-Gokai Galleon- Remus nodded and finished his cup. He looked at Luka and said, "I am sorry to have used your wares without asking." "I'll clean up, so don't worry." Luka said, finishing up her tea. He nodded and set his cup down, getting up and going to his room. Luka got up and put the remaining tea in a pot then cleaned out the kettle, putting it and the cups away. Before heading to her room, Luka checked on Emma and smiled to see her sleeping soundly. Then she went to her own room. -Peru, South America - Ruins- While the rest of the Rangers were sleeping, Tommy woke up and looked up at the stars. He felt Kimberly snuggle up next to him, he looked at the others. Dante was asleep with his mouth open and drool hanging from his lip. Nala was sleeping soundly next to James who was drooling a bit while Thomas was sleeping against one of the pillars. Looking out at the monolith in the distance, Tommy wondered what kind of dangers they were going to face that their companions couldn't come along to face them. -Morehead, Kentucky - Rebel Base- Wandering and finding a empty bookstore, Hermione looked around with Vulpix and found some game books. She took some and began to read, hoping to be able to connect with her teammates. Harry sat in a empty food court and breathed, looking at his partner, Riolu. Riolu smiled and rubbed him. Lily sat with the Wilys, smiling as she listened to Kit play her flute. Ryotaro stretched and found a place to rest, breathing. Nico found a game store and decided to look around. -Virginia- Taking a breath, Elsa fired some ice blasts at the Stormtroopers. Anna shouted, hitting some of them with a sturdy stick that she found. The two sisters tried to do what they could to help. -Siberia, Russia- Serena walked with them, worried about Conner and worried about Luna and Sammy. She breathed, calming herself and stayed close to the others. -The Capital - Tokyo Cathedral- Esmeralda looked at the man who asked if she wanted to go in and pray. 'This would be a good chance to browse for what to take.' She thought to herself. Esmeralda said, "Yes, I would like to go in and pray. I'm worried about the state of the world and hope a prayer can help in some way."
-Morehead, Kentucky: Rebel Base- Harry stood with Hermione, Ryotaro, Nico, and Yuki. Hermione looked at the two gamers who were also her teammates, "Sure you two don't want to check the remains of the game store?" "Nah, sides, there's probably no good games left." Nico said, leaning back. Vulpix rubbed against Yuki's legs and smiled, Riolu stretched and yawned. Ryotaro looked around the empty mall. Lily went to find a place for the group to sleep and relax, the Wilys just sat and Kit played her flute, playing a calming melody. -Virginia- 'A Power Ranger....?' Elsa and Anna thought, looking at him. They had assumed the Rangers were either in hiding or killed, but to see one in person was something else. Elsa and Anna still held each other but their grip was lighter now the Ranger had appeared. -Gokai Galleon- "Well, it could also be possible by connecting to the animal, one can change into that animal." Remus said, looking at his tea. "Miss Dulcea did change into a owl, which must have been her animal." Though he did admit to himself, he had blackmail on James with how Dulcea comforted him about his animal. -Siberia, Russia- Serena gripped her wand, still not sure about Haytham being Connor's father and the fact he was a Grand Moff. She touched his shoulder, "Well, we should still be cautious since it could be a trap. But lets also keep some faith it's not." -Tokyo Cathedral, The Capital- Causally walking by the cathedral, Esmeralda saw the police patrol the area. 'Well, was expecting that but still need to think about evade them and get to whatever treasure that nut is keeping in the cathedral. Then maybe give it away to the Rebels or something.' She thought.
-Morehead, Kentucky: Rebel Base- Hermione gripped Harry's hand and Harry removed his mask, putting his glasses on and looking around. Riolu and Vulpix walked together, staying together to their trainers and exploring. Nico stretched and looked around. Ryotaro breathed and walked, the Wilys stayed close to their mother, Lily smiled, holding their hands as they explored. -Virginia- Anna shook, holding her sister while Elsa held her tightly. They hoped that they could outrun the Stormtroopers and Elsa thought about using her powers but she didn't want to risk hurting the others, especially Anna. -Gokai Galleon- "Well, she did say that the power of the scared animals should be able to help them while they travel the forest to obtain the power." Remus said, sipping his tea. "I just hope it is enough to protect them. And her explanation of the animals they had seemed to have given them closure to the doubts if that animal suited them." Luka just sipped her tea, thinking about what she saw when that happened. -Siberia, Russia- Serena gulped, gripping her Crescent Moon Wand and walked with them, still processing that Haytham was Conner's father and one of the highest ranking member of the New World Order.
-Lor Starcutter- Hermione listened and looked at the others, wondering what to do about what they heard. The Wilys looked at their mother and brother, Harry thought, Riolu put a paw to its chin and thought. Vulpix looked at it and tilted its head. Lily thought and looked at the design of the Rider that was shown. -Kentucky- Anna slept against her sister's shoulder, drooling a bit. Elsa laughed and laid against her, closing her eyes and resting. -Gokai Galleon- There was a knock on his door, and Remus asked, "Harold, would you like to have some tea in the main room?" He led the boy back to the main room with a fresh kettle of tea and some tea cups along with some chocolates. "I know it's not the healthiest, but I prefer a piece of chocolate to calm my nerves, especially after what happened at the ruins." Remus said, biting into a chocolate. Luka came down and looked at them, she said, "Hey." "Hello, miss Luka." Remus said. "What were you doing?" "Just finishing counting ten shooting stars." Luka said, sitting with them and pouring herself a cup. Remus smiled, impressed. -Siberia, Russia - Forest- "Let's go, BB-8." Rey said, following after the others and putting her staff over her shoulder. Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- Rei changed back into her regular clothes and went to her pile of songs, sitting down and breathing. Ami stretched and went to her computer. Lita went to train while Mina walked around.
-Kentucky- "Yeah, and the song's right, we shouldn't be silenced." Anna said, smiling. "And we should show them that we won't." "Yes, but for now, lets calm down and think about what we can do to help." Elsa said, looking at her sister and smiling. Anna nodded, smiling. -- The two Wily kittens returned, smiling and wagging their tails. Harry looked at his younger siblings and rubbed their heads, happy that they were trying to help. Hermione looked as he came over to join them in stealing whatever the Wilys found, though she wasn't sure. -Gokai Galleon- Deciding to head for their rooms for the night, Luka carried the sleeping Emma to her room and tucked her in. Simba went to his room and undressed, changing into his lion form and laying down. Remus went to his room and laid down, looking up at the ceiling and wondered if James was okay. Harold slept in his guest room, just hoping Kimberly would be okay. -Siberia, Russia - Forest- "It wasn't just all me," Rey said, smiling. She knelt down and rubbed BB-8's dome head and said, "It was also thanks to this little guy. Thanks for letting me know what its weak spot was." Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- "Yeah, you were incredible!" Lita said, smiling. Ami nodded, "You really have a gift and a skill." "It was nothing." Rei said, blushing and smiling as she recalled the long and tiring hours trying to think of the musical notes and the lyrics to write. Setsuna smiled, "I'm sure those lyrics would resonate with someone who really needs to hear them."
Don't mind me, I'll be in Arendelle, enjoying the yule log
-Kentucky- Elsa and Anna got in the truck, Anna looked around and breathed, laying on her sister's shoulder. Elsa kept quiet and looked out, wondering what they were going to do. -- Lily stood with her sons, the Lupinrangers, and Ryotaro while WilyKat and WilyKit looked for something to steal to start getting their names out there. Ryotaro looked as he stood with them, looking curious. Riolu smiled, looking at Vulpix who smiled back. Lily wasn't sure about aiding in taking something and looked at the three thief-like Rangers. -Gokai Galleon- Remus sat at the table, sipping some tea that Ahim brewed with some of the chocolate made by Gai and Doc. He smiled at the pink pirate, "Thank you, Ahim. This is delicious." "I'm so happy you enjoy it, Remus-san." Ahim said, smiling. Emma slept on the couch, against Luka while Gai was still awed by what happened at the ruins. He beamed and said, "Wonder what my animal is." Doc fine-tuned Emma's morpher to work more like theirs and said, "Who knows?" Simba looked out the window and wondered if Nala was going to be okay, holding his necklace. Luka moved and pulled a blanket over Emma, smiling and rubbing her hair. Marvelous sat in his seat and thought what they saw at the ruins. -Siberia, Russia - Apartment- Serena looked concerned and Luna walked up to them, purring and rubbing them also giving a soft mew. She felt bad that she had to act as a regular cat but not everyone knew she could talk. -Siberia, Russia - Forest- "Got it!" Rey said, looking at the little droid before getting into a running start and using her staff a pole vault, then swung it down on the weak spot, right on top of it. She landed and gasped for air. Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- Rei nodded and stepped in front of the camera, she took a breath and spoke into her microphone, "Hello, I am Rei Hino. I am not good at speaking like Mr. Phil, but I hope that the music and songs I give inspire the same feelings that Mr. Phil was giving in his speech." Then she closed her eyes and took a breath. Spoiler: Rei's song Here comes a wave meant to wash me away. A tide that is taking me under. Swallowing sand, left with nothing to say. My voice drowned out in the thunder. But I won't cry And I won't start to crumble Whenever they try to shut me or cut me down. I won't be silenced! You can't keep me quiet! Won't tremble when you try it! All I know is I won't go speechless! Cause I'll breathe when they try to suffocate me! Don't you underestimate me! Cause I know that I won't go speechless! Written in stone Every rule, every word Centuries old and unbending "Stay in your place." "Better seen and not heard." Well, now that story is ending Cause I, I cannot start to crumble! So come on and try, Try to shut me and cut me down! I won't be silenced! You can't keep me quiet! Won't tremble when you try it! All I know is I won't go speechless! Speechless!! Let the storm in! I cannot be broken! No, I won't live unspoken! Cause I know that I won't go speechless! Try to lock me in this cage! I won't just lay me down and die! I will take these broken wings And watch me burn across the sky! Hear the echo saying I... Won't be silenced!! Though you wanna see me tremble when you try it, All I know is I won't go speechless! Speechless!! Cause I'll breathe when they try to suffocate me! Don't you underestimate me! Cause I know that I won't go speechless! All I know is I won't go speechless! Speechless!!! Rei sang her song, being focused and remembering each word of the song, starting off soft and calm but growing stronger and more determined as the song went on. Mina beamed as it was one of the songs that she helped with while Lita and the others smiled, amazed at her skill of singing. While Rei sang, she had the strangest sense of something, that she was in her sailor uniform with the others and being friends with someone who looked like Serena, but more mature and wearing a beautiful white dress. Also she wore her own beautiful gown and her own castle, facing someone. By the time she finished, Rei gasped for air and regained her composure, bowing at the audience as they cheered, smiling at her. -London, England- Watching the stream, Evolt noticed the new person and seemed to recognize her as the princess of Mars who faced him many years ago and sealed him away. But she seemed different and not as powerful as she used to be yet, but he smiled, watching her and reminiscing.
I should also add that I will also be taking a vacation, leaving on December 26th and heading to Disneyland for four days so I'll be back on the 30th. If you need talk about something, just PM me.
-Lor Starcutter- Harry sat with the Wilys, listening as Kit played her flute and feeling calm by the melody that was playing. He wondered where she learned such a calming melody when she grew up in the streets with Kat. Hermione sat with Nico and Yuuki, the three thief-like Rangers discussing strengths and weakness, skills, abilities, and other info for them to work together. Lily looked out a window, wondering what her husband, her companion, and a possible new addition to her family was doing. Elsa and Anna nodded together. Anna held her sister's hand and squeezed it, Elsa smiled at her sister. -Peru, South America- Night had fallen and a small fire had been built. Remus, Simba, Harold, and the Gokaigers stood to the side as the seven Rangers stood around the fire. Dulcea stood at the mixing stand and poured a powder into her hand then turned to the Rangers, walking to the fire and holding the powder in her hands. "Buried deep within us is a animal spirit just waiting to be released. Close your eyes and look deep inside." She explained, looking at each other, each Ranger closed their eyes, looking deep within to find and connect their animal. Blowing the powder into the fire, Dulcea watched as the fire grew with a blue aura covered them and saw as each Ranger's face looked calmer and more at peace, as though they had connected with their animal. When the fire died down, Dulcea smiled as they touched the animals on their chest, James still disappointed while Marvelous and the crew wondered what happened. Grabbing her staff, Dulcea walked to Nala, "Nala, you are the Bear, fierce and unstoppable." Nala smiled, touching her emblem. Then Dulcea walked to Dante, "Dante, powerful, smart, you are the Ape." "Hmm, that actually sounds about right." Dante said, still trying to flirt with her. Billy rolled his eyes as Dulcea came to him, "Billy, you are the Wolf, cunning and swift." He smiled, touching his emblem. Next was Kimberly to which Dulcea smiled, saying, "Agile Kimberly, light like a feather, you are the Crane." Then she walked to James who looked disappointed, she asked, "James? James, what's wrong?" "Well, I'm a frog." He said, sighing. Dulcea laughed and said, "Yes, a frog, like the one you kiss," she kissed him on the forehead, "to get a handsome prince." At first, James smiled but then he blushed and said, "Whoa, I'm taken." Dulcea smiled then walked to Thomas and asked, "And you, Thomas?" "Well, I was already one kind of dragon, so why did I change into another kind?" "Because like the wingless Eastern dragon, you are wise and caring." She said, trying to cheer him up. Then she walked to Tommy, "And you, Tommy, are the Falcon, winged lord of the skies." She walked to the balcony as the others joined, she explained, "To be in harmony with the scared animals is to have the force of the Ninjetti. To those who are Ninjetti, anything is possible. But.... I'm afraid you seven must do this on your own." "Wait, you're not coming with us, Dulcea?" Nala asked while Dante pouted, disappointed. Remus asked, "We can't come with them?" "If only I could, one step beyond this plateau and I would begin to age rapidly." Dulcea said. "And I do not want to risk the dangers that your companions might face." The group was quiet but Dulcea smiled and said, "The strength is inside you. Trust it! The scared animals will be your guide. May your animal spirits watch over you." Then she changed into what they assumed what her animal spirit, a small white owl and watched as she flew off. -Siberia, Russia - Apartment- Luna and Serena looked at each other, wondering what he was going to say. Serena sighed, "Wonder what Rei and the others are doing." -Siberia, Russia - Forest- Gripping her staff, Rey spun her staff and stood ready. She took a breath, keeping her stance ready and looked for a weakness on the walker. Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- Listening to Phil talk, Rei held her microphone and breathed. She looked at her friends, Lita and Haruka gave her a thumbs up, Mina, Ami, and Setsuna nodded at her, and Michiru smiled, Hotaro waved at her. Rei smiled and gripped her chest, taking a breath and silently chanting a prayer. -London, England- Evolt disguised himself and sneaked into a Rebel hideout, watching the livestream and looking bored with the speech. He yawned, waiting for something to happen.
-Lor Starcutter- Thinking, Anna looked at her sister, she asked, "Elsa?" Looking at her younger sister, Elsa looked unsure, saying, "I want to wait for Harold and Kimberly. But who knows how long their trip is gonna be?" "Hmm." Anna put her hand to her chin in thought, and said, "Well, let's stay with Saphir, Olaf, Kristoff, and Sven for now. Hopefully, when they're done, they can find where we are." WilyKat and WilyKit looked as Riolu and Vulpix slept together, Harry held his mask and the Sword of Gryffindor. He thought about what Harold said of Dumbledore leaving the sword to him to do something for him. He thought about what he could do to use the weapon against the old man's wishes. -Peru, South America- The sun had begun to set when they reached the ruins of the hillside ruins of Machu Picchu, Dulcea led them to the ruins of what looked like a temple overlooking the nearby forest. Sticking out from the forest and seen in the distance was a large tower-like rock, Marvelous raised a eyebrow as they looked at the rock tower. Thomas and Tommy were in awe of the ruins, they said at the same time, "Wow." "Amazing...." Nala said, equally awed with everyone. Tommy asked, "What is this place?" "These are the ancient ruins of the Ninjetti Temple." Dulcea said, leading toward the balcony and looking at the rock tower in the distance. "There, beyond the Cloud Forest, is the Monolith, inside awaits the power of the universe. The Monolith is heavily guarded against the intruders. No one has ever survived in a attempt to reach it." "Then... how can we?" Nala said, looking worried. Dulcea smiled at her and said, "You were sent by Zordon and Lady Etoille. I have faith in their wisdom." "Can you help us?" Tommy asked her. Dulcea turned to a mixing platform and said, "We will call upon the scared animals of the Ninjetti for help." -Siberia, Russia - Apartment- "It does." Serena said, looking at him. Luna hopped into her lap, she said, "Yes, the glare you used to give him is completely gone. It's like you two are completely friendly with each other." -Siberia, Russia - Forest- Rey looked at the AT-ST that was approaching them, she put her hand to her chin, trying to think about how to deal with this new annoyance and gripped her staff. Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- After Mina applied the make-up to her face, Rei looked over her song, looking what to sing and memorizing the lyrics. She breathed, trying to calm herself down and practicing her vocals to warm up her voice. -The Capital - Tokyo Cathedral- Exploring the outside of the cathedral, Esmeralda found Frollo's office and left her calling card. She smiled, leaving quickly and hoping she'll be able to take something valuable though she didn't feel good about stealing from a holy place like a church. -The Capital - Skyline- Breathing, Gwen pulled her mask over her face and shot a webline, swinging off the edge and flew off somewhere while on the lookout for small time crooks.
-Lor Starcutter- Looking as Hermione came to join while Harry went to wander around the ship, Nico was confused. "You're already done catching up?" "Not a lot happened during the past few months." Hermione said, smiling. "But he had started to work out." "Hey, Hermione, are you thinking about Vulpix evolving?" Yuuki asked. "Well, the thought crossed my mind but." Hermione started to say before Yuuki hugged her. "Please, don't evolve Vulpix yet! It's too cute." "I won't evolve it yet, okay?" Hermione said, confused and smiled at Yuuki. Nico crossed her arms and asked, "What now?" "How bout we get to know each other if we're gonna be a team?" Hermione suggested. "I'm not a gamer so any gamer lingo you use, I'll be completely confused. But I can use Vulpix and think of a plan." "Don't worry, we can explain it in simple terms so we can work together better!" Yuuki said, smiling. Hermione smiled back, "I can see why you were picked to be the Yellow Ranger. You're so bright and cheerful." "And you were picked to the Blue Ranger cause you're so smart, like all the other Blue Rangers." Nico said, smiling. Hermione thought and said, "I don't think all the other Blue Rangers are smart, the Gokaigers' blue ranger is strong and silent mostly." "And why were you picked to be the Red Ranger?" Yuuki asked, looking at Nico. Nico smiled, "Obviously, cause whoever chose us thought I was a capable leader." "Or cause you have been wearing that red jersey coat a lot." Hermione said, laughing as Nico angrily pouted. Ryotaro smiled as he watched them interacted together. Harry breathed, walking to stand with his mother and she wrapped her arm around his shoulder, comforting him. Elsa helped keep Anna busy by using her ice magic to entertain her. Anna smiled, looking at the magic her sister could do. -Peru, South America- Following Dulcea, Emma nearly fell backward while climbing the mountainous trail that the Amazon-like woman was leading them on. But Marvelous grabbed her hand and pulled her back up, he said, "You go up on ahead." Emma nodded and went up to join Luka and Ahim, the two girls helping her climb. Billy asked, "Dulcea, where are you taking us?" "You shall know soon enough." Dulcea said, though everyone was confused since they thought they needed to go to Machu Picchu. Kimberly said, "We have to hurry. The Rebels might need our help." While climbing the trail, James watched as Harold climbed and was amazed at his similar appearance to his son but also how different he was. -Siberia Russia - Apartment- "It's possible but who knows?" Serena said, looking at him. "This is so strange and weird." Luna had a ear perk up and looked at her and Darien, seeing the moon princess and her beloved earth prince for a moment before shaking her head. 'What was that?' She thought. -Siberia, Russia - Forest- Rey pulled out her staff and twirled it, then swinging it and hit the Stormtroopers. She whacked and hit a Stormtrooper in the head with her staff, noticing Finn's Keyblade and remembering her dream. Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- Seeing the returning group brought the equipment, Rei got changed into her performing outfit and stepped out to her friends. "What do you think...?" She said, blushing. Lita, Ami, and Mina smiled, nodding their approval. Artemis smiled and said, "Not too bad." "Here, let me do your make-up." Mina said, sitting her down and beginning to put a light layer of make-up on her. -The Capital - Abandoned Dance Studio- Dressed in her thief attire, Esmeralda wrote the calling card for Frollo, though she still hadn't decided on what she would steal, she figured that she would at least try. Finishing her card, Esmeralda read over the contents: Corrupted leader of the religious house, I'll steal away your important treasure LupinX of the Kaitou Sentai Lupinrangers Taking a breath, she stood up and put her mask on, walking out to send the card. -The Capital - Skyline- Sitting on the edge of a building, Gwen looked out at the horizon and breathed. She wondered what some of the people were doing and just sat with her legs over the edge
-Peru, South America- While walking, Kimberly stopped for a moment and looked out at the distance, keeping quiet. Seeing her being quiet and upset, Tommy touched her shoulder and asked, "Hey. You okay?" "I was just thinking about Zordon." She said, looking at her fiancee. "You know everything we've been through." "Look, we'll find him and save him." Tommy said, trying to comfort her. "We'll find this power and send the NWO back where they belong." Kimberly smiled and nodded as Tommy said, "Come on," but the peaceful moment was shattered when something flew in to attack and Kimberly screamed. The two ducked, and Tommy wondered, "What the heck was that?!" Thanks to her scream, everyone now saw as more of the flying creatures appeared. They got ready to fight and James shouted, "Look out!" Everyone fell to the ground as the creatures flew in close. Getting up, Tommy and Kimberly looked as the flying creature came in again, Tommy said, "Let's move!" They jumped to the ground and saw everyone getting ready to fight or ducking as the creatures kept flying in. "Are those S-Types?!" Ahim said, worried. James didn't answer and looked as he and Billy were knocked down to the ground by the S-Types, everyone began to fight, Remus, Harold, and Simba changed into their respective Rider forms while Marvelous and his team changed into the complete Go-Onger team, Emma taking the role of Go-On Silver. Seeing their companions having transformed, Billy jumped over one and made it smash its beak, he said, "You know the funny thing about morphing?" "What's that?" Dante asked, Billy replied, "You don't appreciate it til you can't do it anymore!" before getting plowed by a S-Type. While fighting the S-Types, one crept up behind Kimberly, Thomas shouted, "Kimberly, behind you!" It grabbed Kimberly and lifted her into the air. "Hang on, Kimberly!" Tommy shouted, Everyone struggled against the S-Types, Kimberly struggled against the grip of the S-Type attempting to carry her away, shouting, "Somebody, help me!" "They're too strong!" Nala shouted. "We need our powers!" James shouted, struggling with the S-Types. Struggling, Kimberly shouted, "Let me go, big bird!" As if on cue, the cloaked being appeared along with a strange whistle which caused the S-Type to drop Kimberly, having her land on her feet. Drooping down, the being removed the cloak to reveal it was a woman with curly amber hair and wearing a Amazon style green bikini. Her attire alone caught Dante's attention as she grabbed her staff and dealt damage to the S-Type, surprising everyone at her skill and strength. Suddenly, taking her staff into two pieces, she began to spin them, making a whistling sound and causing the S-Types to fly away. Once they had left, the group approached their savior and Dante said, "That was amazing. Thanks. And you don't so look bad yourself." After putting her staff back together, the woman smacked Dante across the face with her weapon, and said, "If you want to thank me, go back to wherever it it you came from!" Nala said, "We can't go back." "We were told there was a great power here, is it true?" Billy said, the woman said, "Yes, the ground is littered with the bones of those who tried for it and failed." "Well, we're different." Tommy said, walking to her. "We don't fail." But the woman swung her staff and made him fall to the ground, pinning him to the ground. "Leave this place before it's too late." "Look, we don't want any trouble." Nala said. "Lady Etoille and Zordon sent us to ...." "Lady Etoille?! Zordon!?" The woman said, surprised. "Did you say Lady Etoille and Zordon?" "You know them? Who are you?" Kimberly asked as the woman moved her staff to let Tommy stand. She said, "I am Dulcea, master warrior of Machu Picchu. Tell me, what has happened to them?" "We don't know, we were sent to find something to fight against the New World Order." James explained. "The New World Order?!" Dulcea said, shocked. Billy asked, "You heard of them?" "I have seen what they have done." Dulcea said. "They are monsters. If we don't hurry, this world is doomed. Follow me." She began to lead them somewhere and everyone quietly followed her. -Siberia, Russia - Apartment- "Somewhat familiar, especially the scenery of a palace on the moon." Serena said. "Almost as thought I had lived there my whole life." -Siberia, Russia- "Huh, okay." Rey said, looking at Finn in surprise and looked around. Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- "Okay, sounds good." Lita said, smiling with a thumbs up.
-Peru, South America- Thanks to the boosters on the engines, it didn't take long for the Galleon to arrive at the rocky terrian that surrounded the area, and everyone got off the ship. "Oh my gosh." Kimberly said, looking around and awed at the location. "Look at this place." "Are you sure this is the right place, Doc?" Emma asked, looking at the blond haired green colored member. Doc said, "Well, we're close. For some reason, I couldn't get us closer." "So you messed up?" Luka said, crossing her arms while Marvelous just yawned, Doc pouted and said, "I did not mess up!" "Everybody, over here!" Nala shouted, having gone on a little exploring and everyone ran to see a skeletal corpse, going pale or looking shocked at the sight. Luka whistled, "Looks like someone had a bad day." "But what is it?" James asked, looking at the group. Billy answered, "I think the better question is what was it?" "Definitately not the welcoming committee, that's for sure." Kimberly noted. Thomas said, "Come on, lets get going." "Yeah, we got a job to do." Tommy said. So the group began to venture to find the mountain ridge, unaware of being watched by a green cloaked figure from atop a cliff. -Siberia Russia - Apartment- "Yeah, a town against a beautiful sunrise and a clock tower, a handsome prince was there and five masked beings." Serena said, trying to think back to what she had seen when she kissed Darien. -Siberia, Russia- "Okay, we're gonna be careful and quiet while gathering information." Rey said, thinking and walking with them. Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- Lita took a breath and followed his instruction, leaning forward as she delivered a punch. Rei found Mina with her music and sat, letting the Scout of Venus help her write and work on her songs for the livestream.
-Lor Starcutter- Standing in the ship, Harry breathed, looking as the Galleon flew in the sky. Hermione held his hand, she said, "Your dad's gonna be okay, he's with Remus and that other you." Harry nodded and smiled as Vulpix rubbed against him. Nico yawned and stretched, looking at Yuuki and went to talk with her about the games she liked while Lily explored the ship. Anna nodded and stretched, Elsa looked as the ship left and hoped the passengers would be fine as they went on their journey. Ryotaro walked around and sighed, suddenly tripped for no reason and groaned. -Gokai Galleon- Marvelous drove the Galleon to Peru, following the path that was made on the map. Ahim made some tea for the passengers while Emma was sitting on the couch. She looked at the team of the Rangers who were traveling with them. Dante was leaning against the wall and looked out a window. -Siberia Russia - Apartment- Serena smiled at the two of them and sat down, stretching and breathing. She pulled her legs and held her legs, thinking of her friends. -Siberia, Russia - Empty Restaurant- "Alright, if we're ready, lets do it." Rey said, lightly bundling herself up and walked with them. Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- "Alright, I think I could use some pointers in case I decide to join a mission." Lita said, looking at Finnick and smiled.
Spoiler: Lots of characters -Mann Co. Factory - Outside- "Alright, if we're done, get your things ready and lets move out!" Marvelous said, turning to walk toward the Galleon. Ahim nodded as she, Luka, and Emma followed, Gai stretched and smiled, following with Don. Joe kept quiet and walked with them. James smiled and said, looking at his wife and children, "Well, time to get going. Maybe by the time I get back, being a frog will actually be cool." "Dad, just be careful." Harry said, Remus patted his shoulder, "Don't worry, Harold and I will be with him." Lily nodded, watching as they walked to the ship, Simba and Nala held hands as they walked, same with Tommy and Kimberly. Hermione held Harry's hand as he watched the Galleon take up and he breathed. Anna looked and asked, "So what do we do now?" -Siberia Russia - Apartment- "Alright." Serena said, Luna hopping out of her arms and setting her bag down. She stretched and smiled. Luna went and found a spot to curl up and sleep, purring softly. Serena breathed and wondered how the other Scouts were doing back in Japan. -Siberia, Russia - Empty Restaurant- Rey looked at the droid that would be accompanying them and smiled, patting its dome shaped head gently. "Thanks, little fellow." She said, smiling. "Do whatever you can to help us." -The Capital - Outside the Cathedral- Looking at the church, Esmeralda looked and wondered what she could take from that building. She had received a X Charger, a upgraded version of the Lupinrangers' VS Charger and a note saying that she should make the Lupinrangers' name known in Japan. She had made for herself her own thief outfit, a silver tuxedo with white lining, a silver skirt that was short in the front and long in the back, white sockings, white gloves, and gray boots, having a silver top hat on her head while her hair was in a braided ponytail. Her mask was a simple silver mask. 'Still, what is important enough to take from a church?' She thought, crossing her arms and turning to leave. Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Miltary Base- While Rei was talking with Tsukasa and Umika, Lita was practicing her punches and Ami was working with Kengo on the computers, Mina looked over Rei's song sheets and saw how much work she had put into them, seeing many eraser marks and rewrites. She saw one of her songs wasn't complete and decided to help by finishing the lyrics. Haruka held Michiru's hand and looked out, wondering what the others were doing. Setsuna walked with Hotaru who was carrying Artemis. Noel relaxed, leaning against a wall
Spoiler: Lots of characters -Mann Co. Factory, New Mexico - Outside- "I'm willing to take the team to where they need to go, but also a few others." Marvelous said, looking at the group. Simba said, "Well, I'm going. I want to support Nala." "I'll go to support dad." Harry said, looking at them. Hermione looked at him and sighed. Harold looked at her and said, "How bout I go? Wouldn't want miss Granger to feel left out of catching up with her friend." "Actually, I'll go." Remus said, stepping up. "I'll come with James and Harold." Lily looked at him and nodded, not sure what to say. Elsa and Anna looked at them and Anna said, "No, we decided to change since wearing dresses would be kinda difficult to help, so we found some clothes and altered them a bit to fit our styles." "Thank you, Saphir." Elsa said, then looked at the snowman. "That's nice to know, Olaf." -Siberia, Russia - Restaurant- "Okay, I don't mind." Rey said. She looked at the two Rebels who would be with her to check the NWO presence in the area. She waved, "Hi. Hope we can get along and help together." Serena nodded, following her brother and her friends, carrying Luna.
I’ll take his characters til he gets back.
Spoiler: Lots of characters -Mann Co. Factory - Outside- During the time while waiting for the engines to get repaired, Elsa and Anna changed into new outfits for each other, Anna even changing her hairstyle to go with her new outfit. "Well, we need to get to Peru somehow." Tommy said, rubbing his hair. "We wouldn't want to impose and not entirely sure if you have enough room for us on the ship." "Well, when James and I rode on the Galleon, there was plenty of room." Nala said. "Though it's up to Marvelous if he wants to take all of us." Hermione smiled, having spent the time talking with Harry and Harold while Lily talked with Remus, the redhead pondering what it would be like to have basically two copies of her eldest son around. James stretched while Emma was with Luka and Ahim, the yellow colored Gokaiger having her try various clothes to find her style.
Spoiler: Lots of characters -Mann Co. Factory - Outside- “Well, you want to join the family, you can.” Lily said, looking at him. “I won’t force you. I was never forceful with Harry.” “I think we met the guy you were talking about.” Harry said. “He stopped by where we were staying and talked for a bit then left this. Been keeping it with me ever since.” He showed the sword and put it back in the sheath. Doc handed the people blueprints on how to fix the engines while Joe got Gai to help him fix the inside. -Siberia, Russia- Rey removed her coat and sat down at a table, looking around.
Spoiler: Lots of characters -Mann Co. Factory - Outside- "Well, I don't want to gross anyone out but I can remember when I learned that I was pregnant and everything that happened while he was growing in my stomach up to til he came out and yes there was only one of him." Lily said. Harry rubbed his hair and pulled out the sheath of the sword he had been carrying since his group left Scotland and laid it on his lap. Riolu hopped out of Hermione's arms and went to sit with its trainer, Vulpix stretched while Lily recongized the bushy brunette. Ryotaro looked at the people who talked about the Imagin, he scratched his cheek, "Well, they're not S-Types. They call themselves Imagin, I guess they can be considered like S-Types." 'We are not!' Momotaros grumbled in Ryotaro's mind. "Obviously me, like they said, red usually is the leader." Dante said, looking proud. Billy shook his head, James said, "I don't know. I wasn't exactly a leader when I was younger." "When we first got our abilities, Tommy was made leader." Thomas said. "And he's been leader ever since." Tommy nodded, looking at them. -Siberia, Russia- Luna curled into the warm clothes that Serena was wearing and tried to keep herself warm. Rey breathed, holding her coat close to keep the warmth in. She looked around and walked with the group as they headed to where the Rebels were.