Spoiler: Lots of characters -Mann Co. Factory - Outside- "Well, wasn't expecting to see you again." Harry said, rubbing his neck as he noticed Harold. The Wilys were amazed to see him while Lily and Remus looked, Remus was shocked, "You sure you don't have a twin?" "No, I was a only child before Mom and Dad adopted the Wilys." Harry said. Hermione stepped up and said, "Now I know for sure." Harry was shocked to see his brunette friend in her thief attire and groaned, "I think I need to sit down." Everyone touched the symbol on their uniform, though they were still unsure about what animals had been given to them, they were happy to be given some hope and confidence about their upcoming mission. -Hunan Providence, China - Rebel Base- "I think I did feel a little something." Serena said, covering her lips with a small blush on her face. Rey looked confused and shrugged, breathing and looking up at the ceiling, wondering what to do while they waited.
Spoiler: Lots of characters -Mann Co. Company- Doc looked at the people who asked to fix the engine of the Galleon and looked confused, rubbing his hair and saying, "Uh, okay. Go ahead, I guess." The reunited team of Rangers looked at each other, not sure what to think or say but decided to go ahead and walked over to C.C., looking at her. Thomas asked, "So what is it you want to talk about?" Harry looked at Akira and Ryuji who accuse him of copying his outfit. "Well, look, this outfit was made for me by a friend of my parents, I don't know where he got the idea for the design from. I'm wearing it cause my face is plastered over all the big screens in the world due to the tyrants of the worlds thinking that me and my parents and others being heroes is a bad thing. So I need to move around without getting caught." Anna looked surprised at Krisfoff and looked at the pirates, wondering what happened. -Hunan Province, China - Rebel Base- Serena was in speechless shock when her and Darien were picked in the kissing cam by Discord. Rey looked confused and watched with her hand on her hip, wondering what was going to happen. Luna hopped down as Serena looked at Darien and pouted, breathing and closed her eyes, getting ready for the kiss and hoping to forget it soon after.
Spoiler: Lots of characters -Mann Co. Company- Don went around the Galleon with Lily to check out the damage during the battle. Luka smiled and hugged Emma, "You were great, Emma. Acted like a real pirate." "Um, thanks, Luka." Emma said, feeling a bit embarrassed. Ahim smiled, "You did wonderful." Joe nodded though Emma wasn't sure to say or think, shaking from using the full power of the Keys. Don looked and called Marvelous, "There's some damage to the structure and the walls, but the only real damage is to the damages. Though we should be able to repair everything." Harry carried a scared WilyKit, Riolu looked like he sensed someone familiar and ran out, Harry gasped, "Riolu!" Riolu smiled and jumped to Hermione when she stepped out with everyone to check the damage. "Huh, this Riolu." She held the Riolu when she saw Harry come out of the ship and knelt down to let Kit on the ground, before removing his mask and she recognized him. Nico looked at Harry in his disguise, "What kind of thief is he supposed to be?" When James and Nala saw the rest of their team, Nala waved at them. Dante walked up and asked, "So, what did you get?" "A bear." Nala said, looking at the white haired red colored member. James looked down and mumbled, "A frog....." "What was that?" Dante asked, confused. James grumbled, "A frog...." "Come again?" Dante said. James groaned and shouted, "A frog, okay? I have a frog as my new animal!" Almost right away, Dante burst out laughing, holding his sides before getting hit on the head by Remus and Lily, leaving him on the ground twitching slightly. -Hunan Provide, China - Rebel Base- Putting on a light warm coat and grabbing a scarf, Rey picked up her bag and walked to meet up with everyone. Serena hummed, carrying Luna and her bag, ready to head out.
-Lor Starcutter- Thomas looked at Robin and looked away, knowing that the two teams would work together in their own time. He rubbed Vulpix gently and said, "Don't worry, your partner is safe, I'm sure and is working hard out there." Tommy held Kimberly's hand and she looked at him, Billy kept quiet, watching curiously. -Gokai Galleon- "I have a great idea, Marvelous!" Gai said, smiling. "Due to him showing up, lets go Green!" Don stayed the same but he watched as Gai changed into Hurricaneger, Joe became Shinkenger, Emma was Dekaranger, Luka turned into Gingaman, and Ahim changed to Bioman. James and Nala stood back to back, facing off against their opponents with their power while Lily, Simba, and Harry fought. -Millenium Falcon- "The engine's ready and raring to go, Paw-Paw!" Cindy said, smiling as she came up from working on the engine. Aerith smiled while Medic kept quiet and sat, bracing herself for the ride.
-Lor Starcutter- "So those are the new Rangers, huh?" Tommy said, looking at the battle in front of them and watching the new mechs flying in the sky. Billy put his finger to his chin, "Interesting and apparently they're based on thieves or something like that." "I still think our team is better." Dante said, crossing his arms. Thomas just watched, holding Hermione's worried Vulpix and Elsa watched with Anna. -Gokai Galleon/Skies- The rest off the crew followed suit, Joe changing into AbareRanger, Luka becoming MagiRanger, Doc changed to DaiRanger, Ahim chaned into Fiveman, Emma used GekiRanger, and Gai changed to GaoRanger. James and Nala worked together, using the power that came with their new animals while Lily, Simba, and Harry used their weapons as Riders, Lily aiming and firing her Sonic Bow along with Simba while Harry swung his Donkachi. Navi tried to comfort the two scared Wilys in the main room while Remus tried to keep the ship afloat. Joe used the Tricea Bunker, slashing at the S-Types and protecting himself, Luka brought her MagiPhone which she changed into her MagiStick and cast Yellow Thunder, Doc used the Dai Buster along with Ahim who used the Cutie Circle, swinging the baton-like weapon. Emma used the SaiBlade alongside Gai who used Gao Hustler Rod. Flying their Dial Fighters, Hermione and Nico spun the red holographic 'Ready' sign to a green 'Go', Hermione's Dial Fighter bringing out a Gatling Gun that began to fire on the S-Type, and Nico's shot out energy webs that trapped the S-Types. Ryotaro let Momotaros take control and brought the DenLiner, using his specialized cars, the Gouka. The four train cars fired everything they had. Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- "Just be careful." Rei said, looking at him. "If we manage to stop the NWO, I would like my old biology teacher to start teaching me again." Rei smiled at him, Mina smiled as she fed Artemis and he ate, hoping that he can meet Luna again soon.
-Lor Starcutter- Watching what was happening at the Galleon, Kimberly said, "We need to do something." "But what can we do?" Billy said, "We don't have any Zords and you're the only one who has a flying Zord." Billy explained. Hermione thought and looked at her Dial Fighter and VS Changer. Nico looked at her and asked, "What's up?" "Nico, Yuuki, follow me." She headed to the hangar and put her Dial Fighter into her VS Changer then pulled it to the top and fired the trigger. 'Get Set! Ready? 'Tobe, Tobe, Tobe!''Go! B-B-B-Blue!" Her Dial Fighter became bigger and Hermione changed into her Lupinranger form. She said, "Open the hangar, I'm going out to help!" "We're coming with you!" Nico said, changing as well as doing the same with her Dial Fighter. -Gokai Galleon- Emma changed into her Megaforce form and used the Comprethunder card to help Marvelous as Luka and the others appeared, performing their Final Strikes. Remus took the wheel while the others went to help the crew. -Hunan Providence, China - Rebel Base- 'Thank goodness, I'm a cat.' Luna whispered. Serena smiled and wondered if she had something warm in her bag, she was sure she did and thought it was best to double check. Rey stretched and leaned against the wall, wondering what would happen in Russia. Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- "I would like if you made a speech first." Rei said, smiling. "I feel a bit nervous just going out there without someone who let them know what they will be expecting." She ate her food and wondered if Serena will be able to see it. -Police HQ - The Capital- "Well, let me know if you need any help." Jim Carter said. He looked at Kiriko and said, "I was specially made to help you and the Police Rangers, Miss Shijma. I hope I can get be a good assistance to your work."
-Mann Co Factory - New Mexico- "It's okay." Kimberly said, walking up to them. She handed them some chocolate, "Here. Made them in the kitchen. Happy Valentine's Day." "Oh, Miss Kimberly, happy Valentine's Day and happy birthday." Hermione said, stepping with Vulpix. Vulpix smiled, "Vulpix. Vul." "Thanks." Kimberly said, then turned. "Well, need to give some to Tommy and the others." As she left, Nico looked confused, "Her birthday is on Valentine's Day?" "Yeah, I recall the teaching staff celebrated it the previous school year before the Purge." Hermione said. Elsa walked up to Saphir and gave him a chocolate with a snowflake created by her power, "Here, Saphir. Happy Valentine's Day." Anna hugged Olaf and smiled, "Happy Valentine's Day." Giving the boys their Valentine's Day chocolate, Kimberly walked up to him and gave him his, smiling. "Happy Valentine's Day, Tommy." "Thanks, same to you and happy birthday, Kim." He said, giving her a kiss and she kissed him back. Dante grumbled as he ate his chocolate. Billy sighed as he and Thomas ate theirs, Ryotaro smiled, seeing the two Rangers back together. -Gokai Galleon- "Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!" Gai shouted, smiling. "As we travel to our designated location to meet the others, please enjoy these delicious chocolates made by me and Doc!" "Gai sure is excitable." Emma said, looking at how much he was beaming. Luka said, "You get used to it." "Yes, but let me make some tea to go with the chocolate." Ahim said, heading to the kitchen. Remus went into the kitchen to help her make the tea. Nala looked out a window and Simba stood with her, holding her hand. James was cuddling Lily and Harry talked with his siblings, Riolu was held in Harry's arms, smiling. -Hunan Providence, China - Rebel Base- "Happy Valentine's Day." Serena said, smiling. She poured a bowl of milk and put it down, Luna stepped out and got a few licks of it. Rey calmly ate her breakfast, due to being alone for so long, she wasn't sure how to celebrate Valentine's Day and just kept to herself. Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- "Thanks, Hiro." Rei said, smiling as she went to a empty room and tried on the outfit that she would wear, looking at her reflection. She wondered, "Is the skirt too short? I wonder." She changed back and stepped out, walking to get breakfast and also look at the music she would sing. Tsukasa and Umika ate their breakfast and talked with some of the Rebels in the base. -China- Ginny stretched and breathed, looking out. 'Some way to spend Valentine's Day. Being with my overprotective brother who can't even accept that I'm a hero like he is.' She thought Looking and seeing Mew trying to make him loosen up, she smiled, 'At least Mew's trying to help him loosen up.' -Police HQ - The Capital- Turning on as the Police Rangers entered, the robot stood up and bowed. "Good morning, Police Rangers. I am Jim Carter, I will be your assistant in your cases and help you with whatever else you need. To avoid confusion with Detective Carter, just call me Jim Carter. Oh and these arrived for him." Producing arms from the pods on its head, Jim grabbed a bouquet of beautifully arranged flowers. Jim said, "There was no name from the sender. Just addressed to Detective Carter."
-Lor Starcutter- "We're heading to our rooms right now." Elsa said, looking at him then looked at Saphir as he headed to his room with Kristoff. Anna nodded, waving Olaf. "We'll catch up tomorrow, Olaf. And we'll see you tomorrow, Harold." They headed to their rooms while Elsa watched Harold leave to his and Saphir disappear to their rooms. Hermione headed to her room with Vulpix and put her hat on the empty desk along with her mask. Nico headed to her room as did Ryotaro. Kimberly laid on the bed in her room, thinking of the chance to seeing Tommy again and held her engagement ring in her hand as she slept. -Scotland - Underground- Nodding, Namine opened her sketchbook and began to create a rough sketch of Serena, looking at the girl in question for reference on how she was standing and her pose. Sirius found a open bed and set his stuff down, laying on the bed and rolling on his side to sleep. -Gokai Galleon- Emma slept in her room after Joe reassured her that things would be okay then went to his room to sleep. Luka and Ahim slept in their own rooms as was Doc and Gai, James, Lily, and Remus slept in one of the guest rooms, James and Lily in a bed together while Remus was in a separate bed. Harry slept with his siblings and Riolu in the other guest room. -Hunan Providence, China - Rebel Base- "Night, Luna." Serena said, laying on a bed with her cat. Luna whispered, 'Night, Serena.' Rey found a bed and laid down, setting her staff on the ground, looking up at the ceiling and drifted off to sleep. Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- Asuna was putting blankets over those who were asleep, Kengo slept, holding the small red haired girl in his lap, laying against the wall. Noel slept in a bed while Tsukasa and Umika slept together, Tsukasa's head on Umika's head while Umika had her head on Tsukasa's shoulder. Before Rei could fall asleep, she hoped that Lita's idea of her singing in a livestream could bring hope to the Rebels around the world. -??- Mew teleported the two siblings to a nearby town, and Ginny used her new invisibility to find them a hotel to stay for the night. While the two siblings slept in their separate beds, Mew stayed awake and kept guard in case Kaito decided to sneak in and steal it during the night. -Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Base- While most of the Rebels were asleep in the base, Kira was still awake and looked out at the city. She breathed and looked at her gem on her bracelet, she laid down and thought about Emma, where she might be and what she might be doing. Letting out a sigh, Kira closed her eyes and fell asleep.
-Lor Starcutter- "The Great Power?" Kimberly wondered. "Never heard of it." "It may be connected to the new outfit you got." Ryotaro pondered. "I mean, possibly since you got a new animal as well." Kimberly pondered and said, "But I doubt I'm the only one who got that, I imagine the rest of my team also got the same thing. But we all scattered across the world when the Purge happened and I have no idea where it is or how we can get together." Hermione looked at Harold and Vulpix yawned, she walked to him and said, "Would it be okay if the other two and I joined you in traveling?" Elsa nodded, Anna pouted and said, "Sorry I hit you. I didn't mean it since I didn't know your history." Elsa patted her sister's head gently. -Scotland: Underground- Namine stood close to Sirius as they looked for a space to sit and relax after everything that happened. Namine looked at Serena and asked, "Um, Serena, I'm not sure if this is the right time or place, but would you like to model your designs so I can help sketch them out?" Sirius smiled and breathed, looking at his Lockseed. -Gokai Galleon- Emma spent time with Luka and Ahim, the two figuring her pirate look among them and giving her some of their old clothes that don't fit them anymore. Doc worked on her morpher and was able to remove the limiter on it, James looked out the window and Remus stood with him, the two friends wondering when they would meet up with Sirius again. Harry slept in his room, sleeping with his adopted siblings on either side of him along with Riolu. -The Capital - Skyline- Watching the news report, Gwen sighed, shaking her head. 'Someone's got a few screws loose. I hope that Pink Ranger doesn't have plans to come back here soon. At least not without her team or some kind of help to prove them wrong.' She pulled her mask over her face and shot a web line, swinging around the city. -Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base- Nala stretched and laid on Simba, the two looking out at the entrance of the base and wondering about Nala's new power. She closed her eyes and slept, Simba held her and looked out at the sky. He rubbed her shoulder. -??- "I won't forget...." Ron said softly, detransforming then looked at Ginny and said, "Ginny, why do you have the power to transform?! Morphing and transforming is dangerous, not to mention that now you have this power, all kinds of monsters are gonna be after you now!" Luckily since Ginny hadn't detransformed yet, she still had her staff and hit him with it. "I didn't have a choice, the gem just chose me and now I have this power to transform and turn invisible! I thought you would have grown up a bit after spending some time with our brother, Charlie!" Detransforming, she turned and walked off, saying, "Just leave him, Mew." Mew looked curiously at the beaten Ron on the ground and picked him up by his collar in its mouth, floating alongside Ginny.
-Lor Starcutter- "Why not go and ask her?" Nico said, looking at her. "I think something about her studying fashion so maybe have her look over your thief attire for her opinion?" Kimberly walked with Ryotaro, the two talking and reminiscing. Sirius gave a small sneeze and rubbed his nose while Namine put the finishing touches on her sketch then closed her sketchbook. After hearing what happened to Kristoff’s family, Anna blushed in embarrassment as she did what she told him not to do. Elsa breathed and looked at their small group, asking, “What do we do now?” "I see." Hermione said, as Vulpix sat next to her, licking its fur to clean itself. "Well, I'm not sure if there's much I can do to help with that." -Hunan Providence, China - Rebel Base- "Not sure, maybe he was remembering a dream or something," Serena said, looking at him. "It's hard to say, if Rei was here, she might know since she was a priestess at her family shrine before this happened." Luna stretched and curled into a ball. -??- Ron made the Naginata and stood ready against Beast while Ginny sent the energy sphere from her staff. 'This world has more than one.' Ron thought to himself. Mew encased itself in a bubble to protect itself from the shots fired at it.
-Lor Starcutter- Anna breathed and Elsa looked at her sister, shaking her head and looked at Saphir, glad to see he was okay and blushed lightly. "Uh, um..." She tried to speak. Sirius looked at Namine who was sketching in her sketchbook, and looked around. Hermione walked around and saw Harold looking at the Fullbottles that he had. She walked up and looked at the bottles, grabbing one, Gorilla, inserting it into the Driver then grabbed another, Diamond, putting it in and the Driver declared it a Best Match. "Interesting. A living and non-living thing make a match." -Hunan Providence, China: Rebel Base- Serena looked, sipping her tea. Luna laid on her lap, sleeping. "Yeah, you're probably right." Rey said, sipping her tea. She looked up at the sky and wondered what would happen now that they took back part of China where the NWO was. -??- "How did this guy get Sirius' form already?!" Ron asked aloud, quickly transforming into Blood Gaim. Ginny turned invisible and turned visible, now in her Ranger form with her staff out. Mew teleported away, teleporting near Kaito for some teasing then teleporting away. Then Mew used Psychic on Kaito. Ron fought against Beast while Ginny faced Ryugen, the two siblings working together.
-Lor Starcutter- "It's okay, I doubt anyone can answer that." Hermione said, smiling. "Sides, we just got started as a team, so we still have a lot to work out." "Vulpix! Vul!" Vulpix said, smiling. Nico leaned against the wall, having her hands behind her head. Sirius recognized Hermione and some of the others, wondering why they were here. "So they're a new Ranger team?" Kimberly asked, looking at the three girls. Ryotaro nodded, "But they're still unknown so they're working their way up." "Guess they don't have any Zords or anything." Kimberly sighed, wishing the best for the new team. Elsa blushed as he declared his love for her, Anna kept quiet and calm before grabbing something and shouting, "I won't let you kill my sister's true love!" She emphasized the part of 'true love' as she hit Krisfoff with the thing she had grabbed, she shouted, "Now listen, we are in no way allied with the New World Order. I'm already upset that my supposed fiancee is not only a huge jerk and self-absorbed so he could get out of his brothers' shadow, but one of the higher ranking members of the New World Order! Not to mention, we were stuck in the castle until Harold and his friend came and saved us! Sides, what gives you the right not to trust us when you don't even know us?! I already made that mistake when I decided to get engaged to Hans when we only talked for a day or two?!" Taking a few breaths of air, Anna breathed and calmed herself then smiled at her sister, "Elsa, anything you want to say?" -Gokai Galleon- Emma nodded and rubbed her head, embarrassed. Doc stretched as he took a small break and looked at Emma's morpher, Gai looked at him and asked, "What is it?" "Whoever made this must have thought that the user wouldn't be that strong or just wanted to make the user fight at half power cause it could all go beyond the time limiter but found a nasty block on it." Doc explained, crossing his arms. -Hunan Providence, China - Rebel Hideout- Serena smiled and sipped her tea, Luna slept on her lap, purring while the humans relaxed. Rey took her cup of tea and looked at Ritchie and said, "I might be paranoid, but I can't help but think about how easy it was to capture Madame Gao. Like she was expecting it or something. She didn't put up a fight. But nothing, no fight or anything. I'm not sure why. But maybe I'm just being paranoid." -??- Ron and Ginny got ready to fight, getting ready to transform. Mew used the Swift move, sending the stars to Kaito in order to protect its master and his sister. Ginny smiled, happy to see that Mew was trying to protect them.
-Lor Starcutter- Hermione looked worried but hadn't heard anything about her friends, so she hoped that they were still around. She said, "I understand. But I have been having concerns. Why I was picked. What do I have to offer. Nico and Yuuki have gaming skills they use, even Ryotaro has some kind of experience. And me? Just cleverness and my book-smarts." Vulpix looked at Hermione, rubbing her. Sirius and Namine stood against the wall, Namine just worked in her sketchbook, keeping quiet and working on her drawing. "Olaf!" Anna was surprised to see the snowman and Elsa looked at the captain, "Is there someone named Saphir here?" -Gokai Galleon- While Don was busy working on Emma's morpher, Emma walked up to Marvelous and said, "Marvelous, I would like to join your crew as a actual member. I'm not sure what I have that you would want but I would like to offer what I can to help." -Hunan Providence, China - Rebel Hideout- Serena smiled as Luna hopped on her shoulder and she rubbed her head as she purred. Rey stood against the wall and put her finger to her chin, her mind still pondering the easy capture of Madame Gao. 'Something doesn't add up, why was she so easy to catch.' Rey thought. -??- "Well, Mew just appeared to me one day, kinda figured that Mew was special." Ron said, Ginny looked at the pink Pokemon who had made itself her brother's partner. She just thought that Mew was a very rare Pokemon who chose to be with Ron. Ron looked at Mew and Mew looked at Ron, tilting its head curiously.
-Lor Starcutter- Hearing Serena ask how she ended up as part of helping the Rebels, Hermione held her arm and said, "Well, I was in the Capital, attending Nintendo High School. I was considering joining since two of my best friends were on the world's wanted list for the famed Kamen Riders. One day, I found these in my locker with a note that said to basically become a thief-esque Ranger in order to change the world." She showed Serena her Dial Fighter and VS Changer, then said, "Then I teamed up with two other girls, becoming a team and another Rider, then we met up with some others and ended up here." Elsa and Anna followed, climbing up the ladder to the opening of the suitcase. -Hunan Providence, China: New World Order Fortress- Serena smiled and lifted a fist in the air, Rey smiled and nodded, pushing her worries aside for a moment, happy to see everyone celebrating their victory in overturning the fortress and stopping the person in charge. -San Diego, California - Outside Hideout- "Well, I'll be seeing you two later." Dante said, waving at them. The two brothers waved as they walked to the Quintjet, while they stood on the pouch of the house they used as the hideout, Tommy pulled out his engagement ring and gripped it, hoping that he and Kimberly could see each other again someday. Thomas looked at his brother and looked as the group left. Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- "I'll go tell everyone my idea." Lita said, walking off to do that. Rei sighed and looked at her music sheets, picking up a sheet and looked at the musical notes and lyrics she had written, wondering if everyone would like them. -??- "Well, I would say this but I think it's kinda bonded to me." Ginny said, untransforming and showing her new gem on the silver bracelet that she had recently obtained. After Ron detransformed, he looked at Mew and said, "Well, while it is a rare Pokemon, Mew is kinda my partner so I don't think I can give him away." Mew floated onto his head and closed its eyes happily. Ron looked at Kaito and said, "And well, Mew doesn't really attack, can only teleport and make those weird bouncy bubbles."
-Lor Starcutter- "Hermione," Hermione introduced. "I like your Fennekin, too, Serena. I never really gave Vulpix a nickname or something like that, I just like Vulpix." "Hmm." Nico nodded, thinking and smiling. She said, "What about the games you could pack yourself, Yuuki-chan?" While exploring the ship, Ryotaro saw Kimberly looking down and went to comfort her, jumping in shock when she laid her head on him. "Ryotaro, do you think I'll ever see Tommy again?" She asked. Ryotaro tried to think on how to comfort her and hugged her, saying, "I don't think you should give up on the possibility on seeing him again." -Suitcase- The two sisters blushed, getting dressed and fixing their hair. Anna wondered why he had come to their room and wondered what was going on outside the suitcase. Elsa got dressed and decorated her hair with the regular snowflakes and the two sisters stepped out of their room. -Hunan Providence, China - New World Order Fortress- Serena saw Rey keeping Madame Gao detained with her staff. But she noticed Rey was still confused on how easy she let herself get captured, almost like she was expecting it and couldn't shake the uneasy feeling. -Quintjet- "We hoped we did as much as much as we could to help you." Tommy said, lowering his mask and breathing. Thomas said, "We'll be available if you need our help again." "Hopefully, we can get together as a team again." Dante said, trying to hide his intent of seeing the female members but Tommy and Thomas could see through it. Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- "I have a great idea." Lita said, looking at Rei. Rei looked confused and Lita smiled, "Let's have a livestream concert for you to perform your songs. Ami is the smartest tech genius we have til Clement comes back. So what do you say?" "Are you sure?" Rei said, looking at her. "That sounds very risky." -Targoviste, Romania- Looking curious, Mew tilted its head so far it did a complete circle while floating in the air, Ginny twirled her staff and sent a powerful energy blast at the Stormtroopers. Ron slashed at them, fighting with the bronze colored Rider.
-Lor Starcutter- “Vulpix!” Vulpix smiled and went to get Hermione, pushing her over to meet Fennekin and its partner. It smiled at its new friend, “Vulpix! Vul!” “Uh, hi.” Hermione said, embarrassed and not sure what to say. She knelt down and held out her hand for Fennekin. Nico looked at Yuuki who wanted to use Harold’s magic suitcase to carry more stuff. She said with her arms crossed, “I don’t think he would like it if we just poured our stuff into his suitcase.” -Suitcase- Elsa looked up, both her and Anna having messy bed hair and she stretched, getting up from the bed. “Harold, what is it?” She asked. -Hunan Providence, China - New World Order Fortress- “Hey, um.” Serena said, rubbing her hair. “Thanks for telling me to use my wand. I was just frozen still and scared, not sure what to do.” -Hunan Providence, China - Watchtower- Rey kept quiet, still feeling uneasy how quick and easy it was to capture her. She kept her staff out where it was to keep the elderly woman detained and waited to see what happened. -Quinjet- “I guess so.” Tommy said, leaning back. He looked at his brother and asked, “So, how did you know I was in trouble?” “I don’t know.” Thomas said. “I just did.” “I’ll take it.” Tommy said, not wanting to push it with his brother. Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- Rei nodded, “I wanted to go with her but I don’t know, I felt I might needed more here in something happens.” Lita looked at her and smiled. -Targoviste, Romania- While Ron fought the Stormtroopers, Ginny appeared in her new form and turned the dial on her staff. She struck the staff, causing the ground to shake. Mew helped by teleporting in and out of range as well as summoning the pink bubbles it could create.
-Lor Starcutter- "Vulpix!" Vulpix said, smiling and ran up to the Fennekin. Nico noticed and asked, "Hey, Hermione, is this the first one that Vulpix has seen other Pokemon?" "Probably the first ime in months cause Harry and Ron have Pokemon who left when they did." Hermione said, happy to see her Pokemon partner trying to make friends with other Pokemon. Kimberly thought and wondered, 'What Pokemon would suit me and Tommy if we picked some?' Ryotaro breathed and looked at the allies or benefactors that Mario knew. -Hunan Providence, China - New World Order Fortress- 'Just breathe, Serena.' Serena thought, taking a breath to calm down. She held out her Crescent Moon Wand and closed her eyes, thinking and focusing her power. The Silver Crystal attached to the Wand gave a small glow and she swung in the motion of the Moon Healing Activation, but she said, "Cosmic Moon Power!" She sent the attack to the barrier. -Hunan Providence, China - Watchtower- Slowly leading her by keeping her detained after the others, Rey thought to herself, 'This was too easy. Something isn't right. She didn't even resist or fight back.' -Quinjet- The three Rangers ran to the Quinjet and breathed. Tommy rubbed his feet, Thomas looked at him and asked, "So, how are your feet?" "Still a bit on the cold side, but they'll warm up again." Tommy said. "Hey, thanks for the save." "Couldn't let you die before giving me a sister." Thomas said, smiling. Tommy smiled and gave a light laugh. Dante looked at them and was just glad to know that he was okay. Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- "Yeah, might ask Ami to help record the song." Rei said. "Who knows, she might hear it while out in the world. And knowing her, she will probably cry and hug me when she sees me again." Lita smiled. -Targoviste, Romania- 'Bloody hell.' Ron thought, getting out his Driver and Lockseed. Ginny saw him put his Driver on his waist and then inserted his Lockseed, flicking the sword to open the Lockseed. "Blood Orange Arms: Ja no Michi on Stage!" The Driver shouted, a portal unzipping over his head and a giant orange appearing over his head and landed on his head, the blue armor appearing on his body before the orange opened and completed his armor. Then he summoned his version of the Daidaimaru and began to fight. Ginny watched her brother as he tried to fight, her invisibility fading and she tried to hide. Mew tapped its head against the key she had in her hand. Ginny looked at the Pokemon and the key she held, then at her bracelet which had changed into the morpher she saw. "You want me to change like Ron did? But I can't fight." Mew simply tilt its head and kept quiet, Ginny breathed. "Alright." She said. She looked at her morpher and key, thinking then shouted, "Dino Thunder, Power Up!" Inserting it into her morpher, she turned the key. Suddenly her clothes disappeared, a light censoring her body while the emblem was on her chest. Then she jumped backwards and landed, her uniform appeared. A staff appeared in her hands, Ginny nodded at Mew.
I got curious one day and decided to try it out, now I love it. Not on now cause in need of money to continue the subscription but I am on the Zodiark server as a Miqo'te Blue Mage. I'm grateful that Blue Mage is a Extra Job cause I finished A Realm Reborn and waiting to get into Heavensward.
I know, but at the time I made the reservations, I was on my phone and didn’t want to double post.
Now I can make the sheets with my reserves Name: Zoey Reeves Description: A bright and spirited young girl who has the DNA of the Jackrabbit. When she was young, she was part of a experiment to give people power of the Morphin Grid and she believed she was the only one who survived. Though the combination of the Grid and her Jackrabbit DNA, Zoey can jump high, but she also suffers over exhaustion from overuse and must recover with carrots. She works with her robotic partner, Jax, to get a job done. Faction (Rebel/New World Order/None): None Series the Character is from: Power Rangers Beast Morphers Other: Spoiler: Zoey Name: Pidge Gunderson Description: Formerly known as Katie Holt, Pidge is a expert hacker and technical genius. She's looking for her brother and father who disappeared during the Purge of the world. Though she is part of the Rebel group, she is very private and not part of any established group in the Rebels, wanting not to face anyone. Though she is slowly overcoming it and opening up to others. Faction (Rebels/New World Order/None): Rebels Series the Character is from: Voltron Legendary Defender Other: Spoiler: Pidge Name: Allura Description: A brave young princess from a fallen kingdom, Allura is a strategist and joins the Rebels to avenge her father. Though she can get angry easily, Allura is a caring person and wants to do what is right to return the world back to the way it was. She is a capable fighter though she doesn't go out to fight much, opting to staying in the base and make plans to help the Rebels. Faction (Rebels/New World Order/None): Rebels Series the Character is from: Voltron Legendary Defender Other: Spoiler: Allura Name: Jim Carter Description: A robotic assistant created to help the Police Ranger by analyzing data of criminals, recording messages, and alerting them to crimes. Jim Carter has a good personality, but can get upset when no one takes a situation seriously. Jim Carter can also produce arms from the pods on the sides of its head to type on the computer and do its work. Faction (Rebel/New World Order/None): None Series the Character is from: Kaitou Sentai Lupinrangers vs Keisatsu Sentai Patrangers Other: Spoiler: Jim