And hopefully our red haired kick butt princess, Kairi, can really prove she can fight and not sit on the sidelines!
True. And so many Norted people whose butts I have a urge to kick
Yes, I am too. And I will save Aqua from her darkness induced stupor!
Have you seen all the new stuff for KH3 and that it's finally coming out?
Mhm, and well went some name changes
Yeah and being a pretty rainbow prem, that's always fun
Alright, just doing stuff
Long time indeed
-Castelia City - The Playground- "Eh, still better than sitting around here most of the time." Dante said, shrugging and sighing at Yang. He checked his ammo and made sure that he had enough though he doubted that might be much fighting, but he found it better to be ready. Then he made sure his sword, Rebellion, was sharp and nodded, pulling his mask and hood over his face to cover his face, pulling his hair back to put his hood up. Then Dante cracked his knuckles, "I think I'm ready for anything now." -Chicago, Illinois - Rebel Base- Philip returned to his reading and Shelby looked at him, still finding it weird that he read a blank book for some reason. She tied her hair into a ponytail and went to help Kendall. Billy stopped to let the two girls work together and breathed, looking at himself in his own outfit. He sat with Shotaro, "Some kind of the world is now, huh? We're considered the threat when we used to fight off the threat." -San Diego, California - Dino Lab- While resting in the lab, Tommy noticed something on the computer screen and went to check it out while his brother slept, sleeping topless and showing stronger that he gotten since the NWO took over. The two tried to figure out on their own why Thomas' animal remained a dragon, simply changing the kind of dragon it was, but didn't think too much so they didn't hurt their brains. -Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Base- Noah focused and tried to lock on what he had found, the screen focusing on a underground lab. The real surprise was when the screen came into focus, the face was one of the old teachers at Nintendo High. "Guys, I got something!" Noah said, getting everyone's attention. And seeing who on the screen, there was surprised on both sides, Kira said, "That's Tommy, the old TA for Gym! But what is he wearing?" "I have no idea either, Kira." Tommy said. "Just glad you and your team are okay." "Well, we're missing one but we're mostly okay." Gia said. "So, where are you?" Orion asked, Tommy said, "My brother and I are just outside San Diego. What about you all?" "A Rebel Base in Sioux Falls, South Dakota." Kira explained. "We're with a pony named Sunburst. So we're good." "Nice to see one team has remained intact, ours has scattered after that attack." Tommy said, looking worried for his team. -London, England - Magical Trunk- Kimberly was awake and tying up her hair, then wrapped her scarf around her neck and stepped out of the room, heading to Harold. She noted that he looked to be deep in thought about and worried as well. "Is everything okay?" She asked, looking at him and walking to him. -Countryside- Harry and the Wilys slept in the back of the ThunderTank, Riolu sleeping on Harry's lap while Remus watched over them and James sat in the front with Lily, looking at the map for their next location. Lily kept her eyes on the road and thought about her old friend, Snape, breathing and hoped that Fergus and Merida would be okay with the Rebels in Scotland. She kept quiet, jumping when James touched her shoulder and smiled. -Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base- Somehow able to take his Sonic Arrow from him, Nala was able to ground Simba and pin him to the ground, the two gasping for air. "Again, how are you always able to pin me like this?" Simba asked, the two recalling their childhood when they would play fight and she would pin him. Nala shrugged, "Just always have been able to, I guess." -Nintendo High: Costume Area- As Nico finished her attire with a top hat, she asked, "So what are we supposed to take?" "I don't know." Hermione said, looking at her with Vulpix in her arms who had its own mask, "Maybe we should start here at the school and work our way up. But if we start this, there might be no going back." "I say we do it." Nico said, crossing her arms. "The way the world is now is boring." Hermione nodded, looking at Vulpix in her arms. -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- Michiru listened and nodded, beginning to play it on the violin. Rey leaned back and closed her eyes, recalling a memory of her parents leaving her somewhere and she was crying out to them but they just left. She sighed, wiping her eyes of any tears. -Forest- "So you had the Silver Crystal and gave it to Serena." Luna said, revealing her ability to talk to Darien and Rini. Serena nodded, "When Luna saw that I had the Silver Crystal, she was pretty shocked." "Though we were not expecting Rini to be a Sailor Scout, but it is a nice surprise." Luna said, Serena looked at Conner and nodded, "I know of Sailor Mini Moon, but Hotaru who is also a Scout, didn't say her identity." -Arendelle- Elsa read Harold's reponse and thought before seeing Olaf come into her room with a vase and a letter. She got up and walked to him, "That's odd. Why would you want to leave this in my room as a surprise? I didn't ask for anything." She grabbed the evenlope and read the letter, Anna quietly left the dining room and noticed her sister read something. -Australia- Fang sneezed and looked around, shrugging and heading to a port so she could leave the country and hopefully regroup with others.
Got some new reverses Name: Dulcea Description: A mysterious, mystical, and strong Amazon-like woman who knows Zordon and seems to know a lot of the new power that his Rangers has obtained, but is hidden somewhere in the world. She has the ability to change into a owl and secretly watches over the Rangers, remaining hidden from sight and is distrusting to anyone who appears dishonest to her but can trust someone when she learns that they are willing to help. Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None Series the Character is from: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie Other: Spoiler: Dulcea Name: Noel Takao Description: A former top ranking policeman from France, Noel is a strange individual who modified the VS Changers for the new Ranger team, the Lupinrangers, though he is unaware of who has been given the Changers and has a connection to Zordon in some way. Along with being a top police officer, Noel is also a cunning and clever thief, though visibly unknown. Noel has tendency to speak French sometimes and likes to charm girls, but is a caring person all around. Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel Series the Character is from: Katiou Sentai Lupinranger vs Keisatsu Sentai Patranger Other: Spoiler: Noel Name: Tsukasa Myoujin Description: Much like Noel, Tsukasa is a former police officer who worked in the Japanese branch and joined the Rebels. Though she dislikes thieves, Tsukasa is putting her dislike aside for a greater purpose, to defeat the New World Order. Though usually calm and collected, Tsukasa also has a gentle side which is concern and wellbeing for others, making sure that they take care of themselves. Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel Series the Character is from: Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger vs Keisatsu Sentai Patranger Other: Spoiler: Tsukasa Name: Umika Hayami Description: Tsukasa's close friend who left Nintendo High before the change of the world, Umika is a carefree and upbeat girl who tries to keep a smile on her face and acts as a server to give food to the people. Umika secretly likes thieves as she knows Tsukasa dislikes them but she tries to hide it to keep her friend happy and tries to help her in any way. Umika is a amateur seamstress and can fix clothes and uniforms. Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel Series the Character is from: Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger vs Keisatsu Sentai Patranger Other Spoiler: Umika Also, vote for me in the User Awards
-Castelia City, New York - The Playground- "Huh, so we're moving?" Dante said, looking curious. "Good, being here isn't the best." He wondered if he might find some of his teammates there since they were all separated to who knows where in the world and he imagined like himself, the other Rangers had gotten a similar upgrade and quite personally, he wanted to see Kimberly, Nala, and Lily again since Fang seemed too manly for his tastes. -Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Base- Gia gasped for air, managing to stand and smiled. "Not too bad yourself, that's a intersting weapon." Seeing her teammate having a good time, Kira smiled and sighed, Noah looked at her and asked, "What's wrong?" "I miss how everything used to be, going to school, slightly worrying about monsters attacking the city, having fun." Kira said. "I just hope we can have those times again." Noah nodded and returned to his work. Kira looked and asked, "What are you working on?" "I'm getting a signal from San Diego, not where so if I can pinpoint it, we might see if there are allies or foes there and contact them." Noah explained. -Chicago, Illinois- Shelby looked at him and thought, hiding her gem. "Well, I have a lot of knowledge of dinosaurs but I doubt that can be helpful in some way. Maybe you can help me get stronger since I remember how much you claim to be hard-boiled." She said, looking at him. "I can fight a bit." "I don't know if that's a good idea." Philip said, looking at them and glancing from his book. "Shotaro's more of a half-boiled detective and he would never fight a woman as part of that." Billy looked and helped Kendall with her project. -Nintendo High School: Costume Closet- While Draco looked for Hermione, she helped Nico find her outfit as a thief, having a red tuxedo coat, a black vest with a white button shirt, a black bowtie, white gloves, black pants, black dress up shoes and a mask. Hermione used her red scarf to tie up Nico's hair, Vulpix smiled and nodded its approval for their new outfits. Draco finally found them but since they were in their new attire, he didn't recognize them, he shouted, "Thieves! There are thieves here in the school!" Hermione facepalmed while Nico was amazed that he didn't recognize them and surprised that their identities were that well hidden. He ran to the cafeteria and the orange phantasm appeared to Yuuki, being invisible and whispered, 'Maybe you should take what you have in your locker and see those thieves.' -Abandoned Japanese Miltiary Base- "Sure, what kind of song would you like to hear?" Michiru said, looking at Clement. Rey sat back and looked outside, wondering what was going to happen and breathed, Kengo looked at her and looked out as well, hoping everyone was okay. Poppy changed from her pink haired bubbly self to her more serious brunette brown haired self. Stretching, Poppy's new self, Asuna Karino, breathed and walked around to check on everyone. -Forest- 'Rini is Sailor Mini Moon?!' Serena thought in surprise, hearing Raven explain. She detransformed and stepped forward, Luna hopping on her shoulder and looked at them. "I had no idea that you were like me, Rini." She said, still surprised and holding the Silver Crystal. -Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base- Nala and Simba faced each other, Simba resolving to get stronger and train with Nala since they both needed to practice with their powers and abilities to really help everyone in the Rebels. Nala pulled up her hood and mask while Simba transformed into his form as Sigurd. Once both sides were changed, they began to practice fight against each other, Nala blocking against Simba's Sonic Arrow and dodging the energy arrows fired. Simba used his weapon to block Nala's hits and jumped back, firing at her. -Arendelle - Dining Hall- Elsa and Anna didn't say anything, Elsa stood up and bowed, "Please excuse me." She went to her room and pulled out the parchment, grabbing a quill and began to write to Harold. 'Dear Harold, I need to warn you if you plan to come to Arendelle. There is a sadistic woman who holds the position of Inquisitor and based on what I heard, she is not to be with trifled with. She attacked some Rebels here and only a few managed to escape. I'm not sure if the magic you hold can stand against her power but if you can, do be careful because she is strong and powerful. Wherever you are, stay safe and stay hidden.' She watched the message disappear to Harold's parchment and breathed. -Gokai Galleon- Since everyone was up, Don got to making breakfast with Gai while Luka and Ahim gave Emma her new outfits, which gave her a new look, a white shirt that showed her shoulders, a pair of Luka's shorts, tan nylons, and brown boots with her hair up in a side ponytail. Joe looked out the window and wondered their destination was. "I wasn't expecting that sudden movement." Emma said, sitting at the table. Luka sighed, "You get used to it." Ahim poured her some tea and gave her a cup. -Moon Palace - Dungeon- "Stay here and sulk." Zedd said. "You have lost and nothing on the moon or Earth can help you or your warriors to defeat the New World Order." He left and joined Rita in observing the happening of Earth.
-London, England - Magical Truck- Kimberly grabbed her Ninjetti outfit and went to the bed Harold pointed out to her, removing her scarf and letting her hair down. She thought about the meeting with Kilgrave, the exploration into the factory, finding the new Driver and her other Rangers and Riders, especially Tommy and his twin brother, Thomas. She looked at Tommy's engagement ring and hoped that he was okay. She laid on the bed and fell asleep. -San Diego, California - Dino Lab- Finishing up at the computer, Tommy got up and began to work out with his brother. The two brothers kept quiet as they worked out to get stronger, the underground lab being totally silent from the quietness. After about a hour or so, the two brothers stopped their workout and gasped for air, not saying and thinking about what to do. -Castelia City, New York - The Playground- Dante fired his twin guns, Ebony and Ivory, in the practice range, perfectly hitting the targets. Blowing the smoke of the barrel of the guns, he put his guns away and stretched, walking to train with his new power. While training with it, he added a bit of his demon strength to each attack, making the attack a little stronger than it would have been. At one point, he pulled out his sword, Rebellion, swinging it around and slashing at targets. -Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Base- "Alright, lets see how a Ranger weapons deals against the legendary Keyblade." Gia said, holding her Claw. Orion picked Jake and pulled his body to a rest room, Kira came in and Noah looked at her, asking, "You feel better?" "Yeah, I take it, Jake...." Kira said, seeing Orion take Jake away. Noah and Troy nodded, Kira breathed and stretched, sitting down and looking at Gia who was sparring with Sunburst. -Chicago, Illinois- While Kendall was busy, working on something, Billy noted that Philip was standing at the doorway and looking out, likely thinking about what he had left behind in Japan since the Purge. He led him in and got him something warm to drink. Shelby went to sit by Shotaro and sighed, looking at her pink gem around her neck. "What can I do?" She said to herself, looking at Kendall who was working. -Countryside- While Lily drove their group down from Scotland, James popped his head from one of the hatches and asked, "So, Lily, what's the plan?" "Head down to the United Kingdom, maybe have a talk with my sister and her family, then head to one of the Rebel bases." Lily explained, focusing on the road. "Mom, this thing is kinda, well, noticeable." Harry said. "Does it have a cloaking device or something?" "It didn't when I found it, so I added it when I was restoring it with other features." Lily explained. "Along with a map to help us on our way." The Wilys were asleep, laying on either of Remus, he held them while Riolu slept on his lap. -Forest- Serena saw the leader of the Rebel itself appear and saw the Cybermen, shaking. Luna appeared, shouting, "Sailor Moon, you have to fight!" Gulping, she tossed her tiara at the Cybermen and pulled out her Crescent Moon Wand, but wasn't sure if it would work against them. -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- Michiru played her violin, providing music to cheer everyone up and give them a sense of hope. Rey listened to the music, never having heard such music before and sighed. Rei talked with Ami, Lita, and Mina, talking about what Serena would be doing and where she was. Kengo held Chibi Chibi on his lap, working on his laptop and on something that he hoped would help them. -Nintendo High School - Cafeteria- After finishing up her lunch, Nico noticed Hermione walking somewhere with her Pokemon, Vulpix and decided to follow her, pulling out the device she had out of her bag when she looked that there was no one around. Draco saw Hermione and also decided to follow her in order to give her a piece of his mind for her punching him in the face like she did. -Nintendo High School: Costume Closet- After detransforming and deciding to be a thief as she guessed the name of her new form, Lupinranger, was taken from the famous fictional gentleman thief, Arsene Lupin, Hermione headed into the massive costume closet that the school had for the plays it used to put on. Looking at all the outfits it had, she picked some clothes and undressed, changing into what she found. When she finished, braiding her hair, Hermione heard Nico, "Hermione, where are you?" The two girl locked eyes on each other, Hermione now in a dark navy blue button up shirt, a black vest with a black tie, a blue tailcoat, white gloves, a pair of black shorts, black nylons, and black boots, on her head a dark gray fedora with a blue strip and a mask over her eyes. Her hair was braided with a blue ribbon, Nico was awed. Vulpix smiled and rubbed against its partner, hearing Draco call for her, Hermione covered Nico's mouth and they hid from the platinum blond haired pain in the butt. While they were trying to keep quiet, Hermione noted that Nico had the same device and revealed her own, the two girls were surprised and wondered if there was a third like that. -Transport Ship- Namine held her sketch book and kept quiet, not sure what to do. She could now wield a keyblade like Kairi, with her version of it being differently from what her cousin used. Opening her sketchbook to the rough sketch she started, Namine began to sketch, the image becoming a person in a mask with wishful expression on their face. She wondered what the person was wishing for as she sketched. -Arendelle - Dining Hall- Elsa finished her food and wiped her mouth, Anna did the same and stretched. "That was good, as usual." She said, Elsa nodded, "Yes." She took a sip and wondered what Saphir was doing and if she would get a reply from Harold. -Gokai Galleon- Joe woke up while the others were sleeping, he rubbed his hair and got out of bed. He went into the main room, and saw Emma swinging and practicing with the Gokai Saber. She looked like she was really focusing and training hard. Thinking, he stopped her and took her to a open room, training with her. -Moon Palace - Dungeon- "You're just a foolish sage who clings to a false hope and lost everything because of that false hope," Zedd said, having Zordon look at him with his staff. "Everything you built and worked towards, it has fallen and failed you." Meanwhile, Rita looked through her telescope, obversing the people cower under the rule of NWO and looking to how the Rangers and Riders were suffering without any kind of leadership.
-Nintendo High School: Cafeteria- Draco noted that Hermione wasn't in the cafeteria and guessed that she was scared of how she would be of his status and power over her, though Nico doubted that was the case and hid in the corner, looking at the items she found in her locker, hiding them in her bag. She looked at the note, wondering what it meant and maybe trying the code. She ate her lunch and kept quiet while Draco remembered the witch Shiny Chariot, not caring for her. -Nintendo High School: Back Lot- Feeding her Vulpix, Hermione sat by herself in the back of the school. She looked at the items she found and examined the combination, curious. She put the airplane into the slot on the top of the gun, "Blue! 2-6-0! Masqueraise! Kaitou Change! Lupinranger!" Firing into the air, she changed into a blue and black outfit with a cape. Vulpix looked in surprise and even Hermione was surprised to see herself, even feeling embarrassed at her new form. -Dream Garden- The princess, Serenity, sat in the garden, looking worried and looking up at the sky, her hands together in prayer. She closed her eyes and prayed. -Forest- "Moon Tiara Magic!" Serena said, tossing her tiara to a Stromtrooper, hitting and knocking it out. Luna looked and thought back to the moon, recalling the war that destroyed the moon kingdom and kept quiet. -Scotland- "We will," Lily said, getting into the driver's seat, everyone got into the tank and Lily waved at Merida, driving off. Harry popped his head out of one of the hatches and looked behind, seeing the building that had been considered home disappear into the horizon. "Mom, you sure this thing has enough gas?" He asked, Lily said, "Don't worry, I made sure to fill the tank to full and put extra galleon cases in so we're good." Harry moved his mask and looked at the horizon, Riolu hopping into his shoulder. -Lumoise City, France- Sirius fired at the Stromtroopers, firing at them and used his Squash function to confuse them, before tossing something and changing into his dog form, heading for a motorbike that he had restored before changing back into his human form, deactivating his Lockseeds and mounting it, riding off. He joined the others, speeding up to them and having hidden his devices. -London, England- "I barely understand it myself, and didn't even understand my first power." Kimberly admitted, before seeing her rescuer and new ally heading to the factory. "Excuse us, maybe we'll meet again." She walked with Harold and looked around, keeping her guard up and looking around. -Rising Tide: Kai's Room- Namine was a bit embarrassed, following Kai's instructions to hold and try her new weapon. 'Can I really try this?' She thought, admiring the design and appearance of her keyblade. -Arendelle - Dining Hall- Elsa kept quiet, eating her meal. Anna looked at her sister and wondered about Harold, the young man that she had gotten to know though the strange parchment she had, Elsa was very careful to hide it from Hans and it was her only means of hope in this world it seems. -Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Base- "Guys, train or something, I'm gonna be outside for a while." Kira said, looking at her team and standing up. She stepped outside and used her Ptera Scream, the vibrations felt against the walls. "Looks like Kira is venting." Noah said, looking up from his work. Gia nodded, standing and grabbing her Claw. Jake was willing to practice with her but Gia quickly knocked him out and sighed, rolling her shoulders. -Moon Palace - Dungeon- Zedd scoffed, seeing Zordon keeping quiet. "Defiant to the end, eh?" Zedd said, using his staff to tap against the sage's cage. "Your precious Rangers and Riders are scattered and likely lost and scared without their worthless leader."
-Lumoise City, France- Sirius ran to where he hid his Sengoku Driver and Grape Lockseed, however, before he reached his items, a mischievous looking orange and white phantasm appeared and chuckled, holding a Lockseed with a Kiwi and the number designation of LS-13. "This should..... sweeten things up. Hehe, that was good." It dropped the Lockseed and disappered just before Sirius appeared. He saw the new Lockseed and wondered where it came from, but shrugging and putting on his Driver and activated his Lockseed. "Hai! Budou Arms: Ryu, Hou, Ha-Ha-Ha!" He changed into his form as Ryugen, producing his Budou Ryuhou and ran out, firing at them. -Scotland - Fergus' Office- "I'm sorry about this, but this is for the best." Lily said, smiling. "I can't thank you and Merida enough for all the hospitality you two have given us. If we're able to change this world back, we'll try and come to visit you two. Please, excuse me." She bowed and went to gather some items that the others have forgotten to grab and walked back to the warehouse. She looked at Severus's grave and bowed at it before continuing. -Scotland - Old Warehouse- Harry nodded and James nodded as well, happy to know that she doesn't mind. While they were busy, the phantasm appeared at the table, dropping a Lockseed with a Walnut and one with a Watermelon. The Walnut had the designation of LS-02 and the Watermelon had the designation of Proto-10, the phantasm said, "I hope these will help them." Then he disappeared, Riolu looked, hopping out of Harry's arms and found the two Lockseeds. Harry saw and noticed them, Lily came in and said, "Alright, everyone. We can head out. Lets get the vehicles onto the tank and head out. Merida, I hope we can meet again." Putting the two Lockseeds in his pocket, Harry put his mask on and pushed the Rose Attacker into the tank. He stepped out and looked at Merida, "Miss Merida, thank you again and we'll see you again. Hopefully." James smiled as he and Remus put the Battle Bikes in the tank and Lily pushed in the Sakura Hurricane while the Wliys waved and carried their hoverboards. -London, England- "I don't know, there was a ambush attack during a supposed mission." Kimberly said, thinking on the incident. "Two of our group fell off a cliff so I don't know if they survived, then the rest of us were separated across the world, with me ending up here. Also somehow, the Rangers got a new power with a new outfit, I don't know what the others got but I apparently got the Crane." While they were busy talking, the phantasm appeared in the Cyberman factory, placing a new Driver and a small stack of bottles, chuckling. "This ought to be 'build' some suspense. Now to drop a hint to its new user." With that, the phantasm disappeared to Harold, whispering something about heading to the factory. -Rising Tide: Kai's Room- Namine took the keyblade and in a flash of light, it changed into a silver keyblade with a wispy design and a crown as the teeth. "It changed....." Namine said, looking at the new form and shocked. -Nintendo High School- The orange phantasm appeared at the high school, finding the lockers for Hermione, Nico, and Yuuki, giving them a particular looking device with a specific item, for Nico a red jet-like device, Hermione a blue airplane-like device, and Yuuki a yellow gyrocopter-like device along with a note. If you wish to steal back this world's future, take this VS Changer and Dial Fighter Along with the note, each one had a trio of numbers, Nico had the combination of 0-1-0, Hermione had the combination, 2-6-0, and Yuuki had the combination, 1-1-6. The phantasm laughed, "I wonder if these new thieves can handle stealing the spotlight." It said before disappearing. Hermione walked to her locker and stopped, pulling her Pokeball out and wondered what Vulpix thought. -Forest - Darien's Car- Serena came to after hearing Luna shout at her, she asked, "Luna, what happened?" "I don't know, Sammy is okay but unconscious." Luna said. "I'll keep him company. You change into Sailor Moon and help Mini-Moon and Tuxedo Mask." Serena nodded and shouted, "Moon Prism Power!" She changed into Sailor Moon and ran out to the others, she gasped, seeing the masked person. "Who are you?" -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- "Nice to meet you." Rey said, looking at them. She got up and rubbed under Sparky's chin, "I never really took a Pokemon for my own, but I know how to care for them." She rubbed and smiled, "I hope we can take back this world together." -Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base- Simba went to Nala who was thinking about something, he held her hand and she smiled, holding his hand and breathing. She thought about their teammates and if they were okay, touching her emblem. The two kept quiet, thinking about how to help. -Arendelle - Dining Hall- "Saphir, this is a surprise." Elsa said, surprising and giving a small smile. "Better than what had been happening so far." She sighed and looked at her food, Anna looked at him and at her sister, she thought there was a small smile but it disappeared as they recalled the whole thing that changed the world. -Castelia City, New York - The Playground- "We understand, blondie." Dante said, touching the emblem on his chest. He stretched and put the wig on a mannequin with the outfit. 'I wonder what that uptight ass brother of mine, Vergil, is doing in this mess of a world.' He thought, crossing his arms. -Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Base- Kira sighed, coming into the room after the broadcast, "And I thought being branded as fugitives and criminals was the worst thing that happened to us." "Yeah." Gia said, "First, we're separated from Emma and who knows where she could be? Now this." The two Yellow Rangers sat down with the pony, Noah stretched and sighed, Orion and Jake looked, wondering what to do. -Gokai Galleon- Unable to sleep, Emma laid in her room and listened to the sounds of the water around them. She rolled on her side and looked at her Gosei Morpher and Super Mega Morpher, thinking about her teammates and how she had gotten close to the Gokaigers. 'I hope if I can become a Gokaiger like them.' Emma thought, thinking on all the training and practice she had gotten. -Moon Palace- Since the world changed, Zedd and Rita kept Zordon locked up as their prisoner and tortured him for pleasure. Zedd looked out over the world, while Rita smiled, seeing the NWO and how it treated the people, more happy to see their annoyances were spread across the world and unable to do anything. Zedd turned and went to the dungeon.
Name: Yurusen Description: A ally who came with Zordon and became a phantasm. Though a ally of Zordon, Yurusen is a more mischievous and carefree being. The role Yurusen has to give the Riders their equipment when they need it, a duty that it has nelgected until now. It has the power to turn invisible and visible to people. Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None Series Character is from: Kamen Rider Ghost Image: Spoiler
-Rising Tide Base- Namine kept quiet and listened to the meeting and when it ended, she stood wit her cousin. "Um, is there anything I can do? Anything at all. If not, I'll go to my room and just wait there like before." She looked at them and looked down, holding her cousin's arm, never having been in this kind of situation before. -Sydney, Australia- While wandering the city, Fang stretched and pulled her communicator and Lockseed out of her pocket. 'I'm in such big trouble cause of this little thing.' She thought, still not believing while feeling her other pocket for her Driver. She sighed and walked to find a place to rest. -Minnepolis - St. Paul, Minnesota- While warming himself up, Takeru pondered if there were other Eyecons out in the world and who they might be based on to help him. He rubbed his hand and breathed, looking out the window and wondered how to get to others so he could help. -Romania- Helping his second oldest brother with feeding some of the dragons, Ron kept quiet and wondered what to do while the NWO held its grip over the world and if he can somehow get a word to his friends that he was safe. 'What to do.' -Lumiose City, France- Trotting in his dog form, Sirius went up to the base and changed into his human form, stretching. He looked around and asked, "Hey, is there I can do to help?"
-Sub-Sahara Africa - Outside the Rebel Base- "Hmm," Simba thought, listening to him. "I guess you're right. I have just been running from wanting to do what's right. I know that Nala has been working hard with everyone here and has been training with that new power she has gotten. I will try and see what I can do to help." He went behind a tree, removing the amulet, changing into his human form, embarrassed as he was naked for a moment before changing into a pair of clothes to wear. "Thanks for the talk, T'Challa." Simba said, looking at him. "I hope we can take back the world together." He went into the base and Nala smiled to see him come up. -Nintendo High School: Classroom- As Draco finally came to, albeit a little dizzy from the sheer force of Hermione's hit, Nico noticed Hermione tightly grip her pen as she took down notes, the two of them knowing the facts that the heroes like the Power Rangers and the Sailor Scouts were considered untruths and Harold Saxon united the country. Hermione tried not to show her facial expression but she knew it wasn't true and thought how hard Shotaro and Philip did as Double as well as Harry and Ron with their belts and their powers. -Darien's Car- Serena looked away when they passed the hanging bodies, Luna rubbed up against her to comfort her. Serena rubbed her back and gripped the Silver Crystal in her bag, hoping that she can meet up with the other Scouts and plan a way to save the world. Something about seeing the destruction felt familiar, seeing a dark figure commanding a army against a army with the other Sailor Scouts fighting. -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- "Rey." Rey said, introducing herself. "R-e-y. So you don't confuse me for anyone else who might have a similar name. Nice to meet you, Rue." Hotaru went to Kengo and saw Chibi Chibi, Kengo smiled, "She's sleeping, and I wish she didn't have to go through this cause she's so young." He held the small child, though he guessed she was curious about the buns she had though he couldn't explain. -Castelia City - The Playground- "I don't know what's worst." Dante said, looking deadpan at her. "Those puns or that crazy disguise James gave me actually worked. Or even that I have a power that went from the king of the dinosaurs to the king of the monkeys." He stretched, then crossed his arms over the emblem on his chest. -Chicago, Illinois- While wandering the base, Shelby saw Philip cover a section of a wall in notebook papers with various facts about necklaces and neck wear. She sweatdropped and Billy passed by, seeing Philip in his research craze and laughed. "Even in a world led by a massive terror organization, Philip still focuses on random subjects." "Yeah....." Shelby said, scratching her cheek and looking embarrassed if she had some way in making him that way. -San Diego, California - Dino Lab- Thomas did some exercises while Tommy worked on the computer. He thought about the past couple months, Tommy had surprisingly gotten good at computer workings, having been able to at least make a encrypted code to find the others, but also found time to train and practice the power of his new form. Thomas thought about the new animals that they had gotten, for his, he was surprised that the type of dragon he had changed but was in a way the same while Tommy had the Falcon, not sure about the reason there but just accepted as is. -Scotland - Old Warehouse- "Well, we'll see what we can when that happens." Harry said, smiling. Riolu smiled, nodding and clapping its paws. Remus nodded as well and said, "If there is anything we can do to repay you and your father before we leave, let us know. We're more than willing and grateful." "Also, I'm sure that Lily would ask to continue to care for the garden for the man who gave himself to get us here safely." James said, looking at the picture of Severus that Lily had put in the warehouse, most likely to remind her to keep going on her work. -Scotland - Fergus' Office- "I heard." Lily said, putting her hand on her chin. "I'm sorry to say but that would mean my group and I will have to go to protect you and the Alliance members here in Scotland. I have a way to get us out of here, but I don't mean to leave you after you and your daughter have been so kind to us after all these months. But there is risk if the Regional Governor discovers that the so called 'enemies' of the world are here." -Rising Tide Base - Namine's Room- Closing and putting her sketchbook away, Namine looked at her cousin. "I'm sorry if there's not much I can do. I'm not much of a fighter and all I can really do is draw, but let me know if there is some way I can help." She said, looking at her redheaded cousin. -London, England- "Um, thanks for covering us when the Stormtroopers came by to find me." Kimberly said, hiding her mouth behind her scarf after giving her thanks. She looked at him and asked, "Why did you do that? I know that in my previous outfit, I stuck out like a sore thumb but I didn't have a choice cause I didn't have much since this whole mess started." She sighed, hiding her mouth behind her scarf. -Arendelle - Dining Hall- "We didn't mean to keep the Regional Governor waiting." Elsa said, her years of concealing her powers helping her calm as she and Anna went to their seats. Anna bowed and sat down, Elsa sat down at her seat. Anna tried not to look scared at the Cybermen while Elsa kept her calm and spoke, "Now that we are here, shall we eat?" -Gokai Galleon- While everyone sat in the main room and Emma slept in her room, Joe went to Marvelous and asked, "Hey, Marvelous. Think we should get going? I think everyone is getting antsy in staying here." Doc was working on making a new outfit for Emma with help from Luka who was more of the fashion person of the group and Gai stretched, wondering what would happen while they waited under the water.
-Sub-Sahara Africa - Outside the Base- "Hey, T'Challa." Simba said, looking at him and sighed. "Just thinking.... I mean, I want to go back and save my home. But what if going back just means we'll lose again and lose even more. Ever since Nala and I joined, I haven't touched my belt or Lockseed, I just.... don't know what to do." He laid his head on the ground and breathed. -Darien's Car- "I feel the same way." Serena said, smiling as she petted Luna's back and the black cat purred as she slept on her lap. Serena reached into her bag and pulled out the Silver Crystal, the way it shined and shimmered as well as a special feeling she got, she felt there would be hope for the future. -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- "It's the least I can do for everyone." Poppy said, smiling at her and stood up, bowing. "You kids, keep those smiles up! Poppy out!" She happily waved and walked off for her other duties. Rey looked at Rue and said, "That might be nice, having friends to talk with despite how the NWO sees them. I never had anyone aside myself to rely on." She sighed and ate her food. "It's not much, but I should try to keep up my priestess duties so praying for someone's protection is nothing." Rei said, taking the food and eating. She rubbed Chad's head and said, "I just hope that she'll be okay." Lita gave some food to Mina to pass out while Kengo read a novel, Chibi Chibi resting on his lap as Ami studied with Setsuna, Artemis cat napped and Michiru and Haruka snuggled with each other. -Castelia City - The Playground- "I'm not gonna ask where you got this." Dante said, looking at the wig and outfit. "But yeah, I blended in pretty well and avoided the Cybermen and the Stromtroopers but I would have loved to show this power of mine, oh well." He looked at Yang and what she thought of his disguise, "I agree with you, I think. But since these good looks are plastered all over the huge plasma screens as a bad criminal, I can't step out the way I am." -Nintendo High School: Classroom- Hermione and Nico sat at their desks while Draco remained unconscious, Hermione thought about maybe devoting full time to the Alliance rather than attending classes and learning propaganda lessons to sway the students to the New World Order. 'Maybe I could help everyone here in Japan and I won't feel so alone in the world anymore.' She thought. Nico tried to look interested. -Scotland- "We don't mean to upset you, Miss Merida." Harry said with Riolu nodding. "But who knows what could happen if we stayed and well, there is only so much we can do here since my parents, Remus, and I are considered the world's most wanted criminals cause the NWO deems fighting for good bad. What would happen if some of the Inquistors or the Regional Governor finds us here. We could be putting in the Scotland Branch in danger, so we need to go and protect you and everyone. Please understand." Lily stopped by his room and heard that the Regional Governor for Europe was coming to visit Scotland. 'Hmm, we should go out of here, I'm sure everyone here can handle themselves, but we can't risk their lives with our status.' She thought. -Rising Tide Base: Namine's Room- Namine looked at her cousin and looked at her sketchbook, which was a very rough sketch and had no detail yet. "I don't know yet." She said, looking at the sketch. "I guess as I continue, I'll figure it out. Anything happening outside?" -London, England - Magical Trunk- Finding a place to place her Ninjetti garb, Kimberly wondered who had managed to find out that they were in a magical trunk that doubled as a home. She pondered if everything was magically in place or if Harold had to rearrange items whenever he carried the carriage while walking. Kimberly thought about the other Rangers, especially Tommy and Thomas, hoping they were alright. -Arendelle- Hearing Olaf call for her and Anna, Elsa hid the parchment and walked out. "Thank you, Olaf." Elsa said, looking at the enchanted snowman. "We'll go now." She walked with her sister, who told her, "I don't think Hans is my true love anymore." "I believe you'll be able to find your real true love." Elsa said, smiling. She added, "But spend more time to get to know them before you consider my blessing for marriage." "Yeah." Anna said, smiling.
-Underneath Freedom: Rising Tide Base- Sketching in her sketchbook, Namine stopped when she heard Kairi's voice. She closed her sketchbook, saying, "Yes, I'm fine, Kairi. You can come in. The door is unlocked." -Narumi Detective Agency- While waiting for Hermione to be done at school for the day, Sakura sipped some coffee that she had brewed while Hinako and Seki just relaxed and Koyomi rested on the bed in the room. While during the tyrant rule of the NWO, there was no more need to have detectives or police, but since the agency wasn't that well-known, it was spared. The three left the investigation room for Hermione since it held a lot of memories for her. Sakura pondered about teaching her to fight but felt her true strength was in her knowledge and intelligence. -London, England - Magical Trunk- Undressing from the Ninjetti grab she had, Kimberly stretched, then folded her Ninjetti clothes in a neat pile before picking out new clothes to wear. Choosing a loose white shirt, a brown worn traveling coat, black pants and dark brown boots, Kimberly got dressed and put her hair into a braid. All the while, she thought the person who she thought Harold looked like, a student at the school named Harry and used the unique lock device, oddly having the acorn. Finishing up as she wrapped a long scarf around her neck to cover her mouth, she stepped out, carrying her Ninjetti clothes and walked to Harold. -Chicago, Illinois- "Well, I think Miss Morgan has something in mind." Billy said, looking at them. Kendall nodded, Shelby pouted and sighed, reaching into her shirt and grabbing her gem that she wore around her neck. Philip looked at her curious about what she and Kendall hide by having their necklaces tucked into their shirts. He went to research, Shelby asked, "What are you doing?" "Something has sparked my interest." Philip said, smiling. Shelby asked Shotaro, "Should we be worried?" -Arendelle- Seeing Harold's message appear on the parchment between them, Elsa smiled and wrote back to him, 'Dear Harold. Things haven't been the best since we last met. Not only have my royal duties kept me busy, ever since the world changed, Anna and I have basically become trapped in the castle because Hans who has changed drastically would notice if one of us left the castle. Luckily, he doesn't know about this so we can talk safely together. I hope we can talk more soon. Knowing you're safe when the world is no longer a safe place gives me a warm feeling.' She finished and watched the message disappear to Harold's parchment. -Ishtar Apartment- Akiza, who had left the school, sat with Isizhu and Marik, the three kept quiet, thinking on the changes that had come upon the world since everything had happened, Akiza sighed and hoped any students who remained at the school were alright. Marik thought about what they should do. -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- The rest of the Sailor Scouts had come to the base, all pulling out of the school and helping around the base. Lita helped with the cooks and giving food to others, Mina cheered up the children who while Ami studied with some of those who were professors or teacher. Haruka and Michiru sat together while Setsuna helped some of the workers, as Hotaru sat with them, petting Artemis. Kengo carried Chibi Chibi, wondering about everyone who was out in the world. -Kyoto- Leaving the Capital, Akira and Shintaro took Michal to Kyoto. Shintaro did worry about Kiriko since with the establishment of the NWO, he and Kiriko were out of the job with no need for officers or any law enforcement. Michal was worried for him and Akira since Akira pulled him out of the school and became a wandering doctor with Michal and Shintaro. The three stayed in a apartment and hid their faces when they headed out.
-London, England - Magical Trunk- Recovering from everything that happened during the fight and seeing her rescuer reveal himself, Kimberly nodded, lowering her hood and mask, revealing the rest of her face and her long brown hair. She breathed in relief, rubbing her hair. "Thanks for the save back there." Kimberly said, looking at him. "I've been here since November, ever since the 'Great Purge'......." She looked away and down, worried about her companions before looking at him. "You look familiar, have we met somewhere before? That hair and eyes just seem familiar to me." -San Diego, California- Entering a forest and heading to a skeleton of dinosaur head, Thomas pulled on the jawbone and a door opened, the two of them entered and ended up in a lab with a keyboard and several monitors. Lowering their hoods and masks, Tommy went and sat at the computer, typing on it and the monitors changed to several locations within the city, showing the different activities in the city. "Hard to believe it's only been a few months since the world changed like this." Tommy said, sighing and covering his face with his hand. Thomas looked at his brother, and looked away. "Yeah, the mighty warriors of Zordon are scattered and on the run cause a bunch of psychos think fighting for good is bad and turning the world is a modern worldwide version of Nazi Germany is the best idea." -Sydney, Australia- Dressed as a worn-out adventurer, Fang wandered the city of Sydney, keeping out of sight and keeping to herself so she wouldn't be caught by the Stormtroopers or Cybermen, her red spear was wrapped in a white cloth and hung on her back. She looked at the sky and thought, 'Wonder what Vanille's doing.' -Minnepolis-St. Paul, Minnesota- Arriving at the base in the Twin Cities, Takeru shook off the snow and rubbed himself, getting a cup of hot chocolate. 'I knew Japan got cold, but not this cold.' Takeru thought, feeling warmer with each sip. 'I guess the Cybermen and Stormtroopers have special suits to keep them warm in weather like this.' He took out his Ore Eyecon and held it tightly. -Chicago, Illinois- Philip and Shelby walked, rather Philip walked from his spot in the base while Shelby followed curiously. They saw that Billy and Shotaro had returned, Billy going to work on something with Kendall. "Shotaro, Billy, you're back." He said, closing his book and looked at them. Shelby waved, "Welcome back." Billy waved and Kendall didn't look at Shelby as she looked at blueprints. -Tucson, Arizona- "I forgot how hot it gets here, even in the winter months." Gou said to himself, wiping his brow while Hikaru read a recent letter from Harley and thought about her next upgrade for Drive. Krim had his screen turned off, resting while the two kept to themselves. -Cairo, Egypt- The two hid in a abandoned warehouse and Eiji breathed, Ankh just crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, thinking about the whole situation that had happened so far and sighed, groaning. -Gokai Galleon- While the others talked about what to do, Joe just finished up his push-ups and wondered when they'll be heading off. He went to the kitchen to check their food supply and got a cup of water, heading down to the bedrooms. He stopped by Emma's room and left the cup for her in case she needed it. -Arendelle- Wandering the snowy kingdom, wearing winter attire that he had bought with some money Elsa had given him, Jecht looked at the castle and hoped the queen and princess were alright. He was worried the most about Elsa but she told him not to worry about her and gave him some money to fend for himself. He sighed, 'She doesn't have to act brave just to protect her and her sister.'