-Hidden Palace Zone- Hermione was speechless and deep red after the kiss and Nico looked at her. "You okay?" She asked, Hermione shot up and said, "Yes! I'm fine!" Hearing Yuuki ask how it was possible for a person to live in a suitcase, Ryotaro smiled and said, "Who knows? I travel on a train that goes through time, so all things are possible, I guess." They sat down and began to eat breakfast, Nico said, "Okay, lets figure out our next heist. I say we do the museum idea we had and maybe ask the Rebels what they want us to take so we have a contact." Hermione and Ryotaro kept quiet, thinking on her suggestion. -Suitcase- Kimberly, Elsa, and Anna just ate quietly, Kimberly wondering if she would recongize any of them since she was part of the teaching staff at the school. Elsa looked at her and asked, "You okay?" "Yes." Kimberly said. "Just remembering my time as a teacher at the high school. But now I'm seen as a criminal. That's a real twist." Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- 'Oh, I guess you're coming along.' Serena said, whispering quietly to Luna as she came up. Luna sighed, whispering back, 'Fine.' Mina carried Artemis who was crying that he was barely with Luna for a week and she was leaving again. Ami whispered to the white feline, 'You'll meet her again. Don't worry.' Lita smiled at the white cat. Rey walked to the center of the room, keeping herself calm and took a breath, gripping the strap of her bag. She was ready to travel and see what the world was like and help save it. -Gokai Galleon- While they followed the ships, Emma thought about what Marvelous said. Ever since they took her, she just accepted they were helping her get stronger and she was considered a apprentice pirate since she was learning from pirates as well as she was learning more and doing more with them then when she was with her old team. She breathed and decided to stay with the Gokaigers and help them in any way she could. -Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base- "Simba, are you really sure about this?" Nala asked, holding his Driver, Lockseed, and amulet. Simba looked at her and said, "Yeah. I'm just trying to help T'Challa cause he's a friend. And I want to honor his country's traditions, so I can't use any of that for this." "Okay." Nala said, still unsure. -Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Base- "I wonder what's going to happen now." Gia asked, crossing her arms and standing against the wall. Kira said, "Well, we need to wait for a mission or something to happen. And maybe one that will lead us to where Emma is." "I just hope she's okay." Noah said. "Maybe one of the other Rebel groups in the worlds took her in or something." Troy and Orion kept quiet, not sure what to say.
-Hidden Palace Zone- "If I didn't know any better, I would say this was the start of a weird but important sidequest." Nico said, casually slipping into her gamer self. Ryotaro sweatdropped at her, not sure what to say about her gamer talk. He wept as he pulled by her to talk about where they go and what to steal next. However, as soon as Harold popped up, Hermione removed her mask and looked surprised at the person whose head was sticking out of the suitcase but not because of that. "Harry?" She asked. "Harry, is that you?" She let Vulpix hop to the ground and went to Harold, kneeling down to look at him face-to-face. Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- Serena saw Sammy and Rini come up, she looked at them and asked, "Hey, Rini, Sammy. What's going on? You two ready for this big adventure we're gonna have?" 'I hope this trip teaches her some important stuff she needs to know.' Luna thought to herself and sighed. Rey pulled her bag over her shoulder and looked around, before turning on her foot and going to join the others who were ready to go. -Gokai Galleon- "Marvelous...." Emma asked, gently touching his shoulder. "I was wondering, how long are we going to sail on the water? And are you ready for my Gokai Gun lesson? I've really been working on resisting the recoil from the shot. I'm not sure if I'm up to the level of pirate like you and the others, but I've been working really hard to be a pirate." Sitting at the table, Harry witnessed as his father lost again to Luka and wept with his head on the table with the hood over his head. Remus smiled and laughed, patting his friend on the head for his misfortunate. Lily kept quiet, thinking of her sister as she sat with Don. -Moon Palace - Dungeon- "Right, it was silly of me to think that the righteous Zordon would actually create a team of Rangers based on thieves." Zedd said. "Even more to think that you would have a team prepared and appear after a event like the Purge. Not to mention, no Ranger team would meet up with that cowardly Den-O boy you picked." "Yeah," Rita said. "No way Zordon would actually have a group of thieves as Rangers." "Still, Rita, we should keep a eye on this new Ranger team and see what they do." Zedd said. "If given enough time, they will be a threat."
Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- "Are you guys going to be okay while I'm gone?" Serena asked her friends as she packed her things to go out with Conner and the others. Ami nodded, "You go on and get to know Darien and Rini more." "Just behave yourself." Luna said. "We won't be there to make sure you do." "I know." Serena said, sweatdropping in embarrassment. Rey packed her bag and put it over her shoulder, then pulled her hair back into a loose ponytail. She gripped her chest and nodded, "I'm ready for this." -Hidden Palace Zone- "Well, they said there was life in that suitcase." Hermione said, holding Vulpix in her arms. "But how could be life in that suitcase...... I have no idea." Nico looked at the suitcase and shrugged, "It looks like a regular suitcase to me." Ryotaro kept quiet, not sure what to add on the suitcase. -Gokai Galleon- Emma stepped on the deck, looking out at the vast sea. 'Wow.....' She thought. 'This is beautiful....' Then she looked at the red coated captain, Emma thought to herself, 'At first glance, he only seems interested in treasure but when I appeared on the ship, he took me in and made part of his crew, teaching me to be a pirate. So somewhere in him, there is a kind heart.' Harry stretched, looking as James was losing a card game to Luka and Joe, Lily was helping Doc with some of his creations while Gai was showing some games to the Wilys and Remus sipped some tea with Ahim. Rilou was feeling better and sat on the couch with Harry. -Suitcase- "Harold!!" Elsa shouted, sending a icy blast and freezing the door. "Geez, at least knock next time!" Anna blushed, as they continued to get dressed. Kimberly put on her Ninjetti outfit, tying the headband around her head. She touched the Crane emblem on her chest, and breathed, tucking her necklace into her shirt. -Moon Palace - Dungeon- Zedd entered the dungeon with Rita and looked at Zordon in his prison. "Zordon, last week, I saw something strange. There was a new team of Rangers out and about." "A new team of Rangers?" Rita asked. Zedd nodded, "A thief group of Rangers." "Really, the mighty Zordon would stoop so low to make a team of thief Rangers?" Rita said, laughing. Zedd was unfazed and asked, "Did you arrange for this new team to appear after the Purge?"
Spoiler "Sure, I can imagine that you can make it sound amazing, Clement." Rei said, smiling at him asking to make it sound better. The other Sailor Scouts were listening to the song and Serena was in complete awe. "I had no idea that Rei could sing like that!" "She is pretty amazing." Ami said, smiling. Luna nodded. Lita smiled, "I'm sure she'll have more songs to sing for you to hear when you're out in the world." Mina smiled, suggesting, "Maybe Rei will become a amazing idol when the world is back to normal!" Kengo and Asuna smiled, glad to hear that Rei had a song she wanted to sing and was able to get the courage to sing it. -Monacar- Hermione breathed, trying to stop her shaking while Nico rubbed her head and Ryotaro was knocked out completely. Vulpix looked at Hermione and gently put its paw on her hand, Hermione smiled and patted her partner on the head. -Gokai Galleon- Luka helped tuck Emma in her room. "You okay?" Luka asked, Emma looked at her and asked, "What do I have to offer Marvelous?" "I think it's a eye to see people in trouble, but that's up for Marvelous to decide." Luka said. "But you don't need to worry about that. Just get need some sleep." She pulled the blanket over her and left, heading to her room. -Suitcase- Kimberly laid on her bed, looking at her ring and held it tightly in her hand. She breathed and closed her eyes to get some sleep. Elsa and Anna were already asleep in their own rooms, the two sisters adjusting to sleeping in a different bed than their own. -Moon Palace- Unable to sleep, Zedd got up from the bed he shared with Rita and walked out on to the balcony. He watched the events going on down on Earth, curious to see if there was anything new and interesting. While watching something going on in Utah, Zedd thought he saw a new team of Rangers and wondered if Zordon arranged for them to appear after the Purge happened. He headed back to bed, going to interrogate Zordon in the morning.
-Abandoned Japanese Military Base- Taking a deep breath, Rei approached the mic and closed her eyes, recalling all her singing before the Purge and all her work on writing songs, hoping that her song would reach out and help the Rebels who needed a punch. She let out a breath and began to sing. Spoiler: Rei's song -DenLiner- As everyone got ready to do the heist, Naomi had the radio on for everyone to listen while getting changed and having a curtain in the middle so Ryotaro wasn't seen as a pervert. While she was changing into her thief attire, Hermione wasn't still unsure about what she was doing and still not believing that she was doing this. Then she heard Rei sing on the radio. Breath, should I take a deep? Faith, should I take a leap? Taste, what a bittersweet All my, all my life Tying her hair in the braid, Hermione did question those words to herself, putting on her nylons then her shorts. She looked at Nico and Yuuki who were busy changing into their own thief attires. Though she didn't say it, Hermione pondered who would think that she would make a good thief and why would they pick her, Nico, and Yuuki for the team? Vulpix patted at her foot, holding her mask in her mouth. Hermione knelt down at her partner and smiled, taking her mask and putting it on. Deciding to fully take on the thief role, Hermione finished changing into her thief attire. Let me face, let me face, let me face my fears Oh, let me face, let me face, let me face my fears Won't be long, won't be long, I'm almost here Watch me cry all my tears Hermione knelt down and put Vulpix's mask on, her partner wagging its tails and smiled. Nico finished getting ready and smiled, sitting with Hermione to wait for Ryotaro and Yuuki to finish. Nico looked at the brunette, wondering how she was feeling about this since she knew this would allow her to see her friends again, she was going to be seen as a criminal to the world because of their power. -Gokai Galleon- Harry and Riolu went to one of the spare room that Marvelous had available for the group, Harry took off his coat and turned on the radio in the room, listening to the Rebel Radio that he used to listen while he was in Scotland and put his mask on a discarded desk. He noted that there was a song, and the singer sounded pretty good. Watch me cry all my tears Harry sat on the bed in the room and held Riolu in his lap, smiling that his partner was okay. Riolu smiled and swung its legs as they listened to the song playing and Harry beginning to think about his friends. Lose, don't have nothing to Space, this is what I choose A mile, could you walk in my shoes All your, all your life Harry rubbed Riolu's head between the ears, deciding that this would be his life now and until they could beat the New World Order, he had nothing to lose expect for his family and Remus. He pondered what he had to offer the Gokaigers. -Abandoned Japanese Military Base (Again- Rey knelt down over a bag and packing it with the basic things she needed, preparing herself for the journey with Connor along with her new friends. Wrapping a cloth around around the staff she got, Rey listened to Rei singing. "She's pretty good." She said, listening to the end of the song. Let me face, let me face, let me face my fears Oh, let me face, let me face, let me face my fears Won't be long, won't be long, I'm almost here Watch me cry all my tears Rei finished her song and breathed, stepping back. "Thanks, Clement. It felt good to get that out there." She smiled at him. -Suitcase- After everyone got situated into their rooms, Kimberly untied the headband and set it on a desk, then sat on a bed. She wondered what Tommy was doing, putting her engagement ring on a chain then putting it around her neck. Then she got changed into a set of sleep clothes to wear. Elsa was in her room, undoing her braid and changing into her sleep wear. Anna was doing the same, her hair already undone and laying on her bed.
-The Capital - Streets- "Well, it was nothing." Gwen said, rubbing her neck. "But maybe next time, keep a stronger hold on your stuff. Or don't go wandering through dangerous street alleys. It would also help to have something to defend yourself with. Like your bag or something. But I was glad to be nearby and helped." She shot a web to the edge of a building. "Well, see you later." She flew off. -Gokai Galleon- "We can stay, and maybe we can show you what we have that your crew doesn't have." Lily said. "By the way, name's Lily. This is my husband, James, my sons, Harry and WilyKat, my daughter, WilyKit, our family friend, Remus, and Harry's partner, Riolu. This way, you can see what value my group has and we keep our vehicle as well as we don't spend the night with the fish." Emma kept quiet, fearing that she did something wrong but Marvelous and the other didn't say anything so she didn't say anything and stood with the Gokaigers while the group let them consider their offer. Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- "Well, alright." Serena said, looking at them. "But Sammy, you're gonna need to stay close and hide when there's danger so Connor and everyone else can fight, or you can ask someone so you can learn to fight and protect yourself." 'Though Rini, Darien, and I are going to be careful and hide in order to be able to transform so he doesn't learn the truth of who Sailor Moon, Sailor Mini Moon, and Tuxedo Mask are.' She thought. Rei went to Clement, she asked, "Hey, Clement. I have a song that I've been writing. Think I can sing on the Rebel Radio for everyone?" -Downtown Chicago- Billy breathed and lowered the mask, he was glad to know that he had made worked. He walked with them back to the base and looked around, being on the alert in case they were followed. -Suitcase- "I never knew magic was this expansive." Kimberly said, looking out at the lake and house. Elsa said, "Yeah, me neither." She looked at her hand, creating a small wisp of snow and frost. Anna looked around and asked, "So what do we do now?"
-The Capital- Hearing the shout, Gwen pulled her mask back over her face, then ran and jumped from the edge, firing a web line to watch the attempted theft. Landing, Gwen sighed. "Man......." She fired a web line to grab the bag then shot another one to wrap the thief, pulling him close. "I believe the nice little girl said to let go of the bag." She said, looking at the thief. "Now, let go." -Gokai Galleon- Emma looked as the crew came to see their new additions. Harry removed his mask and looked at them, saying as he held his beaten Pokemon partner, "Never expected to meet actual pirates. Thought they only existed in those fairy tale stories I read as a kid." "Yes, but why did you save us?" Lily asked. "We have nothing of value to take." "It was because of me." Emma said. "I saw you all in trouble and asked Marvelous to save you all. Since I'm a pirate-in-training, that probably doesn't make me a good pirate." "You did good." Luka said. Joe looked at Marvelous, asking his captain and long time friend, "What do you think, Marvelous?" Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- Rey calmly walked up to the coffin and gently placed a wooden craved figure of a mocking jay on the lid. She bowed, 'Farewell, Rue..... I promise to travel and save this world for you....' She quietly let her tears fall and covered her mouth, then turned and walked away. Serena stood with her friends, keeping quiet and honoring Rue's last actions. Kengo held Chibi Chibi, keeping quiet while Asuna closed her eyes, shaking as she tried not to cry. -Downtown Chicago- 'Alright, my target if I recall is bald, so he should be easy to find.' Billy thought to himself. He ran through the crowd, sending kicks and punches to the Storm Troopers, looking around. He saw Creel and thought, 'There!' He ran to him and pierced his arm with the device. 'Hope this works.' -Suitcase- Kimberly lowered her mask and hood, breathing. Elsa was surprised. "Wait, is that really you, Harold? I thought the voice was familiar but I didn't think that it was actually you." "It's hard to believe you two know each other." Kimberly said, looking at her and her sister. Anna looked at Kimberly, curious about her outfit. -Den-Liner- Hermione looked at her mask while Nico sat with Ryotaro and Yuuki, Vulpix looked up at her. 'I hope I have the courage and strength to do this.' Hermione said to herself. 'If we succeed, we'll be on the run. Like Harry and Ron....... But that would mean at some point, I'll run into them...'
-Gokai Galleon- Entering the main room, Emma looked at the confused group and approached them, "Please don't worry. You need to stay here while Marvelous and the others face the TIE Fighters following us." "Where are we?" Harry asked, Emma said, "The Gokai Galleon, the ship of the Kaizoku Sentai Gokaigers. I was asked to make sure you were safe and stayed here til our pursuers were shook off." Gai was in his own Zord, GoZyuJin which was in its form as GoZyuDrill to allow it fly in the sky and fired at the TIE Fighters. -English Countryside- Dulcea kept quiet and put her staff back together and jumped, swinging her staff to hit Bellatrix and tossed some dirt into her eyes to keep her distracted while she changed back into her form as a owl to fly. 'Good luck, Black Ranger.' She thought, flying off. Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- Rey patted Chibi Chibi and walked off to have some time to herself. When she saw no one was around, Rey let out her tears and crying, 'Rue..... You were one of my first friends........ Why........?' She put her hand over her face and cried, wishing that Rue had survived and promising herself to see the world and save it for her sake. -The Capital - Skyline- Standing on the edge of a building, Gwen, dressed in her Spider-Gwen outfit, Gwen thought, 'Hmm, where to go? And what to do?' She removed her mask and stretched, sitting on the edge and looked out at the city. -Kyoto, Japan -Abandoned Construction Zone- "It seems that you two are going to be careful using those coins that you have." Michal said, looking at Akira and Shintaro. Akira smiled and said, "It should be fine."Shintaro kept quiet, wondering if he should have stayed at the police station. -Chicago, Illinois - Downtown Area: Empty Office Space- "So what do we do now?" Billy asked. "We're stuck in here and he's going on a suicide mission." He put his hand to his head and tried to think of something and figure out the best plan to get out and stop him. -Arendelle, Norway - Castle (Secured Room)- Noting that she was hearing Harold's voice or thought she was hearing it, Elsa took a breath and took Anna's hand, walking to the trunk. She looked at Saphir and Olaf, looking sad but since it was a unknown of the bomb was real, she needed to do what she thought was right. -Hurricane, Utah- Parking the DenLiner a few blocks from the pizzeria, the group of soon-to-be thieves got a look of the building that they would be stealing from later in the evening, all dressed in civilian clothing."Okay, we know what the outdoor looks like, but what about the inside?" Nico said, crossing her arms. Hermione thought and said, "Yuuki, can you get Vulpix with you and slip this into maybe the security room or someplace important?" "What's that?" Ryotaro asked. Hermione said, giving Yuuki a card, "A calling card. If we're gonna be actual thief-like Rangers, we should try to be professional.""So why Yuuki?" Nico asked, Hermione told her, "She had seem to form a bond with Vulpix. So I'm allowing her borrow Vulpix for now."Nico and Ryotaro read the calling card: O owner of this deciption for children's joy and happiness, we will come to steal your hostage of red and black tonight ~Kaito Sentai Lupinrangers. "Wow, you made that?!" Ryotaro said, impressed. Hermione looked embarrassed, "If we get more hiatuses, I'll make the card look better." Nico smiled at her.
-English Countryside- Lily was frozen in shock and disbelief, the fact they did that meant that her sister still cared for her in some way and she was gone now. Before she made any movement, Remus stopped her, saying, "Lily, if you go out there to check, you'll just be proving to her the lies that we as Kamen Riders are nothing more than monsters and should be killed." "Then what do I do?" Lily asked, but Remus kept quiet, not having a answer. Draped and covered in a green cloak, Dulcea waited as a familiar red ship appeared, blasting at the ice and picking the vehicles. During the confusion, Dulcea split the staff she held and spun the halves, creating a loud whistling sound. -Gokai Galleon- While the group in the lower deck tried to figure out what happened, Emma stood in front of Marvelous as the others looked at her. She bowed, "I'm sorry, I saw that they were in trouble and wanted to save them. I didn't mean to cause any trouble and add more people." She stayed bowed, ready to accept any punishment for rescuing the group. Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- Rey sat by herself against the wall, not saying anything. Chibi Chibi walked to her and touched her hand, Rey looked at her and Kengo, her eyes red and puffy from crying. Serena held Ami, crying. The Scouts kept quiet and didn't say anything, just shocked that Rue was now dead and hoped that Serena would be careful when she went out to travel with everyone. -Kyoto, Japan - Abandoned Construction Zone- "Yeah, I could use some food." Akira said, smiling. Michal nodded, "If Akira-san, Goto-san, and I are to be Kamen Riders, we'll need to keep our strength. So I won't mind something to eat." Shintaro nodded. -Chicago, Illinois - Downtown Area: Empty Office Space- "Well, it wasn't just me." Billy said. "Shelby and Kendall helped. And well, I worked on the communicators for the Rangers and Rider when I was living in Japan." He looked out the window, pulling his mask over his mouth to keep himself quiet. -Arendelle, Norway - Castle- Kimberly looked away and covered her ears, though she was tired from firing and shooting arrows while fighting the Stormtroopers. She was worried about who might be guarding the queen and princess. -Arendelle, Norway - Castle (Safe Room)- Elsa and Anna still held each other, wondering what was going to happen now. Though Elsa was confused, thinking she heard Harold's voice while the fight was going on and was done. -Shalour City, France - Tower of Mastery- Sirius looked at the two brother and heard their question if he had experience fighting the S-Types, he thought and said, "Not a lot. I have some experience but I didn't go out, if anything, my friend who was one of the Power Rangers had more experience I think."
-Arendelle, Norway - Castle- 'I'm not sure if I can after what happened. But I do have the strange outfit that appeared on me.' Kimberly thought, she looked at the suitcase and entered. She changed into her Ninjetti uniform, putting her hood over her head and covering her mouth with the mask. 'This is the best way I can think of.' After she exited, she whistled and fired a arrow. "Hey!" She shouted. "Come and face me, I bet you can't hit me with those lousy blasters!" -Arendelle Castle - Safe Room- "Thank you." Elsa said, looking at her hands. "For a while, I was scared of using my powers. But luckily, I was able to accept it." Anna smiled and hugged her sister, holding her tightly when they heard the fighting outside the door. -Chicago, Illinois - Downtown Area- Billy gasped, running to the location with his face covered with his hood. When he reached the area, he lowered his mask and caught his breath. "Sorry if I kept you waiting." He said. "I'm not used to running that far. And I'm still getting used to Chicago's layout. Mace should be here soon." He looked around to make sure if he could lower his hood or not, though he figured to leave it up. -English Countryside- "Damn it, we're stuck!" Lily said, internally swearing and hitting the control panel. Remus touched her hand and said, "Do we have any other weapons on this?" "There are missiles but I don't want to waste them on this crazed shadow of a woman." Lily said. "We need a miracle." WilyKit hid in the back, shaking and crying. James and Harry groaned, Harry held his unconscious Riolu tightly with his arm. WilyKat looked at his father, surprised that he looked so serious. Duclea flew in, sitting on a tree bench, curious to see what happen with the Black Ranger and his companions. -Abandoned Japanese Military Base - Outside- Seeing what happened to Rue, Rey quietly let go of her weapon and fell to her knees, tears streaming down on her face. "Rue...... no........" She said, softly. Rey put her hands in her face, weeping at the fate of one of her first friends. She sobbed, trying to stop the tears but couldn't keep them from falling. -Kyoto, Japan - Park- "Wait for us!" Akira said, smiling as he, Michal, and Shintaro changed back to normal. "That was pretty amazing! I heard a lot of stories of magic in the world, but I never got to see it! So thanks for that." Seeing Shintaro was quiet, Michal asked, "What's wrong, Goto-san?" "We're Kamen Riders......" Shintaro said calmly. "But why did we become them now? Why not earlier?" Michal kept quiet, holding his Driver in his hands. -DenLiner- "So what are we going to do til nighttime?" Nico asked, looking at everyone. Hermione said, "I guess maybe get a layout of the building so we know where we're going once we get there?" Though Hermione shrugged after saying that, unsure what to do, letting her hair loose and redoing her braid. Ryotaro worried about everything since this was their first real heist.
Changing my username for the long awaited release of KH3. Not long now!
I didn't get much but I did get Nintendo Switch Let's Go, Eevee Spyro Reignited Trilogy Two scarves A necklace My great grandmother's necklace
-Arendelle, Norway - Castle- Kimberly grabbed what she could of clothes for the two royal girls. She tried not to grab too much and made sure she didn't make any sound or noise to alert any Cybermen or Stormtroppers. Kimberly kept quiet, looking at all the clothes she grabbed and hoped she grabbed enough clothes for them. -Arendelle, Norway - Secured Room- Elsa tried to pass the time and worry by using her magic and Anna watched her creating small snowflakes and small snow clouds. She wondered if Harold was okay and pondered if she should write to him after this was over and they could freely wander the castle again. -English Countryside- "Riolu!" Harry shouted, entering the tank and exiting with his father, who was hooded to hide his face, Harry on his Rose Attacker while James was riding his Bike Battle with WilyKat in the sidecar. Harry was able to scoop his knocked out partner and WilyKat brought out his sting, swinging the end around the end of Bellatrix's broom. Harry watched his father put his adoptive at the handles of his bike. James stood on the back of his bike and jumped, giving Bellatrix a hard punch to the face and landed back on his bike, grabbing the ring of WilyKat's weapon. "That's what you get for messing with a frog!" He shouted. Harry looked at his father, "Really?" James shrugged and Lily quickly turned the tank, while Remus tried to read the map to get them away. Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- "I never had friends before, so I wasn't sure how you would react." Rey said, before the alarm sounded and she watched them left. She thought before running after them to see what the problem was. Serena went to talk with her friends about the suggestion of her and Darien going with Rini. "If you go and explore, we can do around here." Lita said, trying to reassure her. Mina nodded, "I can try to lead the team since I am meant to lead in case you're gone or something's happened to you." "Are you guys sure?" Serena said, looking at them. Rei put her hand on her shoulder. "We can believe you can do this." -Base (Outside)- Rey stepped outside and grabbed a discarded staff she found on the ground. She ran to a Stormtrooper and hit it over the head with her new weapon. She looked at the other Stormtroopers and looked ready to fight, a new aura and personality coming out as she was ready to protect her friends and the others in the base. -DenLiner- "Sounds like we're agreed to do it then." Hermione said. Nico nodded, Ryotaro smiled and said, "Uh huh. Naomi, can you change our route to the location of the heist?" So Naomi went to do so, Nico smiled, "This is gonna be good." Hermione kept quiet, looking at her mask and put it on, then put a smaller mask fitted for Vulpix over its eyes. -Kyoto, Japan - Park- After beating all the enemies underground, the trio ran outside and saw what Akko was able to do with Shiny Rod. "Wow, with some work and a lot of practice, that girl will be amazing with that thing!" Akira said, smiling. Michal and Shintaro was speechless to see her successfully use a spell with what they originally thought to be a simple object with no use at all.
-Arendelle, Norway - Castle- Kimberly used the swing and entered the empty room, looking around. "Well, he's not really a friend. If anything, he's a distant ally." She said. "I don't know him that well cause he was a loner, never understood why he was picked. But I will agree, that sudden fight did get us inside." After checking she had all her arrows, Kimberly asked, "How are we going to find the queen and her sister?" -Arendelle, Norway - Castle (Secured Room)- Anna entered the room and sat with her sister, holding her hand. The two weren't sure what to think but were grateful that they were together. Sitting quietly, Elsa thought about maybe getting her parchment and talking with Harold, not knowing that he was in the castle to save her. -English Countryside- "Mom, there's a cliff in our way!" Harry shouted. Lily groaned, "I can see why this women was given her position in the New World Order." "Anything we can do to avoid it?" Remus asked, looking at her. "Considerably soon before we crash!" Riolu hopped up and jumped off the tank, running to the cliff. Harry gasped, looking at his Pokemon partner, "Riolu!" Riolu ran to the cliff, shouting and performing Force Palm, hoping to destroy the cliff with its attack so they could continue on their path. Lily used the cannon again, wanting to help the Pokemon. Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- "Oh......" Serena said, softly, not showing that she was upset of Rini's decision. "I hope that Conner will make sure she's safe and none of the NWO get her. Tell her that I hope she sees so many amazing sights and finds a way to restore the world." She lowered her head and tried not to show her sadness. Asuna was checking some of the people in the base, some of whom were going to travel the world just to make sure that they were healthy enough to take a task. Rey walked to Rue and Ritchie, "Rue, Ritchie...... I've decided to go with Conner. I know we've just started to get to know each other. But I can't get that dream out of my head and I think if I travel the world, I can understand its meaning. I hope you're not mad." -DenLiner- "I say we do it." Nico said, smiling. She looked at the others in the train, Hermione looked at her and said, "Well, it will be our first heist as a actual team and will give us more experience. Maybe start to show the NWO what we can do." "Maybe, but this will completely different then stealing from a school." Ryotaro said, putting his thoughts. Momotaros gave him a nudgie, "Hopefully, this will give you the confidence and courage to keep going out there." "Yuuki, what are your thoughts?" Hermione asked, looking at the purple haired yellow colored member. Ryutaros looked with her, curious about Yuuki's answer. "Just so we're all agreed." -Kyoto, Japan - Underground- "Looks like they're winding down here." Shintaro said, looking at the dwindling amount of enemies to fight. Michal said, looking at him and Akira, "So what do we do now?" "Lets finish up here and rejoin the others back upside." Akira said, grabbing a coin from the milk tank with Shintaro. -Gokai Galleon- While Luka continued to look for a place to land, Emma returned back inside the ship. She saw Doc was busy at the computer with Ahim, Joe stood against the wall, his eyes closed. Gai tried to help by looking at a map, Emma went and found Marvelous. "Marvelous." She asked. "Is there anything else I can do to help? Luka's looking for a empty place to land and well, everyone else seems to be busy. So is there anything you need me to do?"
-Arendelle - Mountain Path- Kimberly quickly followed after him, holding her bow and her quiver of bows, making sure that none of the arrows fell so they would be followed. 'Tsukasa....' She thought. 'Never saw much of him, then again, he was a stuck up jerk so never paid much attention to him since he was on his own and I was with my team of Rangers.' -Arendelle - Town- Yurusen appeared in the town and watched Tsukasa fight. "Well, nice to know that he's using the new Decadriver I left for him." Yurusen said to himself. "Like that Akira person, I never got what about him that Zordon picked him to hold that. But he is, so I shouldn't ask." He left to look for the others to give equipment. -Arendelle - Castle- Elsa smiled and blushed, holding Saphir's hand. "It's nothing, really. I mean, it just happened.... I can't talk straight." She covered her red face and looked away. -English Countryside- "Damn it!" Lily whispered to herself, swerving to avoid the blasts and nearly making Remus sick. Harry shouted, "Mom, there's a large bump ahead!" "Good!" She said, surprising Harry and Remus. Harry looked at his Pokemon partner, "Riolu, use Protect!" Riolu used the move on the tank protecting it from the blasts around them, Lily smiled and rode head on to the bump in front of them to get them in the air and turned the tank to open the mouth of the tank to reveal a cannon which she used to fire at the TIE Fighters. Harry thought and shouted, "Riolu, use Rain Dance!" With a mighty shout from its tiny body, Riolu performed the move, having it suddenly rain. "Hopefully, that can slow them down." Harry said, removing his mask from his face and putting it on his head. Lily turned the tank back around and Harry shouted, "Mom, let me and Riolu get back inside before you spin this thing around!" WilyKit and WilyKat held their father, scared about what was going on outside. Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- "Nice to meet you." Serena said, shaking his hand. "I had no idea that Darien knew such important people. It was no problem, my family and I were just doing what anyone probably would have done. At least before everything changed and became this mess of a world we have now." She sighed and wondered if her parents were okay while she was hiding here with her brother, her friends, and everyone else. Rey put her hair up in a ponytail and changed into a gray colored traveling outfit, thinking about going with Conner but pondered how to tell to her new friends and if they wouldn't mind her going with Conner to travel the world. -Savannah - Rebel Base- Simba nodded as T'Challa went to greet his sister and thought about the rules of the fight that he was going to have with him in the coming days. 'I'm gonna have to give Nala my belt and lock.' He thought. 'Also, my amulet. I guess the fight will have the country's traditional weapons or something.' He went to tell Nala, smiling and hoping that this would help T'Challa. -DenLiner- "Yes, we did." Nico said, looking at the two beings who appeared in the train. "We gave what we found to the Rebels. So have a heist or something for us?" "Forgive us though." Hermione said, "We're still kinda new at all this so we can't do anything too complicated yet." "Vulpix." Vulpix said, smiling and wagging its tails. -Kyoto, Japan - Underground- Gathering his courage, Michal began to fight, using Tai Ch'i Quan in his fighting style. Grabbing a coin from the milk tank, Shintaro inserted it into his belt. Turning the knob, his arm changed into a crane-like weapon, using it like a whip to fight. Akira did the same, summoning a cannon on his chest and fired at the Stormtroopers. "Uh, Goto-san, should we be worried?" Michal asked. Shintaro said, "Let him have his fun." -Gokai Galleon- Standing in the crow's nest with Luka, Emma breathed and looked around at the horizon. If there was one thing she liked about on the Galleon, it was the views that came with flying in the sky. "Luka, can you see any less populated places to land?" She asked, Luka shook her head, "Nothing yet. But I'm sure we'll find something soon." Emma nodded and looked with her.
-Arendelle, Norway- Taking the binoculars and seeing the person who was walking with Elsa, Kimberly said, "I think that's the brother to the Regional Governor or something of that status." She thought and said, "I would suggest maybe I could use my ninja outfit but since I would stick out with my color and I don't know if you know anything that can hide the outfit and not make me stand out." -Arendelle, Norway - Castle- Elsa nodded, walking with Saphir. She kept quiet, thinking about everything that had happened and changed since the meeting. Elsa smiled at Saphir and was happy to have some peace and quiet, feeling relaxed. -English Countryside- Harry kept a lookout for any Stormtroopers, unsure of what the tank can do and they didn't exactly blend in with the rest of the area. Riolu and Remus came up to observe with him and looked around. Lily focused on the road and James read the map to try and help them track. -Romania- 'Why am I doing this?' Ron thought, walking as Mew floated by him. His brother, Charlie, had suggested that he go out and find his friends, Mew flew ahead of him and smiled. Though he smiled, Ron wondered, 'Though where could Harry be? I imagine that Hermione is in Japan, still. At least, she's safe.' -Shalour City, France- Changing back to his civilian self, Sirius breathed and went to join everyone. Namine appeared, holding her sketchbook. Sirius looked at her and patted her head, smiling and nodded. Namine smiled and nodded, looking at everyone. Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- "Thanks, you guys." Serena said, sniffing. Lita smiled, "It's okay, Serena." Rei and Ami smiled, Haruka held Hotaru and smiled. Setsuna walked to them and said, "It's alright. I think since she's here with everyone, she'll get better. But thank you for the concern, Baymax." Kengo sat, holding Chibi Chib and breathed, thinking of what he could do to help everyone. -Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base- Simba was speechless at first. "I would be honored, T'Challa." He said. "I will do what I can to honor your kingdom's traditions and help you get stronger." He smiled and nodded, looking at him. -DenLiner- While everyone talked with each other in the train car, Hermione looked out and saw the strange terrain that went past. "Where are we?" She asked, Ryotaro said, "Inside time. All that sand, is a grain of time that has gone by." Hermione kept quiet and petted Vulpix. -Kyoto, Japan - Underground Path- The orange and white phantasm appeared invisible, and seeing the three, smiled and went to get their items. Returning, it dropped two similar Drivers to Akira and Shintaro while Michal got a silver and blue Driver, while Akira and Shintaro caught theirs in their hands, Michal's fell on his head. "Oops...." The phantasm said to itself, chuckling before dropping a milk tank in front of Akira. Opening it, he found strange silver coins. "Well, we don't have stabilizers but we got these." Akira said, Michal asked, "Do you even know how they work?" "Nope." Akira said, smiling oblivious. Shintaro looked at the Driver and put it on at his waist, inserting the coin and turning the knob. Akira followed suit, the two changed into similar looking Riders, while Michal used the water in the area to become a blue colored Rider. Akira smiled, "We got the Troopers and you got the Cybermen!" "Uh, Akira, can you even fight?" Michal asked. Akira told him, "Just wing it." Michal sighed and went to help him and Shintaro. Yurusen wondered what made Zordon consider this man as a Rider and how his recruitment would have happened if everything was back to normal, shrugging to itself before disappearing.
While it is weird to see Pokemon in a realistic style, I kinda like it. I really like Pikachu, Jigglypuff, and some of the starter Pokemon (I like that Pikachu and Jigglypuff look furry and soft), but Mr. Mime, Charizard, and even Psyduck look a little too much like nightmare fuel. I can't wait to see it though I have never played the game.
-Arendelle, Norway- "Hmm." Kimberly looked at the castle and leaned forward, though she wasn't the smart one of the team, that was Billy and since he wasn't here, she needed to follow what she had seen of him and anaylze to help think of a plan and a backup plan. -Arendelle, Norway - Castle- "That's rather difficult to answer." Elsa said, thinking about how to answer. "I have a hard enough time trying to rule Arendelle. Maybe I would try to rule it like I rule Arendelle, as a good and fair ruler." -English Countryside- Poking his head out of the hatches on the tank and moving his mask, Harry looked out at the horizon while Remus helped Lily with directions to get the shore. Meanwhile, James slept in the back with the Wilys and Riolu. Harry kept quiet, hoping they were safe like James thought they were. -Castelia City, New York - The Playground- Groaning, Dante got up and brushed himself off. "That was not my fault!" Dante said, trying to save his butt. "I was trying to see if it was for me and it turned out it wasn't. Most of the women I meet can't understand I am awesome. I don't even get what Kimberly saw in Tommy aside that he was the leader of the Rangers. Or even what Lily saw in James or what Nala saw in Simba. They were wimps." He grumbled at the thought, crossing his arms. -Chicago, Illinois - Rebel Hideout- While helping Kendall and Shelby with their guns/morphers, Billy had a shiver up his back. "You okay?" Shelby asked. Billy nodded and said, "Don't worry about me." 'I had a weird feeling about Dante.' Billy thought. 'While I don't doubt he's a strong and able fighter, what was it about him that Zordon picked him again?' -Savannah - Rebel Hideout- Simba looked at T'Challa as he called out to him. "Hi, T'Challa." He said, looking at him. "What can I do for you?" Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- Serena kept quiet and quietly left, walking back to her friends. As soon as she got back to her friends, Serena cried and wept on Lita, whining that Rini still didn't completely trust her. "Nice to see that Serena hasn't completely changed." Rei said, sighing. Ami laughed and nodded. Though unsure how to take to being used a napkin, Lita held and rubbed Serena's hair, Mina also tried to comfort her. -DenLiner- "Still, need to find a museum that has something like that." Nico said. "It's a good idea, though. Gets us someone to keep in contact with." Ryotaro smiled and looked at Hermione who kept quiet, holding Vulpix. The four Taros in the car seemed interested that Ryotaro would be in a sense getting back into the world by helping the new thief-like Rangers steal and hoped that they would be able to help Ryotaro. -Kyoto, Japan - Underground Path- "Huh, that's something I would have never thought I would see." Akira said, seeing the excitement the young girl had of seeing the signature item of her favorite celebrity. Michal nodded, "Well, there are some people like that. I can't recall any, but there are people like that." Shintaro kept quiet, never really had any celebrity or someone to look up to as a child.
-Arendelle, Norway- "I won't say that it's always a girl's favorite." Kimberly said, looking at him. "When my fiancee proposed to me, it wasn't the traditional down on one knee or giving me flowers and chocolates. We were sitting together and he asked if we wanted to make a new team, like a family." She sighed as she thought about that day and wondered if Tommy was okay wherever he was in the world. -Arendelle, Norway - Castle- "Well, I can't say I really like what's happening." Elsa said. "Yes, it is upsetting that not everyone is getting treated equal, but there should be another way rather than forcing it on everyone. Though, I can't say what that way is, I have my own problems of being unique and having all my subjects accept me as who I am for it." -Shalour City, France - West Side- Grinning as he held his circular weapons, Sirius slashed at the Stormtroopers then changed back to Ryugen. He pulled the hammer of his gun and fired a powerful grape shaped attack at the Stromtroopers. 'While I'm doing well, I still do wish Prongs and Moony were here.' He thought, spinning his weapon on his fingers and running down to face more Stormtroopers. -Surrey, England- Deciding their destination as France, the group headed back to their motorbikes with Lily warning her older sister, if she told the NWO about them coming, she would come back and do far worse to her and her family then what happened to the world. Harry was surprised to see his mother so threatening and dangerous, when she was usually fun, loving, and at least somewhat strict. Riolu smiled and held onto Harry as they rode back to the tank, Remus was worried that their actions might be reported but James told him, "Don't worry. There weren't that many Troopers." "Maybe so." Remus said, as they approached the tank and boarded their bikes inside then Lily took the wheel of the tank and drove with Remus next to her. -Castelia City, New York - The Playground- Suddenly sneezing, Dante looked around and groaned, "Who's talking about me? I hope it's a beautiful woman with a slim body and a huge chest, or one of my feminine lovely teammates." He smiled, fantasizing about them. Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- Rey nodded, looking at him. "Alright." She said, then Kengo came by with a note. He handed it to Conner, "It's entirely up to you, but when you head out, if you can. Head to San Diego, California. Apparently two of the Rangers are there and been hiding there since the Purge. I imagine they could probably use some help from the Alliance. Maybe even join the Alliance, but it's up to you. I thought you should know." He left and went back to Chibi Chibi, who he picked up and carried to get food, Rey watched him and recalled seeing the wanted list of the world's enemies, that being the Rangers, the Sailor Scouts, and the Kamen Riders. Serena looked down and said, "I'm sorry, if I did anything to make you of your mom, I didn't mean it." She touched her shoulder gently. -DenLiner- Ryotaro finished talking with the Owner and he returned to the girls, also at that moment, Naomi finished the outfits and gave Ryotaro and Yuuki their outfits. Ryotaro changed into his by going into a different car and stepped back into the car. He wore a dark purple tailcoat with a four colored pin on the lapel, underneath that was a white dress shirt and a black vest with a black bowtie, white gloves, black pants and dress shoes with a bowler hat that had a purple strap. While they waited for Yuuki to try her thief outfit, Naomi worked on the masks to be able to hide their identities. "Huh, this isn't too bad." Ryotaro said, looking at himself. "Better than her coffee." "While we're waiting for Yuuki, lets discuss our next heist." Nico said, Hermione asked, "What can top a school?" "Maybe a museum." Ryotaro suggested. Hermione said, "But there are over a dozen museums in the Capital and they're probably all converted to glorify the NWO." Hermione said, "Would there really be anything of value there?" -Gokai Galleon- Emma gasped as she finished up her Gokai Saber training with Joe. Gai gave her a a towel and bottle of water, then went and whispered to Joe, "Aren't you being a bit hard on her?" "She needs to learn to be tough and strong," Joe told the silver colored member. "She's handling the weight of the Saber pretty good though, almost better than Ahim when she learned to wield it." "What about learning to handle the Gokai Gun?" Gai asked. Joe looked at him and said, "I'm sure that Marvelous can find time to teach her if he's not too busy eating." Gai thought and looked at the only Ranger with them, talking with Luka and Ahim who told her on how she could improve and praising on how hard she was working since they had put on the run. -Kyoto, Japan - Park- Akira shrugged when Michal and Shintaro looked at him. Then the three of them walked down the stairs, Shintaro kept quiet and followed his companions to the hidden area.
-Arendelle, Norway- Kimberly looked at Hans, hiding and putting her bow over her shoulder. She thought about maybe getting her Ninjetti garb and covering her face, though she also considered seeing if there were pieces of clothes to hide her outfit so she wouldn't stand out like last time. -Arendelle, Norway - Castle Elsa took his hand and began to walk with him. "I'm thankful for this brief time of peace since Hans is out for the day and your brother is visiting another country. I don't mean anything bad, case I don't want to upset you." -Shalour City, France - West Side- Sirius jumped and slashed the Kiwi Gerkin at two Stormtroopers from behind. "Okay, I'm really starting to like these things." Sirius said to himself, looking at the circular blades in his hands. He rolled his shoulders and ran, hoping to help. -House 4, Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey, England- While Lily, James, and Remus routed their path and tried to figure out where to go next, either to France or Africa, Harry went to the bathroom on the upper floor to freshen up. However, Petunia and her family watched him undress and seeing the muscle growth that he had gotten during the time in Scotland. WilyKit and WilyKat sneaked up behind them and Kit said, "Wow, no wonder Mom doesn't like you." "Is that you do honestly?" WilyKat said. "Watching and spying on people. That's a awful hobby you know." Petunia tried to rationalize her reasoning by saying she wanted to see and make sure her nephew wasn't some freak like them. WilyKit and WilyKat looked at each other and shook their heads ignoring her saying that she never liked the idea of Rangers or even Riders since they weren't normal and her thoughts on the changes of the world, which she assumed as Lily suspected was her fault, but Harry spoke, standing at the door in a towel with wet hair. "Could you shut up please?" He said, glaring at his aunt and her family. "Honestly, if this is how you treat family, I wouldn't know what to think if I was raised by you." Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- Serena saw Unicorn following Rini's tears and she followed that to find her. Kengo looked at Serena and Unicorn, he looked curious at the blue gem sentient figure as he saw a ring on its back. Rey breathed, "I don't know if you can help or even can understand dreams, but here I go." She explained the contents of her dream and what she had seen in it, she looked at him and asked, "Think I could understand what it means if I went with you?" -DenLiner- While Naomi was making thief outfits for Yuuki and Ryotaro and Ryotaro was talking with Owner about them using the train, Hermione looked at the coffee in front of her, or rather the cup with red and blue foam on top. She took a sip of it then suddenly spit out, "Whatever that is, it is not coffee." Nico nodded and stretched, while Hermione breathed, she looked at the four Imagin in the car. All of them had the suffix, Taros, and she thought about what she had been told, Momotaros, the red one, was named after Momotaro, the peach themed warrior had a dog, pheasant, and monkey as companion, Urataros, the blue one, was named after the tale of Urashima Taro, a fisherman who saved a turtle and after a few days in a underwater palace, found himself in the future, Kintaros, the yellow one, was named after Kintaro, a super strength child who was supposedly based on a real person, and Ryutaros, the purple one, was likely on a dragon. -Kyoto, Japan - Park- Michal hid his eyes behind his goggles and walked with them while Shintaro looked around with a serious look on his face and Akira just smiled, walking with his friends. The three wondered what was going to happen.