StardustXtreme and I talked and we will be exchanging characters, in exchange of my characters: Iris Amicitia, Chloe von Einzbern, Kiriko Shijima, Serah Farron, and Max Caulfield to StardustXtreme and I'll take the characters: Joe Gibken, Ankh, Bartz Klauser, Cloud Strife, and Sieg from his list
-Nintendo High School- "Konno, I'm just worried about her and if she'll be able to see her friends again." Nico said, looking at the purple haired teenager that hit her on the back. Hermione looked at them and gave them a fake brave smile. "Thank you for worrying about me, but I'm fine. There's nothing I can do about my friends in their current situation, just hope that they're alright and someday we'll be able to meet again." She turned and walked to her first class, Nico watched her and sighed. Heading to her first class of the day, Hermione went to her desk, keeping to herself. Draco went to his desk and looked at her, saying, "You know this is your friends' fault, if they had just compromised with the New World Order, you wouldn't be here by your pathetic lonesome. Though, I still blame them for having the New World Order break down the walls between the magical people and muggles. Now all my pure blood companions have to interact with the filthy lowly mudbloods." As he continued to rant about his complaints, Hermione's anger overflowed and she punched him square in the face, knocking him out. "You fowl loathsome evil little cockroach!" She shouted. "You don't know anything about my friends or what they did for this country!" Gasping for air, Hermione looked and saw a shocked Nico, composing herself, she said, "Um, that felt good......" "Good?" Nico said, then smiled. "That was brilliant! But you're likely to get in trouble for hitting a student." "It's not the first time." Hermione said, thinking back when she was eleven and lied to protect Harry and Ron, thus cementing their friendship. -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- "Thanks." Rey said, setting the wood down and took the food. She ate calmly while Poppy was being her bubbly self and cheering up the younger children in the base. Rey looked at Rue. "So, why are you helping the Alliance? One of your friends the wanted 'heroes' announced every hour?" -Abandoned Japanese Military Base (Again)- Rei put out the fire and went to sit with her grandfather and Chad, she breathed and said, "I hope the prayer I sent to protect Hermione works. That poor girl, her best friends are fugitives and she's all alone at the school." -Tsukino Household- "Come on, Luna." Serena asked, having the cat hop onto her shoulder and taking a last look at her parents. "We'll meet again someday." She bowed at her parents and grabbed her suitcase, looking like a mature grown up woman rather than the clumsy and klutzy girl she always was. -Scotland- "Isn't this amazing?!" WilyKat said, stopping and standing his hoverboard with WilyKit on hers while James looked like his spirit nearly left his body. "I think Lily might have left to tell him and ask if we could go." Remus said, standing as he put his sewing kit away. "Miss Merida, we are grateful to you and your father for caring and providing us a place to stay during this dark time as well as letting us all join the Alliance was formed, but we can't stay in Scotland forever. We need to head out into the world and help return it to the peaceful way it used to be." "We just have to hope the New World Order doesn't know about my power upgrade." James said, recovering from his shock and touched the emblem on his chest, silently wishing his new animal was different. Remus looked at him and said, "I think your new animal suits you as much as your previous. You do tend to jump into things without thinking." "Moony!" James shouted, embarrassed. After paying her respects, Lily pulled out some lily flower seeds and dug up a small hole, placing it. 'Sevy, whatever you are in the afterlife, I hope you can see these flowers bloom every year and remember us.' She thought, covering the seeds and stood up, nodding. Then she went to find Fergus. -Gokai Galleon- After putting Emma to bed and reassuring her that everything will be alright, Gai rejoined everyone in the main room and asked, "So what are we going to do now?" "Just wait and see how far we can get in the night," Luka said, looking at him. Ahim looked at her tea cup, "I feel kinda bad for Miss Emma, separated from her friends and not sure what to do." "Hopefully, us teaching her to be a pirate can help her in some way." Don said, looking at everyone. -Cairo, Egypt- Stopping for a moment to hide from a Stormtrooper, Eiji sighed, 'As much as I want to become OOO right now, I can't risk transforming right here and right now, considering the punishment for what would happen If I did transform in public.' Looking around, Eiji walked with Ankh, surprised that he wasn't complaining but he guessed that he understood not to stand out when they were wanted as fugitives. -Chicago, Illinois- "Welcome back, Billy, Shotaro." Kendall Morgan, the Alliance's tech maker, said, looking at the Blue Ranger and the left half of Double returned to the base. "Anything new on the outside?" "Nothing so far." Billy said, looking at her. Kendall nodded and breathed, wondering what to do. Philip sat by a window, reading his blank book and thinking about Hermione back in Japan with the Narumi Detective Agency. Shelby Watkin, a young African American member, looked at him and found it particular that he was reading a blank book. "How can you read that?" She asked, curious, Philip looked at her and looked away, looking out. "I just can. Sorry, Miss Shelby Watkins, this is just a lot to adjust." Shelby looked at him and sighed. -Castelia City, New York - The Playground- "Finally, I can take this stupid thing off." Dante said, breathing and removing his wig, revealing his natural white hair underneath then removed the clothes to show the red and gold Ninjetti outfit that he had received. After adjusting, Dante went to the hiding spot where he put Rebellion and put it in the sheath that he placed on his back, then put his guns their holsters. 'Bet that Vergil is enjoying the fact I'm on the run and celebrating not to hear my complaining anymore.' He thought, stretching. -Sub-Sahara Africa- "Oh, Nakia." Nala said, seeing the person who helped her and Simba. "He's still outside, I guess he feels guilty or something is bothering him. I don't know what. I hope he is okay." She touched the Bear emblem on her chest, thinking about her teammates and where they are. Simba laid out the base, feeling the wind through the fur of his mane and sighed, wondering to do. -Arendelle- Elsa looked out the window of her room, ever since the failed meeting, she wasn't sure what to think about Saphir or witnessing the death of King Regis. Anna's opinion about Hans also changed, no longer seeing him as her one true love. The sisters kept each other company and Anna was considering running away but Elsa reminded that Hans would notice one of them gone, so they were basically stuck in the castle. -London, England Seeing the S-Types target her, Kimberly was quick to use her agility, sending a upward kick at one. She fought, using the style of the animal she had, the Crane, showing her movements as light as a feather. 'You've got to be kidding me.' She thought, groaning as she fought the S-Types. Gasping for air, she realized that the S-Types were as quick as her, Kimberly shouted, "Someone, help!"
Got some more Ranger girls to reserve Name: Shelby Watkins Description: A 18 year old African American college student who is a dinosaur expert and a heir to ice cream company. During the start of the Purge, she was forced to hide her abilities as a Ranger, joining the Rebel Alliance as a technician and strategist. No one knows of her as a Power Ranger or the importance of the strange pink gem that she wears around her neck. Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel Series Character is from: Power Rangers Dino Charge Image: Spoiler: Shelby Name: Kendall Morgan Description: A former museum director and scientist of a museum that was changed to conform to the New World Order, Kendall joined the Rebels as their scientist and help with their equipment. She works with Shelby, who she shares a bit of a rivalry on working with the equipment. Like Shelby, she wears a gem which is the source of her Ranger powers, that she had to hide when the New World Order took over. Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel Series Character is from: Power Rangers Dino Charge Image: Spoiler: Kendall
-Galleon- Finding her tea, Emma breathed and looked out one of the windows, concerned about her team. Ahim touched her shoulder to comfort her. Emma nodded, "Sorry, but it's just so worrying. Not knowing if they're okay, if they were tortured or executed." She looked down, "I am grateful for everything you all taught me. Teaching me piracy and all." "It will be alright." Ahim said, looking at her. -Scotland- While James added the Rebel Alliance symbol onto the red dot on the hoverboards before the Wily nearly gave him a heart attack while testing them out, Remus made a sheath for Harry so he wouldn't have to carry the sword by hand all the time. Harry watched him, the mask on his forehead with his glasses on his face and holding Riolu in his arms, he asked, "How did you get so good at sewing, Remus?" "It's something I picked over the years due to my monthly transformations." Remus explained, looking at him as he finished up and sheathed the sword, putting it at his hip, hidden by the coat. -Nintendo High School- As Hermione headed to her first class, someone asked her, calling out to her, "Why do you still come here?" Hermione looked and saw Nico Saiba, a professional gamer who also attended the school but was usually busy with her games. She crossed her arms and said in a whisper, 'You're part of the Alliance, right? Why still come here when everyone you know is out in the world somewhere, running around as criminals?' Hermione kept quiet as she remembered Sakura asked her the same question, Nico looked at her and sighed, walking to her and patting her head. "Sorry, I was a bit tough there." She said. "But it is something I do wonder. You blame yourself cause your friends and allies are fugitives, and the world is like this." Hermione tried to keep her tears in. -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- Rey, a scavanger who joined the Alliance and was at the base, sat by herself, craving something on a piece of wood. Poppy, the Alliance's mascot and a friendly S-Type, appeared to everyone, standing with a big grin. "Hello, everyone! It's your very friendly and lovable S-Type, Poppy!" She said, waving her hands. -Cairo, Egypt- Walking through the city, there were two people, they had covers over their heads to hide their face. Looking from his cover, Eiji looked around, sighed, seeing the state of the world. Luckily he and Ankh had ended up together, though he wasn't sure if it was a good or bad thing that they were paired together after the event that caused the Purge. Eiji did wonder if everyone else was okay. -Chicago, Illinois- Billy, Philip, and Shotaro ended up in Chicago, luckily Philip and Shotaro were together and Billy was able to find who in the Alliance was in the Windy City. Since Philip was weaker phsyically of Double, it was often Shotaro and Billy who went out. Billy had gotten a upgrade in his power, going from the Triceratops to the Wolf, which he found unique but didn't mind too much. -Lumiose City, France- Landing in Lumiose City, Sirius wandered the street in his dog form, keeping himself and headed for the base located in Paris. Naturally, he was worried for his godson and his friends, as well the Wilys, but at the moment, chose not to draw too much attention and let everyone assume that he was just a stray dog who wandered the street and oddly looked well fed while on the streets. -Sub-Sahara Africa- Two lions ran across the Savannah, the lioness, Nala, stopped and breathed, stretching and kneading the ground with her claws. Simba kept quiet, feeling guilty. He said, "Nala, you go ahead. I need time to myself." "Um, okay." Nala said, going on and heading into the base. She removed the hidden amulet from her neck, showing her in her human form, briefly naked and hiding behind a tree, then came out wearing the outfit given with her power upgrade. Walking to adjust to her human legs, Nala past a window and looked at herself, touching the emblem on her chest. Her power went from being the Saber-Tooth Tiger to the Bear, she wasn't sure why but she thought it was odd, though she didn't say. Nala was worried about Simba and hoped he was okay. -Romania- Ron went to Romania after the attack, finding his second oldest brother, Charlie, who took him in along with Mew. They both joined the Alliance and Ron reluctantly and hesitantly told Charlie about his powers, which Charlie was amazed. Ron worried about Harry and Hermione, he wasn't sure where Harry was and Hermione was still in Japan, where the NWO was headed. He worried about her the most. -Sioux Falls, South Dakota- The rest of Emma's team had ended up in the Midwest America, and met up with the Alliance there, all joining though they were all equally worried about Emma and where she could be. Kira sat on a pile of boxes and strummed her guitar while Noah worked on a code to hack all screens to give a message of hope. Troy and Orion trained with Jake while Gia looked out a window and looked up at the sky, wondering about her childhood friend. -Rainbow Line- The ToQgers were able to board the Rainbow Line which was able to still run and luckily there was enough Imagination to keep the train going in a area with train stations as well as adults couldn't see it, however, they did join the Alliance and tried to offer any help they could. -Den-Liner- All the Taros looked at Ryotaro who seemed downhearted at what happened, while there were suggestions of going back in time to stop it, Ryotaro didn't want to change history cause he felt like he still wouldn't be able to stop the attack or the sudden change of the world. Momotaros groaned as the train car was quiet and steadily sped through the sands of time. -Castelia City, New York- 'Wearing this stupid wig makes me feel a punk with a identity crisis.' Dante thought, walking through the crowds of Castelia City and wearing a black wig to hide his white hair as well as a coat and boots to hide the outfit of his upgraded power. He headed to the base of the Alliance stationed in New York and felt his hidden guns, Ebony and Ivory while his sword, Rebellion, was at the base. Dante also thought about his upgrade in power, going from the Tyrannosaurus to the Ape, which Dante personally thought was a downgrade in power but he didn't complain about it. He avoided any interaction with the Stromtroopers and Cybermen, as not to reveal himself.
-The Capital - Nintendo High School- Hermione quietly walked to school, keeping herself ever since the world changed. Her friends were out in the world, branded as criminals cause of their powers and devices. While most everyone she knew fled or pulled out of the school, she didn't, though she did move into the agency and Sakura, Seki, and Hinako joined her, having Koyomi with them. Sakura had gotten her to join the Alliance and wear a red scarf when she wasn't at school. Draco looked at Hermione and looked away, blaming her friends for this state of the world and pure-bloods having to interact with muggles and muggle-born people. Looking at the hallways as she went to her shoe locker, Hermione wiped her eyes and changed her shoes before stepping in school, feeling all alone in the school. -Tsukino House- Serena came down, carrying Luna and a suitcase. Luna looked as down as Serena, but Serena looked at her parents and set Luna and her suitcase down, hugging them. "Everything will be okay...." She said, trying to be strong. Luna lowered her ears, looking sad. -Abandoned Military Base- Rei sat by herself, praying over a small fire she made to guidance to everyone who was out in the world, trying to defend themselves and for Hermione, who was still at the school. 'Oh spirits of Mars, please, watch over her and protect her in this time of need.' She prayed, despite not knowing her, Rei knew that the people she knew were in the world and considered fugitives so Hermione needed all kinds of help. -Scotland- Gasping as he finished up his push-up on a beam, Harry wiped his sweat and looked out his window, his reflection showing that his body was getting a bit of a muscular tone since he had began to train and exercise to fight, his Pokemon, Riolu, looking at him as he wiped his sweat from his body. On a bedroom desk there was his Driver and Lockseed, next to it was a silver sword with rubies. 'I still don't know why he would leave that here.' He thought, recalling a encounter with a elderly man who came to visit them a little after the Purge, saying he could help them restore the world but Lily and James refused and the man left, leaving the sword which Harry took as his own weapon. Before he went to freshen himself, Harry began to hear a flute playing. Spoiler: Song being played 'Must be Kit.' Harry thought, listening to his younger sister play. 'She has gotten pretty good, this must be hard for her and Kat. Getting caught up in this just because Mom, Dad, Remus, and I are heroes who are now deemed criminals cause of this New World Order. As their big brother, I promise that we will try to take the world back.' He walked and went to take a shower. Indeed, WilyKit sat in her room, playing her flute while WilyKat listened, remembering how their father had received a upgrade in his power, the creature he represented changing from a mastodon to a frog. Remus watered the small garden of flowers that Lily had made in memory of Severus' death, during the time in Scotland, he had decided to forego the wolfsbane potion and during the months that had followed, he began to tame his werewolf side on his own with help from James and Lily. He also had been working on a disguise since their identities were known due to having their powers. He looked as Harry came up, having finished freshening up and took him to his room to the results of the disguise he had made. In a abandoned warehouse, Lily finished the work she had made. 'It's about time we get out of here.' She thought, as James came in, asking, "What would you been working on in here?" "Get Remus, the Wilys, Harry, and Riolu." She said, looking at him in his new Ninjetti form. James nodded and went to get the rest of their group. Lily breathed and looked at what she had worked on before looking at a photo of Severus. 'Sevy, I will beat the New World Order for you.' She thought, before hearing Harry, "We're here, mom." She looked and saw Harry in the new outfit that Remus had been making, noting that he was holding the sword that was left at the castle. "My, someone looks handsome." Lily said, Harry looked away. "So what is it you have been working on?" "This." Lily said, revealing the tank that she was standing. She also revealed a pair of hoverboards for the Wilys, a pair of red and white motorcycles, and a trio of bikes, having the mofits of the Red, Blue, and Black Rangers. Lily smiled and said, "I give you the ThunderTank, along with the hoverboards, Sakura Hurricane, Rose Attacker, and the Battle Bikes." "This is impressive, Lily." Remus said, smiling with the Wilys in surprise. Lily nodded, "It's about time that we head out and show the New World Order we mean business. But there's something I need to do first." Lily left and went to a grave which had Severus's name, his birth date and his death date which had the description: 'Here lies Severus Snape. A loyal friend to the end'. She bowed and knelt at the grave. -Tucson, Arizona - Abandoned Photo Studio- Hikaru, Krim, and Go were found by Harley and taken to Arizona where Go used to live while working with him. Being with Harley, Hikaru got more of the Shift Cars and Go got all of his Shift Bikes, the two becoming friends and getting closer, working together as partners. Go learned more about sign language and was able to work as her translator as well as be able to hold a decent conversation with them. Naturally they joined the Rebel Alliance in America, working from Tucson. -Gokai Galleon- Since the Purge, Emma had ended up with the Gokaigers on the Galleon. Since she had no idea of knowing where her team was and worried about the New World Order finding her while looking for them, Emma stayed with the Gokaigers and learned how to be a pirate, taking Gai's place as apprentice pirate. She got close to Luka and Ahim as sisters while followed and listened to Marvelous, trained with Joe, learned cooking from Don and practiced with Gai. Emma sat in the main room of the Galleon, having some tea as the ship flew in the sky. Ahim sat with her while Luka looked at her jewels and Gai sat, looking out the window and Doc was working on the Gokai Guns. -Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota- Hiding his hair and face under a hood, Takeru looked around and breathed, walking in the cold and making sure that he wasn't being followed as he headed to the Alliance was stationed in Minnesota. While he was walking, Takeru wondered if Belle was okay, he pondered how his role as Ghost would have been found out, since the Purge happened so quickly and he was suddenly labelled as a wanted criminal. -San Diego, California- The two twins, Tommy and Thomas, donning the new outfits of their upgrade power in their respective colors, looked out at the city. Tommy had gotten from having the White Tiger to the Falcon while Thomas's power remained as a dragon but it seemed to be based on the Eastern kind of dragon whereas his older power was based on the Western dragon. Tommy looked out at the city, he sighed. Thomas looked at his brother, wondering how he felt, he was engaged but he and his fiancee were considered criminals and were on the run. "Lets go, Thomas." Tommy said. Thomas nodded, the two pulled up the masks and hood of their outfits. Upon covering their faces, the two brothers headed out, hiding among the shadow of the crowds to meet other Alliance members. -London, England- Kimberly, who ended up in London and hiding due to her color and wearing the outfit of her new power, looked around. Her power had gone from being the Pterodactyl to the Crane, pulling off her glove to see her engagement ring from Tommy. She wondered where he was and if he was okay, she put her glove back on and checked the coast was clear. She pulled her hood and mask up to hide her face. She ran out and tried to headed for her shelter, trying not to run into any of the Stromtroopers or Cybermen, especially the Cybermen.
Got a few more reserves Name: Nico Saiba Description: A student of Nintendo High is who makes her living as a professional gamer. During the Great Purge, she was able to use her gaming skills to save herself and survive. She joined the Rebel Alliance to help the world and helps them out with strategies, using her vast gaming knowledge to help. Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel Series Character is from: Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Image: Spoiler: Nico Name: Poppy Pipopapo/Asuna Karino Description: A kind and friendly S-Type who is part of the Rebel Alliance and is there to help cheer up their members when they're feeling down. As a S-Type, she has the ability to change her form from a a cheerful pink haired bubbly mascot as Poppy to a serious and mature brunette of a altered self as Asuna Karino who acts as nurse for the injured in the Alliance. Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel Series Character is from: Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Image: Spoiler: Asuna Karino Spoiler: Poppy Pipopapo
Reserving a certain scavenger Name: Rey Description: A young orphaned scavenger who, despite being a loner, still holds compassion, kindness and hope for everyone. Though the beginning of her life was lonely, Rey is still able to imagine and dream of a brighter future and is able to see what things are bad or wrong. During her early years, Rey was able to train herself to protect herself and others, and is a capable pilot and mechanic, deciding to join the Rebels. Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel Series Character is from: Star Wars Image: Spoiler
I just felt like it was time for a change in username. So if anything, it's a happy coincidence
It's Morphin Time! Pterodactyl!
Okay, I think I'm gonna have nightmares at anyone loving that pink toad. But anyway, was waiting for this. Down with the New World Order! For the Rebel Alliance!
Each rper still has all or most of their characters, I hope. Anyway, nice starting point and hope to see the story progress
-Tsukino Household- "But my friends got caught up in that." Serena said, looking at her family. "Luckily, they made out cause the Scouts appeared, but they weren't enough to stop what happened." She sighed and stretched. Luna mewed for more milk, Serena got up and went to the fridge, pouring more milk in her saucer. Luna simply licked and kept quiet. -U.S.A - Limo- Elsa kept a calm composure and waited for the door to open. When she opened, Elsa brought out Saphir with her, holding his arm and smiling, walking with him to the hotel door. Anna waved, smiling as she stepped out with Hans. -Dorm- Harry stretched and made sure he had everything, hooking his Lockseed on his pants and hiding it. Then he headed out, going to the flower shop, hoping to meet with Harold and talk about stuff. He wanted to get and know him better and not feel so awkward, maybe things would be better since there was no school today but he knew that he still had face to Hermione's wrath for missing classes. 'Whatever deity is out there, have mercy.' He thought, pleading. -Abandoned Mansion- Namine looked at her and nodded, gripping her sketchbook and taking a breath. She set it down on the table and said, "So is there anything you would like to do?"
-Abandoned Mansion- "I don't know if it's a dream, intuition or whatever you want to call it." Namine said, looking at the sketch. "But sometime, I just have a feeling and I need to sketch it out." She looked at the sketch of the prince and princess then looked at the sketch of the two masked heroes being together. -Tsukino Household- "Yeah, food!" Serena said, smiling as she went to her place at the table. Luna sighed and went to her bowl of milk, licking her milk. Serena spread butter over her toast and began to eat, smiling and humming. -Flower Shop- Waving as a customer left, Aerith tucked some hair behind her ear and breathed. 'Days like this are so busy and usually pretty seldom.' She thought, holding herself. 'This city used to be peaceful, but now so many deaths in such a short time.' She looked around and pulled a pale green orb, gripping her hands and praying. 'Oh, mother. Please watch over us and the shop. Please, just whatever Beast has, let it pass and have him be happy.' -Limo- Elsa breathed, "I hope I can make a good impression with King Regis." "I kinda wish we could meet his son." Anna said, sitting back. Elsa said, "I think Noctis is as socially awkward as you, Anna." "I am not!" Anna said, pouting. Elsa laughed, and breathed, holding Saphir's hand tightly. -Lunafreya's home- Sitting in the living room with her dogs, Lunafreya rubbed behind Umbra's ear and tried to keep herself calm while waiting for her lady-in-waiting. She hummed, looking at the message that Noctis had seen in their special notebook.
-Flower Shop- Aerith hummed as chaos and Lenne were in the back, she talked with customers and made the arrangements for bouquets. She would let Harold do whatever he needed to do when he came down to the shop. As she sniffed some roses, Aerith decided to make a special arrangement for Beast so he didn't feel so lonely while everyone was working. -Tenkujii Temple- Takeru was still sleeping, his futon a mess and a trial of drool on his lip. Edison and Newton hit him on the head, waking him up and he stretched, rubbing his messy hair. He got dressed and went to his father's grave, praying to him and asking for guidance in the face of the recent tragedy. Takeru went to Yuuki's room, saying, "Yuuki, it's time to get up. I'll make a delicious breakfast." -Abandoned Mansion- "It's not exactly my first choice for a home." Namine said, guiding her new friend. "But my caretakers are rather...... secretive and they would like to be someplace that's out of the way." She led Kai into her room which was white all around with a simple canopy bed along with a bare closet that had her school uniform and the walls were covered in her sketches, each one a beautifully detailed drawing, some were of a princess in a white dress and a prince, other had a team of people together or two people from a team. Each drawing that had the people had their eyes covered by some means. -U.S.A. - Harbor- Elsa stepped into the limo and patted the spot next to her room, "Saphir, here, sit next to me." She smiled while Anna sat with Hans and stretched, happy to be on land and wondered what it would be like.
-Aerith's Flower Shop- "Harold, I made some breakfast if you're hungry." Aerith said, standing at his room door. "I'll go down and open up the shop for the people who might want bouquets or flowers on their loved ones. Come on down if you want to help." She walked and stepped down into the shop, turning the sign and unlocking the door. Aerith went into the back and began to bring out the many flowers and pots that there were in the back. -Abandoned Mansion- Namine looked out her window in her room and heard the knocking, she left her room and entered the foyer to go to the front door, heading to the front gate. "Kai, hello...." Namine said, a bit surprised and embarrassed as she opened the gate. "How did you find this place? Please, come in." Namine shyly led her into the mansion foyer which had clearly seen better days, Namine kept quiet, not believing someone saw that she lived in a old abandoned mansion in the woods. -Tsukino Household- Serena stretched and yawned, "Morning....." 'Serena held his hand through the whole night and didn't move or wake up.' Luna thought, stretching as she looked at the young man who had stayed the night and her owner who had slept side by side through the night with the young girl. 'They almost looked like a family sleeping together. Wonder what that was about.' -Hino Family Shrine- Rei sat in the innermost room of the shrine, praying to the fire for guidance and help cause of the incident last night. She kept quiet, focusing her power to her prayer and asking the spirit of her guardian planet for help. -Remus' House- Harry ate his breakfast as he sat with his family, his adopted young siblings happily eating while his dad talked with Remus and Sirius and his mother was looking over a letter to a old friend of hers. He rubbed Riolu who was eating his Pokemon food and wondered what to do, thinking of going to talk with Harold. -Hikaru's Home- Having met Medic while causally driving in the Tridoron, Hikaru was having her act as a model for some ideas of a outfit she had while reworking some of the ideas she had for her assignment. Belt kept quiet, but admitted that Medic was a lovely young woman who seemed to be a ballet dancer with a unique outfit design and name. He didn't say anything as Go came in and watched, wondering who the model was. -Tokyo Cathedral- Ashe, Larsa, Karin, and Vaan kept quiet, staying in the back and listening to the service. Vaan held Ashe close while Karin gently touched Larsa's shoulder, trying to comfort him, the young boy didn't say anything, sitting quietly. -U.S.A. - Harbor- Elsa breathed, stepping onto the harbor and trying to look regal as Anna looked in awe at the cultural difference of the city. Elsa walked with her sister off the boat and the two bowed, Elsa said, "That was a rather enjoyable ride." "Yeah." Anna said, smiling.
-Flower Shop- "It's nothing for you to worry about." Aerith said, leading him into the apartments above the shop. She placed the vase on the table, and looked at the young man who had been staying with her and the other occupants, she said, "You just need to continue to work and maybe go out to find new friends, okay?" -Imperial Palace- Rei smiled, holding her grandfather and his Pokemon. "I'm fine, I went with my friends and we all went to help others during the attack. We met the Sailor Scouts and asked them to help our family while we helped the others. I didn't mean to worry you." She told them, petting Chad and rubbing her grandfather's bald head. Ami smiled, Mina stretched as Lita helped with her tall height. -Tsukino Household- "Okay." Serena said, taking it and walking to Rini with Luna. "Hey, if you don't mind, I will be helping you watch over him til he wakes up." She sat down and looked at Darien's sleeping form. 'Why..... is it so familiar?' She thought, looking at him. She petted Luna as she hopped on her lap and curled up, purring softly and trying to be a regular cat in front of Rini. -Darien's Dream- The princess looked at the portal and looked at him, she hesitantly and shakily reached out to touch his hand. Her fingers were barely an inch from his and brushing against his hand, her other hand holding the closed locket. She looked scared and worried, not sure what was going to happen.
-Command Center- "Right," Harry said, teleporting away with his communicator while Hikaru took Go and drove to the Palace. The two entered the Tridoron, putting on their seat-belts and Mr. Belt in his space. Then Hikaru started, revving it and sped out to the Palace. Go held onto his seat, surprised that Hikaru was focusing on her driving and using the online map to get there, avoiding traffic and still obeying the road laws. -Imperial Palace- The trio all arrived at the same time, Hikaru and Go finding a parking spot and Harry coming in a spot from public view. He ran and looked at the people who had managed to come out, Hikaru also helped, having Go as her sign translator as she helped. "Grandpa! Chad -Flower Shop- "Ah, Harold." Aerith said, smiling as her black haired worker/roommate came. "I'm so happy you're back and safe. Wait a moment and I'll lock up the shop." She took out the key and went to the front door, locking it and changing the sign to closed. She walked up to the counter and grabbed the vase, she looked to Harold and said, "I'm just glad to know you're safe and away from that attack at the palace. Seems like a lot of dangerous stuff has been happening in Tokyo recently." -Tsukino Household- "Yes, I went with my friends and we had a good time there." Serena said, looking at her mother. "I knew he was a bit of selfish, a flirt, and Belle mostly ignored him, but hard to believe he's gone." -Darien's Dream- The strange young princess touched the locket and opened it, listening to the melody. She began to well up and cry, she said, 'Please, find me.....' Suddenly she held him as though she wouldn't see him again.
I wasn't expecting this, but hey, it's cool
-Battle: Vs Goldar and Chernabog- "Dante, we need to summon the Power Sword." James said, looking at the red colored member of their team. Dante nodded, calling forth the Power Sword. He shouted, swinging at the demon in the volcano. Tommy and Thomas watched, hoping that the attack was powerful enough at least to destroy Chernabog. Thomas gave a salute to Odin, "Thanks for the help, kid." -Imperial Palace- "I'll make sure that she gets out safely and finds her way to you." Rei said, trying to hide her tone so her grandfather wouldn't know that it was her in a alternate form that she had been secret from him since she was found as a Sailor Scout. -Command Center- Harry watched from the Viewing Globe and smiled, "Dad really knows how to worry people. But I'm glad to see he can get serious and work well with others." He breathed and Go patted his shoulder, Hikaru had watched the fighting closely and smiled to see the demon was defeated, but still looked worried about the remaining golden being that they were fighting, wishing there was something she could do. -Tsukino Household- "Oh, yeah, Ami and the others are helping everyone evacuate the palace so they can get to safety." Serena said, stepping into the living room with Luna. "They are okay so we'll be able to meet up tomorrow at school." -Darien's Dream- Standing in a moonlight garden, there was a young woman in the shade of the building. She looked toward Darien, her silvery blond hair resembled Serena's but her face, which was hidden by the glitter of her jewelry, had the features of a mature woman, though she looked worried about something. She was dressed in a white dress, giving her a regal appearance. She looked as she had sensed something and was worried about what had happened. -Lunafreya's Home- Lunafreya heard the report, then prayed for safety of those who had been involved and there weren't too many causalities of victims. She rubbed Umbra and Pryna while Gentiana prepared a warm drink to calm her mistress's nerves. -Flower Shop- Aerith stood in the flower shop, keeping a look out for Harold so she could know that he had gotten home safe. She prepared a vase of flowers to put in Beast's room and breathed, calming herself as she knew Harold wasn't part of that fight in the palace.
-Battle: Vs Goldar and Chernabog- Kimberly groaned as they felt the attack. James summoned the Mastodon Shield to block the attack, Tommy had the Tigerzord roar to send out a sonic blast while the Draonzord used its missiles in its hands to attack as Thomas stood on a nearby roof, playing the Dragon Dagger to command the Dragonzord while his brother and teammates manually controlled their Zords through the cockpits. -Imperial Palace- "This way!" Rei shouted, leading Sunset and her grandfather while keeping her face hidden while transformed as Sailor Mars. The other Scouts who teamed up with the various Rangers who had appeared also helped the people in the palace. -Flower Shop- "No, we have everything, just try to come back safely." Aerith said, speaking to him. "I can leave a meal for you while I tend to Beast and check the inventory in the back of the shop. I'll see you when you get home." -Command Center- "Dad!" Harry gasped, as he watched the fight between the Megazord, Dragonzord, and Tigerzord against Goldar and Chernabog in the Viewing Globe. He gripped the Acorn Lockseed, watching his father and the other Power Rangers in their Zords and thought to himself, 'Dad, please, be careful.' Go and Hikaru stood by him, touching his shoulders to comfort him. -Remus' Home- When Remus returned to his home, he was turned to the news of the attack. He, Lily, and the Wilys watched, hoping that James and the other Rangers would be able to beat the monsters that had appeared and everyone would be able to get out safely before any serious injuries or casualties occurred. -Tsukino Household- "Serena, we can't talk!" Ami shouted through the communicator. Serena said, "I know but, Luna and I wanted to see if there's anything we can do to help. I feel pretty helpless just watching the attack here at home." "We understand, but the best you and Luna can do is just support us while we try to get everyone out of the palace and to safety." Ami said, smiling that her friend and the leader of the Scouts was concerned about the team. -Abandoned Mansion- Hearing the attack through a radio, Namine held her sketchbook and looked out the window of her room. She hoped that her new friends, Kairi, Kai, and their group, were safe and far from the fighting. Namine looked at all the drawings she had hung on her wall and sat down.