-Lor Starcutter- "No, Mister Flamel." Hermione said, crossing her arms. "I am not that kind of person. When you did that, it just caught me by surprise. So mind if we talk?" "Vulpix. Vul." Vulpix said, smiling and started to rub the snowman. Nico looked at the yellow colored member of their small team, she said, "Maybe. Hey, what's your reason for being part of this team? Random question I know, but I am curious." Kimberly explored the ship and pulled her engagement ring, gripping it tightly and thinking about Tommy, wiping her eyes as she hoped he was okay. -Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Base- "We were sorry we couldn't be more quick and help you against them." Kira said. "But if you ever need our help, don't hesitate to come and recruit us again." "We'll try to be more useful to help next time." Noah said. Gia said, "Yeah. But we also hope that you'll be okay." -Hunan Providence, China - NWO Fortress- Sailor Moon gasped for air, she tried to use her Moon Tiara Attack to no avail. "What can I do.....?" She said, shaking and crying. She held out her Crescent Moon Wand, trying to think of a attack or something to do to help. -Hunan Providence, China - Watchtower- "I got it." Rey said, running forward and using her staff to pole value over Gao and landed behind her, turning around and using her staff to keep the elderly woman still. She kept a strong hold to keep her still. -San Diego, California - Harbor: The 'Maribel del Mar' (Upper Deck)- Tommy put his arms to defend himself when suddenly Thomas appeared, punching Rubeus square in the face. Tommy was surprised to see his brother do that, he wasn't sure if the intuition that twins are said to have or some special power that his animal gave him, but Tommy was grateful for it anyway. Thomas cracked his knuckles, saying, "Sorry, but he has unfinished business to take care of before he dies." Then he punched Rubeus in the stomach, a uppercut to his chin, a kick to the side of his body and a elbow hit to his chest. "Wow, never knew that he had kind of skill." Dante said, appearing and using his sword to crack the ice that kept the White Ranger in place. Tommy said, "Either way, I'm grateful." Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- Rei looked at her grandfather and blushed, "Well, it had always been my dream to become a idol and I hope by singing my songs for the Rebels, I can sort of obtain that dream." Lita smiled and nodded, patting the sailor guardian of Mars. -Targoviste, Romania- While running after Mew, Ginny saw the Stormtroopers and Bellatrix. Ron gasped and ran after them to save his sister, Ginny got scared and suddenly disappeared, Mew looked at where she was standing. Ron ran into the wall, making his hood fall and reveal his face to the NWO. Though unseen, Ginny was surprised to see her brother and realized that the Mew was his.
-Lor Starcutter- Ryuutaros left Ryotaro and he breathed, stretching. Lowering her mask and hood, Kimberly took a breath and gripped her engagement ring, thinking back to the battle that Astral was referring to. Hermione picked up Vulpix and held her partner, thinking about what Astral said about her, Yuuki, and Nico. Nico had her arms crossed, thinking about what they had learned and looked at Saphir and Olaf, not too surprised to see a living snowman due to having played games with unusual sentient creatures. "So what should we do now?" Hermione asked, looking at Nico. "Well, let's see what this Bellec has to say about our new friend here, then plan our next heist." Nico said. Vulpix jumped out of Hermione's arms and went to sniff Olaf, wanting to make sure the living snowman was safe. Kimberly wondered if she could ask the captain to find Tommy and where he ended. -U-Wing- Jake, Orion, and Troy looked as they were told that Jyn's father was killed before they had arrived. Kira kept quiet, not sure what to say about the revelation. Gia said, "Well, we were glad to be able to help in any way." "We are sorry to hear that you couldn't save him." Noah said, looking at them. -Hunan Providence, China - New World Order Fortress: Watchtower- Rey looked in surprise at Riku's new weapon, remembering her dream and just tried to focus, holding her staff. She looked at her hand and wondered how it appeared, keeping her thoughts to herself. -Hunan Providence, China - New World Order Fortress- Serena gasped and gripped her Crescent Moon Wand, trying not to show how scared she was. 'I can do this, I am Sailor Moon, Guardian of the Moon and protector of love and justice! I am not scared.' She thought, trying to show she was ready to fight. Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- "What you got there?" Lita said, grabbing a sheet of Rei's pile of music. Rei was embarrassed and tried to stop the sailor protector of Jupiter from reading it, but Lita stopped and read it, "Not bad. It needs a title. What do you have so far?" "Nothing yet." Rei said, rubbing her hair. "I just have the lyrics about how people should accept others with differences." -San Diego, California - The 'Maribel der Mar' (Upper Deck) 'Alright, how to do this without getting frozen.' Tommy pondered to himself, readying himself to fight Donnie. He got ready and ran to Donnie, kicking him in the stomach and then punching him in the chin. -Targoviste, Romania- While Ginny was looking at her strange new bracelet, Mew decided to reveal itself to her which Ron tried to grabbed it, but groaned having forgotten its ability to teleport. Seeing the pink Pokemon appear in front of her, Ginny looked confused, 'I remember Ron suddenly had a Mew one day and when he disappeared, it went with him. Could this be that Mew?' She thought, looking at the Pokemon. Mew cuddled her and flew off, Ginny and Ron ran after it, Ron worried that the fun-loving Pokemon would get them into trouble. -Gokai Galleon- While Don was tirelessly working on adjusting Emma's Super Mega Morpher be like the Gokai Celluar, Emma looked over some maps for their next location and stop. She also considered officially joining the crew since she had no idea when she rejoin her team. She still wondered what was about her that Marvelous didn't have. Joe had execellent swordsman skill, Luka had fast reflexes, Don was able to fix and work things, Ahim was able to calm everyone down, and Gai had knowledge of the various Sentai teams that they used so she wondered what she had to add to the team. Harry sat with a sleepy Riolu on his lap while the tired Wilys sat against him. James helped Gai with making food for everyone while Lily and Remus talked with Luka and Ahim. Joe was busy doing push-ups and Marvelous was somewhere in the map.
Hello, everyone. I’m on the last day of my vacation and will be heading back tomorrow but it will be late when I get back so my post will be on Wednesday. Anyway, I have some reservations Zoey Revees (Power Rangers Beast Morphers) Allura (Voltron Legendary Defenders) Pidge (Voltron Legendary Defenders) Jim Carter (Kaitou Sentai Lupinrangers vs Keisatsu Sentai Patrangers)
-Hidden Palace Zone- 'If I recall, Harry and Ron are Riders, they both use lock-based device to transform based on fruits or such.' Hermione thought. 'Ron is based on the blood orange while Harry is a acorn. I believe he said that he felt unsure cause of that, even his parents were heroes, James is one of the Power Rangers and Lily uses a melon lock device. So what is this one? I would say chemistry, but it's hard to say.' She watched Harold fight and still questioned how he looked so similar to Harry, he never said that he had other siblings aside from the Wilys who his parents adopted. -U-Wing- Kira and the others kept quiet, sitting in the U-Wing and wondered what they were going to do now. Gia leaned back and closed her eyes, letting out a breath, saying, "Never felt so tense before." "I know." Noah said, looking at her. Kira kept quiet while Orion asked, "So do you think they discovered what they came for?" "I doubt it with the way they look after they came out." Jake said, Troy said, "But they might have found something." -Hunan Providence, China - New World Order Fortress- Rey ran with the rest of her group while Serena remained with her own group, using her power as a Sailor Scout. Rey held onto the strap of her staff and looked toward the watchtower. Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- "Wonder how Serena's doing and where she is in the world." Lita said, leaning back and closing her eyes. Ami said, "Who knows. She should be fine, Darien, Conner, Rini, and everyone who agreed to go are with her and so is Luna." "Yeah, but Artemis isn't too happy." Mina said, smiling at the white furred cat who was trying not to look sad. He said, "I am not! Okay, maybe I am." He looked down, dropping his ears. Rei sat by herself, writing musical notes and lyrics for songs she wanted to sing and encourage others. -San Diego, California - The 'Maribel del Mar' (Upper Deck)- Tommy just focused, making sure that she lost the Ring Blade first and then elbowing her in the stomach. Though he was hesitant to fight a actual human, he tried not to hold back and used the power of the animal that he represented. -Targoviste, Romania- While wandering the city, Ginny had a weird feeling that someone was following her or keeping a very close eye on her. Ron tried to keep himself hidden but also tried to keep a close eye on his sister in order to protect her since he knew her not to be able to fight, causing Mew to laugh at his stressful attempt to hide when she looked behind her. While walking, Ginny noticed a black gem on the ground and what she thought looked like a morpher along with a key. As soon as she picked the gem up, she felt strange as the gem glowed and the morpher glowed. Putting it on her wrist, Ginny looked at the gem and put it near the morpher, watching as it suddenly got absorbed into the morpher and it changed into a normal looking bracelet. 'What is this?' She thought.
-Hidden Palace Zone- "Aw, I wanted to show how much cooler I was." R-Ryotaro said, pouting and crossing his arms. Hermione said, "If it was, the fight would be a lot harder cause there would be five more of that thing to represent the remaining animals which I do not want to imagine looking like that." Nico crossed her arms and watched the fight while Kimberly kept quiet, hoping he knew what to do. -Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Outskirts- "Let's go!" Kira shouted, running with the others to the U-Wing. Gia used her Claw to knock some dirt up while Kira used her empowered scream to send it flying toward Starlight and the Reapers to distract them before running to the ship. -Hunan Providence, China - New World Order Fortress- Serena tossed her tiara while Rey swung her staff and swung it, the two girls fighting against the Stormtroopers. Rey hit her staff against a Stormtrooper and focused on fighting, Serena looked at her and was awed at her skill and ability with a simple. 'Wow, she is good. I almost wish she was a Sailor Scout.' She thought. -San Diego, California - Harbor- "Well, looks like my ladies are gonna have to deal with you guys." Dante said, spinning his twin guns and pointing at the Stormtroopers and firing. Thomas kept quiet and used the fighting style he had. -The Capital - Streets- "I think Spider-Woman already knows you're her fan club." Gwen said softly and turning, walking and disappearing into the crowd. She was eager to see if Peni came up with anything due to her suggestion. -Targoviste, Romania- Groaning as Mew teleported them into the city, Ron rubbed his hurting bottom and put his hood over his head to hide his face in case there were any NWO officers or soldiers in the city. Ginny walked through the town, looking around, having secretly left Japan but been sending constant letters to her family to let them know she was around. Ron slightly panicked at seeing his little sister and wondered why she was here.
-Hidden Palace Zone: Boss Gauntlet Death Match- "Mind if I defeat you?" Ryuutaros said, saying his usual catchphrase. "I can't hear your answer!" 'Just don't go too crazy.' Ryotaro asked the purple Imagin from his mind. Ryuutaros said, "Yeah. yeah." "Well, shooting games are one of my top favorite games." Nico said, holding the two VS Chargers and firing at the fake Marios. Kimberly showed her agile nature and skill against the fake Marios. Hermione looked at her Fire-type fox partner and said, "Vulpix, use every skill you know." "Vulpix! Vul!" Vulpix said, smiling and wagging its tails before using every move it knew, holding her VS Charger, Hermione watched everyone use their own unique skills. Once again, she began to wonder why she was picked to be Lupin Blue and what unique skill she had to offer as part of the team. -Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Outskirts- "Should we morph?" Orion asked Kira. Kira gripped her Ptera Grips, "Not just yet. Let's see what we can do before we give them a reason to come after us." Gia, Troy, and Noah stood ready for the fight while Jake tried to look confident but was hit in the back of the head by Gia and tried to look ready with the rest of the group, everyone gripping their Ranger weapons. -Hunan Providence, China- "Moon Prism Power!" Serena shouted, transforming into Sailor Moon. Rey brought her staff out and went to help everyone. She looked at Rini, Darien, and Serena in their transformed states and fighting together. 'I wonder if that's what a family is like.' She thought, swinging her staff. -San Diego, California - Harbor- The two jumped out of the way of the Ring Blade. Pulling his two guns, Ebony and Ivory, Dante fired at the Ring Blade and shouted in a cocky voice, "You missed!" "Not the time or place, you Ape!" Thomas said, looking annoyed. Dante shrugged and kept his guns out. -San Diego, California - The 'Maribel del Mar' (Upper Deck)- Tommy used the skills and moves that he felt came from the power of the Falcon he got. He performed a lower cut punch to a Stormtrooper, he decided to keep quiet and let his skill prove his strength. -The Capital - Street- "They're right, you know." Gwen said, causing the girls to look at her. She smiled and looked at them, "Well, Spider-Woman might not appear today and the Capital is a pretty huge place, but if you make something to defend yourself, Spider-Woman might see you and ask to team-up with you."
-Hidden Palace Zone: Mural Room- "Vulpix, use Flamethrower!" Hermione shouted, having her fox partner shoot a stream of fire from its mouth. Nico aimed with her VS Charger and Hermione did the same, firing at the beast. Ryotaro gasped and suddenly Ryuutaros was in charge, firing as well. Kimberly pulled her hood and mask up, using her gymnastics and jumping to send a kick. -Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Outskirts- Kira slashed with Gia, Noah fired his crossbow and Orion, Jake, and Troy slashed together. "I hope they come out soon." Orion said. Kira said, "We're almost done, just keep it up for a little longer." -Hunan Providence, China - Hill- Serena was blushing red while Rey was scanning and observing all the activities was going on to get a good idea of what to do once inside the fortress. Serena thought about how her friends and how they might be doing. -San Diego, California - Harbor- Thomas and Dante looked and still stood to fight, pulling out the stabilizers while waiting to see what was going to happen. Thomas looked at the ship and hoped that his brother and the others would complete their part. -San Diego, California - Harbor: The 'Maribel del Mar- "Well, actually, the Dragon is my brother's animal." Tommy said, looking at the busty blonde. "Mine is a falcon." He pulled his mask over his mouth and began to lead, looking around the floor for their target. -Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base- "Great!" Simba said, smiling. Nala looked at him as they both recalled his own father, Mufasa, and how he died with how it caused Simba to run away for so long til they met again in their new roles. -The Capital - Streets- Walking with a hood over her head to hide her face and holding a umbrella, Gwen saw Peni and thought, 'Huh, it's that girl from the other day. Is she trying to find something? she's eyeing the buildings. Hmm. A certain spider might appear or not, we'll see.'
-Hidden Palace Zone: Mural Room- "Looks like we might have to transform." Nico said, looking at the others. Hermione said, "Maybe so but we still need to be careful and think about how to attack. We have no idea how strong this opponent is." "Vulpix! Vul!" Vulpix said, looking ready for the fight ahead. Kimberly smiled and turned to look at Ryotaro who gulped and tried to look ready. She softly smiled, pulling her mask over her face and putting her hood up to get ready. -Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Outskirts- The group remained focused on the Stormtroopers. Kira used her Ptera Scream again and made them dizzy, Gia and Orion ran up to a pair of Troopers with their weapons, while Troy and Jake went to another pair, knocking them out. Noah aimed and fired, hitting the Troopers. He was also on the lookout for any reinforcements, hoping the group that went inside would come out soon. -Hunan Providence, China - Rebel Hideout- Serena blushed and walked with Darien and the others into the portal. Rey looked at Riku and nodded, holding her bag and her staff. She looked at the portal, she said, "We're gonna have to be careful since we're gonna be inside the fortress." She kept quiet and wondered what to do once they got inside. -San Diego, California - Harbor- Thomas and Dante began to face the Troopers, Thomas using a Dragon-style to fight while Dante just went crazy with his own unique fighting style. The two just kept quiet and Thomas just hoped that his brother was quick with the team who went on the boat. Tommy looked around and lowered his mask, looking around. He looked and asked, "Any idea on where to find him or should we split up?"
-Hidden Palace Zone: Mural Zone- "I'm fine, Mister Flamel." Hermione said, looking at him with a red face. "It's just hard to think while you're around cause you look so similar to my friend!" She looked away with her arms crossed and a pout, Vulpix looked at its trainer and rubbed itself against her leg. Nico stretched and looked at the two new people, noticing Kimberly looking a bit tense. -Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Outskirts- Kira and her team summoned their weapons, Noah used his Shark Bowgun and fired at the Stormtroopers while Jake, Gia, Troy, and Orion ran with their weapons, Troy slashed with his Dragon Sword, Jake knocked out Stormtroopers with his Snake Ax, Orion spun his Super Mega Spear and slashed at a group of Stormtroopers, Gia kicked one aside and used her Tiger Claw. Kira tossed one of her Ptera Grips and slashed at one of the Stormtroopers. -Hunan Providence, China - Rebel Base- Looking around and walking over, Rey smiled and said, "Ritchie, looks like you, Sparky, and I will have be a team together with Emma and her partner and this Riku." "Wow, this ought to be fun." Serena said, looking at Darien, Mewtwo, and Rini. "I hope we can all get along." -Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base- Simba and Nala kept quiet, Simba trusted that T'Challa would be able to contact his father and talk with him. "I know you can do it, T'Challa." Simba said softly. "I'm sure you can talk with your father and become the Black Panther properly." Nala stood close to him and held his arm. -San Diego, California - Harbor- "Hmm." Tommy thought. Thomas said, "I'll go with the team who will face the Troopers." "Alright, then I'll go with the group to infiltrate the ship." Tommy said. Dante said, "Then I'll go with Thomas and anyone who's gonna fight the Troopers." "It's gonna be risky and we should be quick about it before they call in reinforcements." Tommy said. Thomas looked at his brother and asked, "What about the Inquisitor and the Cybermen?" "Avoid them as best as you can. I don't want to face someone like a Inquisitor just yet." Tommy said, crossing his arms. He quietly grabbed his engagement ring and looked at the ship. -Gokai Galleon- "Doc?" Emma asked, approaching the green colored member of the Gokaigers. Doc looked at her and asked, "Yes, Emma? What is it?" "Could you work on this?" Emma asked, handing him her Super Mega Morpher. Doc looked confused, and looked at her, "Why?" "Well, I was wondering if you could adjust it so it can work with your keys and remove the time limiter that it has on it?" Emma asked. "So I can work more effectively with you and the other Gokaigers." "I'll see what I can do." Doc said, taking her morpher.
-Hidden Palace Zone- "I have no idea." Hermione said. "It's hard to look at him without thinking about my friend." "Okay, we can't use our grappling hooks here. How do we get across so we don't have to wait long for our turns to get to the end?" Nico asked, looking at them. "Use the wall as momentum while going from point to point." Kimberly said. "Find a anchor point to launch yourself." She grabbed Ryotaro and began to head for the door at the end. Hermione breathed and followed after her, holding Vulpix as they made their way to the end. Nico followed after her. -Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Outskirts- Kira and the others headed for the entrance. Noah looked at Kira and gave himself and the others some earplugs. Taking a deep breath and making sure the others had their ears covered, Kira gave a supersonic scream, sending out yellowish waves. Npah nodded at the others and they got ready to fight once the Troopers were sent their way. -Hunan Providence, China - Rebel Base- Serena ran toward the group while Rey calmly walked toward them, the two girls both carrying their bags. Luna looked and kept quiet, wondering if this would help Serena get stronger as Sailor Moon. -Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base- Simba smiled at T'Challa and said, "It was a honor to fight you, T'Challa. And I was happy to help you gain confidence while partaking in one of your country's traditions. I thank you for letting me help you."
-Hidden Palace Zone- Kimberly held onto tight, holding Harold's hand and making sure her grip wasn't too tight but not too light either. Hermione held Vulpix, swinging with Nico while Ryotaro tried to run through the course, hoping that his luck didn't do anything to trip him up. -Gokai Galleon- Gai pouted, "Aw, you could have persueded them a bit more. They don't know what they're missing not staying here on the ship." "But I think we have enough people on the ship now." Ahim said, looking at him. Gai pouted again, Emma said, "I'm just surprised at how Marvelous surprises me. I suppose now we need to figure out where we're headed next." Joe nodded and followed his captain, Gai just remained pouted and walked with them. James stretched and looked as the crew returned. -Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Outskirts- Kira nodded and stretched, "Alright, we'll go and distract them. I just hope their skills and your magic can do as quickly as you can." "Well, we'll try to make sure." Troy said, Gia nodded, "All right, should we get going?" "Yes." Noah said, nodding. -Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base- "I yield! I yield!" Simba said, struggling with his hold. Nala breathed, happy to know he was smart enough to yield when he wasn't unable to fight back. -San Diego, California - Hideout- "Alright, we'll go with you." Tommy said, pulling his hood up as Thomas did the same. Dante said, pulling his hood up, "Uh, this place is near a forest. And I imagine that the harbor is pretty far." "We've been here since the Purge, Dante." Thomas said. "We know our way around." "And you don't stick out?" Dante asked, crossing his arms. Tommy said, "It's kinda easy to blend in." He and his brother pulled their masks over their mouth as Dante sighed, doing the same.
-Hidden Palace Zone- "He's right." Hermione said. "We could try but don't know where there would be a anchor point for our grappling hooks." "Well, we gonna try." Nico said, pointing and firing her grappling hook. Hermione groaned and said, "Are all red rangers so stubborn?" Vulpix looked worried, Hermione held her partner close and fired her grappling hook. Kimberly said, "I'll go with you." -Hunan Providence - Rebel Base- Rey went to her bed and packed what she needed. Luna sat on Serena's bed and looked as Serena packed what she needed, Luna said in a low voice, "Well, I wasn't expecting a musical number to get everyone into shape." "It was unexpected." Serena said. "But everyone looked like they were having fun." -North Sea - Gokai Galleon- Emma was surprised that he was offering to give them a ride to where they needed to go. 'Then again, he's letting me stay and work on my skills by being stayed with them.' She thought. 'Marvelous keeps surprising me....' James gave a little sneeze. Harry looked at his dad and asked, "Getting a cold?" "Or is someone talking about you?" Lily asked. James said, "Probably the latter. Not sure what they're talking about." -Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Outskirts- "Okay." Kira said. Noah began to brainstorm a distraction for them to use and talked with everyone, making sure everyone had their own unique skills to use. Kira knew that she had her Ptera Scream, her and everyone were good fighters, Noah could analyze the attack while Orion and Troy could develop their skills. Jake was prideful but he was skilled at fighting though he was mainly into soccer. -Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base- Simba dodged the spear and pushed the ball end of his weapon into the shield to push him back. Nala looked at him and was awed at his thinking, but also wondered if he was pushing himself to let T'Challa. 'I hope not.' She thought. -San Diego, California - Hideout- "Yeah, if one of them does have a frog as their new animal, they'll be really lame." Dante said, crossing his arms. "I just miss having a freaking T-Rex to represent. That was awesome." "First we heard of it." Thomas said. Tommy said, "But we know where it is. We have a good idea of where the harbor is. So we can lead you there. How do you need to prepare?"
Finally got a Discord. If you want to add me, I’m Rose-Aki20#7715
-Hidden Palace Zone- "Uh, I'm not a good runner." Hermione said, slightly embarrassed and worried. Kimberly looked at her and said, "Just do the best that you can do." Vupix patted her her foot and smiled. Nico just stretched and got ready while Ryotaro chose not to say anything in case he jinx anything to keep him from reaching the end. -Suitcase- The two sisters found the tracking device and Elsa froze it, having it crack and completely break down. Elsa still wondered why she had a tracking device on her and wondered if they were being followed by a strong member of NWO. -Hunan Providence, China - Rebel Base- "Wonder what it could be about?" Rey pondered, walking to the entrance with them. Serena carried Luna to the entrance and waited patiently to hear what Conner had to say about what they were going to do now. -Gokai Galleon- Everyone kept quiet, wondering themselves what kind of item the small ship could be carrying and why would the NWO would go after it. Emma pondered if the others down below were okay while waiting with them. -Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Outskirts- "So should we be ready to morph in case we need to?" Kira asked. Noah said, "It's a good possibility." Gia nodded along with Troy, Jake, and Orion. Kira nodded, gripping her bracelet. -Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base- Simba dodged, rolling to the side. He started to gasp for air and gripped his weapon. Nala looked worried and hoped that Simba didn't push himself while fighting, she knew he was strong but she also knew he was slightly stubborn. So she hoped that he would try not to push himself. -San Diego, California- "Tommy, Thomas, how's my fellow Rangers?!" Dante said, smiling as the twin brothers walked up to greet them, lowering their hoods and masks. When he came up to them, Dante noticed their emblems and asked, "So, uh, what animals did you get?" "A falcon." Tommy said, Thomas said. "A Eastern Dragon." "Oh, come on!" Dante grumbled. "Even you two got awesome animals! I hope when I see James, Kimberly, and Nala, theirs are worst than mine!" "We're not here to reminisce or anything." Thomas said. "Follow us and we'll show you the lab we have under the house." They led them into the house and Tommy pulled the jawbone of a dinosaur decoration in the kitchen, showing the group the staircase and led them down to the lab. The lab was stone and brick, having various dinosaur fossils and machines with a large central computer as well as some workout equipment. Thomas said, "To those who want to, you can use the computer. And we can lead the rest around the city."
With the announcement and trailer of the FF7 remake, I’m probably gonna go back to my very first username. Cause it looks so cool
-Hidden Palace Zone- "Sounds like we're going for it." Nico said. "Played plenty of games like that, too." Hermione sighed and Kimberly patted her head, smiling. "I imagine there's gonna be areas that requires each of our unique skills to get across." "Would you count being extremely unlucky as a unique skill?" Ryotaro said offhandedly. Nico looked at him and asked, "How unlucky?" "Well, before I became Den-O, I was riding my bike and ended up stuck at the top of a tree." Ryotaro said, giving a example of his bad luck. Nico kept quiet in disbelief that at how that was even possible. Kimberly put her hood and -Suitcase- Elsa got the message and got Anna to through her clothes to find the tracker. Elsa wondered why a tracker would be placed on her and what reason it would be on her, she thought that the Storm Troopers were just saying goodbye when they hugged her. -Hunan Providence, China - Rebel Base- Serena and Luna tried not to laugh in Shang's way of making them strong but Rey gasped for air and smiled at Ritchie and Sparky. She rubbed Sparky's fur, making the Pikachu feel better and happy to know that it worked so hard to get stronger. Luna looked at Rey, and wondered if they hadn't already found all the Scouts, would she be one? -Gokai Galleon- Emma and the other Gokaigers kept quiet to let the captain speak to the other captain of the other boat. Joe kept Emma close to help her feel not so nervous, Luka wondered what kind of conversation that Marvelous was planning by using the parley or if they even knew about parley. -U-Wing- Kira and the others waited for the others with some news so they could see what they could do to help. Jake tried to get close to Gia but she went to talk with Kira about what she thought was going to happen. Kira wasn't sure but she tried to think and talk with Noah. Orion and Troy tried to think as well, wondering if what they had in skills could help everyone. -Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base- Simba held the staff out in front of him to block the tip of the spear. 'That's too close for comfort.' Simba thought. He pushed him back and spun the weapon, running to T'Challa and swinging it. Nala carefully watched and looked worried, hoping that both fighters would be okay. -Quintjet- Dante kept quiet and thought to himself, pondering about why he and the others were given their new outfits along the changes in creatures that they represented. He leaned back and decided to relax while they headed to California. -Boat- Sirius laid on the boat next to his bag of stuff and Namine, who sat with him and gently pet him. She looked out and wondered where they would be staying now, Sirius closed his eyes and wagged his tail. -San Diego, California - Outside the City- Having their hoods up, the brothers kept their faces hidden while waiting for the Quintjet. Thomas hid in the trees while Tommy waited below him. Tommy reached into his shirt and gripped his necklace with his engagement ring.
-Hidden Palace Zone- Listening to what Harold said, Nico thought and said, "Well, if that's the case, looks like the Lupinrangers are up to steal the treasure again." "Are you sure we're up to a task like this?" Hermione said, looking concerned. "Our first steal, we were lucky cause Yuuki managed to distract the principal and the Storm Troopers, this last recent one was just avoiding the cameras. Puzzles and traps are a completely different level than both of that." Kimberly was still shocked and dumbfounded at the idea of there being thief-like Rangers. 'Zordon would never create a team to steal, would he?' She thought. -Hunan Providence, China - Rebel Base- Serena watched all the Rebels trying to get the arrow from the top of the pole. "Looks like Rey's gonna try it." She noted, holding Luna. Rey tried to climb the pole but failed like the rest of the Rebels. Serena pouted, "Aw, she didn't make it." She groaned and looked at the pole, thinking. -Gokai Galleon- Emma kept quiet while Luka handed him the ladder and he lowered the ladder to the small boat below. Doc looked unsure about their excitable member being the one to call them up but Joe kept quiet with his arms crossed. Gai turned on the megaphone and said, "Hello down there! Could you please come up so we can meet you?!" Due to never asking how the team got together, Emma wondered why did Gai join the team. -Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base- Simba gripped his weapon, thinking about how to do the fight. He noted his weapon was a staff but had a ball attachment at the end, and since T'Challa had a shield, he would likely use it to block his attack while he would use the spear to attack him. Taking a breath, he ran forward and swung his weapon. -Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Outside the Base- Walking to the U-Wing, Noah looked at the flying ship and said, "If we weren't in a global war to free the world, I would have loved to be able to study this ship's blueprints and designs." "Yeah," Orion said, sharing his curiousity while Kira and Gia kept quiet. Jake nodded, while Troy didn't say anything, not sure what to say. -Castelia City, New York - The Playground/Quinjet- Dante laid back and closed his eyes, wondering about what two of his other teammates were doing and where the remaining three, Kimberly, Nala, and James. He pondered what kind of animals they got with their new uniforms and if they were better then his.
-Hidden Palace Zone- "If you wanted a base, I was more than happy to let you use the Den-Liner," Ryotaro said, rubbing his hair. Hermione said, looking at him, "I think it's better if you use it for our base since it will help us as thieves if we really want to continue this thief Ranger thing." "Thief Rangers?" Kimberly asked. Nico looked and said, "Yeah, we're the Lupinrangers. Thief-like Power Rangers." -Hunan Providence, China - Rebel Base- Serena put her bag down and looked around, Luna found a bed and hopped up onto the bed, then curled into a ball and purred softly, sleeping soundly. Serena knelt down and opened her bag, starting to unpack. Rey found where she would sleep and stay during their time at the base and set her stuff down. Looking around, she went and saw what happened with Yao, Ling, and Chien Po, walking to stand next to Ritchie and Sparky. 'Guess my life could have been worst.' She thought, crossing her arms. -Gokai Galleon- "Emma, Ahim, lets get going!" Luka shouted, Emma ran with Ahim, "We're coming!" She pulled out her Gosei Morpher and card while Ahim and Luka changed into Gosei Red and Pink while she was her own Megaforce Pink uniform, Luka and Ahim used the Invisibreeze Card while Emma used the Windrive Card. Gai looked at Marvelous, almost beaming and asked, "What about me, Marvelous?!" Harry rubbed Riolu and wondered what to do now, Navi was unsure what to do and tried to make sure they stayed. -Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base- Simba looked at the weapons and picked up the knobkerrie, holding the staff-like weapon and looking ready to fight. Nala watched and was surprised at his choice of weapon, since his weapon in his Kamen Rider form was a bow. -Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Base- "It's a honor to meet you all and be able to help you get a little closer to freeing the world back to the way things were." Kira said, Gia nodded, "If you need any help with anything, don't hesitate to ask any of us." Noah smiled, "Also, since you likely know who we really are, don't be surprised when we suddenly change clothes." -Castelia City, New York - The Playground- "Huh, so that's where they ended up." Dante said, amused to hear that two more of his teammates were alive. "Wonder what animals they got. I guess since Tommy was the leader of the team, probably a lion or something. And Thomas is probably a hawk or so." He stretched and got his guns and sword, loading his guns for any fights. -San Diego, California - House- Breathing, Tommy stretched and looked out, Thomas looked at his brother and made sure that the lab was good and secure then checked the cameras for any sightings of the target that they would be helping find.
I've seen the last two films of the trilogy and will likely see this one, but man. When I saw the trailer and heard that laugh, my mind exploded with a million questions, cause well, I wasn't expecting him to become back. And I thought we saw him get pretty fired in Episode VI, but I'm sure they'll probably have a way to explain how he came back and his role in the movie.
-Hidden Palace Zone- "Miss Kimberly?!" Hermione said, surprised. Ryotaro looked surprised as well, "You survived as well! Thank goodness!" "Hermione....." Kimberly said, surprised also. "Ryotaro..... It's good to see you again." Nico looked at them, confused. -Rebel Base - Hunan Providence- Serena stretched and let Luna hop down, stretching as well. Rey looked around, never having seen anything like the new base before. 'Wow......' She thought. 'Rue, I wish you were here to see this.' -North Sea/Gokai Galleon- "Yup, still got my sights on the ship!" Luka shouted, standing in the crow's nest. Thinking, Emma tried to think about how to contact the ship that was being chased to let them that they were good and trying to help. Harry held his younger siblings to protect while James, Lily, and Remus tried to think about what to do. -Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base- Simba stepped up, thinking to himself, 'Need to let T'Challa win, but also can't go easy on him. Man, trying to keep to traditions is hard.' Nala watched, looking worried. -Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Base- "Okay, it'll be nice to get out and see what's going on in the rest of the city." Kira said, speaking for the team who nodded in a agreement. -Shalour City, France - Tower of Mastery- Sirius wanted to help but doubted that his current forms as Ryugen could do anything to help against AT-ATs so he gathered his things and went to find Namine who was packing her things and slung them over her shoulder.