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  1. Princess Rapunzel
    Got a new character to take

    Character Name: Gwen Stacy
    Description: A former Nintendo High student who left before the Purge, Gwen was bitten by a radioactive spider and obtained spider-like powers. Choosing to use these powers, Gwen decided to become to known as Spider-Woman or as she prefers, Spider-Gwen. She is currently wandering the country, not tied to any group or faction.
    Faction (Rebel/New World Order/None): None
    Series the Character is from: Spider-Gwen
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Oct 5, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  2. Princess Rapunzel

    -Arendelle, Norwary-

    "I don't know if I can pilot it without getting caught by the NWO." Kimberly said, looking at him. She looked around and walked somewhere, after a while, she came back with a bow and a quiver full of arrows. Seeing the look Harold gave her, Kimberly said, "My weapon as a Ranger was a bow and a arrow. It may not be much against that one woman, but it is something."

    Jecht looked at them, hiding and holding his sword.


    -Arendelle - Castle-

    "Saphir." Elsa said, looking at him. "Yes, I did get it. Would you like to take a walk?" She smiled softly and looked at the blue haired young man who shared her home with her.

    -Shalour City, France - West Side-

    Hiding, Sirius moved and fired his Budou Ryuhou, performing the finisher move with his grape-themed gun. Then he changed to his Kiwi Lockseed and gripped the Kiwi Gekirin, tossing it at the Stromtroopers.


    -Abandoned Japanese Military Base-

    After being quiet for a while, Hermione spoke up. "There is someplace I want to go." "Where?" Nico asked, looking at her. Hermione looked at them and said, "The Narumi Detective Agency. I'm the landlord there, I need to go and check on it. Also, I want to steal from the Ather Foundation." "What?" Nico said, looking at her shocked. "We're nowhere near ready to take on something like that." "I know." Hermione said. "We need to work our skills to that level." "Um, you're gonna need a way to get around." Ryotaro said, looking at them. "I could take the Owner of the DenLiner if you could use it." He led them to a door and entered, all of them entering the DenLiner.

    "Rini?" Serena asked, looking confused. She put her bowl down and went after the young pink haired girl.

    Taking a breath, Rey approached Conner. "Conner, are you free to talk?"



    As soon as they boarded the DenLiner, Naomi suddenly measured Yuuki and Ryotaro. "Um, Naomi, what are you doing?" Ryotaro asked, confused. Naomi beamed as she said that she suddenly got a inspiration for making thief outfits to help this new team then asked him for the color he wanted. Ryotaro thought, "Uh, I guess, purple. Since yellow, blue, and red are taken." After she went to make the outfits, Ryotaro found Owner in his usual place and doing his usual attempts with the flag. "Um, Owner, would it be okay if these girls use the DenLiner as a transport for getting around? They're a different kind of team and well, they need a way to travel."


    -Kyoto, Japan - Park-

    The three men looked at ecah other and Michal said, "Well, if there's anything we can do to help you with this, let us know. I can't say that we can do much." Akira smiled and messed up his hair.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Oct 5, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Princess Rapunzel

    -Arendelle, Norway-

    Kimberly looked around, seeing the kingdom wasn't the happiest. She kept quiet and looked at the castle, gulping and not looking at the Stromtroopers guarding the gate. "So, how exactly are we getting inside the castle?" She quietly asked, looking at the young teenage boy next to her.


    -Arendelle, Norway - Castle-

    Elsa and Anna sat and waited, wondering what was going to do happen today. Anna smiled and stretched, Elsa looked out the window and breathed, thinking of contacting Harold at some point, unaware he was in her kingdom, ready to recuse her and Anna.


    -Millennium Falcon-

    Cindy yawned and woke up, wiping her mouth of drool. She stepped out and rubbed her eyes, "Paw-paw.... Who was that? A request for a job or something?" Cindy yawned and sat down, rubbing her messy hair.

    Arranging a vase of flowers, Aerith went and put the vase in Finn's room. She wasn't sure why but she guessed she probably had something for dark skinned men, but she shook it off and went to her room, beginning to think of what to write to Carter.


    -Shalour City, France - West Side-

    Sirius nodded, putting his Grape Lockseed into his Driver then changed into his Ryugen form. He gripped his gun and waited to do his part in the plan, keeping quiet and looking around as he waited.


    -House 4, Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey, England-

    Hearing a knock on the door, Lily answered the door while her sister watched with her family. Lily smiled as she opened the door and heard a gasp, seeing her brother-in-law wearing a black and gold ninja outfit while her nephew was dressed as a thief along with a scarred gentle looking man, two feline like orphans, and a Riolu. "Ah, Petunia, how is my sister-in-law and her normal uptight family?" James said, smiling as he removed his face mask. "Adjusting to the regime and blaming your more exciting in-laws for the radical change?" "Dad, stop." Harry said, sighing. "It's not like they would care."

    "Now, now, boys." Lily said, stopping them. Remus bowed, "It's a pleasure, Miss Petunia."


    -Abandoned Japanese Military Base-

    "Yes, Rini?" Serena asked, looking at her. Luna looked up at her while Artemis kept eating. Ami looked at her and kept quiet while Rei ate with the other Scouts.

    When Hermione returned to the others, she found Noel, Tsukasa, and Umika with them. "Um, excuse me." She said, looking at them. Noel kissed her hand and smiled, "Bonjour. Pleasure to meet you." Tsukasa kept quiet and Umika said, "We thought we'd come and help you." "Well, what can top taking from a school?" Noel asked, looking at the others. Ryotaro looked unsure cause he was helping thieves and would get caught with his luck.

    Rey walked to Connor, breathing to calm herself down. She thought about what to say in her head.


    -Kyoto, Japan - Park-

    "It's our pleasure to help." Akira said, smiling. "Hopefully, we can all work together and save this place." Shintaro and Michal kept quiet, Shintaro keeping quiet and thinking what to write to the others back at the Police Station to apologize to them.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Oct 1, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Princess Rapunzel

    -Bergen, Norway-

    Kimberly sipped a drink that she had ordered and looked at the Stormtroopers. She looked away so they didn't recognize her and report her in, Kimberly looked at Harold and sipped her drink, wondering what they will do if Elsa decides to leave her kingdom.


    -Arendelle, Norway - Castle-

    "That's good to hear." Elsa said, sitting at the table. Anna sat down as well, "Yeah." She stretched and waited for breakfast to come so they can eat and decide what to do with the day, Elsa thought about possibly leaving Arendelle, but she wasn't sure how to tell the others.


    -Millennium Falcon-

    While arranging her flowers, Aerith thought about Carter and everyone she left in Japan. She sighed, taking a flower and smelled it, wondering if she should write to Carter and reassure him that she was alright. Medic sat in her room and thought about Harold, wondering how he was. Cindy was asleep in her room, with a trial of drool of her mouth.


    -Shalour City, France - Tower of Mastery-

    Sirius grabbed a sonic stablizer, then went to his bike, making sure that he had Driver and two Lockseeds just in case he needed to transform. Namine stayed where she stood, holding her sketchbook and not sure what to say to encourage those heading out.


    -Little Whinging, Surrey, England-

    Making sure he was hooded, James pretended to casually step out in sight of the Stormtroopers, dodging when he heard them firing at him. "Is that really the best that you can do?" James said, trying to taunt them. "I thought you were supposed to be the toughest of the NWO, or something." Having that told them go running but Harry and WilyKat appeared, WilyKat hiding his features with the hood of his cloak over his head and holding a ring that had a retractable string and claw-like ornaments. WilyKat used his string to tie up one Stormtrooper while Harry used his sheathed sword to fight the other one.

    Riolu watched as WilyKit did her part, playing her flute to seemingly hypnotize the Stormtroopers, while Remus took a rope to tie up the Stormtrooper as WilyKat removed his string, James went into a nearby store and got what they needed, a map, a few snacks and a few drinks, in order to keep the NWO off their backs, he told the owner not to say anything. "All right, lets go!" He shouted, running to the bikes as Riolu hopped on Harry's shoulder and they left to find Lily.


    -Privet Drive, House 4, Little Whinging, Surrey, England-

    Sipping the tea she had been given, Lily learned from her sister that as usual, she assumed it was Lily's fault though she backed away when Lily said, "When this all started, I was out trying to protect your uptight butt." But she heard about how her sister and her family thought of the change in the world.


    -Nintendo High-

    'That almost sounds like that Oliver person.' Draco thought, looking at Drakkon and went to his classroom, finding it odd that Hermione still hadn't appeared and sat at his desk, preparing himself for the school day.


    -Abandoned Japanese Military Base-

    "If there's anything more you would like me to get if you leave, just let me, Nico, or Yuuki know." Hermione said. "I don't know who sent them, but it seems the three of us are going to be some kind of new type of Ranger. I'll leave you and your friend to your conservation." She gently gave him the chest and bowed, then turned with her Vulpix and left to return to Nico, Yuuki, and Ryotaro.

    Rey looked at her and thought, getting some water and splashing it on her face. 'Maybe I should talk with him.' She thought, grabbing a towel to dry her face. 'Not entirely sure if he can understand what it means, but it's worth a shot.'

    All the Scouts began to eat, thinking about what to do and considering what Conner said.


    -Kyoto, Japan- Park-

    Akira, Shintaro, and Michal met the Rebels who would be helping with the group that would be coming form the Capital. Shintaro rolled his shoulders and Michal looked unsure what to do while Akira smiled and was sure for anything.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Sep 26, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Princess Rapunzel

    -Bergen, Norway-

    Kimberly followed him down to the city and kept her face hidden in case there were Stromtroopers who would recongize her and report her in. She looked around as they approached the tram and kept close to Harold, not saying anything.


    -Arendelle, Norway - Castle-

    After finishing getting dressed, Anna met up with her older sister and they headed to the dining room. Once they entered, they found Olaf dancing on the table. Elsa asked the snowman, "Olaf, what are you doing?"


    -Chicago, Illinois - Rebel Hideout-

    Shelby looked out the window and wondered what was going to happen with everyone now. Kendall put her hair up and breathed, looking at what to work on now while they were waiting for their next mission. Billy relaxed and put his face in his hand, wondering what to do. Philip read his book and leaned against Shotaro.


    -Shalour City, France - Tower of Mastery-

    "Alright," Sirius said, nodding at him. Namine looked at him and wondered if he knew what he was going to do. She held her sketchbook and kept quiet, thinking about what to do while he and the others went out to fight.


    -Little Whinging, Surrey, England-

    While Lily went and try to find the street her sister lived on, Harry, Riolu, James, Remus, and the Wilys went to check out the window, while wandering the town, James pulled his hood and mask up to hide his face from being seen.


    "What do you say that we shake things up?" James suggested, looking at the Stormtroopers in the area, Harry looked at his dad and asked, "Are you sure?" "Well, this is such a boring town, I think we could use a little excitement. Plus I figured to get some snacks when we get back on the road." James suggested, WilyKat asked, "What do you have in mind?" While he was thinking, Riolu used its Aura to sense where the Stormtroopers were in the town.

    Finding Privet Drive, Lily didn't go far to find House 4. Getting off the helmet, Lily looked around, thinking, 'Geez, I should have guessed she would go for the snobbish rich single minded type of people.' She got off the Battle Bike and walked to the door, knocking on it. When the door opened and Petunia saw her young sister at the door, she was about to close the door but Lily grabbed it and smiled with a dark aura. "Is that any way to greet your sister who you haven't seen in years? Now how bout we catch up and I meet your lovely family?"


    -Gokai Galleon-

    Emma nodded, beginning to eat. She said, "If there's anything I can do to help, please just let me know." "We will." Gai said, happily stuffing his face. Luka nodded, "But don't worry too much about it right now." Joe just ate and kept quiet, Don looked at Emma and said, "Just keep practicing and training for now." Ahim nodded at her, Emma nodded, eating breakfast with the crew.


    -Nintendo High-

    "I thoroughly blame Granger for this." Draco said to himself, after getting patted down and making sure that he was a student. Looking around, he noted, "Where is the bushy mudblood? Guess she's too scared to face me." He went to his locker.

    -Abandoned Japanese Military Base-

    Hermione and Nico looked at her and nodded, Ryotaro yawned and rubbed his eyes. Nico stretched and looked at Yuuki, wondering what kind of style she would pick. Hermione took the chest and went to find Conner, while walking with her Vulpix, Hermione thought about her friends. Taking a breath as she found Conner and Darien, Hermione calmly approached him, speaking, "Conner, we haven't met before, and I imagine this isn't how you would want to meet me, you dressed so amazingly and me dressed as a thief, but I found something you might want to see." She showed the chest and its contents, she explained, "It came from the school, as though they wanted to hide that there were once heroes at the school. I thought maybe you should keep it somewhere safe so there can be a reminder of hope for the Alliance."

    "Rue....." Rey said, looking at the young girl. "No, I had a weird dream. I'm not even sure if it was a dream." She explained the contents of her dream, the narrow hallway, the person touching the droid in the rain in front of something burning, the brutal killing, she did mention seeing the memory of her parents abandoning her, then lastly facing someone in a dark snowy forest. She said, "I don't know what it means or what that is supposed to mean. I'm still shaking from it. And I thought I heard someone say these are my first steps or something... First steps to what?"

    "Thanks, grandpa." Rei said, taking the tray and Serena stretched, rubbing her hair. Hotaru sat up, rubbing her eyes as Setsuna straightened her hair and smiled.


    -Kyoto, Japan-

    After Akira woke up, they went to meet with the Rebels who were going to meet the crew of the airship that was heading to the city.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Sep 24, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Princess Rapunzel

    -Bergen, Norway-

    "Whoa........" Kimberly said, looking in awe at the sight before her. "If only Tommy could see this..... He could be more speechless than me." She pushed some hair strand behind her ear and looked out at the city with what surrounded it.


    -Arendelle, Norway - Castle-

    After waking up, Elsa braided her hair, adding the snowflake symbols in her hair, then got dressed in her usual blue dress, moving her braid over her shoulder. She looked at the flowers Saphir sent to her room and gently touched them. Meanwhile, Anna was waking up and yawned, getting herself up and taming her mess of hair so she can braid it and get dressed.


    -Chicago, Illinois - Rebel Hideout-

    Shelby, Kendall, and Billy looked at each other, not sure how to take the news, keeping silent to honor her though they didn't know her that well.. Philip sat next to Shotaro, reading his blank book and thinking about what had been left in Japan, sighing.


    -San Diego, California - Dino Lab-

    Thomas went into the lab and saw his brother at the computer, Tommy looked at him and said, "Morning, bro. Just keeping a eye on the city and all that." "I see that." Thomas said, looking at him and stretched, wondering what would be happening.


    -Castelia City, New York - The Playground-

    Cracking his neck to wake up, Dante spun his twin guns on his fingers and fired at the practice targets. Finishing as he saw there was nothing else of his targets, Dante smiled and sheathed his guns. "Nothing to it." He said, tossing a strand of his hair.


    -Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Hideout-

    Kira yawned as her and the others were waking up and adjusting to the morning. Noah started up his laptop and began to work while Kira and Gia stretched, Orion and Troy sat down and thought about what to do now. Jake rolled his shoulders and breathed, stretching his arms.


    -Shalour City, France - Tower of Mastery-

    Namine groaned as she woke up and rubbed her eyes, sitting up in her bed and yawning. She got up from the bed she used in her room, rubbing her eyes to get the sleep out. Sirius yawned and stretched, rolling his shoulders and getting his body moving to work about the day.


    -Little Whinging, Surrey, England-

    James took over of driving for Lily so she could rest while he and Remus got them to where they wanted to head first. Managing to get the tank to the town in Surrey where her sister lived, Lily breathed, mounting the Red Battle Bike and driving off to meet her sister while Harry, the Wilys, James, and Remus went to check the situation in the town.


    -Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base-

    Waking up, Simba stretched and stood up, shaking his head and yawning with a roar-like yawn. Seeing Nala asleep next to him, Simba nuzzled her and smiled, then headed to get a drink. He took a few sips of water and breathed, then went to a empty room to change into his human form.



    Breathing as he finished some chores of caring for the dragons that his brother had under his care, Ron looked at his two Orange Lockseeds and pondered about asking his brother if he could leave and find his friends. Ron went to look for Mew.


    -Gokai Galleon-

    Waking up to the smell of food coking, Emma sat up in her bed and rubbed her eyes. Getting dressed, she went up to the main room and stretched. Ahim smiled and said, "Good morning." "Morning." Emma said, walking to the table as Ahim poured her a cup of tea. Joe was sharpening and inspecting his Gokai Saber as Don and Gai came in with breakfast for everyone.


    -Abandoned Japanese Military Base-

    Stretching and yawning, Hermione looked around and recalled everything that happened the previous day, looking at her outfit. Nico snored and woke up, stretching. Vulpix yawned and batted at Ryotaro and Yuuki to get them up. Hermione sighed and Nico looked at her, Hermione asked her, "If we're really gonna do this whole thieving thing, what are we going to do with Yuuki? Only you and I have thief outfits and she still has the school uniform." "Yeah, well, I don't know if we can head back to the school since it's most likely they tightened up security." Nico said, crossing her arms.

    While she was asleep, Rey tossed and turned, groaning as she began to have a strange dream.

    Gasping for air as she woke up, Rey wiped her forehead and shook her head. 'What was that? That wasn't a regular dream, I'm not sure if that was a dream at all. What was that key-like weapon I kept seeing?' She wiped any tears in her eyes and got out of her bed. Asuna looked as Rey stepped out and wondered if she was okay.

    Ami shook Serena awake and sighed as she woke up, Rei shook her head, Lita stretched and Mina smiled. Haruka woke up and smiled at the sleeping Michiru next to her, kissing her forehead. Setsuna smiled as Hotaru woke up and rubbed her eyes.


    -Kyoto, Japan-

    Yawning as he woke up, Michal moved his googles from his eyes and saw Shintaro try to wake up a sleeping and drooling Akira as well as slightly failing due to Akira's deep sleep. Michal sighed and shook his head, standing up and looked around.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Sep 21, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Princess Rapunzel
    Wow, it's been a long time since I came here. I still have a interest in YGO, don't get me wrong but I remember when the anime didn't take so many episodes to get through one duel, just two episodes and that was it.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Sep 20, 2018 in forum: The Playground
  8. Princess Rapunzel


    Kimberly smiled, "Just trying to help. But we're gonna need to find a town and someone who is oblivious to notice their phone gone. And that might take a while." She looked out at the vast grassy plain in front of them and breathed.



    Dante kept quiet, crossing his arms and pulled his hood over his head to fall asleep. He said, "Wake me up when we get back." He immediately fell asleep, getting a trail of drool from his mouth as he slept.


    -Chicago, Illinois-

    Returning to the base, Billy lowered his mask and hood then looked around, wondering where the other members went. Philip went to sit and read through his book, Shelby looked at her gem on her necklace and embarrassed that the others found out about their Ranger forms, Kendall wasn't embarrassed but she had expected that their allies would find out about the other form that she and Shelby had.


    -Tucson, Arizona-

    Go put a blanket over Hikaru and sighed, looking out a window and thinking his big sister, Kiriko, feeling bad about leaving her alone in Japan while he was hiding here with a friend he hadn't known that long. He sighed and fell asleep.


    -San Diego, California - Dino Lab-

    Taking one last look over the city, Tommy turned off the computer and went to make a bed in the home that hid the lab. Thomas was already asleep, his top off, Tommy did the same, the twin brothers having a similar muscular tone. Tommy laid on his bed and fell asleep, thinking about how Kimberly might be.


    -Shalour City, France - Tower of Mastery-

    Namine bowed, "I'll think about it. Good night." She went to her room and opened her sketchbook, sketching something before she drifted off to sleep. She sighed, finishing the rough draft of the sketch and closed the sketchbook.

    Sirius went to his room and put his two Lockseeds on a table with his Driver, he went to lay on his bed and breathed, covering him and falling asleep.


    -Abandoned Japanese Military Base-

    After listening to Conner and what he said, Nico went with Yuuki and found Hermione, Vulpix, and Ryotaro, falling asleep with them. Nico didn't fall asleep right away and sighed, wondering if the three of them could really make a impact to the NWO like the other Rangers and Riders. She looked at her Dial Fighter and sighed, laying her head against the wall and closing her eyes.

    Rey looked at Dick and listened to Connor, she thought about maybe joining him while he traveled the world. She yawned and went to find a place to sleep like the others, rubbing her hair to wonder about what was said.

    Hotaru nodded and headed back to the other Scouts, falling asleep on Setsuna's lap. Luna and Artemis purred as they slept together, Serena slept soundly, sitting in between Ami and Rei while Lita and Mina laid together. Haukra held Michiru slept together.



    While waiting for the ship to arrive, Akira snored while Michal slept with his googles over his eyes. Shintaro looked at the sky, thinking about Kiriko, feeling guilty about leaving her and sighed. The orange and white phantasm appeared, seeing the trio and pondering when to give them their devices.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Sep 17, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Princess Rapunzel


    "I think I will stay with you." Kimberly said. "I don't know where in the world my friends are. And well, before all this happened, I preferred to be with someone as company. I have heard of Queen Elsa and a bit about her supposed kidnapping with the trial about it, but nothing beyond that. I have to admit that I wasn't that interested in politics." She rubbed her hair embarrassed.



    Lowering his hood and mask, Dante said, "I've seen weirder things talk." When feeling looks to ask what, Dante said, "Try a pair of scimitars made from a pair of demonic gatekeepers that couldn't shut up and stay quiet."


    -Chicago, Illinois - Abandoned Wal-Mart-

    "Um, Billy," Kendall said, cancelling her transformation with Shelby. "How do you know that excitable man in red?" "Dante?" Billy said, looking at them. "He was the Modern History Teacher at Nintendo High and I was his Teacher Assistant." 'That's another pair of Rangers.' He thought since they detransformed in front of him. 'Either Zordon really liked the dinosaur theme or he needed to refresh his mind on team ideas.'

    Philip lowered his hood and breathed, looking at the sky and wondered what the others were doing in the world.


    -Shalour City, France - Tower of Mastery-

    "If I am to be honest, I never knew my parents." Namine admitted. "Aside from Kairi being my cousin and that we are related, I know nothing else of my family line. I just know that I can wield it like her and when I have a particular feeling about something, I sketch it out."

    Sirius stretched and looked at the Kiwi Lockseed. It was weird but he still thought Harry had them beat by having a Acorn for his, thinking back all the Lockseeds they knew of, Harry's was the odd one, most were fruit but the Acorn was a nut. He sighed and pocketed the lock.


    -Abandoned Japanese Miltiary Base-

    Wandering around, Ryotaro found that Hermione was asleep with Vulpix sleeping next to her, he smiled and found some spare blankets, covering her and Vulpix. Ryotaro sat with her and sighed, wondering if he should help her, Nico, and Yuuki since what he knew of thieves was that they needed to be stealthy and enter as well as exit without being seen due to thieves being secretive.

    Nico talked with some of the people who suggested that they try to steal some Stormtrooper armor and weapon. Thinking, Nico wondered what the leader of the Alliance wanted and stretched, finding a place to sit and removing her hat. Tsukasa and Umika saw that her and Hermione were dressed as thieves, however, Umika stopped Tsukasa from questioning them and Noel thought about what to ask them.

    "That's fine," Hotaru said, looking embarrassed. "I was wondering if I could be friends with you along with Rini. If that's alright." Seeing her attempt to expand her friends, Serena smiled, "Aw, Hotaru is trying to make more friends." "That's good." Setsuna said, smiling. Haruka and Michiru smiled, nodding. Ami sat, reading a book.

    "Yeah, just never expected to see him in person." Rey said, looking at them. "I thought he would have been busy with his other duties. But it is amazing to see that he has time to come and check on everyone."
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Sep 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Princess Rapunzel

    -Scotland - Old Forge-

    Seeing Harold motion to her that it was time to leave, Kimberly got up and bowed, "Seems like it's time for Harold and I to go. Thank you for the talk. I hope we can meet and talk again." She turned and walked to Harold, looking at the young man she was suddenly traveling with.


    -Chicago, Illinois - Abandoned Wal-Mart Shop-

    "Well, looks like I gotta go." Dante said, trying to seem cool for Shelby, Kendall, and the other girls of the Chicago Branch of the Rebel Alliance. Shelby and Kendall were silent, which Dante took as speechlessness for his cool and awesome presence but Billy knew it was because they couldn't believe that Dante had the same power as him and the two happened to know each other and were teammates. Philip laughed and waved at everyone as they left.


    -Shalour City, France - Tower of Mastery-

    "My name is Namine." Namine said, looking shy and standing close to her cousin. "I'm not much of a Keyblade wielder. I am more of sketchbook artist. So it is a bit surprising that I am able to wield the same weapon as my cousin."


    -Abandoned Japanese Military Base-

    Deciding to explore the base, Hermione looked around to see if her friends were at the base. She sighed and Vulpix rubbed her leg, Hermione smiled and picked up her Pokemon partner, she said, "I guess it was a long shot to think that they would be here, huh, Vulpix." "Vulpix." Vulpix squeaked, wagging its tails, Hermione smiled and sighed. She continued to walk and looked around, seeing a lot of familiar faces from the school. Kengo saw her, having her be out of place in her thief outfit while holding Chibi Chibi on his lap.

    The Scouts sat together, Hotaru shyly approached Rini and her friends, wanting to open up more and have more friends. Luna and Artemis laid together and purred, meanwhile Nico tried to think about where to steal from next to make a bigger impact. Ryotaro tried to meet up some of the students and catch up with them.

    Rey saw Rue and Ritchie talk with Conner before he went to talk with Katniss, having heard he was the leader of the Alliance. She thought, 'Huh, so they know someone that important. I never would have guessed.' She breathed and looked around.



    "Akira-san, why are we here?" Michal said, looking at him as they were covered to hide from the NWO. Akira said, "To greet the Rebels from the Capital. See, since Goto-kun and I can no longer do our normal jobs, we decided to help the Rebels with what we can do. And hopefully, this can help you get some much needed courage to toughen up. Like those wanted Riders and Rangers." Shintaro kept quiet, still thinking of Kiriko if she was okay.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Sep 12, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Princess Rapunzel

    -Scotland - Old Forge-

    "Possibly, but it seems based on his contact with you and the other Rebels, we're gonna be busy for a while." Kimberly said, looking at him and sipping her tea. "I hope we can restore this world and stop the NWO."


    -Inside the Millennium Falcon-

    Aerith nodded and went to tend to her plants on the ship. Medic sat in her room and thought about Harold, wondering how he was doing and where he was in the world. Cindy sat in the cockpit and looked out the window, thinking about all the changes to the world since the Purge.


    -Chicago, Illinois - Abandoned Wal-Mart Store-

    "Aw, man." Dante said, lowering his mask. "I was hoping for more action." "Dante, we weren't here for the thrill of the fight." Billy said, lowering his mask and sighed. "Come on, lets go and meet with the others." Dante sheathed his weapons and followed his former TA.

    Philip stepped out of his hiding spot and lowered his hood, going to meet the others. Shelby breathed as she and Kendall powered down, going to the entrance. Shelby was worried that they would be added to the wanted list.


    -Shalour City, France - Tower of Mastery-

    "I'm coming, Kairi." Namine said, walking to her cousin. Sirius looked at her and rubbed his hair, nodding at Yoshi and Kirby. He wondered what his two friends were doing while out in the world.


    -Abandoned Japanese Military Base-

    "I know the three of us are amateur-level right now." Nico said, looking at her. "And I know, this isn't a video game. I may be a professional gamer, but I can tell the difference between reality and a video game. Sides, first thing is that we need to work our way to be a threat to them." While Ryotaro tried to keep Nico and Yuuki from fighting, Hermione sighed and Serena looked at her, holding Luna in her arms while Mina held Artemis in her arms. "Hermione?" She asked, Hermione looked at the blonde haired girl with her friends and teammates and said, "It's nothing. I have something that might shock most everyone." "What is it?" Rei asked, looking at the chest that she held in her arms.

    Setting it on a table, Hermione took off her fedora and set it down, she looked at them and said, "This came from the school. Ever since the Purge and the reveal of most of the staff being Rangers and Riders, the school rehired many new teachers who tried to teach the students into being faithful to the NWO." She opened it and revealed the contents, Hermione said, "This shows that the school is trying to hide and ignore that the school had heroes like the Rangers and Riders as their staff." Most of the Scouts were shocked to hear and Hermione looked down, holding her mask.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Sep 7, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Princess Rapunzel

    -Scotland - Old Forge-

    Kimberly smiled, happy to hear what Fergus told her about James and his family. "Ever since the Great Purge, I've been trying to survive in London. But I was suddenly attacked, that's when Harold came and saved me. I hope by helping him, I can meet up with James again and the others." She rubbed her engagement ring and wondered what Tommy had doing since they were separated.


    -Inside the Millenium Falcon-

    Medic made some tea, and Aerith took it to his room, she said, "Hey, Finn. Here, I don't know what happened during the mission, but here's something to drink. I hope you can feel better and be able to talk when you're ready." She set it down and walked away. Cindy sat in a chair and breathed.


    -Chicago, Illinois - Abandoned Wal-Mart Store-

    Shelby and Kendall fired their guns at the Stormtroopers and felt the vibration of Yang's rage. Philip felt it and poked his head, looking around as his curiousity was peaked but he also wanted to stay hidden since he didn't want to risk getting captured. Dante and Billy worked in tandem of their fighting styles, Billy being up close and tactical while Dante was far ranged and wild with a bit crazy and insane.


    -Shalour City, France - Tower of Mastery-

    Seeing there were those who noticed him in his armor, Sirius let go of Namine's hand and she watched him remove the Lockseed from his belt, his armor disappeared and he looked at Yoshi and Kirby. "Good to see you two as well." He said, crossing his arms.



    "I can understand that." Ryotaro said, looking at the girls. "I didn't feel like I was ready but yet I was picked to become Den-O. It's not easy to become something like a Rider or a Ranger when you don't feel like you can fight. It might be scary, but I think you should do it." Hermione looked at him and felt her Vulpix rub her leg, she thought maybe being this thief-like Ranger would help her see her friends, Harry and Ron again. Nico nodded, "I'd say we continue and steal from the NWO. But what do we do with our first steal?" "I might know where to put it." Ryotaro said, smiling.


    -Abanonded Japanese Military Base-

    While walking with Conner on the base, Serena saw her friends. "Guys!" She shouted. The Scouts saw their leader and ran to her and the others, Hotaru hugged Rini and Ami hugged Serena. "Thank goodness, you're okay." She said, Rei nodded and smiled. Rey looked at them and smiled, happy to see that they were able to see their friend again. She saw something, a new group that appeared, two people were dressed as thieves, a Vulpix with them, someone in a school uniform, and a person in causal clothes. Hermione held the chest and approached the group.

    Serena and the Scouts looked at the group, when Hermione removed her mask, Serena gasped, "Hermione?!" Hermione blushed and looked embarrassed, having many of her old classmates see her dressed as a thief. Noel looked and smiled, guessing the new group was those who had received the Changers and Dial Fighters, going to approach them.


    -Arendelle - Elsa's Room-

    "Saphir......" Elsa said softly and took her teacup to the desk. She unfolded the parchment and saw Harold's reply, smiled and surprised to see that he was closer than she think. She kept quiet and thought about what to say to him.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Sep 2, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Princess Rapunzel

    -Scotland - Old Forge-

    "Well, I didn't know James or his family that well." Kimberly said, smiling. "But it is nice to hear that he and his family were somewhere safe. James was one of my teammates and well, basically knew him through his friend at the school when I used to work there. I hope having him and his family around was okay, I know that James can be a bit excitable but I'm sure it was contained and controlled."


    -England Countryside-

    Harry felt his ears burning and lifted his mask, looking around. Then he turned his attention to his younger siblings, WilyKit and WilyKat explaining how to steal without being seen since that used to be their life before being part of a family. James didn't want his children to steal and Remus and Lily looked at Harry in his disguise, Harry looked at them and had thought, 'This outfit seems more like a thief outfit.' Riolu practiced the movement for Aura Sphere and hoped to have a deep friendship with Harry that will allow it to evolve to Lucario.


    -Millennium Falcon-

    Cindy hit her grandfather on the head with her wretch, she said, "Hey, now. Don't be getting greedy with telling Finn to charge higher with these missions." She looked at the dark skinned man who went his room and sighed. Also on the Falcon, it was Aerith who had left her flower shop and her friends in Japan when everything changed. She wasn't sure why she left, abandoning the shop and sighed, looking at the potted planets that she had started to grow on the ship. Medic looked at her, having left the country and not sure where Harold was in the world.


    -Chicago, Illinois - Abandoned Wal-Mart-

    "Well, I thought things were too quiet." Kendall said, looking at the Stormtroopers and putting her scanner away as she and Shelby pulled out guns that looked like dinosaurs head and small batteries that they put in the 'mouth' of the gun, saying together, "It's Morphin Time! Dino Charge Ready!" They closed the mouth and shouted, "Energize!" then fired a shot in the air, "Unleash the Power!" The two girls changed into similar suits, Shelby in pink with a triceratops helmet while Kendall was in purple with a plesiosaur helmet.

    "Well, Billy, lets show these creep what we can do." Dante said, cracking his knuckles. "Time to show you lame brainless grunts the show of this Ape. I can't believe I said that." "I'll show them the power of the Wolf!" Billy said, starting to fight as Dante brought out Rebellion, slashing at the Stormtroopers.

    Unlike the others, Philip hid, keeping his face hidden with his hood and covered his mouth, looking at the Stormtroopers. 'Damn, I can't do anything in this situation and I can't want the Fang Memory to appear, not yet.' Philip thought to himself.


    -Shalour City, France - Tower of Mastery-

    The silence between Sirius and Namine was profound as neither teacher or student were sure, especially considering that Sirius was now a wanted fugitive due to being Kamen Rider Ryugen, a formerly kept secret that Namine didn't know though she might have known through her sketching. Sirius sighed and got up, but Namine grabbed his hand. "It's nice to see you're safe, Sirius-sensei." Namine said, smiling.



    After hearing how the girls got their Changers, Ryotaro had a better understanding of what they were doing and saw what they had taken. But he saw that Hermione was quiet and shaking, Ryotaro asked, "What's wrong, Hermione-san?" "I don't think I can do that again, I nearly got Vulpix and Yuuki hurt and I was nearly caught." She said, shaking and held herself. "I can't go back, but I don't know if I can go on." She knelt down and shook, the encounter with the principal still replaying in her mind. Ryuutaros got up and gently touched her shoulders, holding her.


    -Abandoned Japanese Military Base-

    Tsukasa Myoujin, a former police, and Umika Hayami, a former student of Nintendo High, sat together, keeping quiet about the event on the outside. Tsukasa thought, 'Wonder how Kiriko and Shintaro are doing.' Umika looked and saw one of Tsukasa's co-worker, a transfer police officer from France, Noel Takao, talked with Asuna, the two girls hoping everything will be okay.


    -San Diego - Forest-

    Watching the home that Tommy and Thomas had occupied while trying to hide, there was a white owl. The owl seemed a regular creature, but with no one aorund, it changed into a woman in a green Amazon-equse bikini, she hoped that the brothers in the home would be find their teammates and work together to restore the world.



    "Oh, right." Serena said, taking Darien's hand, the odd feeling of having held it before a long time ago coming over her. Shaking the feeling off, she took Star's free hand and breathed, Luna looked at her and swung her tail.


    -Arendelle - Elsa's Room-

    "Well, it would be a bit embarrassing if someone came in and saw this." Elsa said, smiling. Anna smiled, "True, but doesn't mean we'll let go." "Oh, Anna..." Elsa said, laughing at her sister's antics.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Aug 31, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Princess Rapunzel

    -Scotland - Old Forge-

    Kimberly kept quiet, sipping her tea and listening to Harold. When he said Mr. Potter, Kimberly's mind clicked and realized that he did look like Harry Potter, a student who she used to see at Nintendo High and user of a acorn themed Lockseed, it seemed that he and his family were part of the heroes that were scattered after the Purge happened. Based on Fergus' comment, Harry and his family ended up in Scotland and she looked around if she would be able to see them.


    -Chicago, Illinois - Abandoned Wal-Mart-

    Walking down a aisle with Dante, Billy looked around, he and Dante keeping their masks over their mouths, obviously not having anything to say about their sudden reunion and Dante grumbling about Billy's upgrade in power being cooler than his. Keeping his hood over his head, Philip looked at the items in the aisles, wishing he could genuinely explore this place without the threat of the world controlling everything.

    Kendall and Shelby walked, keeping quiet and looking around for their objective.


    -Shalour City, France - Tower of Mystery-

    Finding a room for himself, Sirius looked at the Kiwi Lockseed and wondered where it came from. Deciding to test out his new form, Sirius put his Driver on his waist and activated the Lockseed, putting it in the Driver.

    "Kiwi Arms: Geki, Rin, Sei-ya Ha!"

    His armor formed, now having brown and green of the kiwi fruit. Sirius looked at himself and his new weapons in this form, Namine passed by his room and saw him, running from his room. Sirius changed from his new form, and ran to find Namine sketching in her sketchbook. He looked at her and she jumped, looking at the former teacher.



    As the train attendant, Naomi, offered some of her coffee, Ryotaro smiled, saying, "Sorry, Naomi-san, we don't need any coffee." "Oi, Naomi, I'll take some!" Momotaros said, looking at the stewardess, Ryotaro breathed and offered a open booth to the three girls, Nico and Hermione looked at each other and sat on one side while Ryotaro sat with Vulpix and Yuuki on the other side. Ryotaro looked at the three girls and asked, "Hermione-san, can you please explain why you and Nico-san are dressed as thieves? And why Yuuki-san looked a thief version of a Power Ranger?"

    "And maybe after that, we can spend some personal time together, making a ocean bluer than the real ocean." Urataros said, holding Hermione's hand and made a motion to kiss it. But Momotaros did a headlock on the blue colored Imagin, saying, "Oh no, you don't, you damn womanizing turtle!" Kintaros just snored and slept with Sieg being in his private car, thus not in the car with the other Taros while Ryutaros looked up from his color drawing and said, "Maybe they are some kind of new Power Rangers." "Hmm." Ryotaro thought and asked, "Do you three have proof?" Hermione and Nico showed their VS Changers and their Dial Fighters, confirming Ryutaros' guess.



    Serena looked at Mewtwo and wasn't expecting to hear that he was part of the Crystal Order or that he fought against Darien. Luna kept quiet, looking at the Pokemon and wondered how he was going to teleport them to their location.


    -Arendelle - Elsa's Room-

    "I think with the way everything is now, he's no longer in Japan." Elsa guessed. "I would have to ask him, but I guess he might not be there anymore." "Well, as long as he's safe." Anna said, smiling. Elsa nodded, folding the parchment. She said, "Thanks for promising not to tell." "Hey, we're family, family covers for each other." Anna said, hugging her sister.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Aug 26, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Princess Rapunzel

    -Old Forge - Scotland-

    Kimberly ate her meal which was a English muffin, two slices of bacon, and scrambled eggs with a cup of warm tea. She thought to herself, 'Tommy and Thomas are smart, they wouldn't get captured so quickly. And well..... their colors as Rangers wouldn't have them stick out like mine does. I wonder, how are the other Rangers doing with their colors?' She sipped her tea, and kept quiet.


    -Chicago, Illinois - Abandoned Wal-Mart Parking Lot-

    Billy and Dante walked with the group, Philip kept his hood over his head and walked. Kendall had a scanner to find the item in question and walked with Shelby, the two girls looking at the scanner and waiting for the signal on the scanner to get stronger so they knew they were closer to the item.


    -Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Hideout-

    Breathing as he finished, Noah said, "Done. Now all the Rebels know where they are and hopefully see if there are Rebels in that location to find them and ask them for help." Kira helped him stand up and led him to a couch where he laid down and fell asleep, Gia putting a blanket over him. Troy asked, "What now?" "I'm not sure." Kira said, touching her yellow gem on her bracelet.


    -Gokai Galleon-

    Emma stood on the crow's nest of the Galleon, looking at the sky and breathing. Luka saw her and put a blanket over her shoulders, "What are you doing up here? You'll catch cold if you stay too long." "Luka...." Emma said. "You think my friends are alright? And do you think they would still accept me if they find out I'm a pirate?" Luka looked at the scared girl who held herself and shook, not from the cold but from fear of her friends not accepting her for her new style. She held the scared girl and rubbed her shoulders, "Shh, shh. It's okay. Everything will be alright."

    Emma kept quiet and held Luka, who smiled and brought her back down to the main room after calming her down.



    Harry and James looked out at England, Harryy on the Rose Attacker and James on his Black Bike Battle, Riolu was in the side car and looked out at the vast land of England, barely having managed to cross over to England. Remus, Lily and the Wilys appeared, Remus on the Sakura Hurricane and the Wilys using their hoverboards while wearing cloaks over their bodies to hide their features and tails. Lily looked at a map of the countries in England and tried to think of the better route to Surrey where her sister lived.


    -Shalour City, France - Tower of Mystery

    Sirius breathed and got off his bike, Namine hid behind her cousin and peeked out, looking at all the new people who had arrived at the place. She looked away when Sirius looked away, recognizing her from the school.


    -Nintendo High - Teacher's Lounge-

    Vulpix looked at Hermione and she nodded, allowing Yuuki to command her Pokemon. Vulpix inhaled and used Energy Ball, firing it at Vidic and making a cloud of smoke while Hermione grabbed Yuuki's hand and ran out of the room, Nico following them with Vulpix. Hermione said, "We have to get out of there before he calls reinforcements." "But where can we go?" Nico said, looking at her and Hermione tried to look for a way out. She ran to a door and opened it, Nico, Vulpix and Yuuki following.



    Ryotaro looked as he heard something and saw the three girls and a Pokemon in the train car. Hermione stood up and removed her mask, Ryotaro gasped as he recongized her. "Hermione-san?" He said, surprised, Hermione looked at him and gasped, "Ryotaro?" "You mean the most unlucky student at the school?" Nico said, standing and removing her mask. Ryotaro laughed nervously and cleared his throat, he politely said, "Why don't we sit and talk?"



    Serena blushed, "No, no. There is no way he could be my boyfriend. Sides, Sammy would never let me live that down if he knew." While she knew there was a strong feeling of some kind toward Darien, at the moment, she couldn't think of anything and looked away from him.


    -Abandoned Japanese Military Base-

    Rey smiled, "Thanks you guys. I am part of a family now." She rubbed Sparky's head and smiled. Kengo looked and looked at Chibi Chibi, rubbing her hair and thought of her as his family since either of them didn't have a family. Rei talked with Ami and Mina, hoping that Serena was okay.


    -Arendelle - Elsa's Room-

    "Yes, and since we recently started to talk with each other again, this is the only thing that has given me any hope." Elsa said. She looked at them and said, "Please don't tell anyone about this." "Don't worry, the secret's safe." Anna said, smiling.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Aug 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Princess Rapunzel

    -Scotland - Old Forge-

    "Oh, no." Kimberly said, embarrassed as she looked at her engagement ring. "My fiance proposed to me before the Purge and everything changed but then we were separated when everything changed cause we're both Rangers and I ended up in London while he ended up who knows where in the world. Our engagements rings are our only ways to know we can find each other."


    -Chicago, Illionis - Abandoned Wal-Mart-

    Dante stepped out of the Quinjet and looked around, Billy stepped up, his face covered up by his hood and mask. He lowered the mask, and sighed, saying, "Dante, it has been quite awhile." "Billy, my man, good to see you again!" Dante said, lowering his mask and smiled, til he saw the wolf emblem on his Ninjetti uniform. "Oh, come on! You got a wolf! All I got is a stupid ape!" Billy sighed, rubbing his forehead, Philip lifted his hood a bit. "Same old Dante, never changes." "Tell me about it...." Billy said, Dante waved, uncaring, "Good to see you too, Philip, Shotaro."

    Dante looked and saw Kendall and Shelby, smiling slyly. "Hello, ladies." He said, but Billy grabbed his collar. "Don't even think about it."


    -Shalour City, France-

    Sirius, who had adept skill in riding a motorcycle, steadily followed the others, keeping his Driver and Lockseeds hidden since any peek of their appearance would be a dead giveaway for who he was and where the Rebels were going.


    -Nintendo High - Teacher's Lounge-

    'Oh, crap, I'm busted.' Hermione thought, looking at the principal. She turned to face him, hiding the bag of what she had taken so far. Nico and Vulpix hid outside the room, thinking about how to help her. Vulpix saw something and ran to Yuuki, its small brown paw patting at her and trying to get her to help its trainer who was caught in the room.

    Trying to think, Hermione said, "Yes, I made sure that the rumors spread so the student body would be focused on the rumors and thought of a thief while I scooped out the school to look for the most valuable treasure." 'I am so bad at this.....' Hermione thought, doubting that he would believe it and could see that it was her behind the mask.


    -Abandoned Japanese Military Base-

    "I don't know." Rey said, holding her legs and looking down. "I just remember calling for them to come back and watched as they drove away and I was left alone, fending for myself and honing my skills as a scavenger and mechanic."



    "Star, I wasn't expecting to see you with the Rebels." Serena said, surprised at seeing her and getting a sudden hug from her. She tucked the Silver Crystal away and smiled, then hugged her back. Luna whispered, 'I hope so.' She watched as Star and Serena hug each other.


    -Arendelle - Elsa's room-

    Grabbing the parchment from her desk, Elsa looked at them and said, "This parchment was given as a gift from Harold, the young man who supposedly kidnapped me. This acts as a way for us to communicate with each other and it isn't traced." "How does it work?" Anna said, Elsa grabbed her quill and dipped it.

    'Harold, I don't have any information on the woman who is here but I will talk with Anna about possibly leaving Arendelle. If we agreed, I will let you know. Be careful.'

    Elsa let Anna and Olaf see the ink disappear to Harold's parchment. Anna gasped and smiled.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Aug 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Princess Rapunzel

    -The Quinjet-

    Dante crossed his legs, leaning back in his seat and lowering his face mask. "I hope we learn something good when we get there. And there are some more pretty ladies there." He said and smiled, imagining what beautiful women he might meet in Chicago and they just falling heads over heels for him cause he was a Ranger and used to save the world for them.


    -Chicago, Illinois - Rebel Base-

    While Kendall helped Shelby make a scanner of some kind, she suddenly got a shiver down her spine. Shelby looked at her and Kendall said, "I'm fine, I thought I got a feeling of someone who would use the position of being a Ranger just to get women coming here." 'That sounds like Dante......' Billy thought to himself, trying not to imagine what would happen to Dante if he tried to impress them.


    -Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Base-

    After a few moments of talking, Noah said, "I think I can send your location to others who might be nearby you and your brother. That is if you don't mind. But it might take awhile since I need to make sure it's on the Alliance's secret line." "Sounds good." Tommy said, "Thomas might not show it, but I think he would see some friendly faces. Just be careful." He gave a two finger salute and the screen blacked out, as soon as it did, Noah began to work on sending where Tommy and Thomas were to anyone with internet connection on the secret network line.

    Kira breathed, rubbing her hair. "Nice to know where some of the others are." She said, Gia nodded, stretching before saying, "Yeah. Wonder where the rest of his team ended up."


    -Scotland - Bar-

    Kimberly sat at a table and looked at the menu, opting to go for something light to eat after the rather unique experience of Apparating with Harold. While she sat at the table, Kimberly looked at her engagement ring, thinking about Tommy and hoping he was okay.


    -Nintendo High: Hallway-

    "I'll go and look around the school for anyone who might be still around, like one of the Cybermen or the Stormtroopers." Nico said, looking at Hermione. "You head to the teacher's lounge and see if there is anything of value." Nico gave her a bag to carry the items and turned, Hermione said, "Wait, take Vulpix with you. She can protect you." Vulpix nodded, Nico smiled and ran into the hallway while Hermione went to the teacher's lounge.

    She quietly entered and looked at the teachers' desks to find something of importance, mainly finding answer papers to tests and taking those. She noted a locked chest and looking at her Dial Fighter, Hermione put it on the chest and it unlocked, Hermione was worried that the sound of it announcing the lock combination was too loud but she opened it and found the personal items of the former teachers and their TAs. 'This might be important here. Just gonna take it in case.' She thought, closing it and putting it in the bag, keeping wary in case any of the teachers came in.

    Vulpix walked with Nico, looking around and steering clear of any classrooms. Being a bit cautious, Vulpix walked forward a bit and Nico was worried, going after the small fire fox.


    -Abandoned Japanese Military Base-

    Rey looked at the two and wiped her eyes. "No, the music is beautiful, I had never heard anything like it." She said. "I was thinking back to a painful memory. You see, I never knew my family, the last thing I can remember of them is that I was left somewhere and they were leaving without me. And I just grew up, hoping that they would come back."



    As Serena grabbed her bags, Luna climbed onto Darien's shoulder, saying, "I would have said something but since Sammy, or Serena's parents don't know that she or Rini are Sailor Moon and Sailor Mini Moon, I had to act a regular cat. Thought I will miss those saucers of milk." She sighed.


    -Arendelle - Elsa's Room-

    Seeing that how sorry Saphir felt about everything, Elsa smiled and thought, 'Should I tell him about the parchment as a sign of trust?' "Hey, Olaf." Anna said, Elsa looked at them and asked, "Anna, can you and Olaf keep a secret?" "What's up?" Anna asked, Elsa breathed, hoping she was doing the right thing.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Aug 3, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Princess Rapunzel
  19. Princess Rapunzel
  20. Princess Rapunzel