-Siberia, Russia - Outside The NWO Base- Rey and Red looked as the Rebels celebrated their victory. Red noted that Haytham remained calm and quiet, but didn't say anything since he didn't know him or what he did, holding the red materia. Looking over the materia that Rey had chosen for her staff, Red said, "It seems you prefer healing or some such, based on what you grabbed." "I just grabbed what I thought would work and be able to help everyone." Rey said, looking at him. She held up the red materia she had in her hand, she said, "I'll probably switch it up when I'm used to the ones I currently have." Red nodded and Rey lowered her hand, breathing. "Well, better find Cid and see if this summon is safe. Still don't know what summon I picked up." "Could be something strong." Red said. "There is Ifrit and Bahamut." "I know, but there's also Leviathan and Shiva." Rey said, walking with him to where Cid would be. "However, what summon I get, I'll be happy with." Sailor Moon watched the Rebels celebrated and kept quiet, holding her wand.
-Siberia, Russia - NWO Base- Looking at the materia, Rey asked, "How can I am supposed to want to pick? They all look the same." "Green is magic," Red explained to her. "Purple is independent, blue is support, and yellow is command. If you find a red one, that's a summon." "Summon?" Rey asked, looking through the crystalline orbs. "They condensed creatures into these?" "Well, it's more the creature's power but still." Red said, sitting next to her. Watching her look through and trying to pick what to use, Red asked, "So you don't know anything about materia or animals that can talk?" "Nope, I was alone all my life, watching on machines and auto parts, training myself to fight and learn other languages." Rey said, grabbing a green materia. "The only animals I knew were cats,dogs and regular Pokemon." She looked at the magic materia and tested it out, finding it was a healing materia and grabbed a magnify materia. She also grabbed a chakra materia and a prayer materia. Red watched as she put them in her staff and she looked for one more, finding a red one. "Huh, not sure which one this is but it'll be a last resort if anything." She said, Red nodded. -Siberia, Russia - NWO Base (Castiel's Chamber)- Sailor Moon stood back, looking at them mourn Castiel and cried, falling to her knees and shaking. 'I knew I had no choice, but I still can't believe I did it.' She thought, holding herself and crying.
-Siberia, Russia - NWO Base- "Well, we shouldn't grab ones just are strong and powerful." Red said, sitting for a moment. "We need a balance of power and defense. Rey, if you are gonna use them in your staff, what kind of materia do you think you will need?" "Never really thought about it." Rey said, putting a finger to her chin, thinking. "I guess some magic and some support. Possibly some healing." Red nodded and got up, walking around to look for some materia. -Siberia, Russia - NWO Base (Castiel's Chamber)- 'There is only one attack that I can use with the Crescent Moon Wand.' Sailor Moon thought, holding it tightly and gathered the power needed in the crystal. She shouted, "Moon Healing Escalation." She swung the wand and sent the wave of crescent moon beams to Castiel.
-Siberia, Russia - NWO Base- "Possibly, I can't really be sure." Red said, looking at him. "I don't know exactly where they could have them because I was stuck in a cage for so long so when I finally escaped, my rage blinded me as I saw the walker so I just attacked and used what I had in the collar." He shook his head and walked with them. "Is there anything we can use with the materia?" Rey asked. Red said, "Possibly, could look for a piece of armor or a weapon that has slots for it." -Siberia, Russia - Inside NWO Base (Castiel's Chamber)- Sailor Moon nodded, holding her Crescent Moon Wand high in the air, praying deep within her heart to create a shield to protect her and the others. The crystal shone, creating a barrier around them and Sailor Moon looked at the winged Castiel, tightly holding her wand.
-Siberia, Russia - Outside the NWO Base- "I guess there, I wasn't paying attention and I thought Mewtwo was using his powers to speak." Rey said, rubbing her neck and looking embarrassed. "I took care of regular Pokemon and animals so I'm not exactly used to hearing creatures talk yet I guess." "Well, seems like you will have to if you're going to continue to help." Red XIII said, walking with them. Rey nodded, "Yeah, I know." -Siberia, Russia - New World Order Base (Castiel's Chamber)- Sailor Moon gripped her wand and watched as Castiel moved around, looking for a moment on when to strike and help the others in the fight in some way.
-Yuri and Alice's house- "That is not what I meant, you perv!" Alice shouted, blushing deeply as she held her book close and Blanca barked, panting happily and looking at the two. -Siberia, Russia - Outside the NWO Base- Opening her eyes, Rey looked up to see Finn, Natasha, and BB-8. "Yeah, I'm fine, thanks to our new friend here." She said, patting his head. "Thank you." "You're welcome." The creature said, after taking a moment to realize the fight was over. That made Rey jump slightly and she asked, "You can talk?" "Yes, and I would appreciate it if you leave it at that." The creature said, getting up and starting to walk. While it walked, Rey saw the XIII symbol on its shoulder. "XIII?" She asked. "What does that mean?" "Red XIII." The creature said, giving a semi-proper introduction. "The designation given to me by the people who took me and worked on me." "Oh, okay." Rey said, rubbing her neck. "I'm sorry about jumping in surprise. I'm just not used to creatures talking." -Siberia, Russia - NWO Base- Sailor Moon just followed, being quiet and looking down. 'I thought that the wisdom of Mercury and Mars had finally rubbed off on me and I could be a capable leader.' She thought, holding her Crescent Moon Wand.
-Yuri and Alice's home- "Well, I guess I have to admit, I do want to see what you can change into." Alice said, looking at him and Blanca barked. She rubbed his head and looked at Yuri, asking, "Though are you sure that your clothes will be alright? They won't tear or anything?" She hid a slight blush since she realized what she was saying. -Morehead, Kentucky - Rebel Base- Hey, Harry, Hermione, a guy in white hasn't appeared here, has he?" "Ginny asked, looking at them. The two looked confused, Harry asked, "A guy in white?" "Well, I suppose he wore white and black with a bit of blue." Ginny said, thinking. Hermione asked, "Why?" "Well, when Ron and I met him, he seemed to notice that Mew was a really rare Pokemon and wanted to take Mew as one of his treasures." Ginny said, Harry looked at the floating pink Pokemon who was messing with his mask, "Mew, a very rare Pokemon?" "Well, Mew is unique and can use any move." Hermione said, looking at him. -Siberia, Russia - NWO Base- The creature grabbed part of Rey's cloth and pulled her out of the way as the walker started to explode. She knelt down and held the creature in order to embrace for the impact of what would happen. The creature used a materia on its collar that created a shield around them. -Siberia, Russia - Inside the Base- Sailor Moon was quiet before walking Haytham and said to him with a serious look in her eye that would surprise Luna if she was there, "I don't know what kind of world you're seeing if you really think this world is perfect the way it is now! The normal you say is a lost cause was better cause it was able to give a chance to be themselves! The world you want doesn't give anyone a chance for individuality cause according to the NWO, anything that makes a person slightly different from someone else is wrong! Well, I think this world is wrong and I will fight to get the world to the way it was!" She breathed and turned, walking ahead.
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-Yuri and Alice's home- "Who knows?" Alice said, opening a dresser drawer and pulling a small book. "She may have something against Frollo and I don't blame her. I may be a Christian but Frollo almost seems to parade himself as the ultimate pure Christian. Nothing expect his word is God's law and that everything he does is God's will. I won't say he's with on the side of NWO, but he doesn't like those wanted heroes cause they can transform and do good while hiding their face." She gently rubbed Blanca on the head. -Rebel Base - Morehead, Kentucky- Ginny looked around as Mew floated beside her while they walked around with Hermione and Harry. Ryotaro stretched and leaned back, Vulpix yawned and Hermione smiled. Harry went to check on the Wilys and Mew still held onto his mask, looking curious. Hermione looked at Ginny and was curious, wondering why so many new heroes were appearing suddenly. Lily held Kit as she slept on her lap, her tail twitching once in a while while Kat was next to her, resting as well. -Virginia- Elsa and Anna listened to Cal and Elsa thought about the other heroes who were out in the world, wondering how they must be feeling and how they were handling the situation of the world. Anna looked at her sister and held her hand, laying her head on her shoulder. Elsa smiled, holding her. -Siberia, Russia - NWO Base- The creature heard Finn and jumped high, using the power of the orbs on the collar around its neck, before landing on the roof then jumping off, tilting its balance and going after the brunette, who luckily hadn't gone far cause she was still worried about Finn. It grabbed a length of her cloth and Rey looked at the creature. 'It came for me?' She thought, confused and followed it back out. Showing its collar, Rey saw the orbs and grabbed one, freezing the legs of the walker and jumped up, wracking it with her staff. -Siberia, Russia - Inside NWO Base- Sailor Moon held out her Crescent Moon Wand, running with the others and hoping to be have some kind of defense when they ended up in a fight.
-Morehead, Kentucky - Rebel Base- "So what's up with the thief getup?" Ginny asked, looking at the two as Mew curiously floated around them. Hermione and Harry looked at each other, embarrassed. Harry started, "Well, I'm dressed like this to avoid the NWO catching me and possibly executing me cause I'm one of the wanted heroes." "And well, I'm part of a new team of Power Rangers themed after thieves." Hermione said, Ginny was awed, "A new team of thief-like Power Rangers? I never would have imagined." "Yeah." Harry said, rubbing his hair as Mew took his mask and tried to put it on. Hermione asked the female Weasley while holding Riolu, "What have you and Ron been doing?" "Well, Ron and I ran into each other while he was hopping around and Mew got us out of problems that we couldn't handle." Ginny said. Then Harry noticed her bracelet and asked, "Have you always had that bracelet?" "Oh, this. " Ginny said, looking at her bracelet and gem. "No, I found it and check this out." She disappeared, shocking the two and reappearing. She smiled and said, "Apparently this gem gives me the power of a Power Ranger and I can turn invisible." -Virginia- "Thank you, you two." Elsa said, smiling at them. "For the encouragement and being here for me." "That's what sisters are for, Elsa." Anna said, smiling back. -Siberia, Russia - NWO Base- Rey went with the group but looked back, worried about Finn especially with the strange new creature that appeared. She wondered what to do but guessed that he was okay, going with the others. The creature looked at Finn with its good eye and nodded, growling at the walker in front of them. -Siberia, Russia - Area Near the Base- "Works for me, I guess." Sailor Moon thought aloud then followed after the others. She wondered if it was possible the creature was from the area and the NWO did something to its home.
-Morehead, Kentucky - Rebel Base- "Yeah, just happy to get that out of my system." Hermione said, breathing and calming down. Harry thought and said, "Let's see, we disappeared in November and it's Feburary now, so yeah, I guess letting it out after holding it in for three months is a nice feeling to have." Ginny smiled and nodded as Mew floated up to Hermione and rubbed against her. Eiji and Ankh went to find a place to rest. -Olive Hill, Kentucky - Banjo's House- Sypha sat with Trevor, using her power to freeze a cup of water and gently placed it on his forehead to cease his incoming hangover. She sighed and smiled at the sleeping Belmont, holding his hand. -Virginia - Forest- "I'm so sorry." Elsa said, holding her legs. "I should have been a better queen and leader. But I couldn't in fear of what may happen to Anna or the citizens of Arendelle. I messed up." "Oh, Elsa....." Anna said, hugging her sister. -Siberia, Russia - Outside NWO Base- "Damn it...." Rey whispered before suddenly a four legged creature appeared, pouncing on the AT-ST before it got shook off. The creature roar, getting up and trying again. Rey looked confused, the creature had golden braces on its legs, beads and feathers reminisct of the Native America culture, similar to the markings on its legs and a flaming tip on the end of its tail. She looked at the creature, "What is that thing?" -Siberia, Russia - Area near the Base- Sailor Moon watched and looked confused, she asked, "What is going on? Where did that thing come from?" She guessed that no one knew about the creature and just watched the creature attack the AT-ST. -The Capital - Alice and Yuri's home- "I know, Uncle Gepetto is unique." Alice said, petting Blanca who gently licked her on her cheek. Then he went to Yuri, rubbing against his leg and stretched. Alice smiled and got up, unlocking the door and stepping inside.
Watched how FF7R went and well, I liked it as well as saw that no one took this character. So I'll take him. Name: Red XIII Description: A strange creature escaped from a NWO lab, Red XIII's name is not his actual name but a designation given by the people who worked on him with the numeral tattooed to his left shoulder. He can be aggressive and brutal, but can be calm and intelligent. Despite being a animal, Red XIII can talk which surprises people who meet him. Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None Series Character is from: Final Fantasy VII Remake Image: Spoiler: Red XIII
-Morehead, Kentucky - Rebel Base- Groaning, Sypha hid her face and looked at her passed out and drunk companion, Trevor Belmont, who was sleeping happily. She picked up the drunk hunter as she pulled a arm over her shoulders, grumbling, "Trevor, you are unbelievable. Honestly, can you do anything without thinking of wanting beer all the time?" Managing to get away from her lecture, Hermione breathed and met up with Harry. They walked around and saw that Ron and Ginny were there, Ron saw his friends and smiled, happy to finally see someone familiar. He ran to them while Mew tilted its head and watched with Ginny, though she gasped as what was starting to look like a heartwarming reunion twisted as Hermione suddenly punched Ron in the face. She shouted, "Ronald Weasley, do you have any idea how worried and scared I was when you and Harry suddenly disappeared?! I was left at school to deal with that egostic and narsasstic selfish brat, Draco, all by myself! I was so scared by myself and worried about you two everyday!" Ginny nervously chuckled as Ron was unconscious on the ground and Harry sweatdropped, noting to never make Hermione mad at all. -Virginia- "Well, we managed to get out of the castle thanks to a unusual friend Elsa made." Anna said, looking at Cal. Elsa nodded, "Yes, and I would love to introduce him but he's currently helping another team of Power Ranger obtain a special power somewhere in South America. But maybe someday." Anna nodded, looking at her sister, laying on her and humming their mother's lullaby. -Siberia, Russia- Rey ran with the group, holding the strap of her staff. She looked around and kept quiet, thinking about how she could help in the mission. Sailor Moon looked at Conner and looked down, feeling guilty as she still had her mother though she couldn't see her for the moment since she was still in Japan and sighed. -The Capital- "Oh, you know that you're warming up to him." Alice said as they approached their home and Blanca looked up, walking out to them and wagging his tail. Alice knelt down and rubbed him, "Hello, Blanca, were you a good boy?" Blanca licked her and barked. Spoiler -Abandoned Japanese Military Base- While working on her next song, Rei looked as some of the Rebels were getting some food and Lita looked confused. She got up and walked to her fellow Scouts. "What's wrong?" She asked, Lita asked, "What is this?" She held up a piece of bread with a banana through it, Rei hid a small laugh, "Looks like Mrs. Furukawa thought she'd help and sent some of her bread to help the Rebels. I imagine that Mr. Furukawa tried to be nice to let her do that while filling the package with normal bread." Lita still looked confused and helped put the bread away.
-Morehead, Kentucky - Rebel Base- Ron, Ginny, Eiji, and Ankh appeared with Mew's teleport. Ron was dizzy and commented, "I don't know if I'll ever get used to that." "Whew, at least we're somewhere." Ginny said, shaking to get the blood flowing. Mew looked at them and giggled, floating around and exploring. Eiji smiled while Ankh groaned. Lily looked at Ryotaro and sat with him, trying to comfort him about his skill and listened to WilyKit play her flute. -Virginia- "Oh, uh, thanks." Anna said, not sure what to say about the gift she had. "Gonna need to rearrange my bag to carry it." She began to do that as Elsa laughed then looked at Saphir and Olaf. "It was a lullaby that our mother used to sing to us when we were little." Elsa said. "She said it was about a place called Ahtohallan, which according to her, is said to hold all the memories of the past." Anna nodded, looking at her sister. -Millennium Falcon- "Thanks, Paw-Paw." Cindy said, stretching. "Guess I was just dozing out or somethin'" Rey checked her items and made sure that she had enough of what she had and Sailor Moon braced herself for what was going to be coming up with this mission. -The Capital- "All I can say is time will tell, Yuri." Alice said. "Time will tell. So lets head home and find something that won't be suspicious as per as our new companion's request." -The Capital, Skyline- Webslinging onto a building, Gwen breathed and climbed. She climbed to the roof and walked to a edge, sitting and looking out. She pulled her mask up and breathed. She looked out and hummed.
Name: Sypha Belnades Description: A Conduit from a nomad tribe known as Speakers who contain all knowledge within themselves. She's traveling with Trevor Belmont and acting as informant for the Rebels, using her knowledge as Speaker to help provide them with the proper knowledge. Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel Series Character is from: Castlevania Image: Spoiler: Sypha Name: Trevor Belmont Description: Sypha's traveling companion and lover, reluctantly helping her gather information to give to the Rebels. Despite being the last descendant of a noble family, Trevor is foul-mouthed, rude, and constantly craving beer. He works with Sypha, wielding his family's whip and sword while she uses her power as a Conduit. Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel Series Character is from: Castlevania Image: Spoiler: Trevor
-Morehead, Kentucky - Rebel Base- Walking, Harry found Hermione getting everything about gaming drilled into her head. 'Poor girl.' He thought, rubbing his hair and looked at his brunette friend, wondering how to save her or just leave her be. -Virginia- Looking at the fire, Anna laid her head on her sister's shoulder. Elsa smiled and said, "I think I know what can cheer you up." Anna looked at her sister and snuggled into her as Elsa began to sing. Spoiler: Elsa's song Where the north wind meets the sea There’s a river full of memory Sleep my darlings safe and sound For in this river all is found In her waters deep and true Lie the answers and a path for you Dive down deep into her sound But not too far or you’ll be drowned Yes she will sing to those who hear And in her song all magic flows But can you brave what you must fear Can you face what the river knows Where the north wind meets the sea There’s a mother full of memory Come my darling homeward bound When all is lost, then all is found Anna smiled, recalling their childhood. "Yeah, thanks, Elsa." Anna said. "I feel a lot better." "No problem." Elsa said, holding her sister close. "With everything going on, it was the only thing I could think of that was positive." -Millennium Falcon- "No, I got the gist of the mission." Rey said, looking at Conner and nodding in agreement with his plans. Sailor Moon nodded as well, "I'm good and ready as well." Cindy stretched and looked at the controls, making sure they worked well then leaned back in her chair. She breathed, wondering what will happen with this new mission. Cindy pondered asking one of the group to help her with the ship cause the ship was so big it was hard to handle it herself. -The Capital- "Well, it's to help him handle the grief of losing his only daughter." Alice said, holding his arm. "After all, wouldn't you want something to remember a lost loved one? Though, it's hard to imagine you loving someone seriously. That would take a miracle."
In honor of the Tangled Series having ended, I'm the best princess now
-Morehead, Kentucky - Rebel Base- 'What did I do to deserve this?' Hermione thought to herself, silently weeping as she was stuck in listening to Vert's whole lecture about gaming and everything involved with gaming. Nico looked at Hermione's suffering and hid a laugh, not sure what to think and hoping that she would be alright. "No, I don't mind." Harry said, putting his mask in his pocket. "Thanks for the talk." -Virginia- Elsa breathed and used her powers to create tents for everyone and Anna gathered sticks and dirt to hide the tents in case the New World Order came by. Anna covered the tents with the sticks and dirt while Elsa prepared a spot for a fire. -Siberia, Russia - Millinenum Falcon- "Well, I've seen pictures and heard stories but I never seen it in person." Rey said, following him on board. "It's also my first time flying, and I used to dream about flying." Sailor Moon kept quiet, listening to the family confrontation between Conner and his father. She thought about her own parents and how they used to fight but still loved each other. She looked down, hoping that they were okay. Aerith stepped up and said, "We'll be taking off soon. Better hang on." "Alright, paw-paw, the engine's ready and rarin' to go!" Cindy said, joining her grandfather in the cockpit. "So we're good to go!" -The Captial - Tokyo Cathedral- Alice sighed and walked with him, holding his arm. "I can understand." Esmeralda said, walking to them. Alice looked at her and looked confused as she stopped Yuri with her. Esmeralda said, "I might pray to God but I doubt if he really exists." "Is there anything we can help you with?" Alice asked. "Well, can you two meet me here tonight?" Esmeralda requested. "And wear something that doesn't make you stand?" "Um, okay." Alice said, still confused. Esmeralda smiled, "Alright, see you later." She left, leaving the two. Alice said, "That was odd."
-Peru, South America - Ruins- While thinking and trying to get back to sleep, Tommy saw Dante sneeze and he did dazed and confused for a bit before falling back asleep. Tommy sighed, rolling his eyes and holding Kimberly close before trying to manage to get back to sleep. -Morehead, Kentucky - Rebel Base- "Well, my teammates are gamers so I want to be sure that I can understand the references that they may make during a fight and that we can work together in a fight." She said, looking away and being embarrassed. "I am not a gamer, I studied more and barely got into video games." "I'm okay." Harry said, looking at the person who came up to him. "Just worried about my dad, his friend and the group who headed to South America to look for a important power. Hope that they are okay." He breathed, looking at the black and white mask that was part of his disguise. -Virginia- "You can do it, Elsa." Anna said, trying to encourage her sister. Elsa gulped and walked to Cal, summoning some ice in her hand and gently rubbed it over the wound. She looked at Cal, she said, "It may sting but please endure til it feels better." -Siberia, Russia - Millennium Falcon- Rey walked up, looking at the Falcon. She was awed at the ship, she walked up and said, "Hey, I'm here now. Wow, this ship looks amazing." She held her items and looked at the ship. Inside, Cindy was finishing up tuning the ship and Aerith gave her a wet cloth to clean her up. Cindy took it and wiped her face, "Okay, the engine should be good to go." Sailor Moon sat with them and looked around. -The Capital - Tokyo Catherdal- "Well, the least I can do is pray for those who are in need." Alice said, looking at him. "What would you recommend that we do?" While walking to a pew and looking like she was praying, Esmeralda looked at Alice and Yuri and decided that she would need allies before meeting up with the other Lupinrangers, and decided on Alice and Yuri. -Rome, Italy- Ankh groaned as they walked through the city, wishing he could remove the cloak he was wearing while Eiji looked at stands for food. Ginny turned invisible and looked through the crowd for food to get for her and Ron. Ron sighed, standing in a empty building while wearing a cloak with Mew, waiting for the youngest Weasley.