentai (but only the ones on his phone-morpher). Spoiler: GokaiSilver Weapons: GokaiSpear Personality: Hyperactive, goofy and a general fanboy for Super Sentai Paired with: GoJyuJin Bio: Shortly after gaining his powers as GokaiSilver he sought out the space pirates of Gokaiger to join their crew as it's sixth ranger. While trying to join them he figures out how to summon the Super Sentai Ultimate Powers he possesses, which come in the form of his transforming mecha. However, during battle with an assault commander of their enemy, The Zangyack Empire, he is warped by his opponent's special attack to another continent far away from the other Gokaiger. Other information: http://powerrangers.wikia.com/wiki/Gai_Ikari Username: Fayt-Harkwind Mecha name: GoJyuJin Appearance: (excuse the toy images. There's not many good images on google) Spoiler: GoJyuDrill Spoiler: GoJyuRex Spoiler: GoJyuJin Abilities: It is able to change forms. It's default forms are the three listed above. It always appears as GoJyuDrill when summoned as this lets it hide inside time. It can also use the powers of Super Sentai Sixth Rangers for finishing moves and other effects, such as new forms. Weapons: A drill that is either on the front of itself (GoJyuDrill), a drill for a tail (GoJyuRex) or a drill for an arm (GoJyuJin). As GoJyuRex it also has claws on it's hands and feet as well as razor sharp teeth with which it can bite. It also has a fire breathing weapon from it's mouth. As GoJyuJin it has the Rex head as it's other arm which can be used for biting attacks. As GoJyuJin, it can use finishing moves with Ranger Keys being inserted inside the cockpit. With the default three keys (TimeFire, DragonRanger and AbareKiller) it can project GoJyuDrill and GoJyuRex beside it and do a triple drill attack that produces a spiraling projectile of energy. Paired with: Gai Ikari Bio: It was created by the spirits of AbareKiller, DragonRanger and TimeFire but they decided to let Gai figure out how to use it for himself meaning it still has many secrets. Other information: If the images suck for information here's a video
All I needed was a single dark monster and I'd of been able to actually do anything. And looking through my cards. I wouldn't have had one for two more turns.
I forfeit. I can't win with my hand.